• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,938 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

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June 9, 2015

Dear Journal,

Today has been a... crazy day. To start, another survivor arrived. I know, it's crazy how fast they suddenly come. Radio broadcasts may be nice, but blasting out a stereo means those without radios can hear you. Anyway, he arrived. This is where things get... unfortunate.

He had no horn or wings, he'd look like a normal horse were it not for the giant eyes and diminutive stature. This was the second worst part of it all: he was a kid. I may not know much about our new anatomy, but I can tell a child when I see one. He was young, and seemed very scared. I asked him how he got along this long, and he just told me he was looking for his mother, and that he thought she passed through this store a bit back. I was chuckling then, poor kid with dementia. No way that both a mother and son made it together. Then he said she passed through two days ago, and asked me if I'd seen a female pony named Barbara.

I asked him his name.

He said his name was Jamie.

I just split up what may have been the last family on Earth. Everything clicked. That look in her eyes, that determination mixed with sadness and fear. She was a provider: a mother trying to protect her son in a world gone crazy. Can I fault her for that?

I just asked if I can fault a woman for killing. Or, attempted killing. She could have asked, and we'd have given her stuff. People do crazy things when they're afraid. Another problem arises, I never had time to remove Barbara's corpse. I've been keeping the kid in my room all day so he doesn't see it. He's asleep right now.

In Max news, he's... staying pretty much the same. From what I can tell, his condition hasn't worsened, but he's still in a great deal of physical pain. While changing the bandages today, I noticed that using my hooves to apply them caused him great physical pain. So, I thought back to how I felt and what I was thinking while fighting Barbara, and tried it again. I levitated a bandage to him and carefully applied it as best I could. I wasn't as clean as with my hooves; I'm not very dextrous with my telekinesis yet, but it was less painful. I think that's important.

God, I still feel no excitement over grasping magic. I would've rather never learned magic than have learned it this way. I swear on all that's holy Max, you're getting out of this.

– Leon

H-hey guys. I-it's me again. Good ol' Max back on the scene. Leon didn't want me to do this, so I waited until he fell asleep. Yes, this does hurt like hell. I... AH! Sorry, I m-moved myself in a bad way. I'm... I'm dying guys. At least, I think I am. Leon keeps telling me I'll live. Admittedly I've been getting better. I just.. don't see myself making it. Maybe I'll be wrong. Hopefully I'm wrong. Ma-AYBE I-i'll get through j-j-just fine. GAH the pain!

Ok, i-it's calmed down a bit. I hope the pain goes soon. I got myself some painkillers while Leon wasn't looking. How'd I get them? Leon got some for me before he took into consideration that it might be bad for me. I'm only going to take them if it just becomes too much. Leon's right, I don't want to- GAH!

I-i'll see you guys later. P-peace out!

– Max