• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,942 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

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June 7, 2015

Dear Diary,

Yeah, I said diary. I'm totally screwing with him. Oh, yeah, it's Max. I decided to be first up today. Today was wholly uneventful... oh wait, like hell it was! Another survivor, whoop! This time it's a lady too, name's Barbara. We went to go bury the woman's corpse, and we met her there. She kinda looked between the two of us. Said she heard our broadcast but couldn't trace its location, so she decided to meet with us at the corpse. We agreed, and we all three helped bury the body. We brought her back to the store. There was the parking lot, but then there were those small chunks of dirt and grass, you know where they put the trees. I don't know what those are called. We buried the body there. That took most of the day. We tried to use trowels, but found it easier to paw at the ground with our hooves. It was easier, but it certainly took awhile. We lowered her body in there — no casket I'm afraid — before covering the dirt again.

Oh, right, I forgot to describe Barbara. She has a light orange coat. I don't even know what the shade's called... and red hair. Pretty, as ponies go. Then again, I only know one other pony, and he's not exactly a looker.

Sorry, I should get back on topic. We covered the hole and each said some words. We all felt bad later because, since we didn't know her, there wasn't much we could say. Well, I assume Barbara felt bad too. She was silent the majority of the day. Or, mostly silent. Aside from a few yes or no answers to some questions we had. After that, Barbara said she was gonna go for a walk. She only just returned recently. How ya doing Barbara? Still nothing? Okay. She's definitely the silent type.

Leon and I talked for awhile after that. I asked him about his life prior to the Purge — that's what we call the May 23rd thing, by the way. Told me he had a brother, Sam, he was gonna meet. That sucks. I hope his brother made it. Asked him if he had a special somebody. He said he didn't, but there was this cute girl at his workplace he was pining for. I know the feeling. I mean, not really. I was always the ladykiller in my hayday (see what I did there?) but I sympathize. He asked me some about myself. I suppose I should put it down.

I was the cool guy everywhere I went, you know? Everyone adored me. Egotism, what's that? Yes... that was sarcasm in case you couldn't tell. Life was good. No one special at the time, I had just broken up with my girlfriend a week prior (I dumped HER, okay!) but I was cool. I'm 23 years old. He said he was 29. Quite the age difference. We asked Barbara how old she was. She didn't say.

Anyway, I don't have much more to say, so I should wrap it up. I feel like I'm becoming close to this diary. See ya tomorrow night!

– Max

It's not a diary, don't listen to him. It's a journal. I don't know why I let him go first. We have a standard: I go first to give a factual recount of the day, he goes second with quips and the like. That's our thing. He's left me with little to do. Max, could you take number of how many breakfast cereals we have left? I know it'll be awhile before we run out, I just wanna- please just go do it. Thank you.

Anyway, as I was saying, there isn't much left to say. He kinda said everything. I suppose I– Max? Max!

I- I'm back. I-it's been awhile, huh? I-I-I... oh God...

Max, he's...

I heard a thumping sound, a-and I go to check it out, and I see Max on the ground, screaming in agony, blood oozing from his leg and chest. A-and Barbara... that BITCH! She's standing over him with a bloody knife! She- she notices me and charges me with the knife, a-and I dodge, and she tries again and cuts me on my hind leg, and the whole time there's this weird expression on her face. She looked determined, but sad and scared. I must've had that same look. She raises her knife again, and in a moment of desperation I almost reach out like a human to grab something, and a can flies out and hits her on the side of the head. I would celebrate about finally doing magic, but... I'm in no mood to.

While she was stunned, I walked as fast as I could over to her. The knife was knocked out of her mouth where she had been holding it. She grabbed it between her hooves and stood up on her hind legs, and I dove under, and... oh God... oh God why...

I killed her. I stabbed her under her mouth with my horn, before repeatedly smashing her face with my hooves. I didn't think, I just acted. Sh-she's dead. She looked up at me in her dying moments, angry, but with... so many emotions on her face. She didn't look like a monster. Her last word was muttered almost unintelligibly, but it sounded like "Jamie." M-maybe her lost daughter? Remembering those she lost in her... final moments?

That one day, I had been preparing defenses. Or trying. I was preparing myself to kill... but I didn't remember to prepare myself mentally...

Max is wounded. He's alive, but if I don't do everything in my power to keep him alive, it won't stay that way. A life is now in my hands, and another is ON my hands.

Oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God...


I just killed a woman.