• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,942 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

June 11, 2015

Dear Journal,

Today was the most boring day of them all. The same stuff as the previous two days. I kept helping Max, not much to it.

A short bit on that. He's not looking good. He keeps fluctuating between better or worse. Right now he's on a downward slope. I'm doing my best to pull him back up, but... he's still in a lot of pain. Barbara must've hit something bad.

Also, Max and Jamie seem to be getting along fairly well. Or, much better then I am. Max has that fun personality that kids look for. I have the personality that will keep us alive, but evidently isn't a ton of fun. Jamie does need someone to talk to though. I'm glad Max is there for him.

Hmm... I need to make this entry longer... oh, I have an idea!

Hey... guys. Um... Max told me to address the journal like it was an audience. I guess I can do that. I don't know why, but Max said it's very entertaining. So... here goes.

My name is Jamie. Though you guys probably know that. I'm 12... I miss my mom. She said she was going to the grocery store a few days ago and never came back. Leon said she's dead... I don't believe him. She'd never just die like that... she'd always come back for me. She promised she'd never leave me... mommy wouldn't leave me.

Why is it that I can use the word "die" in everyday conversation when talking about real life? What happened to me? Why is the world like this? Where is my mom?!

I... I'm back. I entered a fit of what Leon calls "hysterics." My... my mom will be back for me. For now I need to focus on myself. Leon's very... blunt, but he seems to care about my health. I think I can trust him. I hope I can trust him. The grocery store is a very nice place, though there's a weird stench around aisle 9. Leon tells me not to go near that aisle. I don't know why, all it has is a bunch of breakfast cereal.

For some reason, Max just groaned. It wasn't like a pain groan, more like an annoyed groan. I don't know, I imagine being stuck in bed for awhile would have that effect on people. Er... ponies as the other two call them.

I always liked horses. I rode a horse whenever I could. That wasn't very often, unfortunately.

I managed to sneak a peak at Max's wounds, and... I don't know how Max can take it. They look terrible. I- I didn't mean to offend y- oh, it was sarcasm? O-okay.

Max seems to be generally friendly. He likes to make me laugh, even though he's in pain. It doesn't usually make me laugh, b-but the heart is there. Something's also strange about him. Whenever I mention my mom, he looks at me with a sad and almost angry look. I don't know if he's angry at me, or something I say makes him angry. Uh, as in I say something that reminds him to be angry at something else.

Overall, this place isn't... too bad. I do want to figure out what happened to my mom though. Uh... Jamie, signing off! Max, do you want to say something? Max? Oh, he's unconscious.

The following accidentally recorded conversation has quotation marks added to it for reader benefit

"-on't care.... Leon, you know what you have to do."

"He doesn't need to know. The kid is too young, his heart would be broken."

"You'd rather h-have him wait for- ngh... a mother that's never coming back? You have to tell him."

"I'm just lucky he hasn't decided to look through previous journal posts. Besides, I have to take care of you. I have enough on my plate as is."

"W-well, sorry I'm agh... a burden to you."

"No, that's not what I meant."

"I know."

"I'll tell him when everything's calmed down."

"Soon... you'll tell him soon."


Author's Note:

Sorry that posts have become considerably shorter. Don't worry, they'll quickly pick back up in length soon.