• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,942 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

June 4, 2015

Dear Journal,

My back really hurts. My back REALLY freaking hurts. It hurts like hell, but it was worth it. I'm still working on a name for this thing. Or at the very least a better opening. Maybe I could stop saying an opening entirely? It doesn't matter, today was a huge day! A great day! Like bigger than the day I discovered magic! Like bigger than everyday since the transformation combined!

I found a survivor!

Or, rather, he found me. Right, let me explain. Today was the day I was supposed to grab some luxury items. Once again, I ended up finding a quicker and easier way to solve my problem. I decided to spend my nights in a nearby apartment. At least until I found a better means to move around heavy items, as well as an aesthetically pleasing way to do it. Luckily the apartment is only about a block away. Like a five minute walk. Once I become more confident in my movements, it might even shorten. I'm basically a horse now, I should be able to go much faster than a human.

Anyways, so that was solved in the first few hours of the day. I needed something else to do, so I decided to practice magic. As usual, no big luck. I got just the slightest bit closer in focus vs. clearness. I think I get the idea of what I need to do, but pulling it off isn't working. But I'm close... I can feel it.

After the failure of the magic, I decided to go back to the hill where the box and car was, and decided to see if I could find the elusive survivor. I looked at the box and tried to decide where it could have come from. I looked around for awhile before yelling in frustration. I was ready to give up until I heard "Look out below!" yelled from above me. I froze, startled, before feeling a great force land on top of me.

Once I determined I wouldn't black out from the pain, I slowly stood up and turned to see what had landed on me. What met my eyes was certainly not what I was expecting. There, slowly getting up, was a pegasus of all things! I was flabbergasted, but in retrospect I should have seen it coming. He apologized to me, but explained he needed something soft to land on. He had been stuck on the roof, but had seen my while flying at one point, so he kept giving signs to help me find him. When I asked why he didn't fly down, he said the following:

"Well, you saw my handiwork, didn't you? The car crash? All me good sir. Threw a brick right on that gas pedal, stood on top, and let the wind blow through my mane. I was trying to lift off. I stood on the car and angled my wings until it caught the wind and I flew. Until I didn't. Crashed right onto that roof and injured myself. I've been stuck up there for two days. Thanks for the help, Leon old chum!"

I neglected to mention that I neither knew him, nor helped him. I led him back to the grocery store so I could feed him — he was on a roof for two days after all — and he talked nonstop. How mixed of a blessing can you get? I should be grateful though, at least I don't have to talk to that corner again...

Nah, I'll keep talking to Martha. But now the person I talk to can respond! That's certainly great. He said his name was Max. We had a nice dinner discussion. He slept through most of the day, seeing as how he was injured. I only woke him up to eat. He's awake right now though.

Yep! I'm awake and doing well at that! Except for my hurt wings. I-

Max, back off while I'm doing my journal entries! You'll get your chance later.


So, you can probably see he's... a bit of a pain. I'm sure you can still hear me! Gah, all this dialogue is going to screw up this entry. I'll have to move this to a private room to do this more, so he doesn't inter- no, that's not why I want to bring a computer to a private room! The internet doesn't even work anymore!

Max did tell me something interesting though. He mentioned that he met a thestral, of all creatures. It, excuse me, he told Max that a colony was starting in Bastrop. I looked at the map, and that's about a three day walk, and that's for a human.

I'm gonna need to start gathering supplies. I think the majority of work from now on will be towards getting supplies to go to Bastrop. I will find more ex-humans.

I will survive.

– Leon

Hey, so... Leon wanted me to put some stuff in here to. What's up you guys? Well... I'm referring to a journal as "guys." Is that how low I've stooped?

Probably, who cares?!

So yeah, I've gotta admit. When I figured out there was a survivor, I was really pumped! Though I have to admit I was just a tad disappointed when it was a guy. But hey, beggars can't be choosers, huh? Leon's been criticizing me every waking hour about that stunt with the car. Hey, David seemed pretty impressed with it. David was the thestral. Although he was a tad disgruntled as well. We invented the facehoof! That was fun!

Anyway, I was unconscious most of the day, so not much to say. See ya later!

– Max

"Dear Dallas, Texas,

"Today I finally found another survivor, na-"

"Max! I'm Max!"

"Max, please back off!"

"Hey man, we're in this together."

"Just let me do this!"


"Anyway... yeah, I found a survivor. Max.

"Maybe there's more of you out there. I hope... please be more out there."

"Sincerely, dearly wishing,


"And Max."

Author's Note:

So Leon found a survivor! But was it really worth it?