• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,941 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

July 9, 2015

Dear Journal,

Today was pretty interesting. Finally a glimmer of hope has been put in front of me. I don't mean like Bastrop, I mean to end all of this.

The majority of the day was Martha interrogating me. She asked me questions, mostly centering around my magic and "the curse." She started by asking me about my life prior to the Purge. I answered her questions. I was twenty-nine, lived alone, not in a relationship. She started going into my past times, what I enjoyed. I told her mostly video games and some reading here or there. I've gotten into reading a lot more since the Purge. Also my Gameboy Color. We're best friends now too.

Then she tried to press me for "the curse." In other words, she wants to know if I'm cursed to leave only the dead in my wake. I told her curses aren't real, and she responded with "two months ago, magical pastel talking ponies weren't real either." I suppose she had a point. No curse though, just really really unlucky.

Then she went over my magic. She started asking me my limits and everything. What I can and can't do. She asked if I can do anything more than telekinesis. I told her I'm sure that my magic allows it, I just haven't reached that level. She thought for a moment before she finally asked it. The question that made me finally get hope. If I have do anything magic...

could I turn us human again?

I think so, too! I could make us human, with enough practice. This whole thing could be over. I could save everyone. Maybe I could even use my magic to bring everyone back. To set things right...

maybe I could actually celebrate mom's birthday for real. I could celebrate it with her. Maybe I could meet Sam.

Later into the night, Jamie ran in. I asked him how he knew where we were, and he pointed behind him. A small pack of dogs was there. Apparently he had been wondering where I was, and they led him to us. I mentioned my surprise that they didn't eat him, and they.... glared at me. As if they were saying "How dare you assume we would eat a child." I don't know what scares me more: that they are seemingly intelligent enough to think that, or that I could presumably understand them. Then one of them threw some meat they had been carrying in their mouths as what seemed like a taunt. It sort of raised it's nose in the air in a haughty taunt before picking it up and walking away.

We had a healthy dinner before heading to sleep. It's been a long and strange day, but I can sleep well tonight with hope in my heart.

I can fix this all. I'll save everyone.

And I want some meat.

– Leon.

Author's Note:

Dreadfully sorry for not updating yesterday. I knew I'd screw up eventually, just glad it was later rather than sooner. I was playing Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker along with watching a bunch of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Then my dad, brother, step-brother and I marathoned Doctor Who until 12:30 in the morning. So... no real good excuse, but that's what I was doing.