• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,942 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

June 25, 2015

Dear Journal,

Hello... I'm back. It's Jamie. Leon's going to be out for awhile, he's started a mission to collect human stuff, so I thought I'd write in the journal. He left it behind. I've been learning to write with my mouth. It's uncomfortable, but I've gotten good at it. After I left, I spent my spare time drawing, and have become good at using my mouth to write. Maybe I'll even find one of my pictures again and post them in here! They're not that good, but I like them. Leon's lucky to have magic to work with.

I didn't know what to write, so I've been reading through the journal... and I understand now. Now I know exactly how my mom died. To think she did that. I've always known, but never really believed it. But to read the sadness of Leon, I now know it must be true.

Why mom, why?

Max went through so much pain. Max was such a nice man, and my mom killed him. He only wanted to help. I read the page where Max met mom, and the whole time I was almost screaming at him to run. I had to scream at a man to run from my mom. Looking into the past, I suppose it makes sense.

I remember reading that Leon wanted to know more about my mom, so here.

Mom was a strange woman, and I always loved that about her. She had fun little corks about her. She did not have a lot of friends though, and I think I'm starting to understand why. She had one or two friends, and whenever they were over they would send me off to my room. It wasn't that they didn't like me or anything, they were always talking about how smart and sweet I was. They just said they were doing adult things, and that I wasn't allowed. I was okay with that.

Dad was nice too, but he wasn't there for long. I remember when I was little, I'd hear yelling from mom and dad's room, and dad would come out with some bruises. I'd ask what happened, and he'd just say "mom's in a bad mood."

I suppose I should have seen it coming, then. One day dad left out of nowhere. I asked where he had gone, and she said he's too scared. I asked "of what," and she said he was too afraid of taking care of me. Somehow I doubt that now. She'd go to something called a therapu thar therapisst therapist to "help her." She never told me what that meant, but I think I know now.

Even threw all that, she loved me. She always told me I was her top priority. She always looked after me, sometimes too much, and she said she'd never let anyone hurt me. Then she went and hurt me in a different way.

After the Purge, as Leon calls it, Mom became afraid of everything. She always said that everyone I met wanted to hurt me. I didn't believe her, and know I know she's wrong. One day she went out for awhile and came back with red liquid all over her. She had cuts it was coming out of too, but she insisted it was tomato paste. She kept saying it only looked like she had cuts. She said she met a woman named Martha who gave her the tomato paste. Then she held me and rocked me and sang me a lullaby. The "tomato paste" got all over me.

It was very sticky and uncomfterble.

A week or so back, I've lost track of time, she said she was going to a grocery store. She said she thought there were two people there that she was going to get tomato paste from. She said as long as she got their tomato paste, they couldn't hurt me. She made some faces that scared me and left.

I guess Leon got HER tomato paste.

– Jamie

Dear Journal,

Today I went out and collected more-

Hey, Jamie wrote in my journal! Give me a second to read.

Oh dear God.

– Leon

P.S. When reading through the journal, I got so bored I started counting the words in each chapter. Only three have above one thousand words. I noticed that each of those was when someone new was introduced. The only exception was me. What does that say about me?

– Jamie

Author's Note:

I will tell you this time around that any spelling errors are intentional. If not, pretend they are. This is the one chapter where I don't want any corrections. Sorry.

Also, if you're a habitual corrector like me, I'm sorry for the hell this chapter might've put you through.

Also, no one got the references from two chapters ago. I think it was two chapters ago.

Also, I hope I'm writing Jamie well. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I was a hyper-intelligent 12 year old (that's how old Jamie is. I can't remember if I ever said that.) While my classmates were learning what an atom was, I was learning about Ions and Isotopes. This year for example, while my classmates are learning about kinematics, I was learning about bosons and particle physic. This can make it hard for me to write as the average child when I only have my own experience to go off of, so I hope I didn't make him seem too smart or too dumb.

He is a smart kid, but not hyper-intelligent.