• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,938 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

August 7, 2015

Dear Journal,

Hey guys, guess who's back? It's me, Leon! To be honest, waking up was probably a bigger surprise than the Purge was. I fully expected to be dead, but maybe there is an intelligent force up there trying to protect me. Probably not though. Hey, if you're up there, mind changing me back to a human? No? I thought so.

A few things I need to talk about: Martha and Jamie informed me on Sheila's... condition to say the least. Something about the disappearances actually be time travel? I asked them how they knew this, and they gave me what little (basically one thing) evidence that they have. Sheila doesn't remember the past two months. I suggested amnesia, and they both shrugged. We asked her if it was possible she had amnesia, but she did a little examination of herself and concluded that it was impossible. The only way is if she suffered major psychological trauma, but no way that would have happened. We didn't care to tell her that in this world that's more than possible.

Nonetheless, I haven't decided to accept it like Jamie. I'm more with Martha here: just another theory with little substance behind it. Sure though, it's nice to think that some day everyone will come ba-

Oh God, what about Max's family? If they're right, then Max's family will come back only to find him dead. There's no telling how long until the time travel would affect everyone! What if my family comes back centuries from now to find that I died long before they arrived?! Though... maybe they would arrive in my lifetime. Could I really see my family again?!

I like this theory, it sounds plausible enough. Let's go with it!

Now, the other matter of business: Sheila. Perhaps I should have talked about her first, but oh well. It's too late now, huh? Now, of all the awkward ways to wake up, this had to be the worst. I woke up to her kissing me. Now, I say that though it isn't really true. While I was down, apparently she fed me by... chewing my food and spitting it up into my mouth, then forcing me to swallow. I don't want to think about it. She claims she didn't like it either, but that with all care taking equipment either down, outside her knowledge of usage, or both, she had no choice. I woke up with her in midspit, her lips touching mine. Yes, the food did go into my mouth. Yes, it did come out soon after (along with a good majority of the meals prior.)

Sheila's very kind though. Other than that one awkward incident she's done nothing too noteworthy. She's been absolutely sweet. She's watched over me a lot and made sure I got everything I needed. Luckily, all the meals proceeding my wake up have been chewed and swallowed by your's truly.

Another noteworthy thing: I don't need to inform you about Sheila's butt tattoo as I'm sure the others have. Turns out, Martha has one too! Her B.B. (she told me about them. SO COOL!) had been covering it. It's of a shield with a wrench over it. Between Martha and Sheila, we've come to a theory: these things represent what one loves or is good at. Sheila is a vet and loves animals, so she has a smiling dog tattoo. Martha works with machines, and uses them to protect herself and others, so she has a wrench and shield. I don't know how they show up, but I'm a talking unicorn. I'm not one to talk, though I suppose I am. That joke was bad, I'll leave now.

– Leon.

Dear Journal,

Yeah, so apparently I got a butt tattoo. That's strange. Jamie keeps staring at it, which is like staring at my butt so it's weird. I am apparently good at protecting... why can't I bring myself to do my job? Tomorrow I'll tell Leon about Jamie's episode, and we'll figure out what to do. Hurting a comrade, Jamie in this case, may be necessary to protect many more. Apparently that's what I'm good at.. so why in the hell can't I bring myself to confront Jamie?

– Martha