• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,942 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

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August 6, 2015

Dear Journal,

Leon woke up! I was scared he would not for awile, but he did. Hes very tired and in pain, but he's awake. I might be able to get him to write later, but I don't know.

Martha talked to me about her problem with Sheila and I agree with her. Someting's wrong. I didn't notice it much at first, but now that she mentions it pretty clear. I've talked to her more, and she said this was her tenth day as a pony. Im confused. Maybe she's a time traveler, like Doctor Who? More like Doctor Whooves. Heh.

I told Martha this, and she told me something about disappearing and stuff. It was confuseing, but I got the idea. We combined ideas, that the humans were put into different points in time as ponies rather than disapearing into nothing. She said "I have no better ideas, lets go with that." I think she was being sarcastic.

– Jamie

Dear Journal,

Leon's doing well. Luckily he can eat by himself now, so that's a plus. He heals quite quickly, is that a unicorn thing? Do all ponies heal quickly? Or is it just the way his body works?

I've become disturbed by what my dogs are telling me. Apparently the city has become a war-zone. There's a big tribe of hostile dogs that are attacking my friends. They seem to have united to eat ponies. They're trying to convert my friends to their savage ways. Luckily most of my friends are too kind and loyal to leave me, but we've had a few deserters. I'm scared, but Martha said she'd protect me, and I trust her.

I don't know what's stranger, that my life is in a young girl's hands, or that I actually trust her. This new world is full of it, huh. But something I have noticed is my friends have been saying weird things. Just the other day we met a small group of nice dogs that said they are friends of ponies because Leon gave them meat a month or so ago. How could that be possible, he wouldn't have been a pony then.

What's going on here?

– Sheila.

Author's Note:

I swear it's hard to write how I think a thirteen year old would write. I was a genius child, so I wrote nigh perfectly (spelling and grammar, that is) when I was that age. Or at least, the errors were so small they were easily missed by anyone that wasn't themselves a grammar genius. However, I always found that all other kids when I was that age made a ton of errors, so I feel like I'm portraying thirteen year olds to be dumb, rather than error prone as they actually are. Nonetheless, Jamie's becoming a better writer!

Also, something I should mention: As you probably saw yesterday, my uploads will be inconsistent for the next two weeks or so. I'm on vacation with my family, so wifi and free time are hard to come by. I'll do as much as I can though!