• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,938 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

August 18, 2015

Dear Journal,

Preparations are continuing to be made. We want to try for a week's supply of food for the two of us. I used some maps I printed off of Google Maps way back when. I combined them with some maps I found here or there, and manage to chart the best way. Turns out I won't be stoping in New Mexico nearly as much as I thought I was. We won't be passing through many big towns. We will be stopping by Tucson though. Remember that show, "The Last Man on Earth?" That was set in Tucson. Aired not long before the Purge. At least I think it was Tucson. I feel like that guy sometimes.

We've got about a half week's supply of food stored and preserved. By week's end we should be good to go. Martha's making good progress on modifying a car. She's got the gas pedals down, now she wants to make the steering wheel easier to control with hooves. Good luck with that Martha.

On another note, the war stopped! At least for now. The other side has enough dog corpses to eat that they're satisfied for awhile. As much as we hate it, we fed Sheila's "friends" what dog carcasses we could find. Cannibalism is disgusting, but they NEED meat. Veggies will prolong their life, but not sustain it. They need protein, and even beans weren't enough for that. This should keep them kicking for awhile.

Martha's began receiving some sort of... thing on the radio. Been awhile since I've talked about that, huh? Yeah, that system's still running. She's getting something, though she can't figure it out. Something's screwed up. She's been getting it for a few days, but wasn't sure that it was actually someone. Now she knows someone's out there, trying to contact us. We don't know where, or who, but someone's out there. She's... mostly sure. I hope we can find them.

Before the dogs do.

– Leon.

Author's Note:

Just recently my Like-View ratio dropped below the steady >10% it had kept up this whole go. I'm sad.

I also watched Ant-Man a day before it premiered. So yay!