• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,941 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

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July 15, 2015

Dear Journal,

Finally everyone's set up. These last five days have been difficult, but finally everything's packed into the houses. I don't know what took longer: getting our stuff together, or deciding on how we wanted to go about it. But the scanner's have been set up in everyone's room so we'll catch it. We spend our nights in the house, our days in the radio tower (or exploring if duty calls.) Poor Jamie's been trying to initiate conversations with Martha, but she doesn't pay attention. He finally gets someone his age to talk to, and she doesn't even care to talk to him.

I went exploring and found a pack of dogs, the same ones that brought Jamie to us. I gave them some meat rations (It had been awhile before Martha learned you couldn't eat meat. She still had some somewhat fresh meat in a cooler) as thanks, and they seemed pretty happy. I think I just made us a new alliance. Wow, I just made an alliance with a tribe of dogs. This place gets stranger every day. What next, they walk on two legs?

Oh God please no.

Martha and I talked about the logistics of the radio tower. She said she used a lot of gasoline to power a ton of generators. She said that soon the gasoline would expire and then that would be that. She's mentioned bio-fuel, but that's not a thing she knows a ton about. However, she did mention solar panels. If we can get a few installed on the tower and maybe on the house we'd be great. Having electricity would be great. I mentioned the speaker system from the grocery store and she said there'd be no point seeing as we have radios. Then I mentioned that it would be great for attracting people who are nearby and don't have radios, and she decided it would be nice. However, given our positions in a less... popular part of town (though now I suppose it's the most popular part of town) my current (or rather old) system wouldn't due. We'd have to get many speakers set up in different places. It would be quite complicated. New project, I suppose.

It rained today. It was nice. Jamie enjoyed running around in the rain. He splashed in a few puddles. For a thirteen year old, he really acts young for his age. I mentioned this to Martha, and we both shared a theory. Due to the apocalyptic nature of the Purge, he was frightened and scared. Most people his age would have been forced to grow up too fast, but with his mom there to protect him he did the opposite: he became entirely dependent. He reverted back to being a scared kid who couldn't do anything without his mom. He became like an eight year old. Now that she's dead, will he rapidly mature? I don't know, and to be honest I hope not. He invited Martha to play in the rain but she said no. He kind of ignored me. The kid puts up with me consistently, but he's very on and off with whether he LIKES me. To be honest, I think he treats me far better than he should. I killed his mother for God's sake! He seems to understand the circumstances though, so that's good.

I was worried he was going to get a cold, but he was fine. I warned Martha that medication was poisonous to us, and she seemed confused. She claimed she took some painkillers when she got a particularly nasty cut and was fine. Was everything I knew about us wrong? First dairy now this? The medicine definitely killed Max though, he didn't succumb to his wounds. I can't imagine what else would have caused that. Maybe the medicine was bad? Can medicine go bad? I'm pretty sure. Could he have overdosed? Unless Martha is lying or otherwise incorrect, that seems to be the most likely possibility.

I'm trying to convince Martha to write in here, but she said nothing happened really, so no reason. Same with even Jamie today. I had to explain to Martha that I see the journal as more of a recollection of events rather than a diary. A sort of history book. She got it pretty quickly; said she never understood the point of diaries. I agreed.

– Leon