• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,938 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

August 21, 2015

Dear Journal,

We've finally packed enough supplies. We have enough food stored to be able to support ourselves, should we be unable to find food. Speaking of which, we noticed something strange a few days ago, but I forgot to mention it. Sheila had wanted to try her hand at farming, and Jamie decided to give it a try too. Thus far Martha had been the only farmer. Funny, you wouldn't think her a farming kind of girl. She does what she has to though. Anyway, back on topic. Sheila and Jamie both tried their hands at farming. Martha decided to not tell them how to farm. Or maybe no one asked, and she forgot? I don't know why, but one way or another no information got to them. This all started awhile ago, by the way.

A few days ago we noticed that Jamie's crops had begun sprouting out of the ground. Like, it was noticeable. Martha had planted some new crops at the same time, and the same was true for her. However, Sheila's weren't showing up. Upon checking on them, we found that they were dead. Martha's crops being successful we understood, but why were Jamie's more successful than Sheila's? They both had about the same level of experience, and they shared their knowledge on farming with each other for the most part.

Well, I suppose I should mention something. Now this is going to sound crazy... there's really no point in saying that anymore. Everything's crazy now. Anyway, as I've gotten better at magic, I've noticed something. I began feeling more... connected to the world around me. It's like there's a slight pull on your body in every direction. It's there, but it's not there. It feels like your body is melting into the world around you. It's very faint, but it's there. For the longest time I've just dismissed it, but I finally mentioned it to every one (well, Jamie and Sheila. Martha was busy.) They both seem surprised, and said they felt something similar. Jamie said he felt a pull towards the ground, but that for him it felt stronger than how mine sounded like. It felt wholesome, and it felt more like the ground was fusing with him rather than seeping. Sheila said she felt like the air itself was passing through her often. She felt a tug at her wings, a restlessness in them. They kept feeling like she was pulled to the sky.

Now to my theory. I believe every organic thing has magic in it. Or at LEAST ponies, unicorn or otherwise (am I the only unicorn? I have yet to meet another.) I've observed the body structure of the three types of ponies I've met, myself included, and with two of each to look at I've made observations. Both Max, bless him, and Sheila both have leaner and slimmer bodies than the others. Not to mention their wings. Built for aerodynamics, well as best as a horse can be. Now Sheila claims to feel a pull to the sky, especially at her wings? I believe she has magic flowing through her wings.

Jamie, Barbara, and Martha were the thickest of the bunch. Well, Jamie and Martha are a little slimmer than me, but I'm also older. The ratio is bigger though. Anyway, they have more muscle, and are the only ones without special features. They specialize in the ground it would seem. I talked to Martha later and she said she had that same pull. Maybe they're connected to the ground? That would explain Jamie's crops growing better. We need a name for that species. I'm unicorn, we have a pegasus... let's see, they're connected to the Earth. I'll call them... Dirt Ponies! Yeah, I like that.

Why do I think it's magic? This is that thing I mentioned I've been feeling but wrote off as nothing. As my magic got stronger, another feeling came in. The seeping feeling got stronger, but there was a sort of heightened awareness. There's no way for me to explain it, I felt like I could FEEL the world around me. Like I was seeping out, but things were seeping in too. Whenever I'm around a pony, that feeling is stronger in their direction. THIS they haven't felt. Can I sense magic? It's a very far fetched theory, but I think it's plausible. At this point, anything is.

Well, we're done with the ramblings of a mad pony. We're still not ready to leave for Pheonix just yet. We need to make sure everyone's set up and ready. I expect that by ten days we'll be in Pheonix! Onwards and upwards!

– Leon.

Author's Note:

I've been wondering: given some of the stuff that's been happening, should I add a dark tag? I don't know... I don't think there's enough substantially dark stuff happening to qualify.