• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,942 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

June 19, 2015

Dear Journal,

I went out and searched for Jamie, and he was nowhere to be found. I hope he's okay... God, why do I care?! HE TRIED TO KILL ME!! I shouldn't care... maybe he deserves to be lost! Maybe he deserves to die for what happened for Max!


Oh God, what's become of me? I'm falling apart. I've been feeling very... frustrated lately. I'll notice myself yelling at cans of food. I even caught myself drawing a face on a flour sack from the bakery section and ranting to it. I even named it. I named it Ryan. Ryan's cool...

I'm so lonely. I took company for granted. Hell, I even hated it occasionally. I questioned whether being with Max was worth it. I didn't even know Max wasn't his full name. I never knew his full name until he was dead.

Maxwell Teller... that's a nice name, I think. How'd I become so attached to the guy? He just angered me. He was infuriating! I got angry and told him to shut up all the time. I asked how anyone could put up with him. He always responded with "don't worry, you'll warm up to me." I guess I did but just not in time. I always assumed his jovial mannerisms to be as a result of a low Intelligence Quotient. He wasn't the sharpest knife in the crayon box, but he wasn't an idiot either. Though the most common phrase I heard from him was "stop using big boy words and speak normally." Whatever.

I visit Max's grave everyday. I don't know if there's a God or a heaven, but if there is I hope he's up in the new pony heaven (unless all the humans died and went there too, in which case I hope no one bullies him.) having a grandiose time. He seemed to think he would. I can almost hear him tutting. Seriously though, I swear I can hear something... wait... I can definitely hear something... no one's around me though. THE RADIO!!

I'm back. The radio picked something up for a short time on the emergency broadcast, but on my way to listen I tripped on the cord, and knocked it off the table. It broke. I'm sure I can get a new one, but I need to figure out how to use the new one. Now I know there is a survivor. Somewhere out there is another survivor. Not Jamie, someone new. From the bit I heard, it sounded like a girl. I can't be sure though.

I did some magic, practicing. I'm getting rapidly better. I now feel like I have more energy to use, but I just don't know how to manipulate it. Maybe if I get some weights... is that how magic works? Can I use weight lifting to make it better? Somehow I doubt it, but by lifting things I have gotten stronger. Maybe it's like some ethereal muscle? I wish I could just figure this all out now instead of going through all this bullshit! This is so stupid? Why is this even happening, how is this possible? This isn't scientifically possible, I am not scientifically possible.

Maybe some day I'll learn. Maybe some guy over in... I don't know, L.A. is figuring this out? Doesn't really matter where, I guess. I wonder if anyone's even alive in L.A.

No point in wondering if it won't lead to results. Bastrop first, other places first.

I went out for a walk, and the fires are getting bad. Luckily they're still pretty self contained, but I found an airplane crash, and the fires were huge. The worst part is, there was a corpse there. Another little child pony who transformed in mid air

His mangled body was impossible to remove from his seat, but I did find some luggage with his name on it (the fire had moved on from the plane, so I could walk in. Still didn't want to stay long.) Shepard. I made a gravestone for him. At least I hope it was a him. I think it was. Shepard would be an unfortunate name for a female, but the body didn't let me tell for sure.

Four gravestones out front. Four people lost. I won't let there be any more. No more.

– Leon

"Dear Dallas, Texas,

"I heard one of you over the radio today. Only for a small second. I don't know where you are, but I heard you. If you can hear me, get over here. And don't be intimidated by the steadily growing graveyard out front...

"Okay, maybe I'm cursed or something. I think we're all a little cursed at this point. Good night, Good Luck



Author's Note:

For those of you who are worried that I'm just exchanging survivors like Pokemon cards, don't worry. This is gonna be different. The hunt begins.

Also, I made two references. Respect points to those who caught them.