• Published 27th Jan 2018
  • 1,133 Views, 14 Comments

My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season VII - DakariKingMykan

The Ponies face an evil treasure hunter and evil Bat creatures

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Episode 9: Baby Batty Boos

Author's Note:

Torture time for Cadance...



In the Bat Lord’s dark lair, Shade and Ebany were sharpening their claws to keep them in good shape for the next attack.

“Ahh… perfect.” Shade hissed. “Starfleet will in for a world of hurt should interfere with us again.” added Ebany.

The two of them slashed ay the wall actually shattering some of the rock down, andsomething unusualfell out from behind the rocks; a piece of a flat golden plate.

“What is this?” wondered Ebany as he examined the object; which unbeknownst to him was part of the magic map that Starfleet sought.

The plate seemed to have unusual carvings and a strange text that he couldn’t understand, but what he did notice was a carving that seemed to resemble Count Nightwing’s magic amulet!

“Shade…! Ebany” Nightwing suddenly thundered, making them jump “What are you two doing?”

“Sire!” yelped Shade.

Nightwing saw the plate in Ebany’s hands, and used his magic to yank it from her and into his hands so he could look at it more closely.

He couldn’t read the Ancient Equestrian text either, but he did recognize the carving of four items, including his own amulet.

“Where did you find this?” he asked his minion.

“It came out from the wall.” answered Shade, “It must have been buried there for centuries.”

“Look!” Ebany suddenly cried…

…The map piece and the amulet were both glowing softly as they came close together, forcing Nightwing to toss the map piece to the ground. “I don’t know what this means, but we have no time to concern about it now.

We need to gather more power to ensure our dominance over the ponies.”

Ebany stepped forth, “And I believe I have such an idea, Sire, and perhaps it will help us reach our goal faster.”

“Well, say it already!” grumbled Shade.

Ebany glared angrily at him, but explained, “We should take a different approach. Rather than attacking many victims at once, we can attack certain victims that emit vast amounts of pure energy we can convert for ourselves.”

“Hmm… very interesting.” hissed Nightwing.

Shade’s ears perked up, “Yet another grand idea. Instead of sending our newly captured victims to do battle with Starfleet, why not simply bring them here to our lair. The longer they remain under our control, the power we can get from them.”

Nightwing grinned sinisterly “…And we’ll be able to reach our goal much quicker, and Starfleet will be powerless to delay us this time.”

He activated his amulet showing him images around New Ponyville, “All we need now are the perfect subjects.”

It didn’t take him long to find what he wanted. “Mothers and children… they exhibit vast amounts of pure energy thanks to their loving bonds.

And I think I know where we can start and whom we can start with.”

A week had passed since Shining Light was born, and Lightning and Starla brought him to the hospital for his weekly examination, as instructed by Dr. Penny Sillion.

Penny waved her fingers before the baby, and he followed her wherever she pointed. “Aw, he’s got the cutest little reflexes I’ve ever seen.” said Penny, and she softly touched the baby’s nose and he cooed softly as he reached up and played with Penny’s hands.

Starla and Lightning loved it how their little son looked so happy and cooing.

“Here you go…” Penny cooed as she handed the baby a little squeaky ball for being a good patient. Starla picked up her son and playfully waved his hands for him, “Thank you Dr. Penny.”

Penny couldn’t help herself and pecked the baby’s little cheek. “I love babies. It makes my job all the more worthwhile. Glad to see you two are coming along nicely too. Is he keeping you awake at nights?”

“Not really…” said Lightning “What’s worrying us more is whether or not we’ll be good parents.”

“Hmm!” said Penny “I’ve lost count of how many parents I’ve delivered their first-borns too, and all they always have that same thought on their mind; Will they be good parents?”

“Well, maybe…” said Starla, “It’s just, my mom and dad couldn’t be there for me, neither could Lightning’s. These are things our parents should’ve helped us with.”

Penny couldn’t argue with that, but she did have some profound advice, “Trust me, it’ll just come to you naturally. All the parents I’ve ever treated found this special gift. The minute they held their baby, all the scary stuff seemed to go away.

I know you two will be great parents.”

Lightning took a look at his son, sleeping in Starla’s arms. He looked so peaceful, and Lightning smiled, “I think you’re right, Penny.”

Penny winked at them, “…Trust your doctor.”

As the family left the hospital, with Shining safely tucked up in his pram. Lightning and Starla stopped a minute at the doors, and looked all around at every angle.

“All seems clear.” said Lightning “No sign of Sienna or Nightwing.” He still felt very frustrated that the bats were still out there; still safe from detection, and immune to capture by the power of the amulet.

“Just the same,” said Starla “Let’s go cautiously. There’s no telling what sort of schemes scoundrels like them are up to.

As they walked along, a lot of ponies stopped to wave at them as they passed, congratulating the couple for their new baby.

Others passing by also stopped to look at Shining directly and compliment how cute he looked.

The baby cooed and giggled without much of a care in the world.

Lightning and Starla felt like celebrities, but they didn’t let it go to their heads.

“Look… there’s Shining Armor and Cadance.” said Lighting.

“I forgot they were in town making donations to the orphan’s homes.” said Starla.

The royal couple had brought baby Flurry Heart with them, and Shining Armor looked up, “Well, look whose here.”

The friends all exchanged hugs and congratulatory speeches.

“Is this Shining Light?” asked Cadance.

“Yes, isn’t he precious?” cooed Starla.

Shining Armor patted Lightning on the back, “Welcome to fatherhood.”

Lightning chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, “So, any advice you can give?”

Before Shining could even answer, both Flurry and Shining Light let out huge farts soiling their diapers, much to the grownups’ disgust.

“Yeah…” said Shining and he clipped a clothes peg over his nostrils, “Always have one of these handy.”

Lightning sighed as he held his nostrils shut himself.

The mothers changed the babies and tossed the used diapers out. Starla loved the smell of her baby after a diaper change. “Mmm… who’s a clean foal, huh?” she cooed as she tickled her son’s belly.

“Hey, don’t forget us.” said Cadance as she held her daughter in her arms.

The two babies looked at one another and waved at each other.

“I think Flurry wants to play with Shining.” said Shining Armor.

Lightning agreed, “Let’s all head to the park. We’ve all got time, and it’s a beautiful day.”

And a beautiful day it was, many ponies were walking through the park. Pinkie Pie was with the Cake family on a picnic, and Fluttershy and Rhymey were helping some birds fix up their nests.

The two families sat at a picnic table away from all the hollering and wildness and let the babies interact with each other on a blanket on the table. Flurry, at seven-and-a-half months old, was sitting by herself with her mom and dad watching her, but Shining Light was much too young and tiny to sit freely, and sat strapped in his baby buggy.

It was still adorable watching them play, Flurry shook her rattle and Shining giggled. Flurry even played peek-a-boo with Shining too, “Boo…” she cooed. Shining giggled.

“Aw… this is so cute I can hardly stand it.” chirped Starla.

“They almost look like a brother and sister playing.” said Lightning.

Cadance and Shining Armor agreed, but it brought a hint of sadness to them as well, as it reminded them of their tragic losses.

Fratello and Twilight were both dead, Cadance’s baby son was stillborn, and she would never be able to have any more children, so Flurry Heart would never have any siblings.

Lightning Starla realized this as well, “Oh, I’m so sorry.” Lightning said “In all the happiness and cuteness, I guess we didn’t really think of that.”

“It’s all right.” said Shining Armor, “We can’t change the past, and we should really just concentrate more on these two. Twilight and Fratello would want that.”

His wife agreed and softly ran her fingers through Flurry’s mane, “After all that’s happened, I’m really glad we have Flurry. She’s so little and so innocent.”

Starla thought it was so beautiful the way Cadance bonded with her little filly, and she felt she could be the same way with Shining. “A mother’s love…” she sighed as she softly caressed her son’s little face.

She was really starting to feel the love flow through her, and it felt so warm and comforting.

Lightning and Shining Armor smiled at one another the way their wives and kids seem to be bonding.

But this happiness and warmth was about to be short-lived…!

As Pinkie and the Cakes were sitting down to lunch, Pinkie took one bite of her sandwich, but then she quivered and wobbled rather uncontrollably.

“Uh, oh…it’s her Pinkie sense!” cried Pound.

“Something’s going to fall!” said Pumpkin, “No wait, or a door is going to open? No… it’s…”

“It means a big doozy is coming!” cried Pinkie.

Cupcake and Carrot Cake both gasped, being very superstitious of Pinkie’s accuracy with her senses.

They weren’t the only ones, Fluttershy had just finished fixing a bird’s nest, when the mother bird began to tweet and flap like crazy, “Oh, no!” she cried “Birds only act like this if they feel something’s wrong.”

Suddenly, the little bird got snatched by Shade as he came swopping in. Fluttershy jumped out of the tree and fell into Rhymey’s arms.

The little bird squawked and wailed in Shade’s clutch, “Lunch time…!” hissed Shade, and everyone nearby watched in horror as he popped the whole bird into his mouth and chomped it down in one gulp.

No one was more horribly as upset as Fluttershy, so livid and hurt that tears came to her eyes, “You… killed a mother bird!”

Shade just belched, and few feathers came fluttering out of his mouth, “And a tasty one too; now how about the main course?!”

Ebany then appeared right in the middle of the park, near so many pony families, including The Cakes, frightening them all into a panic.

“Stay where you are!” thundered Ebany, and she unleashed a wave of her hypnosis on the civilians, freezing them all on the spot.

“Trouble!” snapped Shining Armor.

Lightning told the wives, “Get the babies out of here, and keep them safe.”

The wives agreed and prepared to run off with their kids, while Lightning and Shining Armor nodded at one another.

The others all agreed now was the time to transform.



“Mask of Saber”

All the fighters rushed into battle, “You leave those ponies alone!” Lightning shouted to the bats.

Ebany zipped up out of the way before she was tackled, and Shade leapt out of the tree, kicking Rhymey and Fluttershy hard, and pinned them to the ground.

“His power is so great,
It must have increased in rate!” growled Rhymey.

Shade snickered, “Very good…” then he flexed his sharp claws, “Now guess what these are?”

Fluttershy and Rhymey couldn’t break free from brute force. So, before Shade could slash at them, Rhymey blasted a beam of magic from his horn straight at Shade, blasting him clear off and hitting the tree.

“Way to go, Rhymey!” cried Fluttershy.

Her husband smirked.

Ebany glared at the Cake family, particularly at Cupcake and the twins, and poor Carrot Cake was still trapped in place by the hypnosis.

Pinkie Pie stepped in front of the family, “Stop right there!” she thundered, “You put one finger on this family, and I’ll…”

“Go ahead… make my day!” hissed Ebany.

They both glared deeply at each other, like cowgirls ready for the quick-draw.

Ebanny then tried to hypnotize and paralyze Pinkie on the spot, but she zipped out of the way, and punched Ebany hard in the face, breaking her hypnosis on everyone.

“Everyone…! Get out here, now!” shouted Lighting.

The civilians all agreed, but just as they ran for the park exit, Nightwing himself appeared in a bright flash, causing everyone to stop dead in the tracks, “Leaving so soon?” Nightwing hissed “I wouldn’t hear of it.”

Cadance and Starla were in the back of the crowd with their kids in their prams. They didn’t like this one bit!

The many fathers and husbands of all the families stepped forth to protect their wives and kids, but Nightwing chuckled as he shook his head, “Brave… but foolish!” and he raised his amulet, and in a bright glow, he levitated all the stallions up and tossed them all aside into the shrubs, and a few others into the fountain.

The wives and children all tried to run the other way, but saw Shade and Ebany standing guard, and ready to strike any of them who dared make a move!

Lightning and his teammates all dashed onto the scene, “Nightwing!” thundered Lightning “What do you think you’re doing?”

Nightwing snickered, “I’m here to take these mothers and their children. Their vast amounts of pure energy from the bonds they have are essential to me and my conquest for takeover.”

Saber growled angrily “You dare attack innocent mothers and their children? You sicken me greatly, Nightwing!”

“That goes for us too!” said Starla.

The crowds parted, revealing she and Cadance had both transformed.

Lightning smiled at his wife, “Glad to see you back in uniform, Starla.”

His wife nodded, “It’s been a while, but with my droid left at home, I have no choice.”

Ninja Cadance nodded proudly at her, and she stood by Starla’s side to help her defend the families, as well as their own babies.

“How cute…” hissed Ebany “Now let’s fight!”

“Yeah!” snarled Shade.

The children all hid behind their mothers, frightened out of their minds.

“Go!” shouted Lightning, and he and the others charged forth at Shade and Ebany, driving them away from the civilians.


Rhymey waved his sword and struck a pose as the blade shimmered in the sunlight, and as for Fluttershy, she grabbed small metal lamppost, pulling it out of the ground and wielded it like a spear “I hope I can pay for that damage.” she peeped.

“Ha! You’ll pay with your lives!” growled Shade, and he flexed his sharp strong claws.

“One against two,
We can take you!” said Rhymey.

Shade growled and lunged forth, swiping at the fighters with his claws, while Rhyme and Fluttershy parried him off with their weapons.

Meanwhile, Lightning and Saber were chasing Ebany as she dashed down the field.

Lightning fired a few Uniforce pulse at her, which she dodged skillfully, and then she skidded to a halt and dashed back towards the fighters, lunging at them hard, but the two fighters zipped out of the way.

“Where’d they go?” Ebany hissed.

“Surprise!” shouted Saber, as he ensnared the evil Bat Lord in his sickle and chain. This allowed Lightning to leap up high and punch her hard, knocking her clear across the field.

Meanwhile, Nightwing raised his amulet at the mothers and children, “You are all mine!” he thundered as he unleashed magical light to infect them and turn them all into bats.

“…No, you don’t!” snapped Starla, and she used her magic to raise a wall of sparkling light to deflect the magic away, much to Nightwings annoyance.

However, the light began to fade off, and it soon vanished completely. “Oh, no!” cried Starla “I was afraid this. I haven’t been training in a while since I was pregnant! I’m a little out of practice!”

Hearing this made Nightwing snicker, “That’s really too bad.” and he vanished in a zip!

The civilians were all worried as they looked around?”

“Where he is?”

“Where’d he go?”

Starla and Cadance looked around, and suddenly, Starla’s visor detected toxic-vapours rising up from the ground. “He’s under the ground!” she shouted “Run!!”

The mothers began to run off with their children, but none of them were prepared for the real trap! The vapors were just a distraction as, without warning, tiny pin-sized shots of magic shot out up out of the ground and struck the necks of the mothers and their kids.
Cadance looked fretful!

“Oh, no!” cried Starla.

Cadance suddenly saw two glows shimmer in the ground, as two more shots prepared to fire at herself and Starla. She quickly shoved Starla out of the way, avoiding the shots… only for Flurry Heart and Shining Light to get struck on their little necks instead.

“No!!” cried Starla.

The other fighters heard her scream and saw the civilians all mutating into batlings.

“Oh, no!” shouted Lightning.

“Oh, my!” cried Fluttershy.

Shade and Ebany snickered, and used this moment to strike the fighters hard; making sparks fly and knocking them all about.

Nightwing burst up from out of the ground laughing, “Too bad, Starfleet! Now these mothers and their children will be coming with me back to my lair. As well as harnessing their energies to increase my power, I will also use them to hunt more victims to join my army.”

The children and their mothers, even the two babies fluttered up, hissing at everyone!

“Flurry!” cried Saber.

“No, Shining!” cried Lightning as he saw his baby son hissing at him from afar.

Both he and Saber felt their bloods broiling inside.

The mothers felt the same way, but suddenly, Pinkie Pie dropped down from the sky and looked extremely furious “You would harm innocent little babies as well as mothers and their kids?!” she growled “…YOU JUST CROSSED A LINE!!”

She wasn’t acting cocky at all, she really meant it.

“Valkyria!” and she transformed into the Valkyrie of Laughter.

The batlings hissed and lunged at her.

“No!” snapped Nightwing “Not this time…” and he raised his amulet to order his newly created minions to return to the lair, but suddenly his Amulet began to glow mysteriously, along with something else glowing beneath his armor.

“What?!” he snarled.

“What’s that?” asked Fluttershy.

“I don’t know,
But let’s go!” snapped Rhymey.

The others agreed, while Nightwing was distracted to try to heal the victims.

“Think again!” sneered Shade and he tackled Fluttershy and Rhymey down again.

Lightning and saber dashed forth to help the civilians, preferably their respective children.

“Hang on, Shining…!” called Lightning.

“Daddy’s coming, Flurry!” cried Saber.

“Oh, no you don’t!” snapped Ebany, but before she could even try to halt them, Saber turned round,“STRIDENT SHCOKWAVE”and blasted her hard, knocking her off her feet.

This allowed the fathers to make it all the way over to where their wives and Pinkie stood, as well as all the affected ponies.

“Lightning…” said Saber “You go try to deal with Nightwing. We can handle all this!”

“Right!” agreed Lightning, and he dashed off towards Nightwing himself.

Nightwing reached into his armor, and pulled out the map fragment; both it and his amulet were glowing while in close contact with each other. “Enough of this!” thundered Nightwing, and he threw the fragment off into the shrubs.

Then, the second he turned back,

BAM!! Lightning socked him right in the face, and then tackled him to the ground.

“Count!” cried Shade, and suddenly he was kicked hard in the gut by Fluttershy allowing Rhymey to slash at his arm with his sword, making a big explosion and a huge gash on Shade’s arm.

A few drops of Shade’s blood leaked onto the ground.

“Fluttershy, you go help the rest,
I’ll stay here and deal with this pest.” said Rhymey.

Fluttershy agreed and she flew off, “Valkyria!” transforming into the Valkyrie of Kindness on the way.

Suddenly, many of the affected children flew up, and swarmed her. She couldn’t help but shudder and whimper in fear, but then her own mother-like instincts kicked in. As an animal caretaker, she had a strong bond with animals like a mother to a child, “I can’t stand what those nasty bats have done to you all, and I’ll help get better!”

She held out her sword ready to heal them, but suddenly she was rushed by Ebany, causing her sword to go flying, and crash deep into a tree.

“Oh, no!” cried Fluttershy.

“Ha! You’re not trying that old trick this time!” hissed Ebany.

At the same time, Nightwing kicked Lightning off of him, and he laughed “My strength has already increased immensely thanks to my new batlings.”

The mothers and children hissed nastily.

“This mother-child-bond has done more wonders than I first believed, and I shall use it and more to conquer this planet, and make it my own world!”

Lightning clenched his fists, “Not if I can help it!” and he lunged forth and brawled with Nightwing again, desperate to defeat him, or at least try to get his amulet from him.

Ebany had Fluttershy pinned to the ground. “I think it’s time you joined our forces once again!” she hissed, and she prepared to bite her.

Much as Fluttershy was scared. She took another gander over at the infected children, which sparked her courage again, “No… I… WON’T!!” she shouted, and her eyes glowed brightly, blinding Ebany softly enough for Fluttershy to shove her off.

She then raised her hand, using her Valkyrie magic to call her sword back into her hand.

Pinkie then joined her by her side, “Need a hand?”

“Thank you.”

The two Valkyries stood and touched their swords together,“HARMONY BEAM!!”

The powerful light, unleashed from their swords headed straight for Ebany and the children.

“Ah!” Ebany cried as she quickly dashed out of the way as the children were all hit, restoring them all to normal.

“Now it’s our turn!” said Starla.

Ninja Cadance and Saber stood by her sides, ready to heal the mothers and remaining children.

Starla armed her bow and set it to “Heal”“GALACTIC PROJECTILE”

Her shot went straight through one victim to the next, all in a row, healing them all in a row… but the brightness of the light flashing frightened one of the infected babies off, unnoticed by anyone.

“Argh!” growled Starla “If I wasn’t so out-of-training I could’ve healed more!”

“Don’t worry, we can take it.” said Saber.

His wife nodded in agreement.

Saber held his sword, and set it to “Heal” and powered up the blade with his shockwave, and Cadance’s fists were glowing with her mystical Ninja powers.

The batlings all rushed forth, and the two fighters unleashed their might, enveloping the mothers and remaining children and reversing the curse on them, including Shining Light and the Cakes.

Starla dashed over to her little crying baby and scooped him up holding him close “Oh…! Oh, Shining! Ohh…! No, no… it’s okay now.”

While all that was happening, Rhymey battled with Shade hard, and managed to slash at him hard with his sword, knocking him down.

“Shade…! I’m coming!” cried Ebany, but as she got closer, Rhmey swiftly turned round,“THRASH SLASH!”

KAPOW!! The attack was so strong that in knocked Ebany back, and a few specks of her blood splattered on Rhymey’s sword. Unfortunately, Rhymey’s sword was set on “Capture” rather than destroy, and as the bats were immune to capture thanks to Nightwing’s power boosts, Ebany merely fell flat on the ground, but nothing else!

Lightning was far too busy battling Nightwing to notice.

Nightwing fired a huge magical blast at Lightning, and he countered it with uniforce, “I think it’s time I humbled you out Nightwing!” Lightning called to him, and he fired the uniforce back at him hard.

“No!!” cried Nightwing “I will not let you beat me!!”

Lightning let out a roar and forced his power at him hard while night wing struggled all he could to force it back.

Suddenly, as the blast got nearer and nearer, Lightning began to see something within the waves of the power. “What is that?” Lightning wondered to himself.

He was seeing what looked the shadow of another presence-- that of another pony coming from Nightwing himself.

Seeing this made him stop at once, and the power vanished.

“Lightning!” cried Starla.

“What did you stop for?” called Saber.

The others were all shocked as well, but Nightwing laughed, “What’s wrong; didn’t have the courage to complete your attack and finish me?”

Lightning stood where he was, almost paralyzed with confusion, he tried to scan Nightwing with his visor, but he still remained immune to it. “Who are you?”

Nightwing snickered, but he noticed one little batling still under his spell…

“…Flurry Heart!” cried Saber!

Cadance gasped silently.

It was Flurry, and she was clutching something in her claws. Something she dug out from the shrubs when she fled from the healing magic.

“Is that…?” Fluttershy peeped.

There was no questioning it “It’s a piece of the mystic map!” cried Fluttershy.

Hearing this made Nightwing snicker, “Oh, you desire it as well? It must me more important than I thought.”

Flurry fluttered right by him and landed on his arm, and gave him the map piece.

“Flurry!” cried Lightning. He tried to dash over and take her, but Nightwing knocked him back hard.

Seeing how desperate Lightning was to get Flurry and the map piece, he thought this a perfect moment to leave. “Thanks for the sweet prizes.” he taunted, “Come, Shade… Ebany…!”

He fired a magical blast at his two minions causing them to vanish from sight, and then he himself disappeared as his evil laugh echoed along the wind.

“FLURRY!!!!” shouted Lightning.

Fluttershy and Pinkie dropped their swords and fell to their knees with tears in their eyes.

Rhymey held a hand over his mouth, whimpering in shock and heartbreak!

Cadance and Shining Armor both de-transformed, and they were both shaking with heartache and upset! “He took… our… baby?!” sobbed Cadance, and she began to hyperventilate hysterically, until she fainted.

“Cadance!” cried Shining Armor as he quickly caught her in his arms, but his insides were aching.

As for Lightning, he angrily pounded the ground, in extreme shame with himself for letting Nightwing get away with the baby and the map piece.

Starla, worried and upset as she was, ran over to her husband with the baby in hand, “Lightning…”

Lightning just lay flat on the ground in shame and upset, “She’s a baby! Just a baby!” he cried softly.

All the civilians had awakened form their knockout, even the fathers awoke, and not one of them had an idea of what was happening.

“Where’d the bats go?” asked Cupcake.

“I have no idea.” replied Carrot Cake.

Pumpkin and Pound looked all around and shook their heads.

Still, the poor fighters were all in deep woe and worry over Flurry Heart.

While the bats had retreated to their lair and tended to their injuries, “I can’t believe how close they came to beating us!” growled Shade. He touched one of his cuts that Rhymey gave him, “Ay!”

Ebnay winced as she tended to her own wounds, “At least we didn’t walk away completely empty handed this time.”

Nightwing snickered as he patted little Flurry Heart’s bat head as she hung upside down from the cave ceiling, “I would have to agree with you. We may have but only one victim with us, but being the daughter of the Royal Princess Cadance, this child will be our greatest asset in the continuing struggle.

The longer she remains with us, and under my spell, the more energy we can increase our powers with, until it will be time to unleash out greatest threat.”

Flurry Bat yawned and went to sleep, while Nightwing observed the map piece, “As for this, we’ll find out more about it in time. Meanwhile, we have much to do…

…Much chaos to bring.”

He laughed deeply.


In our next episode: Starfleet struggles in their hardest efforts to locate Flurry Heart, while at the same time dealing with the shameful emotions of losing her.

Meanwhile, Sienna decides to give Mako a chance and accompany her on her latest hunt to test a new form of Jemma-Nite re-enforced for greater strength.

Can Starfleet overcome their distraught, and will they be able to fend off against Sienna’s new Super Jemma-Nite?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Enforcement of Efforts”)