• Published 27th Jan 2018
  • 1,134 Views, 14 Comments

My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season VII - DakariKingMykan

The Ponies face an evil treasure hunter and evil Bat creatures

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Episode 17: Let's Make a REAL deal.


Sienna had been ogling the map fragment ever since Slash returned to the ship. Seeing her reflection in the gold made her evil grin wider.

“An excellent catch.” she hissed “But still, this one piece isn’t enough! We must obtain the remaining pieces as well as the legendary key items!”

“I assure you, Captain, the treasures are as good as yours.” said Slash, but Omnisha scoffed at him, “And I suppose you know where they are hidden and how to pinpoint their locations? As I recall, that map piece wasjust handed to you.”

Slash growled as he felt his anger rising, “Don’t push me, psycho! At least I actually got one.”

“Yeah, and like the captain said; it doesn’t do us too much good without the rest of it.”

“Why you…!!” but before he continued, he and Omnisha noticed Sienna was gone.

She had already left the bridge to get away from their constant bickering, but also she walked down the corridors of the ship until she reached Mako’s room, which had been unoccupied for a week now since he was blasted away!

Those horrible images still plagued her; remembering the explosion and her brother flying off into the sky.

She still didn’t know where he was, still couldn’t detect him. She didn’t even know if he was even still alive!

Just the thought of it twisted her emotions of sadness and rage, “I will find you, Mako.” she said to herself “And if I can’t… if you’re really gone… Starfleet will pay this! I will make the entire universe pay!

First we lost our parents, and now…!” she stopped! The memories were so painful it gave her a headache and heartache!

“Mako…” she cried softly


*Mykan’s POV*

On a beautiful day at School, Applebloom had invited her parents to speak to the class, especially due to the assignment being “The Best Thing that happened to me this year.” Where, students gave oral reports of just that.

Applebloom, Bright Mac and Pear Butter each took turns describing things; about how the parents were taken over by the Bats and all that transpired.

“I never thought somethin’ like this could happen to me,” said Applebloom, “But I got my folks back, and we plan to do a lot of catchin’ up. I don’t reckon anythin’ better could happen to me this year.”

The class applauded, as did Cheerilee and myself.

“That was wonderful, Applebloom.” said Cheerilee “And again, I thank you, Bright Mac and Pear Butter. I’m so happy for you both… and just the same, we’re all very sorry for the loss of Seeder Breeze.”

Bright Mac nodded sadly, “Ah, thanks, I appreciate it, but just the same, me and Buttercup are still getting’ used to everythin’.”

His wife agreed, “Yep, we’ve been away so long… it seems nearly everything has changed.”

I stepped up to the couple, “You know, you’re more than welcome to stay a little longer if you wish. I’m going to give a lecture today on the Human Psychologies of my world.”

The couple were thankful, but refused, “We should getting’ back to the farm. Still loads of chores to do.” said Bright Mac.

Pear Butter pecked her daughter on the head, in front of everyone, “Have a good day, honey.”

Applebloom blushed, and as the parents left, Diamond Tiara scoffed and mocked, “Have a good day, honey…! Seriously, she’s not a little filly.”

Strangely, Silver Spoon didn’t laugh or think what she said at all was funny or nice, “Cut her a break. She got her folks back. I think that’s wonderful.”

Diamond Tiara-- either she just didn’t understand, or was too stuck up to care-- sat shocked and puzzled at her friend, and then I cleared my throat at them, “Ladies… pay attention please.”

*POV Ends*

As Mykan continued with his lecture, Applebloom took notes of everything he said, and took a moment to look at a picture she had drawn of her whole family, including her parents, in a big heart shaped border.

When the couple got back to New Sweet Apple Acres, they were greeted by Applejack. “How’d it go?”

“It was smoother than apple butter on light toast.” replied her father “Now come here and give your daddy a hug, hon.”

Applejack did just that, and then she hugged her mother too.

Buddy Rose came along, admiring the beautiful sights, “You guys are really trying to make up for lost times, eh?”

The trio smiled softly.

“Still,” said Buddy, “Given that you two haven’t aged in ten years, you all look more like siblings than parents and child.”

He had a point. Applejack looked so much like her mother in height and almost in age, but Pear was still a little older than she was, but only by a few years.

“Ah, well… I’m happy for you anyway.”

“Much obliged, Colonel.” said Bright Mac.

“Please… just “Buddy.”

“Well, alright…” said Pear “But still, look at all that’s changed; Humanoid bodies. The farm’s bigger. More and new equipment…”

Bright Mac then ogled his daughter’s wings, “And Applejack… you’re a pegasi, not to mention a military major.”

“Oh, that’s nothin’…” said Applejack “Watch this! Ready, Bud…?”

Buddy saluted and he walked over to a huge boulder, more than three times his size, and demonstrated his strength by lifted it up with just one hand as if it were light as a feather.

Bright and Pear gawked in astonishment, and they watched as Buddy threw the huge boulder way up high into the air, “Go!” he called to Applejack. She nodded and flew up high into their aiming her fist straight at the boulder; smashing it into tiny bits that sprinkled into the air…

…Making her parents feeling like fainting in shock, but in actuality they couldn’t be more proud of their daughter.

They wanted to ask more about Starfleet, but Krysta appeared at Lightning’s orders, “Sorry to interrupt family time, but Lightning’s called you guys over. We’re making up a plan for our next move.”

Applejack gazed at her folks, “Sorry Ma, Pa… duty calls.”

“We’ll be back soon.” added Buddy, and they flew off with Krysta.

Bright and Pear watched until the friends were out of sight. “You think it’s okay of us lettin’ her rush off into action like that?” asked Pear.

“Now, now…” replied her husband “We’ve already seen what she’s capable of, and it helped save us both. We should give her all the support she needs.”

Pear smiled, and then the two went back to tending the farm… if they could understand the new equipment…!

Meanwhile, the entire team arrived at Lightning and Starla’s place. Mako was also present, in the custody of Rarity and Spike.

“I’ve spoken with their majesties…” Lightning said, and then he looked at Mako, “We cannot overlook all the crimes and assaults you and your sister have committed against us, and it’s vital that we end this war between our two sides.”

Poor little Mako hung his head low, “Yes, sir… I understand.”

“Head up, kiddo.” said Krysta “Look at the commander when he talks to you.”

“Krysta…” Starla said telling her to stop and go easy on Mako.

Lightning cleared his throat, “However, in retrospect from the story you told to Spike and Rarity, it is possible to take advantage of the situation.

Mako, we’d like to use you as an ultimatum to get your sister to cease her hostilities.”

Mako understood all that, “Will she be arrested?”

All the others hesitated to answer and Artie finally spoke up, “I’m afraid so. We have our orders, and she still must answer for all she’s done.”

Mako felt his heart skip a beat, “But then she’ll never surrender, and I don’t want my sister to be locked up! She’ll be angry at me!”

“Mako…” Fluttershy said trying to calm him, but Mako winced away from her. “I won’t turn against my sister! Not after all she’s done for me!!”

“Mako…!” said Fluttershy “I know it seems hard, but you’re not really turning against her; think of it as morehelping her.”

Rhymey agreed and said to Mako…

“You’ve already begun to see the error of yer ways,
Maybe you can convince Sienna to see the error of her ways.”

Mako had already thought of that, and he really wasn’t sure. Knowing how before he got lost Sienna had been showing signs of ill-temper, and lust for the Elements of Chaos; a regular obsession in finding them, and knowing how hard she worked to get herself and Mako where they were today…

…Even the others anticipated by this point that perhaps reasoning with Sienna through ultimatum would be harder than they thought.

“Well, what do we do now?” asked Pinkie.

“We try it anyway.” replied Starla.

“Que?” asked Dyno.

“What do you mean “We try it anyway?” added Myte.

“Exactly what it means.” said Lightning “There’s the possibility Sienna will take Mako back and not back down, but even still, Mako will have a chance to at least try and convince her.”

Mako agreed to this, “But, how will we get Sienna’s attention? I can’t contact the ship and neither can you.”

Lightning motioned for Rainbow Dash to deliver her report, and Rainbow slapped a small newspaper clipping down on the table, showing a small item in a display casing at a museum in New Cloudsdale; an old shield with a polished surface that bared the crest of Galaxia, that used to belong to an ancient knight that was excavated long ago from fossil sights.

“Is that what I think it is?” asked Spike.

“Sure is…” replied Rainbow “This shield just arrived at the museum a week ago after going all over the planet, from one museum to another, and the readouts are positive; it’s one of the legendary items.”

Lightning typed into the holographic computer images of the Mystic Map that had the four items carved on it, such as the shield. “We’re going to get that shield before Sienna finds out about it, and once it’s secured we’ll draw her out.”

“There’s just one thing…” Rainbow said “The museum curator won’t let it out for any less than… ten-million bits.”

“What?!” snapped Rarity “Ten million?! Why that’s extortion, blackmail, simply outrageous!”

“No it isn’t.” said Starla “It’s the conducting of business. The curator may be greedy, but his actions are legal enough. That shield may be the key to our quest, but it’s still a rare and valuable artifact. We can’t simply order it to be removed from the museum, it would lose profits, and it wouldn’t make Starfleet look good either.”

Lightning agreed, “So, we need to come up with ten million bits.”

Pinkie did some quick writing on paper, “This here, and that there… um… maybe we could… no, no, no…?”

“You have a plan Pinkie?” asked Buddy.

“Huh? Oh, no… I was just drawing a picture of me rolling in all that money if I had it.”

The ponies all sighed in dismay, “That still don’t help us raise the money.” said Applejack “why I’d have to harvest at least…” she paused and calculated, “One-million pounds of apples every day for the rest of the year to get that high.”

“You won’t have to, chica.” said Dyno “We can help you a little.”

“Si…” agreed Myte “We struck some rare jewels and ore from our mines; we can donate it to help pay the bill.”

“That’s excellent, boys. Well done…” said Lightning “Alright, once we have that shield, we’ve got to get Sienna’s attention, and I know just the site where we can alert her,” he paused and looked at all the pegasi “And you girls… you’re going to give her the message.”

Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack and Fluttershy agreed

Soon afterwards, the Raiders detected abnormal activity on the planet below. “What is it?” Sienna asked. The Raiders let her at the monitor, viewing an image of the skies over and empty field outside New Ponyville…

The four Pegasi were moving the clouds around to spell out a message direct at Sienna!

“If you wish to have Mako, returned to you safely, come to these fields in one hour and surrender your map fragment.


Sienna’s rage broiled as she growled and angrily pounded the controls, shutting down the monitors!

She was panting softly, and her crewmates saw the message too. “This time those cretins have crossed a line!” said Slash “Do we go down there, Captain!”

“We do!” sneered Sienna “I want my brother back, and I’ll do anything… and I mean ANYTHING… to do so!”

Her crew mates shuddered softly, and Sienna then walked off to prepare for her attack! “Captain, wait…!” Slash called as he followed her off the bridge.

No sooner had they gone did the Raiders pick up something else on the monitors. “What is it now?” asked Omnisha, and she viewed the screen of Dyno and Myte doing business with a museum curator in New Cloudsdale “What have we here…?”

She watched as the curator rather excitedly accepted the large sum of money from the twins, and then proceeded to hand them an old shield with a polished surface in a plexiglass casing.

Omnisha didn’t even have to use her crystal ball to determine, “That must be a legendary item. It even bears the mark of Galaxia as seen from the memories of Sienna’s pendant.”

While she felt it would be smarter to go along with Slash and Sienna to rescue Mako, she decided to go on her own personal mission and get that shield from the twins, “Best of all I can get even with Slash for doubting me.”

She then glared at the Raiders, “You are not to tell the Captain where I have gone, or I shall tell her you’ve been slacking off in your duties.”

The Raiders shuddered at the thought, so they complied and Omnisha left on her own.

Soon, when Sienna came back to the bridge, “Where is Omnisha?” she demanded.

The Raiders acted dumb, groaning and moaning in their language saying they hadn’t seen her.
Sienna began to suspect more treason, but she had no time to deal with this “We’ll go get Mako without her. Let’s go!”

Meanwhile, in New Cloudsdale, The Twins had just closed their deal with museum curator. “Much obliged fellas.” the pony said as he ogled his money.

“Pleasure doing business…” Dyno said with a hint of disdain in his voice.

Myte, holding the case with the shield inside, shook his head, “Ay’ Mia…” he groaned “what some ponies won’t do for money.”

“Never mind.” said Dyno “We better get this shield to New Canterlot for safe keeping.”

As the twins flew down from New Cloudsdale, it wasn’t far from there to New Canterlot, especially if they used their speed boosts, but just as they were about zoom off…

…There was blasted all around from below. The force of the blasts knocked them about, and Myte dropped the shield. “No!!” he shouted and he dove down for it.

“Myte!!” shouted Dyno, and he followed his brother down, down, down… Myte managed to catch the case before it hit the ground in the field below. “I got it, Dyno!”

“But you won’t have it for long...” hissed a familiar voice.

“Omnisha!” snarled Dyno.

Omnisha snickered, “I’ll come straight to the chase; Hand over that item!”

“No way, Jose!” growled Myte.

The boys turned to run, but ran smack into an invisible barrier than shocked them and flung them back hard. A shadow then loomed over them, belonging to a Jemma-Nite, a Fencer, which had used its sword-pillars to conjure another barrier keeping the boys trapped in.

“Que!” snapped Dyno “I thought that was Slash’s monster?”

Omnisha snickered “You honestly think we only make one Jemma-Nite of each? We didn’t get where we are today, raiding the universe of its riches, by being close-minded you know!”

The twins glared angrily at Omnisha, “If you want to do this the hard way, and then fine!” said Myte, however, he realized that he couldn’t put the casing down, or it would most likely be taken, but unless he and his brother held hands, their full fighting powers wouldn’t work properly.

His only choice was to use his telekinesis to levitate the box in midair behind him.

With this done, the brothers nodded at one another, and transformed!


“Okay, chica…!” hissed Dyno “You want trouble, you got it!”

Omnisha snickered, “This ought to be amusing.”

Her monster drew out its swords ready to brawl!

Meanwhile, in another field, miles away from the action, Lightning and the rest of the team, already transformed stood in the empty fields with Mako in their care.

“Where ever are Dyno and Myte?” asked Rarity “It’s nearly time… Surely they got the shield to New Canterlot by now.”

“Easy, honey…” Spike said to his wife “We may as well focus.”

Lightning nodded in agreement, “Even without the twins, we’re still a formidable team.”

Suddenly, the skies grew dark…

It could be seen from New Sweet Apple Acres which wasn’t that far away.

“What’s goin’ on over there?” wondered Bright Mac.

“I don’t know, but I don’t like it one bit.” said Pear Butter. “You don’t think Applejack’s there, do you?”

Bright Mac knew it was possible, but he remembered what Starfleet told; civilians were not to interfere in Starfleet business, or go anywhere near the danger zone. Plus, the two of them knew better seeing as what happened the last time they ran into danger!

Still, both of them couldn’t shake off this bad feeling something horrible was afoot.

Through the darkness, the beam of light shone down from the sky as Sienna, Slash, a swarm of Raiders appeared.

“Mako!” cried Sienna cried.

Mako’s smile widened as he gazed back at his sister.

Sienna then glared sharply at Lightning, “Send my brother here now!”

Mako took a few steps forth, but Fluttershy and Rhymey stopped him.

“No!” Lightning thundered back at Sienna “You hand over the map piece you have first!”

Sienna was already losing patience, but Slash spoke severely to the team, “Do not toy with us, Starfleet! Surrender the boy, or we’ll take him by force!”

“Slash!” snapped Sienna “Let me handle this!” then she softly whispered, “You just make sure you haveour little plot ready.”

Slash agreed.

Sienna then held up the map piece she had with her. The fighters could tell with their visior-scanning it was no fake; it gave off the magical readings.

“You want it? Take it!” and she tossed the fragment out into the midpoint between the two forces.

“Careful.” Lightning said to the others, “I smell a trick…”

“Funny, I just smell flowers.” said Pinkie.

Some of the others sighed irritably, but Rhymey and Fluttershy moved on forth with Mako. Their scanners showed no signs of any energy sources or Jemma-Nites nearby, which didn’t ease their doubts either.

“I’m in clear,
Are you, my dear?” Rhymey asked.

Fluttershy nodded, “It’s too quiet though. I’m starting to get scared.” Still, she knew as long as Mako was near them Sienna wouldn’t make any sudden moves.

Finally, they reached the map piece, and Rhymey scooped it up in his hands.

As per the agreement, Fluttershy let Mako go, and he ran up to his sister.

Sienna bent down and threw her arms around him, nearly ready to cry her heart out. “I thought I’d never see you again!” she sobbed.

“I missed you so much!” Mako cried.

Many of the Starfleet fighters thought it was touching to see the siblings reunited.

Suddenly, the map piece flung clear out of Rhymey’s hands; pulled by a powerful force!

The fighters all looked as saw a Super Jemma-Nite, with a magnet shaped head, and a powerful magnetic staff that it used to pull the metallic map-piece into its possession.

“We’ve been double- crossed!” thundered Starla.

Slash snickered, “You’ll be more than that when I and Magneto are through with you.”

“Way to honor the deal!” balked Rainbow.

Sienna got to her feet snickering, and then she leapt over and took the map-piece from Magneto. “I surrendered it to you; that was the agreement. You never said I couldn’t just take it back.”

Lightning was outraged, “Let’s go!” he called to his team.

“Raiders, attack!” shouted Sienna.

At her command, the Raiders readied their cannons, but Artie and Rhymey stood ready as the shots were fired, they unleashed their own attacks…



…Intercepting the blasts.

“SONIC RAINBOOM”Rainbow then soared straight at the swarm,KAPOW!!Blowing them into ashes…!

The smoke was seen, and the rumbling was felt, softly, at the farm as well.

“Whoa, Nellie!” cried Bright Mac “I’d hate to be whomever was on the recievin’ end of that.”

“Eeyup.” agreed Big Mac “Whatever’s goin’ on over there, Applejack and the others should have it under control.”

“Should?” asked Pear Butter, and she felt her motherly instincts starting to takeover for the first time in ten years.

Her son and husband noticed this,

“Don’t worry, Ma…” said Big Mac “Applejack’s been doin’ this for years. She’s takin’ plenty of beatin’s before and always gone back for more.”

His mother shuddered with worry.

Big Mac realized he wasn’t saying the right things, but his father comforted his mother, “Easy, Buttercup. Gotta have faith, remember.”

Pear Butter was finding it harder to control her inner-instincts. Even Bright Mac was finding it hard to control his own inner anxiety especially!

Big Mac felt he had to do something to calm his folks down and get their minds off of the action, and he knew just the pony that could help…!

With the raiders destroyed, the team focussed their attention on the villains. “Give us back that map piece, Sienna!” Lightning demanded “It’s of hardly use to you anyway.”

Sienna snickered, “Sorry, but I need to take my brother home, but I’m sure Slash and Magento will entertain you.”

She activated her teleported and beamed back up into the sky, and a light shone on Mako as well.

“Mako!” cried Rarity, but Mako smiled at her, almost thankfully, and even saluted to the team saying he would try his best to talk to his sister.

Then he was gone.

“Now, where were we…?” hissed Slash “Ah, yes; your destruction!”

Magento held its magnetic staff out.

“Ha!” scoffed Starla “Our armor, suits, weapons, and even my droid are anti-magnetically shielded. You won’t beat us as easy with that trickery!”

Slash didn’t seem too upset, which irked the fighters.

Fluttershy felt her fears turn to rage, “Oh, he’s asking for it!” she growled.

Everyone agreed and charged forth. Half way across, they all scattered about to try and come at the villains in different directions.

Buddy came in first,“LEAF SWARM”and unleashed his razor-leafs from high up in the air, but shockingly, Magneto raised its staff and fired at the leaves, actually magnetizing them to the end of the staff.

“What?!” snapped Buddy.

“Did you all see that?!” cried Applejack.

Slash laughed, “Surprised? My Super Jemma-Nite not only had the power to magnetize metal, but wood, paper, cloth, plastic; just about anything!!”

“Unbelievable!” cried Lightning “Magnetism capable on any materials?! It’s incredible!”

Slash snickered, “Really? Then why don’t we demonstrate how it operates when we REPEL!!”

Magneto then, blasted the swarm of leafs off its staff and blew them all around forcing the fighters to swerve and dodge.

“This is crazy!” snapped Buddy “If we try to attack him, they’ll use our power against us.”

“Then we’ll just have to face them physically!” said Lightning.

Everyone agreed and rushed forth, “Oh, no you don’t!” snarled Slash, and he fired blasts from his sword while Magneto magnetized earth up from the ground in large balls and pelted at the fighters like a meteor shower.

The fighters punched and kicked through the rocks as they tried to go forth, but they still got hit either by more rocks or by Slash’s fire power.

Lightning Rhymey, Artie and Spike made it through. Lightning sprint forth, and the others held their weapons.

Lightning went straight at Slash, joined by Rhymey.

Rhymey swung his sword, clashing with Slash’s blade trying to give Lightning and opening to attack any open spot, but Slash was still able to block and defend, and he slashed at the two ponies hard making sparks fly.

Artie with his staff, and Spike with his sword went after the monster. Magneto couldn’t magnetize their anti-magnetic weapons, but apart from its magnetic powers it was a skilled fighter with the staff; able to keep up with Artie’s every attack and block it, as well as Spike’s strikes too.

“What’s with this creep?” Artie thundered.

“Come you; hold still!” growled Spike.

Suddenly, as the two fighters went for him, the monster aimed its staff at the ground and repelled at the earth, rocketing itself up high and causing the fighters hit each other my mistake!

“You okay, Spike? I’m real sorry about that.”

“I’m fine…” groaned Spike “But talk about a dirty trick!”

Krysta, watching the entire fight suddenly got an idea of how to stop the monster. She called over to the others, “Attack it with all your best energy attacks!”

“What?!” snapped Rarity “Have you gone mad?”

“He’ll just absorb the power and reflect it back at us!” added Buddy.

“Exactly…” Krysta said with a smirk, and everyone caught on with her idea, so did Lightning at the others, but Lightning decided to improvise a bit of his own plan too, and continued to brawl with Slash.

“You just don’t know what to quit, do you?” Slash growled.

“Sure I do, and that’s NEVER!!” thundered Lightning.

While the two of them brawled, the other fighters all stood together.

“Let’s give it all we got,
In one big shot!” said Rhymey.

The others all agreed, and powered up their strongest attacks.

The Equestrians all stood together and held hands in a chain, channelling some of their powers of elements into Rarity’s horn which she fired, just as the space ponies and Spike unleashed their powers…






All that power conjured up in a huge stream of energy that flew straight at the monster. Magneto raised its staff, intercepting the blast.

“Ha! Fools!” snarled Slash “My monster will repel your attack back at you…!”

Lightning smirked “That’s what we’re counting on.”


Slash watched in horror as his monster repelled the blast.

“NOW, KRYSTA…!!” Lightning shouted, and Krysta quickly swooped in and waved her wand in a circle twice, conjuring a pair of reflector-portals-- One of which absorbed the repelled blast, and the other placed, strategically, behind the monster, and its own repelled blast struck it hard from behind, and was destroyed in a big blaze, much to Slash’s chagrin “No! Impossible!” he thundered.

“Actually, it’s quite possible.” said Krysta “Magneto’s magnet ability does seem impressive, but it only worked one way-- in all-out frontal attacks; meaning it couldn’t defend itself from behind.”

Slash growled angrily, but then turned round to see Lightning was glowing brightly.


“NOOOO!!!” Slash shouted, and he raised his sword up like a shield, blocking the blast with all the strength he could muster up.

KAPOW!! There was a big explosion, and Slash was knocked back hard. He wasn’t beaten, but his sword was totaled! “YOU…!!” Slash shouted at Lightning, “YOU… WILL… PAY FOR THIS!!!” but seeing as now he didn’t have a chance, he retreated back to the alien ship before he could be attacked again.

Lightning grunted, and the others felt just the same.

“Well, this plan went swimmingly.” said Rarity.

“Well, at least we beat the monster.” said Pinkie. The others wanted to feel the same, but they just couldn’t.

“I sure hope Makjo can convince Sienna to see the error of her ways.” said Fluttershy.

“You do?” asked Rhymey
“Me too…”


“Yo…! Muchachos!” called Dyno as he and Myte arrived on the scene with the shield, but without the glass casing, “Whoa! What happened here?” asked Myte.

“Never mind that,” said Starla “Where have the two of you been?”

The twins explained how they were ambushed by Omnisha and a Fencer Jemma-Nite…

“The battle was really intense…” said Dyno “That witch had us flying up and down and all about as we tried to keep the shield from her.”

The twins remembered all the battling they did, while keeping the shielded levitated with their telekinetic magic. This made it hard to concentrate, and they got slashed and pummeled many times by Omnisha’s blasts, or the monster’s swords. It also didn’t help that they were trapped in by the barrier.

“Finally, we were starting to run low…” said Myte, “But we got lucky…!”

They recalled to the time when they were both running low on power, and they could barely keep the shield afloat anymore.

They were backed up against the barrier with Omnisha and her monster looming over them both,“It’s been fun…”Omnisha hissed“But I can see your futures now… you have none!”

Omnisha and Fencer prepared to finish the twins off with powerful blasts, but the twins decided to try a desperate move, and placed the shield in its casing in front of them!

The casing was shattered in the blasts, but… much to Omnisha’s surprise, the polished surface of the shield reflected the blasts at the two villains, knocking them both back hard and severely injuring them both.

With the Jemma-Nite down, its barrier ceased as well.

Omnisha was furious,“You think you’ve one just because of some fluke?!”she thundered. She tried to attack the twins again, only for both she and her monster to be beamed back up to the ship against their control, and they were gone!

“We never felt so lucky in our lives.” said Dyno.

“Si!” agreed Myte and he held up the shield “Were it not for this, we may not even be here.”

The friends felt relieved, and grateful that at least they got one of the legendary items.

“Come on, y’all…” said Applejack “I think you could all use some good home-cookin’ at my place.”

Everyone was all up for that, but just the same, they all still hoped Mako was doing well with Sienna.

On the ship, Sienna brought both Slash and Omnisha forth, “Look at you two!” she growled at the two failures “You’re both lucky I got my brother back, or I’d fire you both into the sun for your blunders and insubordination! From now on, anyone who leaves this ship without my orders will answer to me! Is that clear?”

“Yes, Captain…” said Slash “I will obey.”

“As will I…” whimpered Omnisha.

Sienna then sent them off to think of their actions, and she wanted to have some alone time with Mako.

“Don’t you think you were a bit hard on them?” Mako asked.

“No!” snapped his sister making him wince, “Oh, I’m sorry, Mako. I’m just so relieved I have you back, but I can’t believe Omnisha would defy me just to prove a point.”

Mako could tell his sister was very agitated, and walked up and hugged her. Thankfully, she responded as he hoped she would by hugging him back.

“Did the ponies hurt you?” she asked.

“No, they didn’t. They… um…” he hesitated unsure to tell Sienna that the ponies found him and helped him recover. “Well… do we really have to destroy them?”

Sienna was shocked a bit by what he asked. “What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s not like they’ve done anything to us. We did attack their world.”

“Mako…!” Sienna said with a surprised sneered “They’ve brainwashed you!”

“No! No, they haven’t… they…”

“They tried to turn you against me, or try to make me surrender!”

“Sienna that’s--”

“Well… we’ll show them, won’t we!” and she walked off to prepare for her next assault “When I’m through with them, they’ll be sorry they ever laid a finger on you!”

Then she was gone, and Mako was left alone on the bridge unsure of what to do. He looked out the viewport, at the planet below. “I’m not going to give up.”

When the team got back to the farm, were they ever surprised…!

Applejack’s folks along with Big Mac, DD and Applebloom were all meditating together with Tree Hugger, under an apple tree and surrounded by aroma candles.

“Just let it loose…” hummed Tree Hugger “Oooooooom… Eeh-Eeh-Eeh-oohhh…! Feel yourself lighter than air.”

The sessions ended almost immediately, and the gang was most curious.

Tree Hugger looked up at the team, “Hiya peeps…” and then looked at Buddy “Hey lover.”

“Hi…” said Buddy “Um… this may seem a silly thing, but what’s all this about?”

Applebloom answered, “When me and DD came home from school, Mama and Daddy were worryin’ their heads off about Applejack. Really, they looked like too soda cans ready to burst. So, Big Mac got Tree Hugger to calm them down with some of her own stuff.”

“Eeyup.” replied Big Mac

Tree Hugger nodded “A little sonic bliss and soothe poses never fails. Like the birds when the sing groovy tunes.”

The others all raised eyebrows at Tree Hugger, unable to make any sense out of her words, but Applejack felt touched as she approached her folks. “You were that worried about me?”

Pear Butter quivered softly but confessed, “Yeah, we were.”

Bright Mac came forth, “A lot’s changed since we’ve been away, you and your siblings especially.”

Applebloom and Big Mac blushed.

“Your ma and I gotta’ face facts, you’re not a little filly no more, Applejack, and you’re so much more, but we can’t help but worry about you. I already lost my brother, and I can’t bear to lose anyone else I love.”

Some of the other ladies had tears in their eyes; Applejack wiped her own eyes and said, “Ma, Pa… I understand how you feel. I know how it feels to lose those I care for.

Still, I am a Starfleet fighter and I need to do my job to keep the planet safe, but believe when I say, even I get worried sometimes, not just for me but for my friends too.

But all I really need is some love and support from my folks, and I feel there’s nothin’ I can’t do for anybody.”

Her folks smiled proudly and hugged her tight, and they were joined by Applebloom and Big Mac.

“Oh, it’s so beautiful!” Pinkie blubbered, and she let out a stream of tears all over Rainbow’s head, but she didn’t mind it that much.

“Come on, y’all… supper’s waitn’” said Applejack.

With that, everyone headed to the Apple’s house for a good-hearty meal.


In our next episode: Lightning and friends are off to sea when it is discovered the final legendary item was lost below the waves. Where they also help an Equestrian Marine Researcher discover an ancient city beneath the waves… a city that is under attack by an underwater creature that is terrorizing the world below.

What will this race think of Starfleet, and will the legendary item be retrieved?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next episode: “Voyage to The Bottom of The Sea (The Little Mer-Pony)”)

Author's Note:

You didn't think this would be one of those eps about the parents interfering in their kids career...

Badness knows there's enough of that cliched trash as it is