• Published 27th Jan 2018
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My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season VII - DakariKingMykan

The Ponies face an evil treasure hunter and evil Bat creatures

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Episode 21: Mutiny for the Bounty: Part 1


A week had passed since the final piece of the map had been successfully obtained, and the entire inscription was now completed. Altogether the ancient text read…

“Know ye who read this, who dare to take upon themselves to uncover that which has been sealed away, with the map and items of four will the challenges be complete from last to the first. But only by creatures of four differences, with four blades of difference shall reveal the entrance to the Temple of Mystery.”

This helped explain the legendary items, as they were all types of keys to help progress through the Temple of Mystery…

Of course, none of this in any way revealed anything to the actual location of the temple itself. The map was still practically incomplete. While the team had secured three pieces of it, Sienna still held the fourth bit.

Even with the photo images of the map still didn’t help much as the complete picture was that of Equestria of Old.

When United Equestria was formed after The Great War, all the landmasses hand been expanded to a bigger size than what they once were, and all the towns and villages were rearranged in some ways. What oncewas here…wasnow over there.

Never discouraged, Starfleet sent their scouts on a worldwide search for anything that could possibly locate the Temple.

Meanwhile, Lightning and his team spent all that time training on their moon with their new super armor; they’re very HEAVY… super armor.

After days of hiking all the way around the entire moon, they only slightly were starting to get a good feel to it. They could stand up strong and stiff, at least on the moon with the low gravity, and were able to beat their records by a few seconds.

Still, they were nowhere near ready to use their new suits in battle, especially when it came to then it came to practicing with their new weapons, which were very hard to hold up due to their heavy weight.

Starla could barely hold her new bow up, and so she resorted to using her telekinesis to lift some of the weight for her. It helped a little…

“Okay, here goes.” she said“STARLIGHT ARROW”

POW!! The arrow was fired and flew… about a few feet out before flopping to the ground like a lead weight, much to Starla’s embarrassment.

Buddy gripped his new whip with both hands, but couldn’t wave it hard enough to make a small mark in the moon sands. “Whoo…!” he groaned “Talk about your heavy.”

Rhymey tried to swing his new sword, but could barely keep his grip on it as it kept sinking out of his hands.

“Oh, every swing’s a miss
I can fight with this!”

Artie held up his new staff over his head with both hands, like lifting up a huge barbell. “Wow!!” he groaned “This is… strange… and… somewhat… painful!!” That’s when he felt his arms going and he fell over backwards.

“Are you all right?” Rainbow asked as she helped him up.

“Just, peachy…” groaned Artie.

“This is insane.” grumbled Rainbow “I can’t even get a foot off the ground. My Sonic Rainboom’s are way useless now.”

Rarity lay draped over a rock in the style of her fainting couch, “I don’t believe I shall ever be the same again. This armor is so heavy and the training is so severe.”

Applejack gave her a grim glare, “Um… Rarity… You’re wearin’ yournormal armor,not your super suit.”

“I’m still tired anyway!” growled Rarity.

Lightning didn’t like everyone’s attitudes, “We have to keep on going.” he said to everyone “If we’re going to storm Sienna’s ship, we’ll need to get our A-Games on.”

Everyone knew that ever since Slash was taken to prison, his mind was probed allowing Starfleet to gain all the information he possessed about Sienna and her monstrous spaceship. They would soon know all about it just as the aliens did, and make it that much easier to bring it down for good!

“That’s fine and dandy…” said Spike “But look at us, we can barely still stand in these new weighted suits, and at this rate it’ll take at least a year’s worth of training before we can even start to train with them under normal gravity.”

Lightning couldn’t argue with that, and there was no way he knew to hurry it along. “When I was training with Grand Ruler as a colt, I remember all the rigorous exercises he put me through…

All those heavy weights I had to lift, some of which were tied right onto my back, my wrists and my ankles; it felt like trying to tow a mountain!”

“I don’t get it, Master. What’s this all for?”

“It is to help you train under extreme circumstances Lightning, as well as to develop endurance.

You see, there will comes times when you may not be able to rely on your speed alone, so you’ll have to try to make up for the loss with what other skills you might possess.

If there is a skill or power you seem to lack
Make up with another skill, and you’ll make a comeback.

…Remember that.”

Everyone thought that was very deep, and completely understandable.

“I think I can keep going now.” said Pinkie.

“Count us in too.” said Dyno.

“Si!” agreed Myte.

“LET’S DO IT!!” Fluttershy shouted… rather uncharacteristically. Everyone was gawking oddly at her, and Fluttershy blushed sheepishly.

Meanwhile, Sienna had been in a horrible mood all this time. “It’s bad enough they captured Slash! He was my best fighter!” she grumbled “And worst of it yet… they still haven’t found the Elements of Chaos!

I won’t wait much longer!!”

Omnisha waved her hand over his crystal ball, “With all due respect, Captain. Perhaps they, too, are unable to find the elements without the missing part of the map that we have.”

Sienna looked over at the map piece sitting on her chair. “You may be right, Omnisha. In all my ages of hunting treasures I know… some magical maps cannot reveal the location of the treasure, unless it is totally completed.”

She picked up the map piece and examined it closely. Then she passed it to a Raider, send this down to the planet, make sure that it lands at the proper coordinates.”

The Raider saluted and headed off.

“Now all of you listen up!” Sienna announced to the crew. Every Raider on the bridge stood from their post. “I have a plan, and it involves playing dumb.

We’re going to let those pesky ponies lead us straight to The Elements of Chaos, and once they shown us the way, we extend to them a little invitation… here, and once they are here… that’ll be the end of the line for them.”

The Raiders all grumbled and growled softly-- exclaiming their awe and interest.

“Okay, let’s move!”

All the Raiders complied and walked off to begin preparations, while Sienna snickered wickedly. “Those Elements are as good as mine, and Starfleet is as good as destroyed.”

Mako was riled with worry… for the ponies. He just couldn’t seem to get through to his sister with her obsession for the Elements being so great.

Even Omnisha was feeling a bit uneasy for Sienna going a bit too far. Her Crystal kept glowing red, which only meant one thing… Danger!

Meanwhile, the team had finished their training and returned to New Canterlot Palace.

Celestia and Grand Ruler were due to meet with all of them while their children were napping in their room, but Celestia was a little delayed having spending a little quiet time in the Royal Master Bedroom.

Grand Ruler came in, “Celestia… are you all right?”

His wife tried to put on a fearless look, but he saw right through it. “You’re still thinking about Galaxia, aren’t you?”

Celestia sighed very sadly, “Oh, darling… I can’t hold it in. I really miss my mother, even though I hardly knew her. Yet, we’re trying to solve a great mystery that she left behand all those centuries ago.

Sometimes I just wish my mother was here, to help guide us, and…” she paused and a small tear rolled down her eye “… I wonder, is she proud of us for what we’re doing?”

She imagines an image of her mother, standing proud and tall with her mane and tail fluttering in the winds, and yet looking down at her with a motherly smile.

More tears were fall from Celestia’s eyes, and it hurt Grand Ruler to see her so upset. He handed her a box of tissues, and she dried her eyes.

“If you want, you can sit this meeting out.”

“No… no… I can do this. I have to. A good queen never lets her emotions affect her duties.

I’m ready.”

She got up and headed for the door, while her husband smiled proudly and loving at her from behind. “Darling… come along. We can’t leave the team waiting.” she called to him.

Grand Ruler’s smile widened, and off they went together.

Cadance and Shining Armor were visiting with Flurry Heart, just as well.

Once again, Shining Light and Flurry heart were playing so adorable with each other in the playpen.

“I think they really like each other.” said Cadance.

“Hmmm… you don’t suppose…” Starla teased.

“Could be…”

Even their respective husbands thought the idea was cute.

“Anyway…” Lightning asked to their majesties “How goes the search? Have you found anything?”

“I’m afraid not, Lightning.” said Grand Ruler “Our scouts have been up and about and all over. Every sector was checked, scanned, and gone over again…”

Everyone sighed, “Well that’s just great…” said Shining Armor “So what do we do now?”

Before anyone could answer, the warning alarms sounded. The noise frightened the babies and made them cry.

“Stop those alarms!” shouted Celestia.

Captain Shaina came into the room, “Your majesties! Sensors detect a rouge object headed our way; it’s a missile!”

“Missile?!” cried Rarity.

“Prepare to intercept.” said Lightning, but to his surprise, “No need…” said Shaina “Infrared scanning shows it’s unarmed. It hasno warheador explosives of any kind.”

That was most unusual, and everyone looked out the windows and could see the missile heading straight for the palace grounds.

“Here it comes!” cried Buddy.

CRASH!! That was all that happened, the missile just plopped into the ground, and it did no real damage at all.

“Send the de-contamination squad.” Grand Ruler ordered.

A squad of ponies wearing special suits marched out to examine the missile and decontaminate it of any radiation or other elements.

“Where did this missile come from do you think?” asked Artie

“We’ll soon find out.” said Rainbow.

As the pony-team worked on the missile, one of the members found a small hatch on the missile and peeked inside; he couldn’t believe his eyes…! It was the final piece of the mystic map; the one that Sienna had taken.

Soon, it was given to their majesties and everyone couldn’t believe it. “It really is the map piece.” said Lightning “But why would Sienna just give it to us?”

No one had the foggiest of ideas.

“Your majesties…” cried Goldwin as he burst into the room, “You’ll never believe this, but I was in the observatory looking out into space; there’s no sign of Sienna’s ship anywhere!”

“What? Are you sure of this, Goldwin?” asked Celestia.

“I’m positive. I even confirmed it with the main control ops. They can’t find it anywhere.”

Rhymey had a bad feeling shaking inside him,

“She gives us the piece, and leaves like that?
Something’s not right here. I smell a rat!”

“He’s right, I think I know what’s happenin’ here…” said Applejack “Sienna wants us to find the Elements of Chaos, and then swoop in and surprise us with an attack.”

“I think you’re right, Applejack.” agreed Grand Ruler “But still we do have all the map pieces. We must use this opportunity to our advantage.”

Everyone agreed to that, and like magic the other map pieces were all teleported to the group.

Suddenly, all four pieces began to glow softly.

“What’s happening now?” asked Krysta.

“The pieces…!” said Rarity “They’re coming together again!”

The four pieces levitated softly in midair and all came together in the center, magically joining in soft flashes at the ends, until they all formed a single golden tablet.

Everyone gazed in awe at the fully-completed map.

Suddenly, the map gave a huge glow of light making everyone jump, and in a small lightened image…!

“Queen Galaxia!” cried Starla.

“Mother…!” Celestia squeaked softly. She felt her insides go numb seeing the image of her mother again.

The image was a special message and a hidden fact that could only be revealed when the map was completely assembled.

“If you have reassembled this map and would seek the Elements of Chaos, listen well.”

Pinkie stretched her ear open a little, “Okay, I’m listening…”

“Hold this map up to the light of the full moon, only then will you be shown the way to the Temple of Mystery.

Be warned of the treasure you seek inside. One touch of the Elements of Chaos and even the purest of creature will turn to evil.”

There was no more. The image faded away. The map stopped glowing, and fell down on the floor by Celestia’s dress. She picked up the map, almost near tears, “Mother…”

Grand Ruler placed his hand over his wife’s shoulder, and she, feeling overwhelmed with emotion rested her head on his shoulder. She didn’t cry, but she was visibly shaken.

Everyone hated to see her so upset, but still, now they could really find the Temple of Mystery. All they needed was the full moon… and it was barely midday.

Princess Luna was sound asleep in her room, and snoring softly. All night duties were hard for her, even when she had to get up.

Celestia softly tapped her sister, “Princess Luna…”

No response.

“Sister… wake up, please.”

No response.

Rainbow then stepped forth, and drew in a huge breath, “WAKE UP ALREADY!!”

Luna screamed and leapt up in fright, making everyone else scream as well. Luna was most annoyed, “What is the meaning of this?!”

“Sorry to wake you, sister, but we need your help.” said Celestia.

Soon, Celestia and Grand Ruler made the royal announcement to the entire planet explaining what was about to happen; the night was about to be brought in prematurely for a few short moments and that everyone was to ignore the sudden change and continue their daily routine normally.

Luna yawned, wanting to hurry and get this over with so she could go back to bed.

Celestia and Grand Ruler held hands, and flew up high into the sky, and used their magic to make the sun set so it got dark.

That’s when Luna used her magic to raise the full moon.

The entire team was standing out on a terrace. “Here goes…” Lightning said, and he raised up the map to the moonlight.

“Look at the map!” cried Dyno.

“…It’s glowing.” added Myte.

The map glowed brightly in Lightning’s hands, and the most amazing thing happened; there on the map appeared two magical glowing dots.

A yellow dot at the bottom, showing the team’s current position and a big red X appeared on the map where the moon was, much to everyone’s surprise.

“The Temple of Mystery is… on the moon?” Shining Armor asked in near disbelief.

“No wonder we couldn’t find it before.” said Cadance.

“We better go and check it out.” said Lightning. The others all agreed, but Starla chose to stay behind. “It’s almost time for Shining Light to be fed. I should feed him. I’ll send my droid to join you in a bit, once I have him down for his nap.”

“Alright, but don’t take too long.” Lightning said, and he pecked his wife goodbye and good luck.

“Krysta, take us up.”

“Right, here we go.” and everyone was teleported in a flash way off to the moon.

“Well, I guess we can put the sun back in the sky now.” said Grand Ruler.

“I don’t think that will be too easy.” said Celestia, and she motioned over at Princess Luna, sound asleep on the floor.

*Mykan’s POV*

I was already on the moon collecting a few rocks and bags of sand. I wanted to run some experiments to see if the ponies’ moon was like the moon that orbited Earth; made of the same stuff.

I wasn’t alone either; the Cutie Mark Crusaders were with me. I felt it would be a nice private learning session for them, as well to keep me company and help me out, and I had written permission from their royal majesties, and from the girls’ families to bring them along.

The girls seemed to be having more fun with the low gravity though. They were playing tag and having long and high jump contests.

“Bet I can jump higher than you, Applebloom.” said Sweetie Belle.

“You’re on, girl.”

The two leapt up super high, while Scootaloo and DD bounced along the surface.

“Take it easy, girls.” I called to them “Don’t leapt too high now or you’ll lose control.”

“Sorry, we’ll try.” called Scootaloo.

I stopped and took a look around me, still fascinated that I was actually walking on the moon, with air that I could breathe with no need of a spacesuit or anything. The stars all around me were shining brighter than ever they did at night on the planet.

DD suddenly came over to me, “How’s it going, Mr. Stevens?”

“I think I’ve just about got all I need.” I said “Just the same, I’m glad your girls are here with me.”

“Are you kidding?” said DD “This is the most exciting thing we’ve ever done! We’re actually on the moon!”

“YEAH!”the other girls all hollered, and they gave a huge leap for joy… and leapt a little too high! “Whoa!” cried Sweetie Belle as she felt herself losing her balance and found herself being pushed over by the soft winds blowing her a few ways across the terrain.

“I warned her.” I sighed.

The other girls and I hopped along to go after Sweetie Belle.

“Sweetie Belle…?” I called “Sweetie Belle, are you okay?”

“Sweetie Belle…?” Applebloom called “Where are ya?”

“Over here…!” Sweetie Belle called “Come here quick. There is something you will not believe!”

We followed the sound of her voice and found her standing over a large and deep crater. “Look down there.”

We all looked into the crater, and we couldn’t believe our eyes. The floor of the crater had an unusual carving in the ground of a large alicorn pony.

“What in the world is that?” I wondered.

“I’ve never anythin’ like It.” said Applebloom “Really, I haven’t.”

Suddenly, Scootaloo looked behind her and saw large and spooky shadows, like monsters, along the big boulders and rocks moving straight for them.

“Um…!” she whimpered while patting my back, and that’s when I saw the shadows too. “Stay behind me, girls.” I said. The girls all huddled whimpering behind me, and I prepared to draw out my sword as the shadows got closer and closer!

Then, the shadows changed into familiar shapes, as Lightning and his team came along. “Hey…” Lightning called.

The girls and I breathed a sigh of relief, and the girls hopped over to hug their respective relatives. “How do you like the moon, DD?” Buddy asked.

“I don’t know what it’s more; scary or exciting.”

“Hey! Check out what we found.” Cried Scootaloo, and she lead everyone over to the crater.

“Oh, my…” said Fluttershy as she looked down at the carving. “It’s a carving of Queen Galaxia.”

Lightning checked the map, and the yellow dots showing their position was directly over the red X. “This is it.” he said “The entrance to the Temple of Mystery.”

“We’ve really found it!” cried Spike “But… how do we get in. I don’t see any door.”

Everyone then remembered what the text on the map said.

“Only by creatures offour differences,withfour blades of differenceshall reveal the entrance.”

“Well, what if we try going Valkyrie?” suggested Rarity, the other Equestrian ponies agreed to try, but Lightning shook his head, “That won’t help. It says we need four different creatures, and four different swords.”

“What about me?” asked Spike “I’m a dragon, and I have my Dragon Knight sword. That would help.”

“Yeah…” I agreed “And don’t forget me and my sword.”

“That’s still only three.” said Lightning “We need one more creature with one more sword. It can’t be a pony. It can’t be a dragon, or another human.”

Everyone pondered about it, but then Applebloom gave a small yelp, “I think we need to start thinkin’ of somethin’ else about now.”

“What are you babblin’ about, Applebloom?” asked Applejack, but then she could see…! A whole swarm of Jemma-Nites and Raiders, marching through the fields and looking edgy for a fight!

“I’ve never seen so many!” cried Rainbow.

“We were right…” said Artie “Sienna WAS waiting for us!”

Everyone looked up and around but there was still no sign of Sienna or her ship anywhere; nothing but the large army of monsters and raiders.

“Krysta! Take Mykan and the girls back to the planet.”

Krysta nodded, but I stood firm, “No way! I’m going to stay and help you. You’re going to need all the help you can get.”

“He’s right!” said Dyno, “Si! We could use his help.”

The others all agreed too. “Just don’t come crying to us if you get hurt.” Rarity teased. I sneered at her “Well thanks for the mode of confidence.”

“Let’s go!” said Lightning.



“Dragon Power”

“Ha!” was all I could do as I got out my sword and shield. I still didn’t have any super armor to transform into.

“Come on, girls…” Krysta said as she huddled the crusaders together and teleported them back to the planet where it was safe.

“Alright… let’s rumble!” said Lightning.

Everyone rushed forth towards the monsters, punching and kicking them down to size.

“Hiya!” I shouted as I slashed a Raider with my sword.

A monster then tried to hit at me, but I blocked it when my shield, “Did you miss me?” I teased. The monster struck for me again, but I ducked down making him strike a comrade instead, and they both went down, “I guess you did.”

The ponies continued to battle hard, and the number of Raiders was diminishing fast, and the monsters weren’t fairing any better, yet they continued to fight ruthlessly. Some even began to fight dirty!

Fluttershy flipped on monster over, but got surprised from behind by another that attacked her; kicking her several times and sent her crashing towards a rock wall, but Rhymey caught and set her down gently.

“Oh, thank you…!” she cooed

Her husband rhymed, “Anything for you.”

They two stood together as the monsters approached them. Fluttershy and Rhymey nodded at one another, and gave the monster a huge punch, sending them soaring off in the low gravity.

“Hey!!” A voice called out to us as Starla’s droid flew into the scene.

“Perfect! We’ve got to the whole team now.” said Lightning. “Now let’s really give it to them!”

Back in New Canterlot, the Crusaders were transferred to the royal palace for extra protection. They were permitted to use the super telescopes in the observatory to observe the action.

Starla sat next to them using a new control console Professor Brain had recently whipped up for her. Unlike her small controller and helmet piece, she was sitting at an entire console machine, with a headband and wires around her forehead connected to the systems. This all helped her to control he droid from a much farther distance.

“Gotcha!” she cheered as she took out a Jemma-Nite “That goes for you too! Ha!”

“Gee, she looks like she’s having loads of fun.” said Scootaloo.

“This isn’t fun, remember? This is serious.” said Krysta.

The girls got back to watching the action. The Jemma-Nites were falling, one by one, until only about a small portion of the army was left.

“We’ve got them on the ropes.” said Lightning “All together, everyone!” and with that everyone combined their most powerful attacks into a huge blast of power, blasting the remains of the monsters hard, and destroying them in a huge blast that enveloped the field.

“They did it!” cried Sweeite Belle “All the monsters are gone.”

Starla sighed in relief “What a battle.”

Suddenly, Applebloom gasped, “Uh-Oh!”

“What’s wrong?” asked Starla, but she could suddenly see for herself as the screen for her droid showed everyone enveloped in bright light.

The entire team was shrouded in a beam of bright light, and before anyone could question why, we saw Sienna’s ship way overhead.

“Surprise, Starfleet!” Sienna chuckled “Going up…!” and she made the transporter beam haul everyone up, up, up… straight to the ship.

“We’ve got to do something!” cried Rarity.

“Try to blast through the barrier!” said Spike, but before anyone could even try to attack, we were all bombarded from above by strong lasers and knocked out cold.

Finally, as we all disappeared into the ship, Starla lost all contact with her droid. “No!!” she cried “Lightning!”

“I’ll go get their majesties!” said Krysta.

The crusaders were all equally as worried for their friends and realities as well. Who knew what sort of dastardly things Sienna had planned.

Lightning soon began to awaken, feeling rather weak and dizzy, after all that battling and getting conked out by the stun lasers. He also felt rather heavy, much heavier than usual.

“What’s going on?” he wondered.

The rest of us were all right with him, and we all started to awaken.

“Uhn… what happened?” I asked “Where are we?”

The others all regained their senses, and discovered that they were all in a dark room. Everyone found out they were so heavy because their super suits had been activated. All of them were lying flat on a large circular floor, unable to move because of the weight under normal gravity.

I was held in place on the wall by strong glowing manacles on my wrists and ankles.

Starla’s droid was offline and stood motionless within a clear tube casing on the other side of the room.

The ponies and Spike tried to get up, but their suits were too heavy. They couldn’t even roll their heads with their heavy visors weighing them down.

“Heavy, isn’t it?” hissed a sinister voice. Lights came on all over the room, and there stood Sienna, Mako, Omnisha and a few Raiders. “I know it was for me, when I first started training with it. That’s how I became as swift and as strong as I am today.”

Buddy growled, “The old fake-out sneak surprise, and we fell for it.”

Sienna snickered, “You’d be surprised how often other races fell for that old trick, and in the end it always ended up tragic… for them.

I suppose I should thank you all. Without your help, not to mention constant pestering me and my plans, I never would have found the way to The Elements of Chaos.

Finally, after all this time; the greatest power will be mine, and the first I’ll do is I’ll crush United Equestria to bits! Then I will destroy many more planets, any naught will be able to stop me!”

Mako didn’t like the lust in his sister’s voice!

“You won’t get away with this, Sienna!” growled Pinkie.

“Ha!” scoffed Sienna “Last I checked I wasn’t the one laying on the floor with so much weight one me.”

The ponies tried and tried, but it was still super hard to make even slightest movement, let alone get up and fight, and I couldn’t break free from the wall either, and I couldn’t reach for my weapons or my teleporter.

“It was my fondest hope to finish you off myself, but I’ve waited far too long to get those Elements.” She snapped her fingers at a Raider, signaling it to throw a switch.

At once, the large circular panel the ponies and Spike were on began to glow, and the air seemed to be waving around them.

“What’s happening now?” asked Artie, and suddenly he and the others felt themselves feeling a bit heavier.

“What… is this?!” groaned Applejack

Omnisha snickered, “This is a super-gravity-simulator. We use it to train ourselves under immense pressures to get stronger. Slowly the gravity is increasing, and you’ll feel every last bit of it pulling down on you like have an entire planet on your shoulders!”

“Guys…!” I cried as I watched them all struggling with all that weight pulling down on them, and the more that gravity increased, the more their already heavy suits would crush on them, until they’d all be flattened.

Sienna snickered, “Let’s go… leave them to their fate. I have a date with destiny, and destruction!”

She and her followers left, but Mako stopped a moment and looked back at the suffering ponies, feeling extreme guilt and hurt for them. He really didn’t think he could bear this.

“Mako!” called Sienna, and he had no choice but to run to his sister.

“So much for… your idea… of him… reforming!” groaned Rainbow.

“It was… worth… a shot!” protested Rarity.

“Will you stop arguing!” growled Lightning “We’ve got to… try and get out of here… or we’ll be… crushed like eggs!”

He tried to transform into his Enticorn form, but the pull was much too forceful for him to concentrate hard enough, and the Equestrians couldn’t turn go Valkyrie as they were still ticked out from the battle on the moon.

The gravity was slowly increasing, and pulling harder on everyone. They could barely even open their mouths to speak!

I struggled all I could to try to get down from the wall, but the manacles that held me were too strong. All I could do was watch hopelessly as all my friends were being crushed painfully under the pressure.

I never felt so helpless in my life!

*POV Ends*

On the bridge Sienna had assembled another army of Jemma-Nites and Raiders. “The day of destiny is upon us! We are about to rise to power… a power beyond imagination, a power that will grant us all we could want and more!

All you Jemma-Nites, get down to the planet, and keep them all busy and detained! Destroy them if you must, but keep them weakened so they’ll never be have a fighting chance!”

Mako officially lost it inside.

“The rest of you…” Sienna hollered to the Raiders “Return to the moon and start digging your way into the temple. I want those elements in my hands in the shortest possible time. If not then sooner!


The army hollered with pride and joy and ran off to prepare.

“I see future for us all.” said Omnisha “But it’s rather unclear.”

“What are you saying?” asked Sienna.

Omnisha waved her hands over her crystal ball, “The Elements of Chaos, they may be more powerful and more dangerous than what we expected. The future is unclear to me, but it could go any way it seems.”

Mako didn’t like the sound of that at all, but Sienna glared at Omnisha “I’ll tell you how the future will be: It’s ME using the Elements of Chaos to conquer the universe and destroy anyone who gets in my way!

Are you okay with that?”

Seeing how snarling and furious Sienna was, almost like an unpredictable, Omnisha gave in again, “Yes… I’m fine with it.”

“Good, now go and help with the plan!”

Omnisha left the bridge, but Mako, finally realizing his sister had gone too far stood up to her. “Maybe I’M not fine with it!”

Sienna halted dead in her tracks and glared back at her brother in shock!

“What! You’re going to destroy people needlessly now? You said we would only conquer them!”

Sienna was really getting irritated, “Did people like them not take away our parents? Did creatures like them not mess up our lives?! Wake up, Mako! They deserve what they’ve got coming to them and more!”

“You’ve gone mad, Sienna!!” snarled Mako “I can’t believe you!”

“What I can’t believe is you! I looked out for you! I took so many beatings for you, and I worked long and hard to get us here! And this is how you repay me?!”

Mako didn’t know what he felt like doing now.

“LOOK OUT THERE!!” Sienna shouted, “There’s a whole universe out there for us to conquer and rule, and some of it’s going to be yours, Mako, and the first thing we need to do is destroy anyone or anything that could pose a potential threat!”

She marched straight over to the controls and launched her Jemma-Nites down to the planet, much to Mako’s horror, and he couldn’t stand this much longer.

“Could I make it any clearer, Mako?” Sienna snarled, but as she looked over her shoulder, her brother was pointing a ray-gun right at her. “I can’t…” he cried “I can’t let you do this anymore!”

Sienna groaned irritably, “And you say I’ve gone mad?”

“Those ponies helped me!” cried Mako “They believed in me, and they were willing to let me go so I could try to help you, and now you’re planning to blow them up!

What have they ever done to us?! Maybe some creatures did mess up our lives and make it hard for us, but not they! They didn’t deserve any of it, and come to think of it… neither did any of the others.


Sienna was still unmoved, “Put down the gun, Mako. I’m all you’ve got, remember.”

Mako was trembling.

“Ever since our folks died I’m all you’ve ever had. Do you really want to shoot me, or are you willing to go with me and rule the universe? Take your choice.”

Mako felt the gun getting heavier as his nerves sank, and tear fell from his eyes as he lowered the gun. Sienna snickered, “There we go, that’s better.”

She walked up to him and took his gun, and patted his head “It won’t be too long now.” Then she went off, and Mako collapsed to his knees.

His own sister nearly turned against him, or rather HE turning against her. “What am I going to do?!” he pondered to himself “Either way I go, it’s not going to end well for one side!”

To Be Continued…!

In our next episode: As United Equestria defends from the swarm of monsters, Mako ultimately decides with better judgment what he must do and agrees to help the ponies take down his sister, which sparks much warranted hatred and madness from Sienna.

Has Mako made the right choice, and what will the outcome be for either the heroes or the villains?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Mutiny of the Bounty: Part 2”)