• Published 27th Jan 2018
  • 1,132 Views, 14 Comments

My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season VII - DakariKingMykan

The Ponies face an evil treasure hunter and evil Bat creatures

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Episode 6: Night of a Dawning


One evening before sundown, Dyno and Myte had just hauled out a few carts overflowing with newly unearthed jewels and ore from one of their mines…

…When Sienna’s forces attacked!

Slash, Omnisha, and their newest Jema-Nite; Raptor: a dinosaur like creature resembling part a T-Rex and with spines like a stegosaurus.

The creature growled, and Slash fingered the tip of his blade, snickering as Dyno and Myte stood to defend their finds.

“You’re standing between us and a great haul.” hissed Slash, “Now, get out of our way!”

“No way, Jose!” sneered Dyno, “We worked hard to unearth all this for the country!” added Myte.

Slash and Omnisha scoffed, both of them believing the real reason The Twins were protecting the load was because of an Element of Chaos hidden in their findings, but they wouldn’t know for sure until Omnisha got close enough to examine them.

Omnisha whispered to Slash, “You deal with these twats, I’ll examine the jewels.”

Slash agreed, “Okay, Raptor, let’s rumble!”

Raptor growled and flailed ferociously.

The Twins nodded at one another, and they transformed, “Starfleet Magic!!”

“Attack!” shouted Slash, and his monster stomped forth growling at the twins. The twins leapt up high and kicked the huge beast hard sending it back several paces.

“Nobody is messing with out load!” growled Dyno.

“How cute…” sneered Slash, and he leapt forth attacking the twins mercilessly.

The twins dodged and swerved, and then tried to attack him from different sides, but Slash managed to block and avoid their attacks.

With the twins distracted, Omnisha was free to move towards the carts of treasure.

“Dyno, the jewels!” cried Myte.

“Blast her!” shouted Dyno.

The boys fired magical blasts from their horns-- they didn’t have to be in contact with each other for their small attacks-- but Omnisha swerved, “I don’t need to be all-seeing to avoid such pitiful attacks.” she taunted, and then she blasted at them with shots form her crystal ball, sending them both skidding along the ground.

The twins got up to their feet to try and charge her, but Slash and Raptor blocked their way. “I’m not through with you two yet.” Slash hissed.

The Twins growled angrily, and then joined their hands together…


Slash only snickered as the fireballs came at him and his monster.

Raptor stepped forth and demonstrated its special ability by opening its huge mouth, and actually absorbing the flames, and then spitting them back out again with double the power, forcing the twins to dodge.

“That was close!” said Dyno.

Myte, agreed, “Maybe we should have scanned this creep first.”

Raptor huffed out a trail of smoke from its mouth, and stomped its huge feet ready for more.

The twins and the monster began to duke it out, and while the twins were distracted, Slash moved over to the carts where Omnisha was still looking over the treasures. “Well…?” he asked rather impatiently.

Omnisha looked up in outrage, “Nothing!” she grumbled.

“A’RGH!!” growled Slash “All these jewels, beautiful and glittering, but once again… not a single Element of Chaos in sight! What a waste of time!”

“At least we have all this treasure to take back with us!” said Omnisha, “Sienna should find that appealing.”

Slash agreed, and then grabbed Raptor’s crystal-capsule off his belt, “Raptor, Return!” he called. At once, a beam of light shot out from the capsule, hitting the monster, and magically returning it inside.

“Our load!” cried Dyno.

“Ourload you mean.” hissed Omnisha, and she tauntingly blew the twins a kiss, before she and Slash vanished along with the carts and the treasures.

“Ay…A’RGH!!” groaned Myte, and he angrily pounded the ground, “After all that work we spent to dig those up too.”

Dyno comforted his brother,“Tómalo con calma </B>*Take it easy*,Myte. We can always dig up more, and besides at least we’re safe and not more damage was done.”

Myte calmed himself,“Tienes razón*You’re right*.Just the same, we better report to Lightning.”

By the time the sun had gone completely down, and the stars were shining, Lightning was in bed and reading the report from the twins, and he sighed softly.

“How bad is it?” Starla asked.

“Well, with all those jewels and ores stolen, it means the clients who ordered them will be set back a few weeks; nothing really that bad, but I still feel bad for the boys… they didn’t deserve to have their hard work ruined.”

Starla felt just as upset as well and clenched her fists, but Lightning urged her to calm down and to think of the baby. “Come on, let’s get some sleep.”

His wife smiled and pecked him lovingly as they sniggered down in their bed together.

While on Sienna’s ship, even villains knew when it was time for bed, except for Slash and Omnisha whom were both told by Sienna to stand watch on the bridge while she put Mako to bed.

Slash was really annoyed and groaned and complained, “We did all the work, we bring in a huge haul of gems, and what thanks do we get…?”

“For once, I agree with you…” said Omnisha “That little brat’s got Sienna wrapped around his little finger.”

Meanwhile, Sienna tucked Mako into his bed. Though they were siblings, it almost looked like a mother putting her child to bed.


“Yes, Mako…?”

“Do you think I’ll ever make a great Treasure Hunter like you?”

His sister smiled, “I’m sure you will, especially with me to help you, just like I’ve always been there for you. But who knows… when I get The Elements of Chaos, we may not need to hunt for treasure anymore.”

Mako prospered at the thought of so much power, and ruling the universe by his sister’s side.

He then let out a huge yawn, and snuggled into his bed.

Sienna tucked him in warmly and pecked his head, and as she left her brother’s room and walked back down the hall, she thought to herself,“I promise you, Mako. I’ll always be there for you. You’re all I have.”

She remembered a time, long, long ago, when they were much younger and living in an orphanage on another planet, since their parents died.

Little Mako was sobbing miserably,“I’m so scared, Sienna! Mommy and Daddy are gone! I don’t want to live here!”

Sienna hugged her brother tightly, trying to be brave for him,“It’ll be okay, Mako. I’m still here with you, and I always will be. We’ll get through this together.”

Eventually, the two settled into their lives at the orphanage, and spent loads of time together.

One day, in the sandbox…

“Look, Sienna, I made a spaceship.”

“Hey, that’s pretty neat, Mako. It looks so real.”

“Someday…”said Mako“I wanna fly in a real spaceship, and fly through space to see new planets.”

“Hey… I like that.” said Sienna “I’m sure if we dream hard about it, it’ll come true.”

Sienna snapped back into reality, but still thinking to herself,“And it HAS come true, but there’s still much to be done.”

Elsewhere, many ponies were going home and to bed, even the Starfleet units were switching shifts so the night patrols were now on duty.

Even at New Canterlot Palace it was getting to be bedtime for some.

Celestia and Grand Ruler were helping their children get ready for bed. “Here you go,” said Grand Ruler, “All comfy and warm now.”

Castor and Leilani had both outgrown their cribs and now slept in proper beds, big beds with four-posters, and their beds stood close together with a small nightstand in between. This way they could be close together and not feel separated from one another.

…But, just like most children tended to be, they weren’t all that keen about bedtime.

Castor let out a huge yawn as he battled to stay awake, “But we’re not sleepy.” he whined softly. “Oh, yes you are…” Celestia cooed.

“No… not… sleep…” groaned Leilani. She nearly drifted off, “We’re thirsty.”

Grand Ruler chuckled, “Yes, Children…” and motioned over as Aunt Luna came over carrying a large tray with a pitcher of cold water and the children’s favorite cups to set on the nightstand.

The children had their drinks, and then snuggled down softly.

“Sleep tight.” Their father said as he bent over and pecked their little heads, and their mother did the same.

“Goodnight, Father,” said Leilani.

“Goodnight, Mother.” said Castor.

“Goodnight, my darlings.” Celestia whispered.

The adults left the room, turning out the lights so the little nightlights came on.

Luna smiled lovingly, “It is such a beautiful sight to see them sleep softly.”

Celestia agreed, but her sadness started to show, “I wonder… if this is how Mother when she had us.”

The two sisters remained silent, and Grand Ruler felt really sorry for them. Though he also knew what it felt like to lose your parents, at least he got to know his for a good time, while Celestia and Luna barely knew Queen Galaxia at all.

At least he could be there to comfort his own family.

“Come on…” he said to his wife, “Maybe we should get to be ourselves. We’ve had a hard day.”

Celestia agreed, and Luna prepared to take her night-watch. So they all bid other goodnight and went on their ways.

First thing on Luna’s agenda was checking up on the laboratory and see if Professor Brain was alright.

It had already been a week since the frozen pony was discovered and brought to the lab, and he was still resting in his tube of liquid.

“How comes it, Professor?” asked Luna.

“Not much change yet, your highness.” replied Brain “We did, however uncover these…” he motioned over to the work bench where the knight’s sack had laid resting, and before it laid two objects.

One of which was a simple pony knight’s helmet, it was ancient design, and didn’t seem to match that of the frozen knight’s armor as it was bronze in color.

The second object seemed to a fragment of a map, forged in a thin plate of gold, and with words written in Ancient Equestrian Scriptures.

The Starfleet database already translated the text, which Luna read out loud as she observed the fragment…

“Know ye who read this, who dare to take upon themselves to uncover that which has been sealed away, with the map and items of--”

The text had stopped due to the fragment’s end, “Items of what?” asked Luna.

“I’m afraid I have no clue myself…” said Brain.

Much as Luna wished to stay and learn more, she needed to take up her post and watch over the night. So she excused herself and left the professor to his work.

Much later that night, The Professor was still up and working; he was one of those overly excitable ponies that once he got started on something really exciting, he would hardly stop, not even to sleep.

He was looking at the knight in the tube, anxiously hoping for him to awaken so he could learn more about the two items, as well as the era in which he came from.

Suddenly, the knight began to stir in the tube.

“Oh…!” chirped Brain and he checked the health-monitors. The heart was picking up, and the pony was starting to breathe more deeply through the respirator on his face. “He’s starting to awaken!


His crew of night workers all rushed over to witness the knight’s stirring, “Well don’t just lollygag.” said Brain “Drain the tube, get him to sickbay! Alert their majesties!”

Early the next morning, all three of their majesties were in the sickbay, Lightning and Starla’s Droid were there too, as well as Krysta, having been informed of the news.

The knight was still asleep, but very much fully alive.

The doors to the room opened wide, “Hey!” Goldwin called…

“Shhh…! Take easy.” said Celestia.

“Sorry,” replied Goldwin “But Mykan’s here too.”

*Mykan’s POV*

I walked into the room, having arrived at the palace earlier. I bowed to their majesties, “I got your message. Thanks for inviting me.”

“Well, after all, you discovered him frozen in the mountain.” said Grand Ruler “I thought it fair you be here to witness this.”

Krysta could barely contain herself, “This is so exciting!” she chirped softly.

“Hey… I think he’s waking up.” said Lightning.

The court physician told everyone to stand back as he and his nurses stood by ready in case of any trouble, as the pony opened his eyes and groaned softly as he regained his senses.

His vision was still a little blurry, but the first thing he could see clearly was Celestia.

“Queen… Galaxia…?”

Celestia felt a little shiver inside hearing her mother’s name again.

“My mission…!” the pony said, and soon his vision cleared up and he looked all around him, “Where… where am I?”

“Just relax…” said the doctor, “You’ve been through a lot.”

The pony was shocked to see all the humanoid ponies, as well as Krysta, a fairy, and me myself, a human.

“What is all this?” he asked “The last thing I remember was I was on my mission, and… I don’t remember much after that.”

Starla whispered to the others, “He must’ve suffered extreme brain-trauma after being frozen for so long.”

“I’ve heard of this…” I said “It’s only temporary, it should clear up, but the best we can do now is just take it easy with him.”

Celestia approached the pony, and he took a good look at her, “You are… not Galaxia.”

“No, I am Celestia; daughter of Galaxia. This is my younger sister; Princess Luna, and my husband; Grand Ruler Celesto.”

The pony was somewhat astonished, but shocked as well. He knew Galaxia had two young daughters, but not only did they look much grown up, but had humanoid bodies, and as for Grand Ruler… seeing his three golden horns, he couldn’t help but stare.

“What is your name?” asked Grand Ruler, “Do you remember?”

The pony touched his head softly, “Yes… I remember…

I am Captain Shadow Coat, of Queen Galaxia’s forces…

But please, I must know, what is happening to me?”

Lightning stepped forth, “You were found encased in solid ice within the northern mountains. According to our analysis, you’ve been frozen for well over a millennium.”

Shadow looked more shocked than ever, which was to be expected. He lay back down in bed staring blinding at the ceiling high above, “A-thousand years…!” he softly muttered.

Everyone felt pity on him, especially me, I understood how I felt the first time I woke up in United Equestria, and my life was forever changed.

*POV Ends*

Little did anyone realize, was a Raider was spying on them all from very far away, with a special telescope allowing it to see right into the palace, and it could read lips too, and it caught on to everything said.

In almost no time at all, the Raider returned to the ship and informed Sienna though its strange language what it had learned.

“That will be all.” Sienna said.

The Raider bowed, and returned to its station.

“So, this pony has some connection to Queen Galaxia of the past.”

“Hey, this is great.” cried Mako “Maybe we can use him to find out where The Elements of Chaos are.”

“No, duh, Captain Obvious!” sneered Slash “You’d think we all didn’t realize that?”

Mako looked ready to burst into a tantrum, but Sienna a shot from her gun just barely missing Slash by a few inches and hit the wall. “Insult my brother in front of me again, and you won’t be around to do a third time!” she threatened.

Slash gulped softly.

Mako blew him a raspberry.

Omnisha couldn’t help but snicker at Slash.

Sienna then cleared her throat, “We’re going down to investigate, and by “Us”, I mean Omnisha and myself.”

“What?!” snapped Slash “But Captain, I--”

“Quiet, you!” sneered Sienna. She pointed her sword at him threateningly, and then took the capsule containing his Raptor monster, “You need to learn to have more respect for your crewmates and superiors.”

She then looked over at Mako, putting him in charge of the ship as well as Slash, “He’s all yours.”

Mako smiled, and Slash growled in shudder.

“Have fun…” Omnisha teased, and the ladies went off, and Mako snickered, much to Slash’ horror.

*Mykan’s POV*

Back at the palace, while Shadow was resting, the group all huddled together discussing what was to be done with Shadow.

“He may have information regarding his helmet and map piece.” said Luna, “So he will obviously be of great value to us. We cannot let him leave the palace.”

Celestia and Grand Ruler agreed, but while the others felt inclined to agree as well, it still felt almost like keeping Shadow as a prisoner.

“Well, it’s not like we can actually let him go out there either.” said Krysta.

“You’re right, Krysta.” said Lightning “He doesn’t realize how much the world has changed since he’s been frozen. Until we can acclimatize him somehow, in our society he’d be useless. He wouldn’t know where to go or what to do, or even how things work.”

“Well, then…” said Grand Ruler “I guess it’s up to all of us then; to acclimatize Shadow to our ways of life, and help form him into a model citizen.”

Suddenly, the alarms sounded, and the noise bothered Shadow a lot “What is that?!” he groaned as he covered his ears with his hooves.

“It’s our red alert!” said Starla “There’s danger a-foot!”

Shadow, feeling his royal guard instincts returning was willing to leap out of bed and assist in action, but the medical staff wouldn’t hear it, “Oh, no you don’t!” said the doctor, “You’ve just barely come out of a long recovery.”

Shadow felt rather insulted, but suddenly realizing he did feel rather weak still, he climbed back into bed.

“We better raise the shields.” said Celestia. Her husband agreed.

“Lightning and the rest of us nodded and headed outside, flying through the windows.

No sooner had we left the palace, did the barriers activate around the palace and all the homes in the village too, and we made our descent, Lightning transformed…

“Starfleet Magic!”

We touched down, and saw a while hoard of Raiders on the loose at the foot of the palace.

I drew out my sword and shield, “Let’s take these creeps!”

“Right, spread out!” shouted Lightning.

Lightning leapt over one Raider, and punched another hard in its chest, and trip-kicked another.

Three Raiders then aimed their guns at him ready to fire, but before they could, Krysta sped right past them, snatching each gun from their hands. “It’s not nice to point guns at people.” she taunted.

Starla’s Droid activated its bow, “Good thing this isn’t a gun.“STARLIGHT ARROW”

She fired her shot which went clean through the three Raiders, striking them all down!

As for me, I was duking it out with other Raiders who came at me with their swords, but I even though I wasn’t a super-trained Starfleet fighter, I handled them pretty well; using my shield to defend against their attacks, and my sword to parry their blades and strike them all down.

“Good thing I studied up a little fencing in my spare-time.” I gloated.

The others couldn’t help but chuckle at me, but suddenly they heard the sound of clapping. We all looked up and saw Sienna standing on atop a tall tree, “Bravo, a gallant performance.”

All of us growled at the very sight of her.

*POV Ends*

While up in the palace…

…While keeping the shields stable, their majesties all stayed with Shadow, and Grand Ruler used his magic to cast a glowing image of the battle for them all to see.

“Who is that creature?” asked Shadow.

Grand Ruler replied, “That is Sienna; a ruthless intergalactic treasure hunter.”

Celestia nodded, “She has come to our world seeking a treasure known as The Elements of Chaos, which were hidden by my mother centuries ago.”

Shadow blinked once, “Elements of Chaos?”

“Yes…” said Luna “We know not where they are hidden, but we do know that Sienna desires them, and we cannot allow this.”

“Elements of Chaos…” Shadow muttered to himself, and he was suddenly starting to feel some of his memories returning.

What he and the others didn’t realize was Omnisha was nearby; with all the guards distracted and standing at their posts, and the rest guarding the perimeters, she managed to creep along the walls below the sickbay window. By doing this, she would get close enough to Shadow for her crystal-ball to gather information from his mind as it slowly became clear.

With no one spotting her, she waved her hand over the ball and concentrated, “By the stars of time, and the cosmic forces of old and new, unlock the thoughts of my victim and grant me the information I seek.


Her body began to glow softly, along with her crystal ball.

Shadow felt nothing at all as his memories became clearer.

Sienna snickered as she glared at the group, “You all don’t seem so thrilled to see me.”

“That’s an understatement.” grumbled Krysta.

“I don’t know what you’re up to,” sneered Lightning “But you’ve made a big mistake in coming here.”

The rest of us agreed with him, but Sienna only snickered and she thought silently,“That’s what they think. Even if I don’t beat them here, I’ll have succeeded in getting what I really came for. That’s what being a clever hunter is all about.”

*Mykan’s POV*

She looked down at the group and grabbed the capsule she took from Slash, “Well then, let’s get down to business.

Jema-Nite Raptor; stand by for battle!”

She unleashed the same monster that Dyno and Myte had faced before, and it roared at us.

“Whoa!” I cried “That is one rough looking dino!”

Starla scanned it with her visor, “Not only is it fast and strong, its special ability lets it absorb energy attacks in its mouth and spits them back out again at double the power.”

“Huh! We’ve faced monsters like this before.” said Lightning “But there’s still Sienna, she could make things worse.”

"We've should split them up..." suggested Krysta, "That way they can't gang up on us."

“and I've got just the idea...” I said, and I rushed forth.

“Mykan…!” Starla shouted at me.

“Hey, you big ugly brute…! Over here… come and get me!”

Even Sienna was shocked by this, “What’s that fool doing?”

The monster roared and began to stomp straight for me, which forced me to fly through the air and make it chase me. “Come on, that’s a good monster…!”

*POV Ends*

“He’s leading the monster off!” cried Krysta.

“I’ll go follow him.” said Lightning “You two stay deal with Sienna, but if things get rough, then teleport out of here.”

The girls agreed, “Be careful out there.” said Starla.

Her husband nodded, and sprinted off.

“Oh, no you don’t!” Sienna snarled as she drew out her sword and leapt from the tree to try and catch up with him, “Oh, yes he does!” snarled Krysta and she used her powers to conjured a small warp portal before Sienna. “Oh, no!” she shouted.

“Ah, yeah!” chirped Krysta “Next-stop, Prison!”

Sienna couldn’t stop herself in midair, and she didn’t have to! As she got closer and closer to the portal, she reached into her belt and pulled out a small ring and quickly put it on her finger, which shrouded her body in a magical glow.

“What’s she doing?!” cried Krysta.

Starla scanned the magic, “No! That’s an anti-teleportation spell!”

Sienna crashed into the portal, but didn’t go through it as the magic around her shattered the portal away and she then landed on the ground and cackled maliciously. “Sorry, but it’ll take more than a cheap stunt like that to capture me!”

The girls were outraged, and Sienna held up her hand, “I’ve plundered many treasures throughout the galaxy, and some of them not just for their values, but for special powers and abilities they can grant as well.

As long as I have this ring on, no teleportation magic or portal will work on me!”

Starla’s droid clenched its fists, “That doesn’t make you safe from battle! Let’s go, Krysta!”


While they battled it out…

*Mykan’s POV*

I lead the Raptor monster out of the village and into the open fields, away from any homes, and Lightning had already caught up with me.

“Great thinking, Mykan…”

“Thanks.” I said “Now let’s roast this reptile!”

Lightning agreed.

Suddenly, from out of the sky, Dyno and Myte dropped in.

“Hola Muchachos.” said Dyno, “We were passing by on patrol when we heard the alarms.” added Myte.

They took one look at the Raptor and their features hardened. They had been waiting to get even with this beast for costing them their shipment of treasures.

The monster growled and charged straight at us all.

“Take this!” shouted Lightning, and he launched a bit of the uniforce at the creature, wrapping its mouth shut in a tight bind.

“That got him!” Lightning gloated, but his gloat was short-lived as Raptor actually managed to stretch the bindings off him, as that bit of uniforce wasn’t all that strong.

Raptor roared and stomped forth, swinging its huge claws and spiked tail at us, that we all leapt up high in the air to avoid the attacks, but even there we weren’t as safe…!

Raptor couldn’t fly, and he didn’t have to! He could just leapt right up high in the air to swipe at us again.

“Oh sure, he just has to be a good jumper as well!” groaned Dyno.

“Well, whatever happens, don’t shoot into his mouth!” said Myte.

That gave Lightning and idea, “No, shoot in his mouth! Everything you’ve got!”

“Que?!” snapped the twins.

“Lightning, are you nuts?!” I added “He’ll just reflect the shot back at us.”

Lightning nodded and motioned at my shield, and the rest of us caught on with his plan.

“You got it!” I said, and I flew up higher out of sight leaving the ponies to do battle and wait for the signal.

Lightning went in, and kicked the beast hard in the head knocking it over on its side, but the monster got right up again, swinging its tail at him, and he back flipped hard.

The Twins grabbed Raptor by his huge tail and actually managed to pick it up and whirl it round and around and throw it across the field hard.

Raptor got up and roared furiously…

“I think he’s mad enough.” said Dyno.

“Let’s do it then.” said Myte.

Lightning landed down right by them, “Charge it up boys!”

The Twins agreed, and joined hands, and powered up.


The fire attack blasted straight at the monster, and as expected, Raptor opened its huge jaws and absorbed all that fire.

“Here it comes…!” said Lightning.

Raptor opened its huge mouth and unleashed the fearsome blames back out again, and doubled in power.

Lightning shouted out, “NOW, MYKAN!!”

Flying overhead, I swung my arm back,“SHIELD OF RIGHTEOUS-COURAGE!!”and I threw my shield downward, throwing it right in the path of the blast, intercepting it, and the magic of my enchanted shield reflected the immensely powerful fire attack right back at Raptor, which engulfed the monster’s entire body within its flames.

The monster, unable to absorb the already supercharged blast, exploded in a big blast, we all had to shield our eyes from the brightness!

*POV Ends*

The explosion was bright enough to be seen all the way by the foot of the palace where Starla’s droid and Krysta had been battling Sienna all that time.

“No…! The Raptor!” cried Sienna. She looked down for Raptor’s capsule, only to find it had shattered, meaning the monster was destroyed.

“You’re next, Sienna!” said Starla “I may not be able to teleport you, but I can still capture you!”

Sienna scoffed, but then she looked way over past Starla and Krysta and could see Omnisha giving her the signal that she got the information required.

Sienna snickered, “You want to catch me… you’ll have to wait until next time.” She quickly removed the ring from her finger, and before the girls could react, she slashed her sword at the ground, making a huge flash of sparks so bright they had to look away, which gave her the chance to escape… laughing wickedly!

“She’s gone!” cried Krysta.

At home, The Real Starla angrily pounded the sofa, “That Sienna’s so full of tricks.”

She then thought deeply, “Strange… Sienna didn’t seem too concerned about her monster being destroyed, and she just left when the fight was getting interesting.

Then why go to cause much trouble and battle us?

What was she really after?”

Back on the ship, Mako called out for Slash, “Where’s my ice-drink, Slave!”

Slash, came out, holding a single drink on a tray, and passed it Mako, “Here you are… sir.” He grumbled.

Mako took on sip of his drink, and then spit it out right all over Slash’s armor! “Idiot…! I said bring me an ice drink, not a drink WITH ice in it! Take it away and do your job right!”

Slash’s ears were steaming, but he knew he couldn’t protest.

Soon, Sienna and Omnisha came in onto the bridge.

“We’re back.” said Sienna.

“Hey, sis…” called Mako.

“Finally…!” Slash groaned, “Captain Sienna… I--”

“Not now, Slash.”

Slash tried to protest, wishing to be released from his torture, but to no avail. Fortunately for him, Mako seemed to be too distracted to order him around anymore.

“Did you get the information?” Mako asked.

“Of course we did…” replied Omnisha. She held out her crystal ball “Those fools were too preoccupied to notice a thing. Now, whatever information they have obtained from their frozen friend is ours to use as well.”

The ball glowed brightly and everyone huddled around to view the information.

Sienna snickered softly, “Finally, I’m one step closer to fulfilling my greatest desire.”

*Mykan’s POV*

The other fighters had all regrouped and returned to the palace to freshen up in the sickbay, whereas Shadow Coat sat upright in bed, “I remember…” he said, and he requested the map fragment and the helmet be brought to him.

“These were entrusted to me but her majesty, Queen Galaxia…!”

Celestia and Luna both felt a bit uneasy hearing of their mother again, but they along with everyone else listened to what Shadow had to say…

“Over a millennium ago, cosmic forces invaded our blissful world, erupting into a fierce war of power and darkness.

Her majesty, Queen Galaxia had never known such incredible and devious powers before, and even she herself along with her entire legion of followers and I by her side, were unable to fend them off alone.

It was then; the Queen had decided to enhance us using the powers from The Light of Purity, and from this light… The Elements of Harmony were created, each one a representation of pure energy and forces of light.

However, what none were prepared for was from out of the unused shadow energy came The Elements of Chaos.”

“We get all that…” said Lightning “These are the evil incarnations to The Elements of Harmony.”

Shadow nodded, “Correct… but there was much more…

These Chaos Elements; individually they possessed extraordinary powers, enough to enhance the wickedness of the very fiends that came to conquer our world, but with all this evil energy combined… IT… was born…

…a mighty evil beast, with the combined forces of chaos, and the evil strengths of the creatures that attacked us, which became after known as… The Chaos Guardian!”

By this time, everyone’s eyes were fixated with astonishment, horror, and much more curiosity.

“Talk about an error in creation.” muttered Krysta.

Shadow continued with his story…

“This powerful beast would only head the orders of those connected with the very chaos itself; controlling each of the elements and the force they represented.

Our queen and her forces fought valiantly, but against such powers, The Chaos Guardian seemed virtually unstoppable!”

Shadow recalled how he saw the battle between the Queen and the Guardian take way up into the sky, where in the midst of the struggle, the Guardian severed Galaxia’s horn…!

That fragment was knocked high up into space where it obviously was teleported off by the warping energies of dimensional space itself-- which would obviously be discovered by Sienna in the distant future.

“As royal guards, my men were duty-bound to get the young Princesses, Celestia-- at age two, and Luna an infant having recently been born-- away from the danger as was instructed to us by their mother.”

Celestia and Luna were both heart struck upon learning of this. At such young ages, it was no wonder they never remembered such events!

Shadow continued…

“Galaxia was already severely weakened, having used up much of her power to create the Elements of Harmony, and battle the chaos before the Guardian had appeared.

Now, with that and her horn severed, her magic was depleting rapidly, but our queen was still not beaten.

Using all she could muster from her dwindling strength, Galaxia knew the only way she could to stop the Guardian... and tapped into the power of the Elements of Harmony, using their mighty power, she broke the guardian down, back into the six Elements of Chaos, and then concealed those evil items within an enchanted chest!

With The Guardian gone, the light began to return to our world, but still… The Elements of Chaos; far too dangerous to remain in the open, and we were unable to destroy them. Our queen had a plan…!”

“Until we are able to uncover a method to obliterate these wicked items from existence, they must be sealed away so that evil forces may not absorb their powers and unleash the dreadful beast again.

I know of such a place…”

“Queen Galaxia had planned to seal them within an Ancient Temple that only she knew of, and had a map to show the way…

However, not wishing for more information to be uncovered, she did not tell us the location of this temple. Instead, she had entrusted me and three other of my men with broken fragments of an ancient map, and four odd items.

We were not to question the motives of our queen, but were merely instructed to take these items and burry them away.

My search for a hiding place led me to the Frozen North. Here I intended to burry my map fragment and my item within the mountain itself, but before I could there was a powerful avalanche which buried me.”

…The rest was history!

“My stars…!” Grand Ruler murmured. The rest of us all felt just as astounded as he did.

“That is all I know.” said Shadow “I can tell you no more.”

I walked over and observed the map fragment, “So this baby’s just one part of four that make a full map that can lead us to the temple where the elements are hidden.”

Shadow nodded, “Yes it is, but I have no idea where the remaining three pieces are, and even still, I have no clue of what the knight’s helmet is for. Each of my men was given a part of the map that held different bit of information, but not one of us had a complete a full picture.”

As everyone huddled forth and gazed down at the two items, the path ahead was clear: to find the remaining map fragments and items the knights were given.

…But it would be a long road ahead.


In our next episode: Applebloom is revealed to have become extremely overprotective of Applejack, always sticking by her side and becoming overly concerned with her safety.

Meanwhile, Count Nightwing and his Batlings unleash their latest plot to gather more power with the aid of small bats and more victims.

Why is Applebloom so overly obsessed with her sister’s safety, and how will Nightwing’s plan go forth?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “My little Sissy”)