• Published 27th Jan 2018
  • 1,133 Views, 14 Comments

My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season VII - DakariKingMykan

The Ponies face an evil treasure hunter and evil Bat creatures

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Final Episode: Final Parts: Caring Connections

“Previously on Starfleet Magic…”

The struggle against Sienna and the Elements of Chaos proved to be a harsh and difficult struggle for the heroes, and after many blows and with a little help from Mako, the heroes managed to strip Sienna of the elements, costing her all her dark powers. However, The Elements lived up to their legend and have now unleashed the most fearsome creature in Equestrian history!


The Chaos Gaurdian: The most powerful and evilest creature from Ancient Equestria. Just as Shadow Coat had said, it was enormous humanoid shaped creature, and it looks as if was made of darkness itself, and they could see through it, but it was still solid, huge, and it roared loud, shaking the skies again.

“I can’t believe it!” cried Lightning.

“Oh, believe it.” hissed Sienna. She got up onto her feet, “As I recall correctly from what I learned from all of you… The Chaos Gaurdian will respond to those who unleashed it!”

She looked right up at the creature and called to it, “Chaos Gaurdian… attack the fighters!”

Two large flashes flicked where the gaurdian’s eyes would be, and it actually obeyed. It began to stomp its way over to the fighters.

“Let’s move!” shouted Starla and everyone scattered about, just as the guardian slammed its huge fists at the ground, making a huge crater.

Sienna laughed, “Ah, yeah! Back in the game!” and she leapt up high onto the gaurdian’s shoulders.

“Sienna, don’t do this!” cried Mako, but Sienna wouldn’t listen and ordered the guardian to destroy the team!

The guardian then revealed to be more than just phsycially strong, but it was able to use all the powers Sienna had. “Chaos Garudain; Dark Wave Stream…!” Sienna ordered, and the gaurdiain bought its huge hands together unleashed a wave of dark magic knocking everyone off their feet, and out of the sky.

“We’ve got to fight it!” cried Saber.

The others all agreed, “Let’s give it all we got!” said Buddy.

The Space Ponies all attacked,






All those attacked combined seemed pretty impressive, but the guardian just blocked it all with its arm. The attacks did nothing to it at all.

Sienna snickered and ordered the gaudian to attack, “…Chaotic Lightning!”

The guardian raised its huge arms way up and brought down the lightning bolts that struck everyone hard making huge explosions everwhere. Everyone fell to their ground and all their suits finally de-energized after being so overused.

“Great! What a time for them to wear off!” groaned Rainbow.

“What do we do now?!” cried Rarity.

“That’s easy…” sneered Sienna “You say your prayers!!”

She ordered the guardian to attack, and the poor could do nothing but dodge and scatter, and anything they could to get out of the way.

*Mykan’s POV*

The gang and I watched from the window, and we just couldn’t believe this was happening, but not as deeply as Shadow Coat. “Never in a-thousand mellenia did I dream that horrible creature would show itself again.”

“Well, how do they beat it?” asked Applebloom.

Shadow hestitated, and finally said “I… don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know?!” wailed Sweetie Belle.

“The Chaos Gaurdian was unlike any creature ever known. I and my fellow graurds tried our best, but in the end it was only Queen Galaxia that could beat it, and she was barely to stand up to the guardian herself!”

Hearing that worried us all and Krysta looked down at the team scattering about. “Lightning…” she murmured softly.

I myself couldn’t bear to watch this. I knew Lightning and the others didn’t have much of a chance with their powers drained.

“I’m going down there!” I finally said.

“WHAT?!!”the girls all cried, and before anyone could protest, I already activated my teleporter and was gone.

*POV End*

“Mr. Stevens!” cried Scootaloo, and she looked out the window and saw Mykan flying towards the battle sight. “ARE YOU CRAZY?!!” DD hollered out

Even Shadow Coat thought Mykan was being rather foolish, but brave nonetheless, which reminded him of his glory days in the service, and how he never gave up for anything!

He finally decided “I’m going down there too.”

“What?!” snapped Krysta.

“I must! Any good knight would never turn his back on his friends!”

“Well, alright, but I’ll take you down.” said Krysta “And the second something goes wrong, I’m warping you out of there! Got it?”

“…Understood.” agreed Shadow.

The crusaders didn’t bother to ask to go too, knowing fully well it was much too dangerous. They watched as Krysta and Shadow warped away, and they were left alone to watch from the window.

“Attack them, Chaos Gaurdian!” Sienna shouted, and the guardian continued to punch and blast at the fighters.

Valiantly, the team did their best to avoid every attack, but they were still unable to fight back due their lack of strength, and eventually they got hit several times by the lightning, or were ever bashed hard by the garduian’s huge fists.

POW!! “Whoa…!” Lightning cried as he grabbed Mako and leapt out of the way just in time.

“Dark Wave Stream…!!” Sienna shouted, and the guardian unleashed another huge wave of dark energy, blowing everyone across the field hard.

“Si…enna…!” Mako groaned softly.

All the fighters were quivering sorely and wearily as they slowly got to their feet as the guardian stomped its way towards them.

Sienna laughed at how pitiful everyone looked.

Mako looked up at his sister, and all he could see was her evil grin as she continued to snicker at everyone “Sis…” he cried softly.

Sienna took no notice, and taunted at everyone “Feel the pain! Quake in fear! Now you know how it feels to be pushed and trashed about!”

Lightning roared as he stood up fully and glared wearily but sternly at her, “You won’t win, Sienna! You and your Chaos Gaurdian will both fall! That’s a promise!”

“Don’t make me laugh!” scoffed Sienna.

“No… it’s true!” said Lightning “You may be strong, and your guardian may be stronger, but there’s one thing we all still have that you don’t… and it happens to be the strongest thing of all.


Sienna growled in deisbelief, when suddenly she could hear a sound rising over the hills, getting closer, and closer. “What’s that?” she snapped.

She soon got her answer as so many ponies, dragons, griffons, fairies; every member of Starfleet and ally alike came marching or flying in, all were guided by their majesties; Grand Ruler Celesto, Queen Celestia, and Princess Luna.

Everywhere Sienna looked there were fighters, knights, gaurds, even Mykan Stevens and Captain Shadow Coat were among the crowd.

Krysta hovered over to Lightning and they exchanged smiles at one-another.

“Sorry we’re late.” said Grand Ruler “We rounded up as many members as we could from all over the planet.”

Celestia nodded, and then signaled to everyone “Lend us all your powers dear friends, and together we will vanquish this evil.”

The army of fighters all agreed, and channelled as much of their power as they could, giving it to their majesties in the forms of sparkling streams.

“What’s going on?!” groaned Sienna. The light was so bright she covered her eyes and didn’t know what to do or where to aim the guardian at.

When the light had faded, their majesties nodded at one another and flew up high, circiling the field. They then combined loads of their freshened powers to generate a large barrier over the entire battle area, sealing the guardian and Sienna inside with the fighters.

Now Sienna couldn’t cause anymore destruction to the lands that she already had.

Then their Majesties landed down near the team and gave them all a good boost of power, healing their injuries and automatically transforming them back into their battle suits.

“Wow!” cried Pinkie.

“I feel better than ever.” said Artie.

Rhymey clenched his fists and said quietly to himself as he thought of all the fighters that just helped them all…

“Friends, you have loaned us your power
Now finally in this darkneed hour
This monster that we all now face
It shall be banished forever from this wholesome place!”

Fluttershy walked up to him and held his hand and smiled bravely at him.

All the fighters stood together with their majesties in the group. “You see, Sienna…!” Lightning called to her “Our believing and friendships will overpower your hatred and chaos any day!”

Sienna only yawned rudely, “Are you finished yet, because all you’re doing is boring me to death.

And speaking of death…!”

Even while under the barrier, the Chaos Gaurdian didn’t look a bit weakened as it was powered by the magic of chaos itself; the same evil feelings and power Sienna had given it from her using the elements.

“Everyone ready?” asked Grand Ruler.

Everyone nodded and stood proudly.

“ATTACK…!!”Sienna and Grand Ruler both shouted together.

The space ponies and Spike all rushed forth, flying past and around the Gaurdian like a swarm of hornets.

As for Celestia and the Equestrian ponies, “Alright ladies; form a circle around me.”

The girls did as they were told and all stood in a five star ring around her.

“Now concentrate hard with all the power of harmony you have.”

“But what for?” asked Applejack.

“Trust me. I think this might work.”

Heeding their queen’s advice, the girls closed their eyes and held their hands up focusing as much as they could. All the drawings of their cuite marks on their armor began to glow, and in soft streams the magic began to transfer from the girls and into Celestia.

“Get them!” shouted Sienna to the guardian “Dark Shockwave Thrust!”

The guardian thrust its huge fists forth.

“No!!” shouted Spike,“DRAGON FLARE”

“STRIDENT SHOCKWAVE”Saber unleashed his shockwaves, and Cadance used her Ninja Fist-Thrust combining her power with the others. The blast intercepted the dark shockwaves and exploded it, protecting the Equestrians.

“We’ll keep you covered.” Saber called to the ladies. The ladies couldn’t respond because of their concentration, but they felt thankful.

“Coming in…!” Lightning shouted

The guardian swung its huge fists at the ponies, forcing them to dodge about.

Dyno and Myte got in close and both punched the guardian hard in the side, but only doing it the slightest amount of damage, but hardly making it flinch.

“Not good enough!” said Dyno.

“Let’s try and hit him again.” suggested Myte.

“No you don’t…!” thundered Sienna, and she got the guardian to swing its arm at the twins, forcing them to zip out of the way.

“Chaotic Lightning!” shouted Sienna, and the guardian formed more chaotic storm clouds.

“Not this time!” thundered Luna, and she flew up high towards the cloud formation, and blasted the chaos in a shadow barrier to hold it up for a short while. “It shall not hold for long.”

Grand Ruler then used his magic to create a second barrier made of Uniforce over the shadow barrier. “That should hold it longer.”

Sienna growled in outrage.

“Coming in!” called Starla“STARLIGHT ARROW”and she shot the guardian clean in the chest making a few small sparks, but still hardly much damage.

Rhymey zipped pasted and slashed it in the side with his sword. Buddy lashed it with his whip, and Artie came rushing in,“COLOR KICK”

WHAMM! Right in the back, the guardian still didn’t flinch much and swung its fists at him, but he got out of the way just in time.

“Nothing we do does so much as tickle it!” growled Lightning, he soared straight in and aimed to punch the guarding right in the face, but the garudian rammed its own fists straight at Lightning.

POW!! The two fists met in an actual struggle.

“Let him have it!” shouted Sienna, and the guardian’s fist began to power up with glowing dark magic.

“I’ll let you have it!” sneered Lightning and his golden horn glowed as he enhanced his punch with the uniforce.

Suddenly there was a small explosion, and Sienna was thrown clear off the Gaurdian.

The necklace of Galaxia’s horn was knock off her and plopped to the ground, while she rolled along the ground.

“Get her!” Lightning shouted to the others.

As Sienna got up to her feet, Starla leapt down from above to put the hold on her.

Sienna struggled with all her might, much to Mako’s horror. He tried to go over tohis sister, but Krysta stopped him. “It’s okay. Starla knows what she’s doing.”

“But Sienna…!” cried Mako.

Instead of placing her in a capture sphere, Starla unleashed small magical waves from her horn, locking Sienna’s wrists and ankles with magical glowing binds. “Got’cha! You miserably wench!

…On your feet!”

The other space ponies saw her, “Way to go, Starla!” cheered Lightning.

“Very well done!” added Grand Ruler.

“CHAOS GAURDIAN…!!” Sienna shouted, but Starla held her in a neck lock. “You are not giving that monster any orders except for one! When I tell you, you will say exactly five words: “Chaos Gaurdian, Cease and Desist!”

Deviate by ONE syllable, ONE breath… and it’ll be your last!

Now say it! “Chaos Gaurdian, Cease and Desist!”

Sienna hesitated, forcing Starla to put more pressure on her. “Chaos Gaurdian…” Sienna finally shouted. The guardian turned and faced her waiting for the order.

“Say it!” growled Starla.

“Chaos Gaurdian…” Sienna paused “…DARK WAVE STREAM!!”

Everyone gasped, and Sienna then elbowed Starla in the gut, making her let go, and she was still able to leap away despite being bound at the ankles.

The Chaos Gaurdian then began to conjure up as much darkness as it possibly could.

“Oh, no!” cried Lightning, “Stop it!! Don’t let it shoot!”

Everyone rushed in and began to attack and strike as hard as they could, but tha guardian still felt nothing!

“Lightning!” Grand Ruler called, and with his golden horns glowing, Lightning got the message and he powered up too.



The two powerful blasts struck the Gaurdian hard, actually damaging it properly, but still not enough that it lowered its guard, and now it stood completely powered up and ready to fire!

“It’s not working!” cried Lightning.

“Keep trying!” shouted Grand Ruler, and the two continued to pour on more power, increasing the damaging they were inflicting, but still not enough!

“No!! Sienna, call it off!” cried Mako.

“Ha!” sneerd Sienna “If I’m going down, you’re all going down with me!!


POW!! The Gaurdian unleashed its most powerful blast that began to actually push aginast the uniforce; slowly sending it back towards the two men.

The other Space ponies decided to help and quickly combined their magical powers to add to the blast. Saber, Cadance, Spike and Luna helped with whatever power they could spare, and it seemed to work; the blast was being sent back towards the guardian.


The guardian complied and forced more power into its blast, once again sending it back towards the team.

“It’s no good!” cried Buddy “The chaos is too strong, we need a little more power!”

Suddenly, there was a bright glow of light.

“What now?!” yelled Sienna, and she could see Celestia, and the Equestrian ponies, as the Valkyries of Harmony! Celestia was levitating high, and glowing the brightest as all the other Valkyries had given her their power.

“By the powers of harmony…” Celestia declared “May this chaotic evil be defeated, and my mother’s final wish be fulfilled!”

She held up her sword, which was glowing as brightly as she was, and each of the ponies shouted out their element’s name….


Rainbow Dash:“Loyalty!”

Pinkie Pie:“Laughter!”




With that, Celestia pointed her mighty blade towards the space ponies and added her power to theirs, strengthrning those all perfectly to force the blast right back at the gaurdian. The lights got brighter, and brighter…

BA-KOOM!! What a rupturing explosion, the force of which knocked everyone all over the place; even Sienna and Mako.

The blast was so strong, and the magical force so great, the barrier shattered thus exposing everyone outside to the chaotic skies once more.

All the fighters lay on the ground, de-transformed, and looking pretty beat. Who wouldn’t after a blast like that?

Sienna had broken free from her magical bindings, but she also was just as beat.

The ponies slowly began to come to and sat upright. “Wow! What a boom!” Artie groaned.

“Thank goodness it’s over now.” said Cadance.

Krysta looked up ahead, and gasped, “I don’t think so! Look…!”

Everyone looked on through the clearing smog… and they were ever so horrified! The guardian still still there!

“My stars!” cried Grand Ruler “How could it have survived all that magic?!”

Tha guardian was still standing, but it did look pretty weak.

“We need to hit it again.” said Lightning “One more blast should finish it!”

The problem was, everyone was really tired and beat from all that had happened, and hard hardly much strength left to spare.

“Aww… what a shame.” taunted Sienna “You tried your best and it wasn’t good enough, but at least you’ve finally put yourselves all in one place. Though the guardian is weak now, I’m sure it still has the power to wipe you all out in one easy swoop!”

“Quickly…” Lightning said to everyone, “Transfer any of what little strength you can give to me. It should be enough.”

Everyone agreed, but due to their faitigue, the energy transfer would take a little time.

“Say goodbye!” Sienna shouted, and she was about to order the guardian to attack when suddenly, “No!” Mako snapped, and he stepped out in the way, dead center between Sienna and tha guardian, and the weakened fighters as they continued to charge Lightning up.

“Mako!” cried Fluttershy.

“Get out of there!” Luna called, but Mako would not move. He just stood where he was with his arms out like a human shield.

“Someone, go get him!” cried Applejack.

“We can’t! We must give Lightning the charge.
We have to hurry before the guardian’s barge.” said Rhymey

“Keep going.” said Lightning “I can feel the strength coming.”

The ponies tried all they could to charge Lightning’s power faster, without blowing themselves out as well.

“Mako… what do you think you’re doing?” sneered Sienna.

Mako glared angrily at his sister “If you want to take them down, you’ll have to go through me!”

Sienna growled, and the team was shocked by what he was doing; even though it did give them time to keep charging Lightning.

“Don’t push me!” Sienna growled “Get out of my way, right now! They’ve got to be destroyed!”

“No, they don’t!” shouted Mako “But I can see there’s just no getting through to you anymore, is there?”

“Mako… I’m warning you…!” said Sienna.

Mako still didn’t budge, mostly because he was too scared with what he was doing to move, but also because he felt he had to stand up for the fighters to give them a chance.

“It’s your choice, Sienna. The fighters are still weak, and they can’t move. You could send the Chaos Gaurdian to wipe them out, which means you’ll also wipe me out as well.

On the other hand, the longer you hesitate, the more power the commander gets, and he can attack the guardian and wipe it out for good. Then you’d have nothing left at all!”

Sienna just stood where she was, shaking angrily.

“What is here doing?” asked Rarity.

“He’s trying to force her hand.” replied Lightning “He’s trying to see if there really is no hope left for Sienna. After all… would she really attack her own brother, even if it meant destroying us too?”

“That’s way creepy.” said Rainbow “Brave… but creepy.”

Sienna just stood where she was, and her time was running out.“Why am I just hesitating?”she thought to herself“I’ve got to attack!


She was starting to feel her sisterly emotions kick in again for the first time in awhile starting to silence her obsession and cruelty.

“What’s it going to be, Sienna?!” Mako shouted at her, and he took note of her struggling, “You won’t do it, will you? You’re still in there. Fight it, Sienna!”

Sienna gnashed her teeth furiously. He head ached with thoughts and confusion.

“I think it’s working…!” cried Shining Armor.

Their majesties, all three, looked at Mako admiring him for his bravery.

Suddenly, Sienna stomped her foot forth, and she shouted “MAKO, I’VE NEVER LET ANYTHING STOP ME… AND I’M NOT STARTING NOW!!


The guardian responded and began to stomp forth towards Mako, much to his and everyone’s horror.

“MAKO… GET OUT OF THERE!!” shouted Celesita, but Mako still wouldn’t budge.

“I don’t have enough power yet!” cried Lightning.

The guardian continued to stomp forth.

“SIENNA… DON’T!!” Mako shouted “CALL HIM OFF!!”

The guardian was now in reach of him, and raised its huge fists to flatten him!

“HELP ME… SIS!!!!” Makko screamed, and the cry of his voice ultimately stuck Sienna hard, and reawakened all her supressed memories of how she really loved and cared for her brother. All the good times they had and being there for one another.

That, and she also saw what a pain she had been and all the horrible things she had done to all beings, especially Mako.

“Mako…!” she cried with tears in her eyes “What have I done?!!”

She fell to her knees and screamed as loud as she could,


and like a miracle, the guardian's huge fist stopped just a few inches away from Mako, and the guardian just backed away from him.

The team was speechless!

Mako looked over and saw his sister on all fours sobbing softly with her face towards the ground.

In a bright flash, Lightning’s golden horn was glowing again. “Thanks, guys.” he said to the team.

“UNIFORCE”He fired all the magic at the guardian, hitting is clean in the chest. The guardian rose up into the air, flailing and wailing as its dark body began to illuminate in a golden glow, and SHATTERED into millions of specks of soft light.

With the gaurdian’s destruction, the darkness in the skies disappeared revealing the nightsky.

Finally, all that was left were the six Elements of Chaos, lying flat on the ground where guardian stood. All of them were losing their dark glow, and they just rusted up and crusted over into ordinary stones, and softly disintegrated away into the wind.

Victory was won, and the ponies and Spike all felt ever so relieved, though they were a little too tired to jump for joy. Even if they had the strength they didn’t feel like it…!

Mako walked all way over to his sobbing sister.

She looked up at him with tearful eyes, “Mako… Please forgive me! I’m so sorry!”

Mako, with tears running down his own face, even after all that happened he still loved his sister dearl, and hugged her, “It’s okay, Sis.” he sobbed softly “It’ll be all right.”

Sienna held her brother softly, sobbing into his chest like a frightened little girl, “Mako…! I’m so sorry…!”

The two siblings continued to cry and embrace, and to the heroes this was more a hreatbreaking scene to watch. Many of them felt like crying too.

After a while, Sienna was resting, but was still being hauled off to prison, and Mako was going with her, but he was willing to face up.

“What you did was very brave, Mako.” Grand Ruler said “But inspite of all this, you and your sister must still answer for all the bad things that you’ve done.”

Mako held his head low, “Yes, your majesty. I understand, and I’m willing to pay.”

Grand Ruler didn’t like this as much himself. “However…” he said “I will have words with intergalactic DA’s and mention of how you helped us, and it still is understandable of what happened to you two.

Hopefully we can get you both into some rehabilitation program.”

Mako felt just a little better, and he looked at the all the heroes smiling rather sadly at him. “Thank you all for believing in me. It’s the nicest thing that’s happened in a long time.”

The heroes felt even worse now, but they couldn’t change a thing.

The guard put his hand on Mako’s shoulder “Come on, kid, time to go.” and he softly led Mako through a portal which would take them both, Sienna and the other guards to the prison planet.

Then they were gone.

Everyone sighed softly.

Celestia then noticed something shiniy by the Elements of Chaos; the necklace Sienna wore of Galaxia’s horn.

The wind softly began to pick up, and the clouds moved in an unusual pattern as a soft light appeared way up high.

“Celestia…” called a soothing voice.

Celestia’s heart gave a small leap as she recognized the sound, “Mother?”

A heavenly figure trotted forth and took shape within the shimmering lights in the clouds, and there she was.

“Queen Galaxia!” murmured Lightning. Everyone gazed in extreme awe.

Tears formed in Celestia’s eyes, “Mother! Is it really you?”

The spiritual image smiled down at her lovingly, “Yes, my dear. It is I.”

Celestia stood where she was, frozen with complete twists of emotions, but her tears fell like waterfalls. “Oh, Mother!” she sobbed softly.

Galaxia snickered softly, “Still very emotional I see.” Then she looked onward at her other daughter, “Ahh, Luna, my child.”

Luna was all in a ditter. She hardly knew what to say or even do, considering this was the very first time ever seeing her mother or being able to speak to her.

Galaxia smiled at her, “Your emotions natural, and healthy.”

She then addressed the entire team “I wish to thank you all. You have fulfilled my final wish. The Elements of Chaos have been destroyed, and the evil once contained within will never be a threat again.”

She then looked remorseful, “Sadly, all this is my doing.

When I had created the Elements of Harmony from the Light of Purity, I never realized what consequences would come when The Elements of Chaos were created from the darkness.

While my forces and I fought valiantly, we had neither the power nor the resources to destroy what I created.

So using the last of my power before I perished, I sealed the evil elements within the Temple of Mystery, and infused my spirit within the statue guardian. Waiting for the day when a worthy party would be able to to solve my great mystery, find the temple, and truly be worthy of carrying out my will to destroy the elements.”

Lightning remembered the battle in the temple, “It was you…” he said “Begging your pardon, but… it was your spirit controlling the statue along.”

“Yes, and I had laid in wait for many centuries. Though you ran into many hardships along your way, in the end you prevailed. Now my spirit is free, and I have no further regrets.”

“Oh, mother…!” cried Celestia

“Please, weep not, Celestia. The planet, the galaxy, your friends… they all need you to be brave. That’s makes a good queen; the braveness of her heart and her will. Remember that.”

Celestia wipped her tears away, and nodded bravely.

“M-M-Mother…” Luna finally said “Though I have not truly ever known you I… well, I…” she still couldn’t find any words to say, and her mother’s spirit didn’t mind at all “It’s alright, Luna. Though you have had your share of darkness, I know you are true to the others.”

Luna smiled.

“Celesto…” Galaxia said.

Grand Ruler stiffened upright, rather nervous and humble to be in the presence of his mother-in-law “Y-Y-Yes… Yes Ma’am?”

Galaxia couldn’t help but giggle at his shyness, “You are a very bright and noble individual. Celestia was very wise to choose you to be by her side. All I ask is that you continute to care for my daughter, her sister, and all those you hold dear.”

“Yes…” Grand Ruler said “Yes, Ma’am. I promise! In the names of the stars, I give my word.”

The others all couldn’t help but think he looked cute the way he tried to hide his nerves and act so brave before the Queen.

The light began to fade, and Galaxia’s spirit trailed off “…Farewell.”

Then she was gone, and the sky returned to normal.

Celestia clutched the fragment of her mother’s horn tightly, and her tears fell onto her hands. Luna and Celestia both embraced each other in a soft cry.

Everyone felt ever so sorry for the two sisters.

A week later, after some much cleaning up and restoration, all was beautiful and gleaming again. New trees were planted, grass was laid out, all the damages cleared away, and it was time to celebrate victory, as well as getting word from Intergalactic DA that Sienna was undergoing psychiatric treatment, while Mako would have to be placed in a foster home on another planet until a time his sister could be released and maybe join them.

...At least were not imprisoned.

A big party was held in New Canterlot, “EVERYBODY PARTAE!” Pinkie Pie hollered as she threw confetti all around.

There was music, dancing, and pretty much all the usual things at a gathering that huge. Abra Kadabra and Trixie were even perfoming a cool magic show for some of the spectators.

Many of the friends were all out on the terrace with their majesties and enjoying the festivities from there.

Shining Light and Flurry Heart were sitting in a shared playpen, and holding hands together like they were really dancing.

“Awww… that’s so sweet.” said Starla.

“I don’t think we need to wonder anymore.” agreed Cadance.

“Easy now, girls…” said Lightning “Don’t plan the wedding just yet.”

“Yeah,” agreed Shining Armor “I don’t think marriage before the terrible twos is a good idea either.”

Evereyone still thought it was sweet.

Grand Ruler couldn’t but ask Celestia for the umpteenth time, “Are you alright, dear?”

His wife rolled her eyes, “For the thousandth time, yes. Now stop asking.” she said playfully. She wasn’t as distraught over her mother anymore, keeping the fragment of her mother's horn in a safe place-- a box under her and her husband’s bed.

Suddenly, a big shiny red ball rolled up to them, and their children rushed out calling for their parents to come play with them, and the family ran off together.

No sooner had they left did Professor Brain arrive with good news for everyone. “I have built you a new droid, Starla. It shall be fully operation within a week.”

Starla was greatful

“Shesh, Professor.” said Krysta “Stop working, and join the party.”

“Yeah… cut it loose a bit.” agreed Rainbow.

Brain chuckled, “I’m afraid I’m not really the partying type. Besides, I must continue my work. The lunar team is dismantaling the alien spacecraft on the moon. We shall harness its alloyed coating should it be useful for us in future, as well as donating the vast amounts of treasure we have found to intergalactic charities.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet of you, Professor.” said Rarity “Oh, and incedeently…”

Brain cut her off “Eh, begging your pardon, but yes, I have begun construction on your droid, as well as Fluttershy’s.”

Many of the others had strange expressions on their faces. “Why do you two need droids now?” asked Artie.

Fluttershy and Rarity smirked and gentily touched their stomachs, and their respective husbands stood by their sides as everyone else’ expressioned widened with exictment.

“Are you kiddin’ me?!” cried Applejack.

Fluttershy blushed and hid her face within her long mane, and Rarity nodded lovingly.

“Yes, ma’am, we’re each having a baby.” said Spike.

“Yes, ma’am, we don’t mean maybe.” rhymed Rhymey.

Buddy came in a stepped in between the couples and said with a smirk, “You’re not the only ones.”

“Ay’ Ay’ Ay’! Congrats Hombre!” said Dyno.

“Three new babies.” said Myte “Could it possibly get any sweeter?”

The couples and Buddy all explained how the last avdneture and nearly getting destroyed several times over, they realized just how much they really wanted to become parents now, and at least have a new generation to carry on for them.

“Quick! Boil some water, and get clean cloths!” Pinkie hollered.

“Pinkie…” said Fluttershy “The babies won’t even be here for eight months.”

“I know that, but I spilled my punch on the floor. I need to clean it up.”

“OH, PINKIE PIE!!”everyone groaned, but then they all shared a good laugh.


Author's Note:

Coming up... Starfleet Magic Season 8

That's right... I never stop (And don't wish to. Too pissed)

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