• Published 27th Jan 2018
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My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season VII - DakariKingMykan

The Ponies face an evil treasure hunter and evil Bat creatures

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Episode 14: Part 2: That Smarts... You Out!

“Previously on Starfleet Magic…”

The ponies observe the memories Seeder Breeze had left behind, showing the story of how Nightwing came to power, and also revealed his plan to conquer United Equestria. With time running out, the team formulated a plan; the final showdown with the Bats was nearing!


On the night before the big attack against the bats,

Poor Cadance! Ever since Flurry Heart’s abduction a week ago, she had spent all the nights sleepless and in despair, and she would usually be found in the nursery looming over her daughters empty crib, ready to cry her heart out.

She was notified by her Aunt and Uncle that Lightning and his team were planning an attack on Nightwing, now knowing where his hideout was. However, they kept the exact location secret from her, knowing she’d likely rush into action, and she was needed much more to help in the big evacuation that was due to take place the next morning.

Still, none of this helped her grief.

Shining Armor felt equally as hurt, and while he did manage to get some sleep, he still looked baggy eyed worry of his daughter, but more for his wife.

“Cadance…” said as he embraced her softly “Look, I know your upset, but you really need to sleep.”

His wife shook her head sadly, “How can I sleep when my little baby is out there in the clutches of that evil creep, Nightwing?”

“I know that, I feel the same as you, maybe worse, but you can’t keep hurting yourself like this. I don’t want you to become sleep deprived. Please… try to sleep, for me?”

Cadance couldn’t actually feel her weariness catching up on her, and soon she was sleeping ever so peacefully in bed. Her husband decided to catch up on his sleep as well.

As Cadance slept so deeply, she began to have a dream…

She was standing in the Dream Realm, the place where Twilight and Celestia had their little chat before Twilight became an alicorn.

“This place…” said Cadance “Why am I here?”

Then, there was a soft glow of light in the distance, and right before her appeared the spirit of a familiar young pony. “Hello Mother.” he said to her, “It is I, Amando.”

Cadance could hardly believe it, her son whom had died from stillbirth a long time ago. “Amando!” she cried with tears coming to her face “It’s really you.”

Her son’s spirit smiled at her, “Your emotions are healthy, but you must listen to what I have to say.

You have the power to save Flurry Heart from the clutches of your enemy.”

Cadance blinked once with anxiety, “How? Please tell me…”

“Do you remember when the Insecto Armada invaded your world?”

Cadance couldn’t forget that! The time she was pregnant with Amando, and Shining Armor was brainwashed by the Insectos and turned into Saber, the Insecto Warrior. When Shining Armor attacked the Crystal Palace, Cadance had her accident causing the baby to be stillborn. After recovering from the traumatizing shocks and sadness, Amando gave her a special power used to save Shining Armor…

“Ah… “The Mother-Child Bond!” cried Cadance “Of course…! If anything can snap Flurry out of the curse, it can!”

Amando smiled at her, and then he began to fade away.

“No! Wait!” cried Cadance “Don’t leave me yet!”

“I have told you what was needed. I must go. Farewell, Mother.”

The entire scene began to fade into white as Cadance felt herself fading away, “Amando…!!”

Then she awoke and snapped up right in bed. Shining Armor was so deeply asleep he didn’t feel her motions and just continued to sleep, even snorting softly.

Cadance held her head, wondering if it was all just a dream because she was so tired and upset, but given her past messages, visions and experiences… she felt it was real.

“The Mother-Child Bond…” she said to herself “It just may work.”

The evacuation began almost at once. No alarms were sounded, and no mega loud announcement was made as Starfleet did not wish to alert Nightwing’s attention.

Instead every family and every creature was given a letter sent from New Canterlot Palace explaining the situation and how everyone was to cooperate.

Krysta and her fairies had many portals set up, and all ponies and creatures in New Ponyville and all other towns and villages within five-hundred miles of the Dragon Lands.

The creatures all filed in lines, instructed and guided by the sentries to march through the portals one at a time, instantly being transported further up North, where shelters were prepared in a series of immense caves deep under the ground. If, in the unlikely event the volcanic ash would make it across the lands, the creatures would be safe for some time.

The lasts to leave from Ponyville were the rest of Applejack’s and Buddy Rose’s families.

“Don’t worry, Applebloom.” said Applejack “We’re gonna do everything that we can.”

“I know…” said Applebloom “It’s just I never knew Ma and Pa before, and if you save them… what after that?”

“We’ll worry about that when we get to it.” said Big Mac, and then he lead her into the portal with Granny Smith.

Buddy hugged DD, “Please be careful out there.” she said to him. Buddy patted his little cousin’s head, “I haven’t let you down yet, have I?”

She smiled at him and promised to be brave, and then Buddy hugged Tree Hugger, “Take care of her for me, will you?”

His wife smiled sadly at him, “You just take of yourself out there.” And she kissed him softly, but deeply in front of everyone. DD was a little grossed out due to being young, but the others thought it so sweet!

Starla then placed her hand on Lightning’s shoulder, ready to leave with the baby in her arms, but would use her droid to participate in the fight. “Good luck.” she said to him.

They shared a soft kiss. Lightning smiled at his wife, and then bent down and pecked his little son on his head, “…You be good for Mommy now.”

Then all the family members went through the last portal and Krysta made the portal vanish. “Well, that’s that. At least they’re all safe now.”

The ponies all agreed.

“It’s time.” Lightning said “Let’s go!”

The others were ready, and everyone huddled together, and Krysta used her power to teleport everyone off to the Dragon Lands, far to the south side of the planet.

Meanwhile, way up north, still far enough from The New Frozen North so it wasn’t too cold, all the settlers were welcomed into the refuge caverns. Starla was part of the head orginazation, keeping everyone calm and peaceful, and helping her were Cadance, Shining Armor, and even Mykan, who had come from New Canterlot.

*Mykan’s POV*

“We appreciate your help you guys.” Starla said.

I smiled at her, “Well, it sure is a change from just doing my research and teaching my classes.”

I couldn’t but be awed and enamoured by baby Shining Light. I couldn’t help but tickle his little nose making his sneeze softly. “Aw… bless you, little guy.” I cooed.

Starla giggled and used a tissue to wipe the baby’s nose.

Cadance couldn’t help but smile at the loveliness of mother and child, which made her shed a small tear in sadness as well.

Starla noted this, “Oh, Cadance don’t worry.” she said “Lightning and the others will succeed, I know they will.”

Cadance wanted to agree, and she did, “But… I really I could be there too. She’s my baby, and I wish I could be there to save her myself. I don’t get why Celesto and Celestia wouldn’t give me this info.”

“Because we’re needed more here.” said Shining Armor “We need to help look after all these ponies and other creatures. Besides, we know you’d just dash off into action.”

Cadance sighed sadly, and we all felt bad for her, knowing how the worrying was eating away at her, “Cadance, I’m sorry, but orders are orders.” said Starla.

She then handed Shining Light to me asking me to look after him while she went to power up her droid and send it off.

I felt a bit awkward about this, since I had never actually babysat before, but Shining Armor and Cadance offered their assistance to me during their free moments… especially when the little guy soiled his diaper.

“Poof…!” I groaned “Who’d think a little baby could make a stink that big; even if it is a pony…”

“At least this is all we have to deal with.” said Shining Armor “I’d hate to see the big stink Lightning and the others are getting into, wherever they’re going.”

Even I didn’t know where Lightning and the gang were going. “Besides, if I knew where they were going I’d probably follow them into battle, even though I know better not to unless asked or ordered.”

*POV Ends*

Hearing Mykan say the word “Follow” and seeing Starla sitting with her control-gear on, ready to send her droid off… Cadance got an idea.

“I… um… better go check on the refugees.” she said excusing herself from her husband and Mykan.

“Okay, honey.” said Shining Armor.

Cadance quietly slipped over to where Starla was sitting, and Starla, not noticing a thing because of her control-visor, already charged up her droid. “Right… there we go.” She said allowed, “Next Stop: Mount Flaris in the Dragon Lands.”

Hearing this, Cadance slipped off to the entry point of the caves, running straight into the guards at the big doors.

“Princess Cadance, where are you going?”

“Your orders were to help care for the refugees.”

“I… um… need to fetch some more diapers for Shining Light, respected by Colonel Starla Shine.”

Her fib fooled the guards and they let her pass.

Cadance headed straight up the long tunnel entry until she was back outside, and then she flew off heading south.

Meanwhile, the Dragon Lands were seemingly deserted. The dragons and other creatures had most-likely received the order of evacuation, and actually complied.

Lightning and his team, already transformed, and already met up with Starla’s droid.

Rarity stepped in something gushy, “Ugh!” she groaned “Please don’t tell me that’s--”

Spike actually bent down and sniffed the stuff; “Nope, it’s just warm mud.” he lied not wishing to tell his wife what it really was, fearing she’d scream in disgust and give them all away.

“Look!” cried Fluttershy as she pointed in the distance at Mount Flaris. There was smoke coming from its mouth, but it didn’t look ready to erupt yet. The ponies all scanned the seismic activity with their visors, and all was calm as well.

From deep within the mountain, Shade and Ebany were spying through the crack in the hollow upper areas. “They’re here.” said Shade.

“I can see that for myself, you know.” hissed Ebany. “We’ve got to tell the count.”

“No need…” Nightwing called to them, “I knew they would come. What finer time to engage my plan so that I may punish them all myself? They shall be the firsts to suffer the cursed power of my volcanic ash cloud.”

He then held out his arm, calling Flurry Heart to him. The little baby batling fluttered over onto her master’s arm. “It is time, my child.”

Flurry Heart hissed in and cute evil laughter, much to her master’s delight.

Nightwing, with his one free hand, raised his amulet. Both the amulet and Flurry’s horn began to glow brightly. At once, the two began to send out showers of sparkling, magic into the rocks, reaching the core of the volcano.

It had cost his amulet a great sum of all its power, and its light was starting to fade slightly, but that made no different to Nightwing.

The volcano began to come to life with a soft shaking, and the heat began to intensify. Nightwing laughed wickedly. “The volcano will blow within moments, spreading my cursed ash all over and transform everyone into bats!

Finally! We bat wills rule over this planet once again, and ponies will be no more!” He continued to laugh wickedly, but was suddenly interrupted by Shade asking “My lord, what of our little friends out there?”

Nightwing glared down at his two minions, “Go and soften them up. I will join you presently. Take this extra boost of power from me… you’ll need it.”

With that, his amulet glowed and two strong beams of magic struck his minions!

Outside, the fighters could suddenly feel the ground shaking beneath their feet. Nobody had to activate their scanners, especially not the Spanish twins, they were the expert geologists and they could tell what was happening!

“Ay’ Ay’ Ay’! I don’t like the feel of this.” said Dyno. Myte agreed, “That volcano’s getting ready to blow.”

“You’re correct, Starfleet!” shouted a voice, and everyone looked ahead and saw Shade and Ebany ahead of them.

“Ma’… Pa!” cried Applejack.

Ebany laughed at her, “Your parents are no more! We occupy their bodies, and they are nothing more than faded spirits contained within us.”

Applejack clenched her fists and gnashed her teeth trying to contain herself.

Shade laughed at her, “I think we’ve struck a nerve in the girl. No matter, soon you’ll all be one of us, and the same will be said for every creature on this planet.”

“Not if we have anything to say of it!” said Rainbow.

“We came here to stop you and your master, and that’s just what we’ll do.” added Artie.

Ebany snickered and taunted “That’s so pretty I think I’ll cry!”

“Do the math!” Pinkie sneered at them, “There’s… um… uh…” she quickly counted all the members of her team “…There’s fourteen of us, and only two of you.”

“Do we look intimidated to you?”

Applejack was still finding it hard to keep herself focussed. “Are you all right?” asked Starla.

“Yeah, I know we have to fight them now. I’ll do all I can.”

“Good girl…” said Lightning “…Now, let’s go!”

The fighters all shouted, and rushed forth like a charging army, and many of them began to fire their attacks at the devious duo.

Lightning fired several uniforce pulses, Rarity fired a few beams form her horn, and Krysta shot a beam out from her wand, while the other space ponies unleashed their attacks.






The two batlings just stood where they were as the massive barrage of attacks struck them resulting in many small explosions and smoke.

“We got ‘em!” cried Spike, but he suddenly at those words as the bats rushed through the smoke and simply bashed right through all the fighters, striking them all hard and knocking them down like bowling pins.

“Uhn…! What the heck was that?!” sneered Pinkie.

“That was us, just getting’ plowed down by a couple of supped up sneaks!” said Applejack.

“They’re definitely stronger than before,
They survived our barrage, plowed us to the floor.” said Rhymey.

“It’s no wonder they were so confident by us outnumbering them.” added Lightning “Nightwing must’ve boosted their fighting powers.”

Shade snickered, “Very good! If only you could fight as well as you could guess the obvious.”

Ebany simply hissed at the fighters, and Applejack gawked at the two villains with still some bit of sadness coursing through her, but her anger was stronger. “I want MY PARENTS BACK!!” she shouted, and she rushed forth.

“Applejack…!” Buddy called.

“Come on!” shouted Starla and the team charged forth after Applejack, and straight at the bats.

The two bats sprinted off in opposite directions.

“Spread out!” shouted Lightning and everyone sprinted off to try and surround the area.

Some of the ponies caught up with Ebany, and lunged for her, yet she skillfully dodged and countered their every strike.

Still, she was outnumbered, and Rhymey managed to slash at her hard with his sword, dealing her some damage, but she swiftly swiped at him with her claws, sending him rolling along the ground.

“Rhymey!” cried Fluttershy as she and the others rushed over to him.

Ebany hissed at the gang and lunged for them again. “Into the air!” shouted Rainbow, and everyone leapt up high. Ebany of course followed them, “You think you can escape into the skies? How amusing!” she mocked.

“This chick’s really starting to bother me!” growled Artie.

“Let’s take her down!” added Buddy.

Spike and Rarity agreed.

The rest of the team were already fighting with Shade in the skies; soaring in to strike him from many angles. Thanks to shade’s power up, he managed dodge many of the attacks and hit the fighters back, while the fighters managed to catch him off guard a few times and strike him back just as well.

Even Applejack flew in hard and kicked Shade down to the ground, “Sorry Dad.” she softly said to herself.

“Keep going.” said Lightning “If we weaken them enough, we’ll have a better chance of healing them.”

Shade got onto his feet snickering, “You talk a lot of nonsense. You really you can stop us?” That’s when the ground began to shake more violently than ever as the smoke coming from Mount Flaris grew darker and thicker.

“It’s getting ready to blow!” cried Rarity.

“You’re correct,” called Nightwing, and he suddenly appeared on the scene, in flight. His cape was completely closed over him.

The fighters all glared furiously at him; Applejack a bit more concerned for her uncle. Even looking into the evil bat lord’s mask, she could almost see her uncle crying out for help to be set free!

POW!! The volcano gave huge burst as lava began to spew out of it, but in just a few small streams, but the black sparkling ash began to spew from the mouth and hurdle into the air.

“No!!” cried Krysta.

“Yes!” laughed Nightwing “My magical ash will slowly cover the lands, bit-by-bit, turning all the creatures it touches into batlings.”

“Your plan won’t work!” said Krysta “We already evacuated all the ponies and creatures nearby where your ash can’t get to them.”

Nightwing only snickered, “I said… it affects ALL CREATURES… including those YOU COULDN’T help!”

Everyone gasped hard, especially Fluttershy…! She could see it exactly as it was beginning to happen.

As the black smoke headed for New Ponville and many other villages nearby, all the many birds in the sky that got close it instantly mutated into Bats. Lizards that were silently and casual basking in the sun on rocks looked up as the sky grew dark, and they mutated into bats too. Why even the tiny little insects and bugs were mutated by the power of the smoke!

“Oh! Those poor creatures!” cried Fluttershy.

Rhymey hated seeing his wife so upset, and was just as worried for the animals as well. He glared right up at nightwing shouting,

“You sick, twisted bat…!
How can you do a thing like that?!
What have those creatures even done to you?
Why affect them with your evil magic too?!”

“Because…” thundered Nightwing “This will ensure my complete and total dominance of the world! Every creature will be a bat! Everyone will be under my rule…

…And THIS… is exactly what this world deserves after taking my lands away from me and my kind!”

Applejack stepped forth and shouted up to him “We’re not to blame completely!”

Nightwing gawked at her, and Applejack continued, “Sure, my ancestors and their friends came to claim these lands, but you know what… if they had actually KNOWN the land was your home, maybe some arrangements could’ve been made!

Maybe instead of always fightin’ one-another, y’all could’ve co-existed together, lived in peace, and maybe have been friends!”

The fighters were all awed and inspired by her speech.

“But no… that wasn’t good enough!” Applejack shouted “You and your bats had to be angry, you had to attack and try to drive starvin’, and strivin’ settlers off!

I can admit that the ponies comin’ to your lands weren’t all that nice if it meant drivin’ creatures from their home, but you brought the exile upon yourself as well for your nasty ways!

And if that weren’t bad enough, you chose to possess my uncle, and my parents as part of your sick, twisted notions to takeover! In the end YOU AIN’T NOTHING BUT A MONSTEROUS LITTLE CRITTER THAT OUGHT TO BE PUT OUT TO PASTURE!!”

Nightwing simply scoffed, “If you expected me to feel moved by your speech… you couldn’t be more mistaken! This world is mine, and that’s that… GET OVER IT!! YOUR TIME IS THROGUH, PONIES!!”

Even Lightning had heard enough of all this! “Let’s get him!”

The others all agreed, but just before any of them could even prepare to attack, “Uh-uh-uh…” Nightwing hissed as he opened his cape, revealing Flurry Heart, strapped in a small buggy.

“Flurry Heart!” cried Lightning.

The baby snickered wickedly, and stuck out her bat tongue at the team.

“Flurry Heart!” cried Pinkie Pie “What are you doing with her?” she shouted at Nightwing.

“Just another little assurance to keep you all at bay.” replied Nightwing, “You can try and come at me with everything you’ve got, but you wouldn’t want risk harming an innocent little infant now, would you?”

The team hesitated. Even though they knew the seriousness of the situation if they didn’t act, not one of them could bring it upon themselves to even think of hurting little Flurry. Cadance would never forgive them! They would never even forgive themselves!

Shade and Ebany snickered.

“Cowards…!” Shade sneered “Looks like we have the upper-hand now. You can’t attack us, but we can still attack you!”

“Then again, we don’t even have to…” said Ebany, and she pointed up at the black smog that was coming closer and closer, and would soon mutate the fighters themselves into bats.

“You see...” hissed Nightwing “That fool, Seeder Breeze, may have been able to show you PARTS of my plan, but nothing that I couldn’t easily overcome.

You’ve been outwitted Starfleet! This is the end of the line for you, and the beginning of my time as supreme ruler of this planet!”

The smog was getting closer and closer still, and there was no place for the team to run or fly to. This really looked to be it for them!

“Do it!” Lightning said to the others, and all other alicorns huddled together and combined their magic together.

“What’s this?!” snapped Nightwing, and there before his eyes, the ponies had conjured a large, thin, yet powerful sheet of magic, like a glowing plate in the skies, preventing the smog from mutating them, much to the Bat’s chagrin.

“You didn’t think we didn’t plan ahead either?” said Lightning “We may not have been able to think ahead on ALL your sudden changes in plan, but Starfleet never gives up! We will break your curse, and we will save Flurry Heart!”

Nightwing and his minions growled angrily.

Lightning then softly nudged Starla’s droid and whispered to her, “Remember what we planned. Get ready to move in.”

“Got’cha.” Starla whispered back.

“I’m with her too.” said Krysta, and both she and Starla looked over at the spewing volcano. Their plan was to sneak Starla’s droid over there, and destroy the volcano from within to stop the ash from spewing out. It was the only choice since the volcano was bound to be broiling hot, and Starla’s droid was the only thing that could withstand the heat and the cursed smog.

As for the bats, the fighters all knew that Ngihtwing wouldn’t dare try to hurt Flurry Heart himself, as he needed her to keep up the spell on the volcano.

“We have no choice.” Lightning whispered to the team “We’ve got to try and stall them, so we have to fight.”

The other reluctantly agreed. “Flurry Heart might get hurt, but we have no choice.” said Buddy.

They agreed it best to use brute force, and none of their magic attacks, so at least Flurry would stand a better chance.

“We have to get her away from Nightwing, and then try to heal her.” said Spike.

“Yes, and Applejack’s parents and Uncle too…” agreed Rarity.

“We better do it fast.” said Dyno, “Si! That barrier up there won’t last forever.” agreed Myte.

The team stood ready.

“So, you still wish to fight?” growled Nightwing “I admire your bravery, but scoff at your foolishness!” then he shouted to his minions, “ATTACK!!”

Shade and Ebany roared and charged forth.

“Go!” shouted Lightning.

To Be Continued…!


In our next episode: With time running out, the ponies manage to successfully to keep the evil bats at bay, but the planet becomes more and more infected by the minute.

Can the ponies successfully save Applejack’s relatives, and all of United Equestria.

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Final Part: “Brother’s Grim”)