• Published 27th Jan 2018
  • 1,134 Views, 14 Comments

My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season VII - DakariKingMykan

The Ponies face an evil treasure hunter and evil Bat creatures

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Episode 24: Part 2: The Power of Chaos

“Previously on Starfleet Magc…”

After a long and mysterious venture through the Temple of Mystery, our heroes finally uncovered the elusive Elements of Chaos, only to then be attacked by a living statue of Queen Galaxia. It is only after the battle is won that Sienna revealed to be still alive after her spaceship crashed, and has now empowered herself with one of the Elements!


The Cutie Mark Crusaders were still in the observatory looking at the moon. The battle against the alien army had ceased, and many ponies, both of Starfleet and civilians were working hard to clean up collateral damages, but the girls were not able or permitted to return home until Lightning and the team returned.

All of them were all starting to feel extremely bored just looking at the moon and the stars all this time.

“Nothing’s happenin’ up there anymore.” groaned Applebloom.

“Wait! There goes something!” cried Scootaloo.

The girls all turned their telescopes to where she told them look, and what they saw was a squad of ponies riding up to the moon on a pathway.

“Oh, that…” said DD “It’s just a survey-team. They’re going up there to inspect the remains of the crashed ship. Buddy tells me things like this all the time.”

Sweetie Belle sighed, “I bet they get to have some fun and excitement. That’s the only thing exciting that’s happened since the ship crashed.”

While the girls continued to look for something to occupy themselves with, there was more going on in the palace…

Poor Mako…

Ever since Sienna’s ship went down he hadn’t been able to shake off the thought of his sister being dead.

He was still resting in a guest room, but under tight guard, as his fate for crimes he comittied himself was not yet decided. For now he was still pretty much held in under watch; two gaurds outside the bedroom chambers and a force-field at the windows…

…But Mako was too devastated to care much, and was sleeping very deeply, yet sadly.

Cadance and Krysta just came out having checking in on him.

“How is he?” asked Grand Ruler.

“Poor little guy…” said Cadance “I know how he feels too well. It’s never cool to lose someone you love.”

Celestia placed her hand over her neice’s shoulder.

Krysta sighed “I know I needn’t askm but…Do we really have to keep him under lockdown?”

“I’m afraid so…” replied Celestia “We don’t like it anymore than either of you may, but even though Mako’s had a change of heart, we can’t just ignore all the crimes he’s comittied in the past.”

“That’s right…” agreed Grand Ruler “I don’t know what we’re going to do with him yet, but no matter what, we can’t let our personal emotions affect our legal decisions.”

Cadance and Krysta understood, knowing the rules of protocol, but they still felt bad for Mako.

Inside the bedroom, poor little Mako was sleeping deeply.

Suddenly, he began to stir, and had a strange feeling deep down inside of him, and what was more, he could hear the sounds of a sinister laugh.

Finally, he snapped upright in bed. “Sienna!” he cried “She’s alive!”

*Mykan’s POV*

The new super-powered Sienna was laughing maniacally. “This is fantastic!” she shouted “I’ve waited centuries for this, and now the greatest power in the galaxy is mine! All I need now is to harness the remaining elements.”

Lightning shut the chest containing the remaining five elements tightly.

“Give me those elements!” Sienna demanded.

“Never!” thundered Lightning “You’re meddling with powers you can’t possibly fathom, Sienna!”

“That’s right!” agreed Starla “Those elements are bad news. Turn back while you can.”

Sienna, of course, nastier than ever due to her powers, and just as greedy and determined, let out a huge roar, and threw her arms outward sending a shockwave of energy that knocked everyone back.

“Whoa!” groaned Spike “What was that?” but really, he knew it was the crown giving Sienna all that wicked power.

Lightning grapsed the chest tightly, “We can’t let her get the other elements! Who knows how strong she’ll get.”

Applejack tied her rope around the chest in many knots to help keep it shut, and Lightning then infused the uniforce into the rope making it stronger and harder to break off.

Sienna roared some more, and we all stood ready to fight her, but that’s when she rushed right past us all, bashing each of us hard. Some of the team were sent clear into the walls, others skidded along the floor.

I myself was knocked clear towards one of the stone columns, but was able to quickly lift my shield to brace for the impact!


“Mykan!” cried Fluttershy.

Because I wasn’t as strong as the fighters, my head was spinning really hard, “Oh… night-night!” I groaned, and I passed out on the floor.

*POV Ends*

Sienna snickered “That’s one down.”

The team felt their rage flowing, and lunged at her, attacking her from different angles all at once, but Sienna proved her newly aquried strength-- punching, kicking and bashing everyone super hard.

Saber tried to lasso her with his sickle-and-chain, but she broke through the chain, shattering it like it was made of paper “Easy picking!” she boasted, and she then lunged at him, smashing him hard into the wall, and he was unconscious as well, and his magic mask came off changing him back into Shining Armor.

Sienna laughed wickedly, “I love this more than ten planets worth of gold!” and she continued to brawl, beating on all the fighters.

“She’s beating us so easily…!” cried Pinkie “That lone element’s really powered her up.”

“Don’t forget, we’ve been up about for so long,
Our powers have decreased and are not as strong.” said Rhymey.

He was right! All that time they spent bringing down the ship, trekking through the temple, and battling the Galaxia Statue, everyone’s powers were dropping like bricks!

Lightning gazed down at the box, “I’ve gotta get these Elements out of here!” and he dashed for the doorway in the back of the chamber. “Oh, no you don’t!” thundered Sienna and she dashed after him, actually catching him before he could speed away and tripped him up so he dropped the chest.

The chest bounced along and skidded to a halt.

“Stop her!!” shouted Rarity, and the team all dashed forth to take the chest.

Sienna leapt in to take it for herself, but Buddy managed to lasso it with his whip. “I got it!”

“Wrong!” snarled Sienna and she thrust her firsts forth sending a shockwave at him, hitting him hard and sending him crashing into the wall hard, and he powered down.

“Buddy!” cried Applejack.

The chest went flying and Sienna caught it “I’ve got the chest! I’VE GOT THE CHEST!!” she cried. However, she wasn’t able to break the magical bindings around it with what power she had. “No!!” she growled “I must get to those Elements!!”

Suddenly, Lightning began to glow brightly as he powered up with what little strength he had left, “The only thing you’re going to get is a one-way ticket to jail!”

Sienna growled and stood strong to face him.


Sienna still stood where she was, and aactually took the hit. The blast sturck her hard and forced her back along the ground. She managed to hold her ground for a little, until she was forced hard against the wall.

“I WILL NOT BE DESTROYED!!!” she thundered.

The remaining fighters joined Lightning by his side and poured on whatever magic they could spare into the blast, making it even stronger and forcing Sienna harder against the wall than ever.

Artie checked his visor, and it was glowing red with warning! “Our powers are almost dry!”

“Keep it up, just a little more.” Lightning said “I think its working!”

Sienna felt the blast starting to damage her, she surely would had been defeated had she gotten a swift idea… and used the chest for a shield as it was laced with the uniforce.

KAPOW! There was a small explosion.

The team all fell to their knees, completely drained of strength, and all their suits powered down.

“I feel faint!” groaned Rarity, and she meant it.

“Anyone got an asprin?” Spike asked wearily.

Lightning looked up to see if Sienna was down, but much to his horror, not only was she still standing, but the chest lay open and empty on the ground. “No…!” he cried, and he looked slowly up at Sienna and saw her clutching the other five elements in her hands.

“Oh, no!” cried Starla.

“Oh, yes…!” hissed Sienna, and she wasted no time and harnessed their immense powers, in dark firey glows.

Like magic, the elements warped into bracelets that she wore-- three on her right arm, two on her left. “YES…!!” she thundered as she felt the power coursing through her veins, and her body began to morph! She grew to twice her size, her muscles bulged, her eyes glowed red with sparking jolts of power, and her hair had a ghastly grey pulsating glow.

Now she was able to levitate herself bodily off the ground.

“THE POWER!!!” she thundered, unleashing waves of chaotic energy all through the temple, causing it to start collapsing as boulders came crashing down.

Meanwhile, Mako had called out to everyone trying to explain to them what he felt, “Sienna is alive! I know she is.”

“How can you be so sure?” Krysta asked.

Mako explained once again how he and his sister used to share a special bond, “We still do…

Each of us could always sense when the other was in danger, or something was happening to them. That’s how I know… Sienna is alive! You’ve got to believe me!”

Celestia chose her words carefully, “Mako… it’s not that we don’t believe you, it’s just that… well, we have no positive proof.”

Suddenly, Grand Ruler’s voice could be heard, “Celestia…! Celestia…!”

“Darling… what is it?” asked Celestia.

Her husband explained he had just received a disturbing report, and he held up a photograph of footprints sent from the survey team on the moon, “One of the troops discovered these footprints leading away from the alien ship.”

“That’s it!” cried Mako “Those are Sienna’s bootprints. I’d recognize them anywhere. She IS alive.”

This greatly worried the others.

“She’s alive?!” cried Krysta, and there was no doubt in her mind she would have followed Lightning and the others to the temple.

Their suspicions were confirmed when the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Cadance came dashing down the hall. “Your majesties! Your majesties!” cried Sweetie Belle.

“Girls, what are you doing here?” asked Grand Ruler.

The girls were out of breath, and so Cadance answered for them “I had gone to check on them like you asked, and we all saw something strange on the moon; strange dark waves emitting from the surface where the temple would be.”

Celestia and Grand Ruler felt extremely worried now.

*Mykan’s POV*

The rumbling earthquake helped me to awaken, “What’s going on?” I cried.

Shining Armor and Buddy awoke too, and they saw what was happening!

“Let’s get out of here!” screamed Fluttershy, but before anyone could make a move, Sienna raised her hand and blasted them all with strong shadowy magic, halting us in place in shadowy barriers.

“I can’t move!” cried Dyno.

“I can’t either!” added Myte.

None of us were able to move an inch. This chaotic magic was so powerful, unlike anything any of us had ever seen, and it also didn’t help that we were all still weak and tried from every ordeal we went through.

Sienna laughed at all of us, “You’ve now only just had a fraction of my new powers, I can’t wait to unleash the full force on United Equestria… and once I’m done with it, the universe is next!”

The temple continued to collapse as more rocks and boulders feel from the ceiling, and the columns tipped over and crumpled.

“To show my gratitude in helping me claim my destiny, rather than destroy you myself, I’ll let you all disappear with the temple.

It shall be YOUR TOMB!!

I can’t wait forever to conquer this universe anyway!”

With that, she melted into dark waves and sped up through cracks in the ceiling allowing her to escape, leaving the rest of us to our appranet fate.

More rocks were falling, and even the Galaxia Statue was crumpling, and it was in vain that any of us could escape from the shadow shields that held us down.

“Ah, man… this is really it!” I cried.

“We’re done for! WE’RE DONE FOR!!” shouted Pinkie.

“Rhymey!” called Fluttershy.

Her husband looked back at her sadly and a tear rolled down his eye.

…My Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy burst into tears herself. “Rhymey… I love you!” she weeped.

All the others were horrified and frightened beyond imagination. The couples all felt this was really it, and worried about their friends and other realatives.

Shining Armor felt horrible for Cadance and Flurry Heart. “I’ll miss you two!” he cried to himself.

Rarity and Spike looked at each other from afar, feeling really upset, and Rarity worried about Sweetie Belle.

Applejack worried of Applebloom as well as her entire family back at the farm, and Rainbow worried about Scootaloo.

Buddy especially worried for DD and Tree Hugger. He knew they would at least have each other, and the rest of the Apple family, but he wished he could at least see them one last time.

Even Lightning couldn’t see any way out of this one. “Starla!” he called to his wife.

“Lightning…!! Remember, I love you!”

“I love you too honey!”

The both of them then thought of their baby boy, Shining Light. They couldn’t bear to think of him gowing up without his parents.

…And they didn’t have to!

There was a bright glow of light that flashed behind us all, and then called a familiar voice. “Hello! Are you all okay?”

“Princess Luna!” cried Rarity.

Luna then used all the magic she could spare to dispel the dark barriers, releasing us all.

“Quickly…!” Luna shouted, ordering us all to huddle close to her, and in no time at all, she morphed us all into darkness and took us back the way she came, through the cracks in the shifting rock.

Up, and up, and up we went until finally we made it safely back out onto the surface of the moon. The gravity was low and the stars were shining all around us.

Krysta was there to greet us all, “Lightning!” she cried as she flew over to him, hugging his face. “Oh, Krysta…” Lightning said hugging her softly back.

Everyone huddled together in a huge hug, especially around Princess Luna, thanking her for saving us all.

“How…? How did you know to come after us?” asked Applejack.

Luna explained how she had just awoken and felt well rested, when she heard of the warning from the survey party, as well as Cadance and the Crusaders warning of the dark energy emitting from the ground, “It was feared that you were all in peril. So I wasted in no time in asked Krysta to bring me here. Thank goodness I came when I had.”

Everyone, even I myself, couldn’t had been more greatful that she did, but when Rainbow looked up and over down at the planet, “Look…!” she cried, pointing at it.

We all looked and could see a small speck of darkness that began to spread across the planet.

“Sienna!” growled Lightning “We’ve got to get back!”

We all agreed, and huddled together by Princess Luna.

“Here we go!” said Krysta, and she warped us all back towards the planet!

*POV Ends*

The red alarms were sounding all over the entire planet as all civilians fled for shelters and the barriers were raised, and just in time as the darkness began to spread all over, starting in New Canterlot!

“Main the artillery…! All fighters to arms…!” Grand Ruler shouted, and every guard, every fighter manned their stations and armed the weapons… again, while the fighters, having rested up, dashed back into action.

Captain Shadow coat watched from a window as he could see the darkness spreading across the sky, and heading their way.

“What is that?” asked Goldwin.

Shadow clenched his fists, “Chaotic Darkness… I remember it so well. This can only mean one thing…!” and his fears were answered by the sound of a loud and evil laugh as SHE appeared, floating over the hills and heading straight through the villiage.

Mako saw her from another window, “Sienna!” he cried.

“She’s got the Elements of Chaos!” whimpered Cadance.

Celestia and Grand Ruler narrowed their eyes in anger as the monsterous figure continued to approach and called out to everyone with her booming voice.

“Feast your eyes before me! For centuries I craved the greatest power in the galaxy, and now that I have it, this world now belongs to me, and all worls beyond will soon follow!

Make it easier on yourselves and surrender to me now!”

Their majesties, felt concerned.

“If only we could turn merge into Grand Celestial Ruler again.” said Celestia “Oh, but we can’t, we used up a lot of our powers in the previous battle.”

“Sienna couldn’t have plotted this any better.” said Grand Ruler, “But we must fight with whatever it is we have. I won’t let our world fall to the same fate it nearly did before!”

His wife agreed, and the two prepared to head off.

“Beware, your majesties.” Shadow warned them “The Elements of Chaos are unlike anything you have ever seen or known, and they are extremeley powerful.

My fellow knights and I were barely able to defeat them separated. We never faced them in one solid form.”

Their majesties were aware, but they still couldn’t let themselves be discouraged and they ran off to join the battle about to begin.

Cadance felt extremely worried, “Shining Armor… I wish you were here right now.” She said to herself, and she wished all the others were there too.

“Wait! What am I just sitting around here for?” and she dashed off down the hall.

“Princess!” called Shadow.

“Cadance!” added Goldwin, but Cadance had already disappeared down the hall.

Captain Shaina and her team were all armed and ready with cannons, lasers, and others were powering up their magic as strong as they could get it.

“Prepare to fire!” shouted Shaina “Remember, don’t do anything until you get the order!”

She waited until she could see their majesties, and they both nodded at her giving her the signal.


The cannons and lasers fired straight at Sienna, zapping her hard and making huge explosions.

Mako could hardly bear to watch it, and ducked down beneath the window.

The artierly continued to fire, and the magical ponies added their magical blasts, striking Sienna more and more, making huge clouds of dust, but much to everyone’s horror, Sienna burst through the clouds, hardly scratched at all, and laughing manaically, “Is that the best you can muster?!” she thundered “Let me show you some REAL POWER!!”

She raised her huge hands, absorbing dark lightning formt he shadowy skies.

“Sheilds up!” shouted Grand Ruler.

The palace and the buildings were already protected with the barriers, surrounding them, and then strong sheets of magic appeared over the battlements just as Sienna unleashed extremely powerful dark lightning waves at everything. The blasts were so strong and vile that the very ground rumbled and shook.

The shields flickered softly, but they held and kept the ponies safe.

“Ha!” snarled Sienna “I’m just getting warmed up!” She then blasted at the grounds, sending dark waves of magic.

“LOOK OUT!!” cried Shiana as the grounds exploded in large blasts throwing all the fighters about, and there appeared many dark and evil large tentacles that began to swipe and slap at the fights still near them.

“They saw more arms are better than two!” hissed Sienna.

The fights then began to fight back against the tentacles, blasting them with magic, which did stun them and force them to retreat into the ground, but it wasn’t enough to effectvily stop them and the tentacles popped right back out again to strike back.

While some of the forces dealt with the tentacles, others decided to charge onward and attack Sienna directly.

Some came at her from the air, while others charged on foot; firing their magic or weapons, but, again, the blasts proved to be futile and hardly made Sienna flinch. All she did was let out a might ROAR… and that menay of the fighters soaring backwards in in the air current. Others fighters out of range ran into trouble as more tentacles came at them, and the air forces… Sienna zapped them with her dark lightning all around.

Some of the fighters fell from the sky and crashed hard on the ground.

“Easy pickings!” growled Sienna, and she loomed over the fallen fighters as their comrades tried with all their might to get them all to safety in time, but were still in range. “FEEL THE POWERS OF CHAOS!!”

She was about to smash them all to bits, when she was stopped by a powerful energy barrier conjured by their majesties, blocking her off.

Their majesties hovered in the air, hand-in-hand, combining their magic together. “Darkness is only opposite of Light, Sienna.” sneered Celestia.

Grand Ruler nodded and added “You may think you’re winning because you have the Elements of Chaos, but as long as we can still fight, as long as we still believe... there is no way your evil will win!”

Sienna didn’t seem the least bit amused.

“That goes for us too!” called a voice from behind.

*Mykan’s POV*

Sienna turned and saw much to her horrors, Lightning, the rest of the gang, and me had returned.

“Don’t you creatins ever die!!” she thundered at us.

“Guess we’re not as easy to get rid of as you are.” I teased.

Their majesties smilled at us all, Celestia especially smiled at her sister for saving the team.

“If you think just because you’re all together again that I’m going to flinch, FORGET IT!!” growled Sienna. “I’ll blast each of you to dark piles of dust, one-by-one. Then you won’t have the honor of watching me destroy your planet.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes, “Seriosuly, how many times are you going to say that?”

Sienna growled again, and decided to waste no more of her time yaking up a storm, but rather storm the fighters.

She charged straight at us forcing us all to scatter about. She summoned forth her dark lightning to zap at us all.

“Watch out!” cried Starla and everyone flew in circles and curves to avoid the zaps. “It is foolish to reist the powers of chaos!” said Sienna, and her body glowed greatly with dark light.

“This is it…!” Lightning said “Hold it steady guys!”

*POV Ends*

Sienna continued to glow strongly.

“What is she doing?!” cried Celestia.

Lunna had a sickening feeling in her stomach, “I have studied this before in dark magic. She is harnessing as much evil energy within her and she will unleash it like a big bursting wave!”

Grand Ruler gasped, not wanting to picture how much damage that would do, even with the shields up. “Stop her!”

Their majesites and whatever fighters came with them charged at Sienna, firing their attacks like crazy, but still hardly made her flinch.

“I’ll blast her myself!” said Grand Ruler, and he conjured all the strength he could“TEN FOLD… UNI--”but before he could finish and fire,

“LOOK OUT!!” screamed Celestia, and she quickly conjured up barriers to shield them and all the fighters… at the exact moment Sienna let out the loudest and most deadly roar, unleashing what had to be the deadliest blast of magic anyone had ever seen, like a small meteor impact, the wave was so massive that it could be seen from way up in space!!

The blast spread all over New Canterlot, shaking the grounds, knocking over forests, rupturing the lakes, and badly shaking the houses, dispelling the barriers…!

In the midst of it all, the entire team got consumed by the waves, even their majesties and all the fighters were hit as well.

The barrier around the palace shattered off.

“Whoa!” Goldwin cried as he tumbled over and his mask fell off turning him back into a statue, frightening Mako into looking out the window.

“Oh, no…!!” he cried upon looking at the devastation of the land outside. The Crusaders and Shadow Coat saw it all too, and they couldn’t speak!

The entire area was all covered in dark smoke from the blast. All the green grass was burned away, not a tree was left standing. The houses and buildings were still fine, but the barriers were down, leaving them exposed.

“No! It can’t be!” cried Applebloom.

Tears came to her and the other girls’ eyes fearing their friends and loved ones were no more.

Sienna was panting heavily, but her panting turned into wicked laughter “It’s over! I’VE WON!!!”

But as the smoke clear, she gasped! “No…!! IT CAN’T BE!!”

Lightning and the rest of of the team had survived, and Lightning, though wearing from the blast, glared right at her. “Yes… it… IS!!

We’re not done yet, Sienna!”

To Be Continued…!


In our next episode: As the battle aginast Sienna continues, its seemingly anyone’s fight, but Mako still cannot bear the thought of losing either his sister or his friends and takes it upon himself to try and reason with her.

Will Mako be successful, or will be it lights out for either Sienna or the heroes?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Part 3: Reaching out for within”)