• Published 27th Jan 2018
  • 1,133 Views, 14 Comments

My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season VII - DakariKingMykan

The Ponies face an evil treasure hunter and evil Bat creatures

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Episode 10: Enforcement of Efforts


One early morning, the daily papers were thrown at porches, and large stacks dropped off at newsstands with the front page saying“Royal Crystal Baby Kidnapped!”

Anyone who read the story felt shocked and horrible for Cadance and Shining Armor. They wanted to help find Flurry Heart, but after reading that the baby was captured by Count Nightwing the civilians were badly discouraged as it meant looking for danger itself, and even still, it was a very large planet. No one had a clue of where to start looking.

This sort of situation was best left in the hands of Starfleet and the pony police.

Sad to say, both Cadance and Shining Armor were crushed! It hard for them to stay strong and not sink into depression as it wouldn’t help matters.

All their friends were equally as grieving as they were.

Rarity could hardly keep up with her sewing for her customers, and ended up pricking her fingers several times.

“Ow!” she groaned, but really she couldn’t fell all that much pain form tiny needles, mostly due to her super strength, but also she was too upset about Flurry Heart to care.

“Rarity…” Spike said as he approached his wife.

“That poor little child…!” Rarity sobbed.

Spike held her tightly, while trying to keep his own emotions brave and strong.

The Wonderbolts were searching high and low, with Rainbow Dash accompanying them with her Starfleet tech. She tried scanning around for Flurry’s DNA, vital signs, anything they had of hers on record. “Ugh! It’s no good.” she groaned “I just can’t detect them. Nightwing must be still blocking us with his amulet.”

Captain Spitfire was undeterred, “Then we’ll just have to keep searching; every area, behind every tree, under every rock.”

The other Wonderbolts felt a dismay, but Major Rainbow Dash stomped her foot, “What’s the matter, you guys got two left feet or something? When Spitfire or I give you an order you SNAP TO IT! NOW JUMP, ON THE DOUBLE!!”

“YES MA’AM!!”replied The Wonderbolts, and they continued their search.

“Hey, well done…” said Spitfire.

Rainbow nodded proudly, and then she continued to search.

Meanwhile, Starla was just as upset as the rest, but she had to be strong for her own baby as well. “Come on, honey… open up…” she cooed as she fed Shining Light a spoon full of carrot-flavored baby food, and the baby ate it up and splattered all over him. “Oh, shining!” Starla grumbled as she wiped the baby’s face with a cloth.

Her son wasn’t the only one being hard on his food; Lightning hadn’t touched a morsel of his breakfast.

“Eat your food, honey. It’s getting cold.”

Lightning sighed, “I’m just not hungry, I can’t stop thinking about so many things; Flurry Heart is one of them.

She wasright there,and I couldn’t help her.” He sighed and held his head in disgust, “Worse than that: I let Cadance and Shining Armor down again.”

Starla felt pity for Lightning, “It wasn’t your fault. Cadance even sent you that letter saying she doesn’t blame you.”

Lightning looked at the letter on the table next to him, which he already read. As comforting as it was, he still didn’t feel too much better, “It’s just that…” he paused “Cadance already one baby because I couldn’t save her, and not only that, she couldn’t have any more children after that.

We were barely able to clone Flurry Heart into reality, and now she’s in the hands of those Bats.”

He looked deeply inside of him trying to choose his next words carefully, “I just can’t stand this happening to Cadance all over again. I know she and Shining Armor can’t either.”

His wife smiled, loving the way he was showing how much he cared, “In the meantime, you have a baby too, you know, and he needs his father to be brave for him too.”

Lightning looked at he son, and Shining looked up at him and smiled his little gummy mouth at him. He just had to smiled back and pated his son’s little head. “You don’t understand a thing at all, do you?”

The baby just cooed.

Meanwhile, Sienna and her crew going over their vast array of Jemma-Nites they had in their collection which they had created over the centuries.

“Perhaps this one will do us wonders.” Slash suggested.

“If by wonders, you mean flop.” mocked Ominsha “I say this one will do a way better job.”

Slash growled, “You think you’re so smart just because you got that overgrown football in your hand.”

“Oh, let’s see that sword of yours try mind-reading!”

“ENOUGH!!!” shouted Sienna.

Her two minions quivered softly.

“We’re supposed to be choosing a Jemma-Nite, not insults for each other! How do you expect us to conquer the universe like this?”

Slash and Omnisha were ashamed, but just then Mako came into the room going “I’ve got it! I’ve got it…!”

“Slow down, Mako.” said Sienna “What have you got?”

“This ought to be good.” muttered Slash

Mako explained anyway, “Maybe instead of using these, we should make a whole new kind of Jemma-Nite; even stronger and more super than ever.”

“And just what do you suggest we create our new Jemma-Nite with?” asked Omnisha.

Jemma-Nites were creatures created by melding jewels, ores, and precious metals, infused with life energies and magical forces obtained from enchanted treasures.

“Why not use a few chunks from the ship’s hull?” said Mako “After all, it’s magical resistant, and Starfleet already tried to attack at it once before.”

Sienna bent down, took his brother by the shoulders, “Mako… I like the way you think!”

Her brother smiled.

“And…” Sienna continued, “I’ll even let you come with me when we create our new monster.”

Mako’s eyes lit up, while Omnisha and Slash were wide-eyed in shock.

“Really, sis?” chirped Mako. His sister nodded, “You might as well get some experience if you want to be a great treasure hunter someday.”

“But Captain…” Slash tried to protest.

“You be quiet!” snapped Sienna, “Get to work, both of you. Start gathering the materials we need. We’re going to create a monster unlike any other!

So great, they’ll have to give into our demands, and surrender their treasures, including the secrets to The Elements of Chaos!”

“Better yet…” suggested Mako “We can blackmail them into finding The Elements for us, and spare us all the work.”

Sienna stroked her brother’s head, “Like I said, I like the way you think.”

Slash had already had his fill of this!“That little brat is really starting to annoy me!”then he got an idea, which Omnisha could sense, and he knew it.“You say one word…”Slash thought so only she could hear him,“…And I’ll have your head at the end of my sword!”

Despite Omnisha’s better instincts, she was actually rather interested in how his little idea would play out.

So the villains got to work;

Over the next few days, they chipped off bits of the alloy coating of the ship, and using extremely high temperatures to melt it down into a liquid and then infusing it with the crystal dust that would be poured into molds to make the form of a creature.

“Excellent…” hissed Sienna “Prepare for the final stage: Life-Infusion!”

The body, still in its mold, was moved into a big machine, and the energies were infused into the body.

Sienna couldn’t help but laugh maliciously at the sight of all the flashing and rumbling of the machinery.

Finally, all was done, and out of the machine came a new crystal-capsule, but unlike the other capsules, this one, instead of being pale white, was bluer in color, indicating the super strength contained within.

“Mako…” Sienna said offering him the honor of unleashing the creature for all to see.

Mako eagerly, but softly took the capsule, and threw it out unleashing the unnamed Jemma-Nite.

“Wow!” exclaimed Mako.

Sienna snickered in excitement while the others all gawked in awe at the sight of the new monster…

It was a strong knight-type creature; strong and muscular, and coated with armor as powerful as the alloy covering the ship, including a strong helmet with ox horns. The creature wielded a huge diamond-bladed sword.

The creature growled deeply and raised his sword ready to strike, but Mako quickly called him back into his capsule; the only bit of magic that the anti-magic armor couldn’t deflect.

“I think I’ll call him Orgoth!” Mako said.

Sienna approached her brother and patted his back, “Let’s go. The hunt begins.” and she went off holding her brother’s hand, and told Slash and Omnisha “You two stay here and monitor the fight.”

“Yes, Captain!”the others replied.

As soon as Sienna left with Mako and the Raiders, Slash grinned wickedly and muttered “That Jemma-Nite may be strong, but it hasone fatal flawinfused in it.”

“I still think you’re taking this a bit too far.” said Omnisha “I may not like that brat Mako as much as you, but is it worth taking it to this?”

Slash scoffed, “The Captain fawns too much over that kid. If his plan fails, she may not think as highly of him anymore, and perhaps she can concentrate more on leading us.”

Omnisha was still very skeptical of Slash’s attitude, but she refused to back out.

Meanwhile, over the past few days, patrols on the lookout for Flurry still hadn’t come up with much.

Of course, despite Flurry Heart being found being very important, everyone did have others things to do rather than occupy themselves with just one problem.

Lightning was out on duty-- doing his patrol, going over reports, and keeping the peace and calmness with civilians.

As for Starla, she and her friends were sparring in the field. Starla had decided to start exercising and training again to boost her strength back to full. She had done her normal routines-- lifting extremely heavy weight, working on her speed by racing around the planet and through obstacle courses, target shooting to strengthen her reflexes, and strengthening her magic as well.

Now she was sparring with Rainbow Dash.

Shining Light was on the sidelines, fast asleep in his little buggy, while under the watch of Spike, Rarity and Krysta; all them already having sparred with Starla earlier, and just keeping an eye on him.

Starla and Rainbow punched and kicked at one another, and even raced around in the air. Finally, Starla managed to grab Rainbow by the tail, and gave her a huge yank, sending her plummeting to the ground below.

Rainbow stopped herself at the last few inches. “Sweet!” she cried “Great move, Starla.”

Starla gave her a thumb-up, and then fluttered back down to the ground, and flexed her muscles out, “YEAH…!!” she hollered as she picked up a huge solid rock and shattered it to gravel in her bare hands. “I’m back, baby!”

“Way to go, Starla.” said Krysta.

Shining Light just slept peacefully in his buggy, not knowing what was happening. “Wow! Even I could never sleep this heavily.” said Spike.

Rarity could only giggle softly, but still… looking down at the sleeping baby only made her wish Flurry Heart was found even more. “Ooh!” she grumbled, “When I find the rotten creatures that took her I’ll… I’ll…!”

“Easy, Rarity.” said Rainbow.

Starla damped herself with a wet tower, “We all feel the same as you do, Rarity, and we’re doing all that we can to try to find her, but just the same we have to keep a sharp eye out for other dangers too.”

Krysta nodded, and then gawked up ahead, “Dangers like them?!” she snapped, and pointed over at a whole hoard of Raiders popping up all over the field.

The friends all rose up to their feet, and the noise woke up little Shining, and he began to cry. “Oh!” groaned Starla as she picked her son up. She wanted to get her baby home and away from the danger like a good mother would, but her duty as a frontline soldier also bound her to stay and fight as well.

“I’ll take him home for you, Starla.” said Krysta “And I’ll keep an eye on him too.”

Starla nodded thankfully “Tell the sentries nearby, on my orders to stand guard.”

Krysta agreed, and Starla pecked her little son’s head, “Don’t worry, honey; Mama’s going to be just fine.”

As soon as Krysta left with the baby safely in tow, the friends transformed.

“Starfleet Magic!”


“Dragon Power!”

The fighters all rushed in to action! Starla punched and kicked every Raider out of her way, and then fired a few magical shots from her horn to blast more of the down, “Feels great to have my A-Game back.”

“Coming through…!” Rainbow hollered as she zoomed straight through a whole swarm of Raiders, knocking them all down hard.

Rarity then found herself surrounded by many of the Cannon Raiders, and they all prepared to open fire on her, but Rarity waited to the last second and leapt up high causing the Raiders to shoot each other, and blasting themselves into ashes.

Spike, with his sword, fought against several of the Blade Raiders at once, parrying their every attack and then slashing at them hard making sparks fly.

“Whose next!” he thundered, but suddenly a whole load of burning rays were shot at him and all the others, hitting them hard and knock them all over.

“What the…!” snapped Starla, and she gawked up ahead and saw Sienna and Mako.

Mako held a blast-cannon, “How was that?” he asked. His sister grinned and patted his head “Good shooting, Mako.”

Rainbow stood growling, “Why you little…!”

“Uh-Uh-Uh…” snapped Sienna “It’s only his first time… and quite possiblyour last confrontation. Unless of course you make it easier and surrender to us now.”

“Why you wretched creature!” sneered Rarity.

“We’ll never surrender to the likes of you, Sienna.” added Starla “You can send all the Jemma-Nites you have, and that won’t change a thing!”

Sienna snickered, “Why send so many? All we need is one.” and she motioned to Mako, which her brother was all giddy about.

He held up the new capsules, which Spike noted, “That capsule, it’s a different color.”

Mako snickered and threw the capsule shouting, “Super Jemma-Nite Orgoth… I choose you!”

“SUPER JEMMA-NITE?!!”the fighters exclaimed. Then they saw as the light faded, the huge hulking monster. It roared gruffly and gripped its strong blade.

Starla tried to scan it with her visor, but the scan couldn’t penetrate. “Nothing!” she cried “I’m blocked out.”

Sienna laughed, “Don’t waste your power. This is a new form of Jemma-Nite we created; you’ll never realize just how powerful it really is!”

Mako nodded, “Orgoth, Attack!”

Orgoth roared, and stomped his way forth, the fighters could feel the vibrations along the ground, telling them that it was really strong even without scanning him.

“I wonder…” said Starla, and she charged up her horn,“PULSAR LASER”Her blast flew straight at the hulking monster, only collide into his armor and deflect right off of it, straight back at the fighters,

“Look out!” cried Rarity, and everyone leapt up high avoiding the blast. KAPOW! The blast hit the ground and caused a small explosion!

“I don’t believe it!” growled Starla.

“Oh, believe it!” taunted Sienna “This Super Jemma-Nite is infused with the same alloy that coats my ship. All your attacks will be useless, but his won’t be.”

Mako snickered, “And if you all think your safe up there in air, you got another thing coming! Do it, Orgoth!”

Orgoth growled and raised his huge sword, the tip of the blade was glowing, and he slashed at the air unleashing powerful shocking waves bound for the fighters.

“Scatter!” shouted Starla, and the fighters all flew about in opposite directions.

“Oh, is THAT your best?” hissed Sienna, and she pulled out her sword and her ray-gun, while Mako armed his cannon, “I was hoping we’d get to do this.”

“…Fire at will, Mako.”

The villains and Orgoth fired mercilessly forcing the fighters to dodge all about.

Starla swatted one of the blasts away from her, and Spike blocked another shot with his strong cape.

“You can’t escape us!” shouted Mako, “Get them, Orgoth!”

Orgorth growled and slashed his blade again, sending more shockwaves, one of which hit Rainbow. She didn’t fall out of the sky and kept her balance, but she was steamed!

“That does it!”

She glared right at the monster below.

“Rainbow, Don’t…!” shouted Starla “We don’t know how strong that thing is in strength!”

“I don’t care!” growled Rainbow, and she charged straight for Orgoth,“SONIC RAINBOOM!!”

“Rainbow…!” Starla called to her, but Rainbow was already diving straight at Orgoth.

Sienna and Mako snickered wickedly, eagerly waiting for what was about to happen next, “Let her have it, Orgoth.” Mako hollered.

Rainbow got in closer, and closer, just as Orgoth raised its huge blade to intercept her, but just as Rainbow was about to collide, and Orgoth brought its arm down to slash her with his sword.

Something came swooping in, grabbing Rainbow and pulling her out of the way!

CRASH!! Orgoth slammed his blade hard on the ground making a huge explosion, and the very ground shook for miles, knocking Sienna and Mako off their feet.

“RAINBOW DASH…!!” Rarity cried, fearing she got hit by the explosion.

Spike and Starla gawked in horror, but then, from out of the smoke, Lightning emerged holding Rainbow in his arms, which gave them all a huge sigh of relief.

“Good thing I got here just in time.” Lightning called.

Rainbow could only gaze down at the huge crater Orgoth had made with that single attack. “Whoa!” she groaned “I almost dashed straight into that! I would’ve totally been destroyed!”

Even Sienna and Mako were nearly flipped out by what their monster had just done.

“Whoa! That’s a lot of power!” cried Mako.

“We made him far better than we thought.” agreed Sienna

Onboard Sienna’s ship, Slash and Omnisha had been observing the fight on the monitors.

“I don’t think I’ve seen such a strong monster battle in decades, since we plundered the Western Quadrant of the galaxy.” said Omnisha.

Slash didn’t really care for all that. He just stood there, snickering, “I think now’s a good time to activatemy little surprise.”

He recounted earlier, during the construction of Orgoth,“While no one was watching, I added a small orb into the body of the creature. This orb can be activated by the flick of a switch, and when that is done, it will send out a power surge within the Jemma-Nite, causing it to run amuck, and attack anything in its sight.

Despite the risks of Sienna being in the way I know she’ll be fine. It is well-worth it to make her brother’s plan flop. Then maybe she’ll stop spoiling that brat and start acting like a true leader again!

And who knows; if the monster still destroys our enemies, it makes all the more worthwhile.”

Omnisha was still rather skeptical about all this and fearing she still should have acted on it earlier, but Slash gawked at her, reminding her of his threat. So she was forced to remain quiet.

Slash then wandering up to the console, “It’s time…” he said, and he flicked the master-switch to “ON”

He snickered sinisterly as he watched the monitors.

Down in the battle zone, Orgoth’s eyes began to glow a bright red as the power surge began to activate within, but nobody noticed, as they were all busy contemplating.

“There must be a way to take out that big hulk!” said Rarity.

“But how can we?” asked Spike “All our energy attacks will just bounce right off of it, and attacking it directly is foolish.”

Lightning already had an idea, “It’s risky, but it just may work.”

Suddenly, before he could even explain his idea to the others, Orgoth let out a mighty roar that seemed to blast strong winds across the field.

“What’s with that creep?” wondered Rainbow.

Orgoth then grabbed its sword slammed the ground hard making a small explosion.

“Orgoth, what are you doing?!” shouted Sienna.

The monster then turned to face her and Mako and began to stomp his way towards them, “Orgoth, I command you to stop!” shouted Mako, but the monster just kept coming.

The fighters were most confused, “Why is it attacking them?” asked Spike.

“Sienna, what do I do?!” cried Mako.

“Recall him, quickly!” snapped Sienna.

Mako quickly grabbed Orgoth’s capsule, “Return, Orgoth!” and the return beam fired from the capsule and hit the monster, but had no effect whatsoever. “It’s not working!” cried Mako “I can’t recall him!”

Sienna couldn’t understand this, but she saw Orgoth approaching them, and raising its huge sword to strike them. “LOOK OUT MAKO!” Sienna screamed as she tackled her brother out of the way, just barely missing the strike herself.

“SIS!!” cried Mako.

“I’m okay.” panted Sienna.

Poor Mako, all his courage was all but depleted. He burst into tears, “Sienna I’m scared!”

Sienna agreed, and held her brother tight, “Let’s get out of here!”

The two villains vanished, back to their ship, while their monster continued to run amuck.

“He’s heading for the town!” cried Lightning “Come on! We can’t let him in there!”

“Shining…!” Starla murmured, worrying about her baby.

The sentries at the entrance to town saw the monster coming and sounded the alarms, warning everybody of approaching the danger.

At once, everyone rushed inside and the barriers rose.

All the same while, little Shining Light was crying and wailing, not just because of the loud noises, but he wanted his mother and father.

“Oh… oh, don’t cry, Shining!” Krysta said as she tried to comfort him. She used her magic to levitate him up and rocked him softly back and forth. The baby stopped crying a little.

“There you go, nice… nice…” Krysta cooed as she set Shining down in his playpen.

Shining then looked up at Krysta, and he reached up and grabbed the tiny fairy. “UGH!!” Krysta groaned “What are you-- Let me go!”

Poor Krysta had quite forgotten about babies and their tendency to grab things.

Shining shook Krysta softly in his hand making Krysta feel nauseous. “I… hope… Lightning and Starla… get back soon!”

Shining then stopped and gawked down at her with a funny look in his eyes.

“Oh, no…!” groaned Krysta.

Shining brought her closer and closer to his face, but Krysta, managing to free her wand, levitated Shining’s teddy bear before his eyes, and he let her go and hugged his bear instead.

“Whew!” Krysta groaned, only for Shining to drop the bear right on top of her, “B’OHHH!!

…I can’t take this!”

Many of the sentries stood by the town perimeter and prepared to open fire on the approaching monster.

“NO… DON’T…!!” Lightning tried to shout to them, but the sentries already opened fire, shooting magical blasts and rays from guns, only for each and every attack to bounce off of Orgoth and head straight back at them.

The sentries all scattered and dodged about as the blasts struck all over the village perimeter; blasting lampposts, destroying stands, roasting the trees and blowing holes in the ground, but at least the homes and buildings were protected by the barriers.

Starla groaned as she rubbed her face in frustration, “How are we supposed to stop that thing?” she asked.

“Leave it to me.” Lightning said, and he sped on a head straight for the rampaging monster.

“Lightning…!” Starla called to him.

“What are you doing?!” added Rainbow.

Rarity fainted overdramatically in midair, and Spike caught her in his arms, but just the same worrying about Lightning.

Orgoth slashed down a couple of trees, smashed down a few huge boulders with its huge fists. Now it was just a few feet away from entering the town where it would no doubt cause loads of damage…

…When suddenly, small blasts of uniforce blasted around the monster, rather that hitting it directly.

Orgoth turned and saw Lightning glaring at him fiercely, “Okay, big boy; time to rumble!”

Orgoth roared and slashed his blade, blasting his airwaves at Lightning.

Lightning rushed forth, swerving away from each shot, and went straight for the monster.

“Lightning, don’t!” called Spike, but Lightning, instead of punching Orgoth, zipped out of the way, and suddenly jumped on the monster’s back, and clutched it hard.

The monster was wild and crazy; riving and thrashing about to shake Lightning off.

“Oh, my goodness!!” cried Rarity.

Even Rainbow thought this was too wild a stunt, even for her! “What the heck is he thinking?!”

“Come on, Lightning!” said Starla.

Lightning held on with all his might as the monster got wilder and fought with such fierceness. “Come on…! Come on, ya big lug!!” Lightning taunted.

Finally, he felt himself losing his grip, and he was forced to let go as the monster swung its huge fist at him.

Lightning zipped round to the front of the creature.

Orgoth was really looking steamed, and swung its sword hard straight at him. Lightning waited until the last split second and hit the dirt hard causing Orgoth to miss and to strike himself right across the chest plate, making a small explosion.

“Lightning…!” Starla screamed.

Spike looked on ahead, “Hey, he’s all right!”

Surely enough Lightning was fine and headed straight for the group. “It worked!!” he cried.

“What worked?” asked Rarity.

Lightning pointed down at the clearing smoke. There stood Orgoth, and one its chest plate was a huge breach, which the others gawked in awe at.

Lightning nodded and explained, “I figured that since our attacks wouldn’t hope to beat it, I faked the most out and made it attack itself. Since its sword is made of the material as its coating, it was the perfect plan!”

Orgoth roared angrily and, still able to fight, slashed its blade, sending more air blasts at the team. “Scatter!” shouted Lightning, and everyone sprinted off just missing the blasts. “Aim for the breach!” Lightning called to the others.

Rarity and Rainbow nodded, and charged forth.

Rainbow dove straight in at Orgoth.

The monster saw her and prepared to intercept like before.

“Oh, no you don’t!” shouted Rarity, and she fired beams from her horn, hitting the breach, and really weakening the creature, allowing Rainbow to charge forth and kick hard with feet…

CRASH!! A huge rainbow colored explosion followed as Orgoth was sent flying across the field and dropping its sword along the way.

“A’RGH!” Rainbow groaned as she rubbed her aching feet, “Despite the weakening, that guy’s still pretty tough.”

“Not for long.” said Lightning, as he stood by Starla and Spike, “Now it’s our turn. Give it all you’ve got!”

The others agreed and powered up their finishers.


Spike slashed his flaming sword, directly at the breach. The attack worked as Orgoth began to flare up and spark like crazy.

“My turn!” said Starla“GALACTIC PROJECTILE!”

POW!! Her arrow was launched, crashing into the breach hard, and finally Lightning was up.“UNIFORCE”

The power of the attacks consumed Orgoth in a great blaze that disintegrated the creature’s gem-like body, leaving behind only a few fragments of armor and its huge sword.

The team could do nothing but cheer and holler with joy.

While on the enemy’s ship, Sienna and Mako made it onto the bridge, and Sienna angrily shoved the Raiders out of her way. Mako angrily kicked the walls whining, “It’s not fair! It’s Not Fair!! That was such a good monster!”

Slash snickered softly at the way Mako was behaving, and now he was hoping Sienna would scorn him for this failure, but much to his dismay, Sienna was sympathetic and soft with Mako.

“Don’t despair, Mako. It was still and excellent plan. You’ve given us a lot to think about. We’ll just have to work harder to figure out what went wrong.”

Mako looked up at his sister and smiled happily, while Slash clenched his fists angrily, but was being careful not to give himself away.

Instead he just walked off in a huff, passing Omnisha along the way. “He better watch himself.” she said to herself in thought.

“Hey!” snapped Sienna as she observed the console. She noticed a master switch for a berserker-gem was left “ON” and she knew fully well that this was not an accident.

“Somebody set us up.” she hissed.

“What?” Mako couldn’t believe what he just heard “Who would do that? They nearly destroyed us too.”

Sienna clenched her fists, “I don’t know, Mako, but when I find out who did, they’ll wish they had never been born.”

Omnisha felt a little shiver run down her spine.

Meanwhile, the damages down to the town perimeter weren’t that serious and wouldn’t long for the maintenance crews to repair.

The team all went home to Lightning and Starla’s, with Orgoth’s discarded sword and bits of armor in tow.

“Krysta…?” Lightning called out softly.

The friends all saw Shining asleep in his playpen and he was clutching her in his little hands, holding her close.

“Aww…” Starla cooed.

“Help me!” Krysta groaned quietly.

The others couldn’t help but chuckle, and Shining began to awaken. He smiled as his mother scooped him up in her arms and smothered him softly.

Lightning patted his son’s little head, which Rarity and Spike felt was touching.

Krysta stretched out and shook herself vigorously, “I don’t think I’m cut out for this babysitting stuff. More like the baby will sit on me.”

“Thanks a bunch, still Krysta.” Said Lightning “I’ll make other arrangements for future situations.”

Rainbow inspected all the weapons confiscated from the battle. “What are we going to do with all this?”

“We’re going to send it to Professor Brain.” replied Lightning “If we can analyze this alloy and tech, we may be able to use it for ourselves. We’ll be one step closer to bringing Sienna down for good using her own resources.”

“Awesome!” said Spike, “But how long will it take?”

“Hard to say.” said Lightning “But the sooner we send them off the better.” he paused and picked up the huge sword in his hand, “We’re about to take a huge step, people; a very huge step.”


In our next episode: While the search for Flurry Heart and the Bat Lords continue, Applejack tells her friends the story about her parents and how all the legacy came to be.

But when The Bats finally attack again, a shocking surprise is in store for not only Applejack, but everyone else as well.

What surprise is it that awaits everyone?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Tragic Tall Tales… to Reality!”)

Author's Note:

Don't even start with me about Starla/Lightning and Shining.

They are Starfleet officers and their DUTY comes first, especially considering that while the DO wish to lookout for their baby, if they don't help to drive the danger away, EVERYONE can get killed INCLUDING their son. I'm not saying the baby isn't important, but I am saying they must answer the GREATER NEED

("The needs of the MANY outweigh the needs of the FEW")

Besides, either way I'm sure my haters will bitch about it.

-Starla leaves the field to look after Shining "Wow! She's deserting her Starfleet post"

-Starla stays to fight and leaves her baby in good care of others, "Wow! she's really a neglectful mother"

It is an impasse. Case Closed