• Published 27th Jan 2018
  • 1,133 Views, 14 Comments

My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season VII - DakariKingMykan

The Ponies face an evil treasure hunter and evil Bat creatures

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Episode 25: Part 3: Reaching out for Within

“Previously on Starfleet Magic…”

Our heroes put up a valliant effort, but proved to be hardly any match for Sienna and her newly absorbed powers. Sienna managed to harness the powers of the remaining elements, and she then trapped the heroes within the crumpling temple, and proceeded to level United Equestria, but the Starfleet forces refuse to give in, even after the massive destruction Sienna has caused!


“I have got to be dreaming!!” growled Sienna, she wasn’t; all the fighters were still alive, maybe a few scratches, bruises and tangled up manes and tails, but very much alive.

Reason being: they had acitavted their Super Suits, and while under the normal gravity conditions, the suits were as heavy as ever, the powerful alloy actually protected them from the blast.

Though the suits were still too heavy to use properly in battle, thanks to their training Lightning was able to raise his hand to power down the super suit so he could get up.

Lightning remembered what Grand Ruler had told him once…

“If there is a skill or power you seem to lack
Make up with another skill, and you’ll make a comeback.”

*Mykan’s POV*

Krysta had teleported me into the palace before the blast struck, and I approached the Crusaders, and they leapt right up and hugged me.

“I’m glad you’re safe too, girls.” I said.

Shadow Coat was relieved to see me too, and as he looked out the window, the smoke cleared up, and many of the fighters all over the grounds were lying on the ground, exaushted or injured, but they were still alive due to Celestia protecting them all with her magical barrier.

*POV Ends*

Celestia was now dangerously exhausted as she lay in her husband’s arms.

“Celestia…!” Grand Ruler cried “Can you here me? Please say something!”

His wife opened her eyes and smiled weakly at him, “I’m all right, dear.”

Grand Ruler and Luna were relieved, but after what had just happened, all three of them hadn’t been so terrified at such power before.

Suddenly, there was a bright shine of light emitting from where Lightning and the others stood.

It was Spike, he was glowing like crazy, “When the Chaos overexceeds, my dragon heart unleashes my full power.” he said, and in a bright flash, he became The Majestic Dragon!

“Oh, Spike…!” Rarity sighed lovingly.

“Think I should be scared of that?!” sneered Sienna “I can take you on as easily as I did your army!”

The great dragon looked down at Sienna and hissed, “Who said you would be fighting me? This is all just part of our actual strategy.”

“What?!” snapped Sienna. She watched as Spike extended his wings, stuck his large head up into the sky and let out a might roar. All at once, he bathed his friends in bright blankets of light, restoring their strengths and power as best he could. Their majesties too...

The team all stood, transformed into their armor, and their majesties stood, all strong and well again. Celestia looked fully recovered.

Cadance, still in her Ninja Suit, having ducked down earlier, had run onto the scene by her husband’s side.

“Cadance!” cried Saber “How did you survive the blast?”

His wife gestured saying,“I’m a Ninja. I’m good at being stealth.”

The team all huddled together and stared at Sienna way up. Spike, in his Dragon Knight form, stood by Rarity. “Thank you for restoring us, dear.” she said to him.

Her husband nodded, “The plan worked. We survived the blast, and now we’re at full power again.”

“That’s right, Spike,” Lightning agreed “And that’s not all that we thing we did…”

Sienna had taken enough of this, “So much cuteness and all, BEHOLD MY POWER!!” she fired more blasts of lightning straight for the team, but they all scattered about like crazy, and the blasts missed.

“Lightning…!” Grand Ruler called to him, “We need to get the downed fighters out of here. We’ll join you as soon as we can.”

Lightning nodded, and then he went Enticorn “Time to get busy!”

He lunged forth at Sienna. She aimed a strong punch at him, but he swerved, “Take this!” and socked her right in her huge face.

POW!! Sienna was hit hard, and she roared as she crashed down to the ground hard.


“That… that hurt!” she groaned “That actually hurt me! I don’t undersdtand.”

Lightning appeared right before her, floating by her side “Didn’t think you would.” and gave her a good kick sending her up, up, into the air.

*Mykan’s POV*

Shadow coat had gone to help haul in some of the fighters, while Krysta and I were watching after the crusaders as we watched the fight from the window.

“I don’t believe it! They’re winning!” said Scootaloo.

I patted her back and explained, “That was our plan all along. Not only did they manage to survive that big blast, but it forced Sienna to use up a great deal of her power.”

“So now the fight’s even.” said DD “That’s way sweet, but do you still think they can do it?”

“I hope so.” said Krysta, but she said it to herself not wanting to upset the girls.

All any of us could do was watch the fight.

Mako, on the other hand, he didn’t know how much more of this he could bear to see. True, his sister had been very bad and was in need of a good beating, but he was starting to fear for the worst; maybe his friends wouldn’t be able to save her.

*POV Pause*

Sienna was still strong enough to fight back hard, and she punched Lightning hard sending him soaring and tumbling backwards.

“Combine powers!” shouted Starla, and she and the other space ponies stood all together, hand-in-hand with she in the middle. They combined all their natural alicorn magic into a huge blast of light energy, and fired at Sienna, hitting her hard in a big explosion.

The fighters looked on, but Sienna burst through the smoke and joined her huge hands together, “Now it’s my turn! Try some of this!”

“Scatter!” cried Starla, and she and the fighters flew off just as Sienna unleashed a huge beam of dark light, which missed them all and headed far off into the sky.

KAPOW!! What an explosion!

“I won’t miss you this time!” Sienna thundered as she put her hands together to fire another blast.

“Oh, no you don’t!” growled Saber and he lassoed her huge wrists with his chain,“STRIDENT SHOCKWAVE”the metal chains conducted the electrical force that jolted Sienna all over, but as well as being damaged, she was enraged!

“Saber, get out of there!” shouted Artie.

Sienna began to break free from the chain. Once she was free, she redied herself to punch him, but Saber vanished at the last second; whisked off by Cadance using her ninja speed and stealth.

“You hoo…!” called Lightning as he came soaring back in again and punched Sienna hard up into the air, making her a clear target for Rainbow Dash!


WHAMM!! She crashed clean into Sienna’s chest, resulting in a colorful explosion, and Sienna went sailing along through the air.

One-by-one, all the fighters lunged at her, punching her and kicking her, tossing her from one place to another like a ragdoll.

*POV Resume*

“Give it to her, guys!” I hollered as I watched the fight with the girls.

“Show her whose boss!” shouted Sweetie Belle.

Suddenly, Scootaloo gasped, “Look! She’s fighting back!”


Sienna let out a huge roar, “You think you’ve got me beaten?! I’ll show you beaten!!”

Lightning lunged straight for her, coliding into her, and she blocked him with her arms and flung him off of her.

The other fighters all jumped in, only to get zapped, punched and knocked back hard.

“It’s no good. Those elements are still making her too strong!” cried Rarity.

Rhymey suddenly had the idea…

“We should attack not Sienna, but the Elements instead.
If we can knock them off, all her power will be dead.”

The others all agreed to the idea, but Sienna laughed, “Nice idea, too bad I heard you, and too bad it won’t help, since you’ll be destroyed before can even get close!”

“We’ll see about that!” growled Buddy.

Sienna called forth more lightning to strike all around, one zap after another in random places, forcing all the fighters to swerve and dodge about.

“Now try THIS!” Sienna then summoned more dark tentacles out from the ground, but these tentacles were bigger and more solid that ever.

The fighters found it harder to dodge more than ever, much less get close towards Sienna.

The tentacles continued to swipe at everyone.

“Take this!” Rarity shouted as she fired a blast from her horn, which stunned it slightly, but only for a split second and it chased right after her again.

Then there was still the lightning strikes, and Sienna herself. “This is more like it!” she sneered.

WHAPP!! Some of the fighters got hit by the tentacles.

KAPOW!! Lightning bolts zapped more of them, making large explosions and nearly causing the fighters to fall from the sky.

“We’ve got to… keep on… going!” shouted Dyno.

“Andale! Andale!” cried Myte.

So they kept on fighting, and they kept on getting struck, and Sienna laughed at them all, “What’s wrong? Can’t the handle chaos…?” and she blasted them all again.

“Feel the pain! The very pain I felt all the time!”

Horrible images of her past kept flashing before her eyes. “May parents died in that spaceship crash! It was no mystery how it happened. They were killed by creatures! Creatures that roman this universe!

Then Mako and I were dropped off at that orphanage, surrounded by bullies and rude people, I had to toughen up just to keep my brother safe; especially after those blasted aliens came and enslaved us, worked us like dirty dogs! All the beatings we took all the pain, and wounds!

If I hadn’t stepped in to protect Mako, he would never have made it! Then I finally managed to overpower our captives and take control, but that just wasn’t enough!

Those creatures! Everywhere I looked in the universe reminded me of all the suffering and pain I had endured. Nothing would have pleased me more than to make them all pay and know the pain that I felt!

And then Mako betrayed me! He was poisoned by your lies and manipulations of friendship and kindness when you just used him to get to me first!


Mako heard it all, and he was on the verge of tears. His sister had become so corrupted and so nasty it was if she had forgotten the person she used to be; HIS SISTER!“I can’t bear this anymore!”he said in thought“I won’t let you do this to yourself Sienna. You did do all those things for me to protect me, and now it’s up to me to help you!”

The Crusaders, Shadow Coat, Mykan and Krysta were all too captivated by the fight to notice; he slipped away. All the gaurds were too busy tending to fallen comrades and maintaining their battlestations to notice him either, making ti easy for him to go along.

“I will take you all down!” bellowed Sienna to the fighters “I will make you all sorry you ever messed with me!”

Lightning shook his head pitifully at her, “Your past and pain may be understandable, but that’s no excuse for the innocent beings you’ve robbed from and destroyed! You’ve been so blinded by your lust for revenge and your obsession with power and wealth that you’ve been poisoned into the creature you’ve become!

The sooner we get those elements off of you, the sooner you’ll begin to see!”

“Ha!” scoffed Sienna “The only thing I see is your friends getting themselves whipped and blasted about!”

She wasn’t kidding! All the other fighters were still finding it hard to deal with all the chaotic tentacles and the lightning striking at them. They didn’t looke like they could handle themselves much longer.

Lightning clenched his fists, and his golden body was glowing brighter than ever, and he glared at Sienna, and she glared at him back; like cowboys ready to draw.

The two then suddenly lunged forth at each other, but at the last second, Lightning zipped away, much to Sienna’s confusion.

Lightning actually wasn’t up to fighting with her, but rather zoomed down and attacked all of the dark tentcales, slashing right through them, destroying them into dark clouds.

Though Lightning couldn’t stop the lightning bolts, he then flew straight at Sienna to punch her, but he zipped off again at the last second, and again, and again, and again, until finally… he blasted at her right arm, knocking three of the elements off her wrist.

“No!!” shouted Sienna as she watched the braclets fall down, down, to the ground. It was too dark to tell where they had landed.

With the three braclets off of her, the lightning bolts had ceased, and try as she did, without those bracelets, Sienna couldn’t conjure anymore. “So you got lucky!” she growled “But if you think this battle is won… you’re right… IT IS won… for me!”

She lunged forth, flying straight into Lightning, and he held her huge head with his hands blocking her, but despite the loss of half the elements, she was still pretty strong, plus, all the battling was starting to wear Lightning down a little.

Suddenly, she grabbed him and held him tightly in her huge hand.

“Let me go!” Lightning demanded, but Sienna just continued to put more pressure on him.

“Come on, we’ve got to help him!” cried Starla.

The others agreed, and dashed straight for Seinna. “Blast her!” shouted Artie, and the alicorns all fired magical beams from their horns, but she blocked their every attack with her other arm.

“STRIDENT SHOCKWAVE”Saber unleashed his powerful currents at her. Cadance threw her magical nija shurikens.

“DRAGON FLARE”Spike unleashed his firey wrath.

Sienna just blasted the attacks with her dark waves, which also knocked the fighters all way back and they crashed to the ground.

“Guys…!!” Lightning cried “Uhn…!!” Sienna was putting more pressure on him. “Hurts, doesn’t it?!” Then she raised her arm, “Let me put you out of your misery then!”

“LIGHTNING!!” screamed Starla.

“She’ll crush him like a bug!” cried Spike.

“SAY GOODBYE!!” Sienna shouted.

Down came her hand…!


Sienna had a pained look on her face, as smoke was coming from her free arm. “Blast you…!” she sneered softly at Lightning, who was panting softly while sneering at her.

It had all been an elaborate ruse to get Sienna to lower her guard. This gave him the pefect chance to fire a small blast from his glowing eyes straight at her arm and knocking two more elements off.

“Like I said…” Lightning scoffed at her “Blinded! That’s all you are.”

Sienna then began to groan and moan softly as he body began to shrink down, and she let go of Lightning.

“She’s shrinking down!” cried Dyno.

“Si…! Her power must be draining out.”

Sienna was now back to her normal size, and appeared less monsterous than before, but she still wasn’t quit beat and still had some powers left.

Lightning landed softly on the ground, but feel to his knees feeling very weary now. Starla raced up to him and caught him in her arms “Are you okay?”

Her husband looked up at her and smiled weakly, and found his strength to stand. He gazed over at Sienna.


The Crusaders were bouncing with glee and giving each other high fives. “That’s five elements down!” cried Applebloom. “Just as soon as they get that last element on Sienna’s head, she’ll be toast!” chipred Scootaloo.

“Come on you guys.” I murmured softly “Oh, I wish I could be down there helping them!”

Shadow Coat placed his hand on my shoulder, “You have done much already, my friend. There is no need to despair. Sometimes doing a little can be a lot more.”

“Besides, we do appreciate you being here for us.” added Sweetie Belle.

DD nodded, and I felt flattered.

Suddenly, Krysta gasped “Where’s Mako?”

We all looked around but couldn’t see him anywhere. “Did he just run off?” asked DD.

“Nobody was watching?!” I asked with concern.


Despite Sienna’s overwhelming loss of power and strength, she still refused to give in. “I can’t be defeated! I won’t be defeated! I will get revenge on all creatures!”

“Sierously?!” groaned Rainbow “This is getting really annoying!”

“You know you are beat
You should admit defeat!” growled Rhymey.

Lightning stood firmly and called to her, “We all know you’re not going to win, Sienna, hear me?! And I’m sick and tired of all this sensless destruction! So why don’t you just give up already!”

Sienna stubbornly refused, “After everything I’ve done?! After everything I’ve been through to get this far, and you tell me to quit now?! WHY SHOULD I?!!!”

“Sienna… enough!” shouted a voice.

Everyone turned and saw Mako standing in the grounds.

“Mako!” cried Fluttershy.

“How in the blazes did he get out here?” wondered Applejack.

“Mako, go back!” Lightning called at him, but Mako would not budge and he continued to glare at his sister. “No more of this, Sienna. I can’t stand it anymore!”

Sirnna growled at him, but Mako continued to balk at her. “You’ve officially become worse than the monsters you’ve created!”

Small tears were starting to form in his eyes. “What ever happened to that loving and caring person I called my sister? The one living relative I had who was always there for me?”

Sienna just stood where she was, glaring at him unmoved, but Mako continued to bleed his heart to her…

“I know our childhood wasn’t the best. We lost a lot, but we still had each other. I always remembered how you always played with me; you cheered me up when I was sad! You were more than just my sister; it was like you were another mother to me!”

Some of the ponies began to feel extremely touched and hurt by his words of the heart. Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity had tears in their eyes seeing the little guy so upset.

“And then I saw you bravely take all those hits for me when I was bullied or abused. It broke my heart that you got so hurt, but knowing that you did it to protect me… I never once figured how I could ever repay you.

And then, we started treasure hunting, and we were still close, but we both went crazy. We stole from other races and even killed them because we were jealous and angry.

Now I know the truth: they were innocent beings and we just hurt them, and worse you began to forget who you used to be; MY SISTER!!”

“Huh?” Sienna was starting to have a slight realization.

“Look at them!” Mako shouted while motioning to the fighters “Did they ever do anything wrong to us? Did they make our lives miserable and promt us to become such mosnters?!

They helped me when I was lost. Even after everything you and I did to them, they showed me compassion and caring, and even a bit of understanding. I still have to face up to all the things I’ve done, but I’m willing to!

What are you willing to do, Sienna?!”

His sister’s sparking compassion began to fade back into rage. “I’ll tell you what I’m going to do…!” she growled and she raised her hand “I’m going to destroy them all… AND YOU!!”

Mako gasped, and watched as Sienna raised her and fired another blast.

“No…!!” shouted Lightning as he broke away from Starla and swooped in, grabbing Mako out and getting him out of the way as the blast went past, and hit the ground making a huge explosion.

The force of which knocked Lightning and Mako off and they fell to the ground. Lightning de-transformed to his normal form.

“Lightning!” cried Starla.

Mako was shocked and emotionally hurt by the fact his own sister just tried to kill him.

Sienna then turned to fire at Mako and Lightning again, but after using up so much power, she was really drained by this point.

“GET HER!!” shouted Starla, and using all the power they could pour on, and blasted hard at Sienna, and actually knocked the sixth and final element off her head.

The Element of normality bounced along the ground and came to a flat stop near the remains of a tree.

Sienna let out a huge roar as the dark magic began to leave her body in the forms of large flaming waves.

When the waves had ceased, Sienna was lying flat on the ground. Her outfit was a little tattered, her hair was all tangled up, and she was panting softly, but still alive nonetheless.

“That’s the last one.” said Saber.

“We did it!” cried Pinkie.

Everyone smiled victoriously, a little too tired to jump for joy.

Mako was relieved that Sienna hadn’t died; however he did look up and notice, “Wait a minute! Why has the darkness gone away?”

“He’s right…” cried Fluttershy “The chaos is still darkening the sky.”

The sky was growing darker, and the Elements of Chaos began to glow and rise up from the ground.

“What’s happening?!” cried Rarity.

The six elements rose up into the air, all in a corciluar formation.

“Oh, no!” cried Lightning “We forgot something about The Elements of Chaos! When they’re given enough power from their user… they unleash…!!”

Big bolts of lightning struck the elements, making them conntect with one another in electrical currents forming a kind of portal of darkness, and suddenly, waves of dark energy and magic molded together, taking shape… and there it was!

Everyone gawked up at it in extreme shock and horrors!


Shadow was was quivering in his knees att he frightful sight. “The Chaos Gaurdian…!” he cried “It has returned!”

The Crusaders all huddled together, quivering in fear near me.

While outside, that huge creature let out a huge ROAR, shaking the darkness in the sky and making dark lightning strike about.

To Be Continued…!


In our final episode: After the heroes get a good recharge of their powers, it’s the final battle against The Chaos Gaurdian commanded by Sienna, but the battle seems anything but easy, and Mako tries one last desperate time get through to his sister.

What fates will become of everyone involved in this final battle?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next episode: “Final Part: “Caring Connctions”)