• Published 27th Jan 2018
  • 1,134 Views, 14 Comments

My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season VII - DakariKingMykan

The Ponies face an evil treasure hunter and evil Bat creatures

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Episode 13: Part 1: Batting for Bats


In the last battle against Count Nightwing and his Batlings, they were revealed be Applejack’s parents, Bright Macintosh and Pear Butter, while her uncle, Seeder Breeze, was revealed to be Nightwing himself.

The Bats managed to escape again, but Seeder had dropped behind a small jewel, which actually contained magical images of memories from Seeder himself which revealed how it all happened, and just what Nightwing was planning.

Lightning was showing the images to the entire team, as well as Applejack’s family one final time.

The images revealed how it all began, ten years ago long before The Great War and before United Equestria was formed.

Big Mac was fifteen years old, Applejack was ten, and Applebloom was just a tiny little foal playing in her pram as her mother walked her along the grass while her father, uncle, and big brother were plowing up the garden.

Granny Smith was reading the pie-wagon to make the annual pie-delivery into Ponyville. She wasn’t too old not to make the trip, but she suffering from a bit of a cold.

“Meh… Ma… Ma… CHOOO!!”

“Whoa, whoa… easy there, Ma!” said Bright Mac as he dashed up to his elderly mother, “I don’t think you should makin’ any deliveries.”

“Horse feathers, boy.” said Granny “Why there ain’t been nothin’ that kept me from sellin’ our apple pies in town, and I… I… AAA-CHOO!!”

Seeder had heard enough “Ma, the only delivery you need to make is yourself straight to bed, and don’t you be arguin’ with us.”

Granny would have protested, but she felt a little light-headed and complied with her sons “Dag-Nabit. I hate it when you two are right.”

Bright Mac and Seeder rolled their eyes, but soon Granny was up in bed and sleeping softly.

“Well, someone’s gotta make this shipment.” said Bight Mac. He would have volunteered himself, but baby Applebloom began to cry from her pram.

“Honey…” Pear Butter called “I think Applebloom wants you to hold her. You know she loves it when you do.”

Bright Mac couldn’t resist the call of his daughter, and so Seeder stepped up to the wagon, “I got this one, bro, go on.”

Bright Mac gave his brother a soft, friendly nudge “Thanks.” and then walked over to his family, and he rocked the baby in his arms calming her.

Seeder smiled at how beautiful it looked, “It’s a real pretty sight, eh, Big Mac?”

“Eeyup.” replied Big Mac.

“I don’t think there’s any family as happy as us.”


Of course, Seeder was just trying to cover up his deep feelings of shame and upset. The memories of how he killed Grand Pear still haunted him every single day.

His sadness didn’t go unnoticed as Applejack saw him slowly pulling out with the wagon. She excused herself from her folks and little sister and cantered up to Seeder.

“Hey… Uncle Seeder, wait up.”


His little niece jumped right to the point. She knew of the history of her mother and father, as did Big Mac, having been told the story before. “Are you still upset about Grandpa Grand Pear?”

Seeder chuckled, “You can read me like words in a spider’s web.”

“That happened so long ago, and you didn’t mean to do it. Can’t you just let it go?”

Seeder smiled at his niece and patted her head, “Applejack, you’re a mighty fine girl, ya know that. But you’re still just a youngin’, and I’m gonna tell ya somethin’ I think will help you understand.

The past may be gone, but them memories stay right up here in my head, and they won’t be goin’ nowhere. Memories can’t just disappear because you want ‘em too.

I know that I didn’t mean to kill Grand Pear, and everyone else knows it too, but that doesn’t stop me from feelin’ real bad about it. It’s somethin’ I just have to live with.

But know this, honey. I love you dearly, your brother, your baby sis, your mama and pa, and Granny Smith… I would never want anything bad to ever happen. I’d gladly die for y’all.”

Applejack didn’t like it when her Uncle said that, despite knowing how sweet it meant, and she hugged him deeply, and he hugged her back. “Be careful out there, Unc…”

“You got it, sweet-one.”

Then he was gone, pulling the wagon along the road, heading into Ponyville.

His delivery was smooth, and he delivered many pies, but that afternoon while he was sitting for a rest and having his lunch near a hill, almost exactly like the Crusaders did, a naughty crow came out of nowhere, swooped in and stole his lunch bag.

“Hey!” Seeder shouted and he chased after the naughty bird! “Come back here, you feathered varmint!”

He cashed and chased that crow, until finally, the crow dropped the lunch bag, and it bounced and rolled along, through a small hole in in the side of another hill.

Seeder, still wishing to retrieve his bag, ran right inside the cave without much thought. He found his lunch bag, but then suddenly a large rock came down over the entrance of the hill!

“No!!” Seeder shouted as he rushed for the entrance, but it was too late, and he was sealed inside the dark cave.

It was so dark he couldn’t see anything at all, but he could still feel the rock and tried with all his Earth Pony might to push and kick at it hoping to dislodge it.

That’s when a deep, elderly voice called to him form inside the cave, “You are strong… but even the combined strength of a-hundred Earth Ponies could not move that rock.”

“Who said that?” Seeder called out, and then in an instance, the cave magically lit up with torches along the walls. What a sight to behold! The first thing he saw was the many paintings along the wall of the cave…

Seeder wasn’t too good at understanding such things, but he couldn’t help but notice the familiarity of some of the pictures. “That looks like Ma.” he said softly, “And these all look like bats.”

“Indeed they are.” replied the voice.

“Who are you? Where are you?!” thundered Seeder.

“Observe, Seeder Breeze.”

A soft glow came from high above, and there, Seeder could see a rather large, but elderly Vampire Fruit Bat hanging upside-down on a stalactite, and around his neck was a large diamond-like amulet, where the glow was coming from.

“Whoa!” groaned Seeder, “I gotta lie off of them apple pies for a while.”

“I assure you, you are not dreaming, Seeder Breeze.” The bat was indeed speaking to him, but his lips weren’t moving. It was the magic of the amulet the bat used to allow Seeder to hear his thoughts.

“I am called Nightwing, and I have been waiting for someone to help me.”

“Help you?” asked Seeder.

Night explained the long story, of how when Granny Smith and the other Earth Pony settlers and pioneers, decades ago came to these lands that were home to the Vampire Fruit Bats, and how the Bats were driven from their home.

“I remember Ma tellin’ me the stories,” said Seeder “But that’s all I thought they were, just stories.”

“I assure you, it was as real as real can be!” growled Nightwing “For many decades, I and my clan were struggling to survive. After being driven from our lands, food was hard to come by, so we resorted to common thievery-- sneaking into farms and markets by night to consume our fill.

Many of us tried and tried to drive you ponies away and reclaim our land, but none were successful.”

Seeder almost felt sorry for the bat, but keeping in mind he and his kind were sworn enemies of his family and friends, the sympathy didn’t last.

Nightwing continued with his story

“Then, fortune began to smile my way. I had discovered this magical amulet lodged beneath a tree that was struck down in a lightning storm.

This amulet has granted me incredible powers and abilities, enough to allow me to finally exact vengeance upon the ponies, and reclaim what was taken from us bats…

…But there is still one thing left I require, and that is where YOU come in.”

Seeder already was feeling suspicious and nervous enough, “What do you want with me?”

“As I have said, I now have the power to carry out mission, but the decades have worn me down. My body is old and is growing frail. It will no longer serve me well for my conquest, and therefore I require a replacement body.”

Seeder got the idea right away.

“I suppose I could have chosen better…” said Nightwing “But seeing as I am desperate, you shall do just as well.

…There is no escape!”

Before Seeder could even try to protest, Nightwings eyes glowed brightly, and he paralyzed the poor pony where he was. “Hey!” Seeder groaned “I… I can’t… move!”

The evil bat then began to hum deeply, stroking his wings over the amulet, transforming his body and spirit into dark waves of energy, and fused himself into Seeder’s body.

Seeder SCREAMED as he began to transform into the evil Bat Hybrid, which made him human-like. Now he was able to stand straight and tall on two feet. His front legs were now arms and sprouted vicious claws… the works!

Nightwing, now in control of Seeder’s body laughed wickedly. “I am renewed! I’ve never felt so big and strong before!

Now, after all these decades… I will have my revenge!

The reign and terror of Count Nightwing… now begins!!”

As Nightwing spent the while learning to control his new body, back at the farms, the Apple Family was growing worried.

It was already sundown, and Seeder was way late. Bright Mac was standing at the window and looking out with worry.

His wife walked up to him…

“This ain’t like him, Buttercup. Seeder’s never been late for anythin’, especially when dinner’s around his favorites. There’s somethin’ wrong, I can feel it.”

Pear Butter felt her husband was telling the truth, knowing how close he was with his brother, when something was wrong he could feel it like a sixth sense.

“Maybe we should go out and find him.” she suggested.

Bright Mac agreed.

Applejack couldn’t help but overhear, “Ma… Pa…?” She wanted to join the search herself, but her folks wouldn’t hear of it. “I think you better stay behind.” said Pear “Someone needs to help your brother take care of Granny and your baby sis.”

Granny Smith was rocking in her chair, sound asleep, and baby Applebloom was in her baby swing in the middle of the living room, cooing and shaking her rattle in her mouth, while Big Mac played peek-a-boo with her.

Applejack, realizing the importance of things agreed to stay behind, pleasing her parents, “Don’t worry, hon…” said her father, and he gave her his hat for luck, despite that it was a few sizes too big for her at her age, “We’ll be back soon.”

“Daddy promise?” cooed Applejack.

Her father winked at her “Daddy promise.”

Pear bent down and pecked her daughter’s head, and then she and Bright Mac went off.

Applejack lifted her father’s up off her eyes, as she watched her parents head off down the road. “Do you think they’ll be fine, bro?” she asked Big Mac, and her brother could only respond with, “Eeyup.”

Bright Mac and Pear Butter followed the path and found Seeder’s wagon, which still had many cold pies left in it. “I figured somethin’ was wrong.” said Bright Mac “Seeder wouldn’t just slack off and leave a wagon unattended.”

His wife agreed, “But where is he…?”

Suddenly, there was a cool breeze that went by, and Bright Mac began to get another peculilar feeling. “Uh… Buttercup…? Ever you get the feelin’ you’re… bein’… watched?”

Before his wife could answer, Nightwing dropped in. The two ponies screamed in fright, and Nightwing paralyzed them both with his wicked magic.

“My first victims!” he hissed “If I’m going to takeover, I’m going to need some assistance to help me.”

He moved in closer towards Pear Butter first, and then sank his fangs into her neck making her scream!

“BUTTERCUP!!” cried Bright Mac, and then quick as a flash, Nightwing bit him on the too.

The mutation began almost instantly, and Nightwing used the power of his amulet to awaken hsis new minions and grant them their own powers. “Arise, my allies…”

The two new batlings looked up…

“I am Shade, your humble servant.”

“I am Ebany. I live only to serve you, my count.”

Nightwing snickered, “The first step has been taken, and before long, this world will belong to the Bats once again.”

The three bats shared an evil laugh, but suddenly they all began to feel weak and strange.

It had already gone dark, and the full-moon was rising into the skies.

The bats growled and groaned as they clutched their heads. “What is this?!” shouted Nightwing, “I am… losing… con… trol…!”

“We must… seek… shelter from the light!” shouted Shade.

“But where…?” cried Ebany.

“Follow me!” said Nightwing, and he quickly led his minions all the way to his cave where they were shielded from the moonlight. However, they all still had been weakened severely, and the spirits of the ponies we restarting to regain control of themselves, like a tug-of-war!

“See… See… Seeder?” cried Bright Mac.

“What is goin’ on?!” shouted Pear Butter.

Seeder struggled with all his might and grabbed the Amulet around his neck, “I can’t explain… I gotta try and… stop this…!!”

Nightwing began to fight for control, “No, you fool! I occupy your body now! I am in control!”

“In… your… NIGHTMARES!!” shouted Seeder and he managed to fight for control, but he knew it wouldn’t last. Bight Mac and Pear weren’t fairing any better.

All three of them realized how dangerous these creatures were, and the refused to allow them to control their bodies to cause trouble! However, as neither one of them could figure out a way to gain full control of their bodies, nor did Seeder know too much about magic, he did hope one thing would work.

“Come on…!” he called to the others, and they all sat on a rock in the far back of the cave.

“What are you doing?” thundered Nightwing.

“Puttin’ your plans on hold, that’s what!”

He knew that if the amulet was able to seal up the cave, maybe it could be used to seal the three of them up so the bats couldn’t hurt anyone. Much as it was painful, and all three of them realized how hard this would be on the family, they were prepared to do it to keep the family and the land safe.

“NO!!!” shouted Nightwing, but Seeder had already activated the amulet, magically sealing himself and the other two into the rock in the forms of dark light, and as a finishing touch, all that remained was magical stone carved into the shape of a bat, magically appeared and placed over the stone to keep the trio sealed away!

That was the last of the normal memories Seeder had given in the magical images. The rest was all history.

Applejack and her family were simply astonished, shocked, and deeply saddened, especially Applebloom. “So that’s how it all happened.” she cried softly

Applejack hugged her tight. “I remember… Ma, Pa and Uncle Seeder never came back. All that was found was a smashed pie wagon, and bits of blood stained about. We could only assume the worst!”

Big Mac hung his head low, and Granny Smith was just stunned, “I can’t believe… my son, sealed himself, his brother, and Pear Butter away like that?!”

Lightning urged her to calm down, even though he understood her upset that they just abandoned the family like that, “They did it because they knew they were a danger and they couldn’t risk hurting anyone.”

The ponies had never heard of such a noble act and one so heartbreaking too. Pinkie Pie blubbered and blew her nose loudly in a hankie. “I’m sorry; I just get so emotional at things like this.”

Her friends comforted her, because now it was time to get serious.

“So, what do us again?” asked Krysta.

Lightning reactivated the crystal, “Seeder managed to seal in some secrets from Nightwing’s mind.”

The crystal then showed images of a volcano, somewhere in the Dragon Lands south. “Hey, I recognize that.” said Spike “I saw it when I went on my Dragon Quest, when I hung out with other dragons. That’s Mount Flaris.”

“It’s also the bats’ secret hideout.” said Starla “That’s where they’re keeping Flurry Heart, and also where they plan to unleash their ultimate plot to takeover.”

The crystal showed images based on Nightwing’s plot, taken from his mind…

With the immense amount of power and energy he had gathered by infecting other ponies to increase his strength, Nightwing planned to curse the volcano to erupt. Lava would spew out, into the pits of the land, but that wasn’t the real problem…The real problem was the volcanic ash and smoke! Nightwing planned to enchant it, by combining his wicked powers with Flurry Heart’s magic sleeping within her. The ash would spread for miles, and anyone, pony, dragon, or any creature caught under it would turn into batlings! Even the light of the full-moon would not be able to weaken the magic this time, as it was much stronger than ever.

Seeing the images of the ash spreading made Rarity shudder in disgust, “So revolting!” she groaned “We simply cannot allow him to do this!”

Lightning agreed, and explained the plan one more time. “We’ll get everyone evacuated from the towns and villages nearby. Krysta, that’s your job.”

Krysta nodded, “I’ll round up every fairy we’ve got who can help.”

“Um…” Fluttershy interjected “Sorry to interrupt, but… um… well… wouldn’t it be smarter to just move everyone to another planet?”

Much as everyone agreed with her idea, it simply could not be done. “We can’t take any chances.” said Dyno “Si, with Sienna up there, she could open fire and blast everyone to space dust.”

“Their right.” said Lightning “Our best chance is to keep everyone safe by keeping them away from the ash, if and when the volcano erupts.”

“Well it won’t erupt!” said Rainbow, and she socked her fist into her hand “Not if we have anything to say of it!”

All the ponies agreed with great courage and determination, ready to go out there and put an end to Nightwing’s plot… only, Applejack seemed a bit uneasy about this, “It means I’ll have to fight my parents and my uncle too.”

The rest of her family hated the idea of that too.

“Applejack…” said Starla.

“I know, I know,” Applejack cut in “It’s gotta be done, and I will give my all. It’s the only way to try and save them.”

Applebloom raised her hand to ask, “Um… you can save them, can’t you?”

Buddy Rose approached her and told her straight up, “We’re going to try, but it won’t be easy, especially on your uncle.”

“He’s right.” said Artie “Your parents were only bitten, so we should be able to heal them, but your uncle is a different story. He was never bitten by the bats, he has Nightwing’s actual spirit inside of him, and that won’t be as easy to heal.”

Rhymey agreed,

“Nightwing has been inside your uncle for so long
That evil creature has grown very, very strong.
But we shall do our very best,
To try and put the evil to rest.”

Applebloom only felt a perfect balance of hope and worry, so did the rest of her family, but DD comforted them, Applebloom especially.

“They can do it, try to be brave… for your folks.”

“I’ll try.”

“And so will I.” added Big Mac.

“Darn tootin’!” agreed Granny Smith, “My boys never gave up on me, and while I gave up on them once, I ain’t about to do it again!”

“Alright…” said Lightning “This won’t be easy, but we can do this. We’ve got to, for the sake of all ponies and creatures alike.”

Meanwhile, in his secret lair in Mount Flaris, Count Nightwing was still outraged that Seeder Breeze had managed to slip information of his plot to Starfleet. Still, he didn’t seem too concerned.

“My plan may have been leaked, but I doubt very much those fools can stop me now.” He then gazed over at little Flurry Heart, who was hanging upside down on a stalactite, and she hissed happily at him, meaning she was itching to go with the plan.

Nightwing snickered, and spoke within him to Seeder’s faded spirit, “Your efforts have been wasted.”

Deep inside of him, the two spiritual forces began to sing a song, describing their desire for control…!

[Seeder Breeze]

Trapped by a monster,
Darkness is rising
How could this happen,
to my friends, and to me?

I hope for a miracle
Some ray of hope,
May peace once again shine,
Just as peace… must be…!


Do you really think…
That such hope can be found,
Sorry to say, but it isn’t true

Soon this planet will be mine,
The bats will all reign,
And it’s all and only thanks to you.

[Seeder Breeze]

You haven’t won yet, light may still yet shine
I won’t give in to the dark and fear


You cannot stop me, your body is mine!
Long as you live I will still be here

[Seeder Breeze]

You are insane and a nightmare too
One that that I hope to awaken soon
Sooner or later you’ll be cast right into doom


You don’t frighten me, my lad
All have tried and all will fail
My power shall not ever fade away

I will affect all ponies,
And make them cry and wail
And naught will ever have much of a say

[Seeder Breeze]

Soon you will perish along with your nightmares
All you have caused will be undone


Nothing can stop me or my pure nightmares
I have this battle and war won

[Seeder Breeze]

You may control my body inside me,
but way down within my spirit’s deep,
After I’m through I shall beat you, you big creep!


Silence…! You speak nonsense…!

[Seeder Breeze]



I’m stronger, better and that is that!

[Seeder Breeze]



Soon… and forever after
This world as you know it will only belong to us BAAAAA-AAAAATS…!!

[Seeder Breeze]

I won’t let you!

I want you out!
Give back my life!


You are mine!
Your brother and his wife!

[Seeder Breeze]

There is one way!
I’ll take you down!


There is no way,
You stupid clown!

[Seeder Breeze]

Your time is up!
It’s time to fall!


I’ll cast you down,
Make you stall!

[Seeder Breeze]

No… You won’t!


Yes… I will!!

[Seeder Breeze]

Curse you, Nightwing!
You awful sleaze


Time to go away… Seeder Breeze!

[Seeder Breeze]

No… you can’t…!!

Nightwing, still in full control, panted softly as he sat on the rocks.

Shade and Ebany had been observing him.

“He’s got an identity crisis, alright.” said Shade.

“Poor Count.” Enbany sighed.

Nightwing clutched his amulet tight and sneered deeply, “I will not fall! I’ve come too far to lose it all now.

By sundown, this planet will be mine!!”

To Be Continued…!


In our next episode: The battle against the bats begins and it seemingly is anyone’s fight especially when Cadance and Shining Armor join the battle, but Nightwing refuses to give in without resorting to dirty tricks, by using Flurry Heart as an assurance!

Can Starfleet rescue Flurry Heart and save Applejack’s relatives, or will United Equestria fall under the bats’ dreadful curse?

Don’t miss the next exiting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Part 2: That Smarts... You out”)