• Published 27th Jan 2018
  • 1,133 Views, 14 Comments

My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season VII - DakariKingMykan

The Ponies face an evil treasure hunter and evil Bat creatures

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Episode 22: Mutiny for the Bounty: Part 2

“Previously on Starfleet Magic…”

Sienna deliberately let the team have the final piece of the map which allowed them to locate the entrance to the mysterious Temple of Mystery, which had been located on the moon for centuries, but surprises were in store right around the corner. After battling a huge swarm of monsters, Sienna suddenly appeared and trapped the team onboard her ship, which made Mako decide to commit mutiny against his sister!


The vast army of Jemma-Nites stormed through New Canterlot, feeling it was the best place to begin their attack; at the heart of Starfleet!

The alarms were already blaring, and the civilians all ran for the nearest shelter their could while others, unable to make it inside, ran or flew as far from the danger zone as they could as the barriers were raised over the buildings and homes.

“Send out every available knight and troop we’ve got!” Grand Ruler ordered.

So many Starfleet officers and knights marched out of the palace, and into action.

Cadance and Shining armor dashed down to assist them.

“Go, Go Ninja”

“Mask of Saber”

Transforming in their stronger forms, they leapt into action leaving Flurry Heart in the care of the palace nursery.

What a sight it was; to look down from way above to see fighters and monsters fighting it out. Swords clashing, guns firing, small explosions and streams of power and energy…!

Some of the Starfleet fighters got hurt in the process, but their comrades were there to aid and assist them, as well as pay the monsters back, destroying them in big explosions, but many more monsters remained, and more were appearing by the dozens.

Starla was frustratingly trying to reactivate her droid to try and help her friends trapped on Sienna’s ship, but it was no use, the signal could not get through Sienna’s ship.

“Come on! Start!” she cried as she pounded on the controls. The Crusaders and Krysta never had seen her so frantic before.

“Um, Starla…” said Krysta “I’m just as worried about the others too, but don’t you think you should help down below too?”

Starla pounded on the console in frustration, but she knew Krysta was right.

“Starfleet Magic!”

“Is there anything we can do to help?” Sweetie Belle asked. “No, no, girls. You all stay right here, and whatever you do don’t touch my droids console. Understand?”

The girls promised, and then Starla and Krysta leapt out the window leaving the girls alone to look through the telescopes at the moon in the daytime sky.

“Hey, check this out!” cried Applebloom.

The girls each looked through a separate telescope and could see Sienna’s forces on the moon, right by the crater where the Temple of Mystery was.

Omnisha was leading the gang. “Get digging!” she thundered at the Raiders “Do what you have to and unearth the entrance.”

The Raiders complied and began to dig in the crater above the Galaxia carving, but as soon as their shovel hit the ground, the ground was very solid and the shovels hardly made any dents.

“What’s wrong?” asked Omnisha.

The Raiders raised their busted shovels.

Omnisha was not one to give up. “Try the drills and the lasers. We’ve got to find the entrance!”

Meanwhile, Sienna was enjoying watching the action happening on the planet on the monitors. “This is more fun than a movie.” she cackled, and then she decided “Let’s take to the next level!

Fire the lasers!”

The Raiders complied and fired the ship’s lasers at the planet.

The beams hit the ground causing huge explosions. The barriers protected the buildings, but the destruction began to spread.

“No!” cried Starla.

“This is so not good!” added Saber.

“Won’t anyone do anything about that spaceship?!” shouted Krysta.

Such a plea was shortly answered as a bright ray of light shone from far behind. Everyone looked up and saw none other than Grand Celestial Ruler; the fused form of Grand Ruler Celesto and Queen Celestia.

“We will try to ward off the laser attacks.” they said “All of you please continue to help defend this world.”

Then they flew off into the sky, and waving their large sceptre, they conjured up several powerful barrier sheets which they could move around and intercept the laser blasts.

“Blast it!” growled Sienna “Those creeps are always up to something! Keep firing at them!”

She didn’t seem too concerned about The Ruler. She knew they wouldn’t dare try to attack ship. In the first place: they wouldn’t succeeded in damaging them thanks to alloy coat, but also because Lightning and friends were still aboard.

“I wonder how our little prisoners are faring?” she wondered, but she was so distracted by the battle, she didn’t notice that Mako had slipped off the bridge!

*Mykan’s POV*

This was complete and total torture to me; watching my friends be crushed under the immense pressure. All of them were starting to look a little swollen under the pressures of their armors, and they couldn’t even move their mouths to speak!

“This can’t be happening!” I cried.

Suddenly, the machine was switched off, and all the others gasped in extreme relief! Every muscle in their body ached, but it felt so good to at least be able to speak again.

“What happened?” Lightning asked wearily.

That’s when Mako loomed over him, “Hey, guys.” he said.

“Mako? What are you doing?” asked Fluttershy.

“Something I should’ve done long ago.” replied Mako, and tapped everyone’s energizers, powering down their super suits so they could all get up again.

“Ohhh…!” groaned Buddy as he felt his aching bones all over “I never thought it was possible to be to be in so much pain!”

Rainbow gave one simple pull of her finger, cracking the knuckle, “Ooh!” she groaned.

Mako then gave held out a special amulet he retrieved from the treasure hoard. “This will help restore some of your strengths.” He waved his hand over the amulet and it started glowing, basking everyone in a bright light and restoring their strengths as promised. That was all the power it had.

Rarity and Spike were only half surprised, but amazed at Mako.

“Um… excuse me!” I called over from the wall, wanting someone to get me down. Mako released me from the manacles. “Thanks a bunch, kid.” I said, but then I couldn’t help but ask “Why are you doing all this?”

Mako wasn’t putting on any fake act; he was most serious. “I want to save Sienna. She’s become so obsessed with all this power, she’s really lost it.”

He even told us that she was blasting United Equestria and sending wave after wave of monsters, and all of us were completely livid and agreed that Sienna had to be stopped, and we were going to start by bringing down the ship itself!

“How are we going to do that?” asked Pinkie.

“There is a way…” said Mako “The engine room. If we can destroy it, the whole ship will be brought down.”

The rest of us pretty much agreed, “Um, just one thing…” said Artie “I don’t think we want to blow up ourselves too.”

“We won’t have to…” said Lightning, and paced over to Starla’s motionless droid, and punched through the glass casing shattering it. “I remember the day Professor Brain presented this to me and Starla while she was pregnant. He told us it was equipped with a self-destruct system.”

“Well, that seems all fine,
But the droid is offline.” said Rhymey.

Lightning rolled his eyes, and turned the droid to its backside revealing a small panel to its inner-circuitry. “I’ll hotwire it, give it time for us to get clear.”

He then tapped into his visor to scan their position. “Right now it says we are directly over the moon.

When the droid explodes and blows up the engine room, then ship will start to fall, once we get about five-hundred from touchdown, we bail out.”

“I get it…” said Dyno “Then the void of space won’t be able to teleport us, and we can land on the moon safely.”

“Well, what are we waiting for?” said Myte.

“I’ll lead the way.” said Mako, and we all followed him out of the chamber.

Along the way, Rarity patted Mako’s shoulder, “I’m so proud of you, but you did take your sweet time.”

All of us didn’t like her attitude there.

“Please… let me.” I begged. Lightning agreed, and I flicked Rarity’s ear hard.


Applejack chuckled, “Good one.” She said to me and we slapped each other a high-five.

Rarity was not amused.

“We are proud of you though, Mako.” said Spike “We’ll do all we can for you.”

“What about Sienna?” asked Mako.

“We’ll have to capture her still. She’ll never be able to be helped until she’s stopped. We’ll work it out later. Which way to the engine room…?”

“This way, come with me.”

Suddenly, we turned a corner, and walked into a whole bunch of Raiders. They began to screech and roar to sound alarms.

“Go!” shouted Lightning, and we all rushed in to tackle those brutes down.

“You’re going down!” thundered Lightning as he twirl-kicked.

“Rope ‘N Ride!” hollered Applejack, and she roped a trio of Raiders, and then yanked on the rope sending the trio slamming into the wall!


He bowled his way through the Raiders, knocking them all over “STII-RIKE… and you’re out!”

With all the Raiders down, we all proceeded to the Engine Room,unaware that the security cameras were watching us!

*POV Ends*

Sienna was too busy to notice. “Keep firing the lasers!”

The ship’s lasers continued to blast at the planet below, but Grand Celestial Ruler continued to move their shield-plates to intercept every blast.

Deep within the Ruler’s magical body, Celestia and Grand Ruler were able to converse with each other.

“Celesto, we can’t keep this up forever.”

“You’re right.” said Grand Ruler “There’s got to be some way of bringing that ship down once and for all!” but he was still worried of Lightning and the others as well.

Down in New Canterlot, it seemed as if the Jemma-Nites would never stop coming.

Cadance fired her finisher-- the Ninja Fist Thrust-- destroying another Jemma-Nite, only for two more to then take its place.

Cadance shook her fists in frustration.

Saber slashed his sword destroying more Jemma-Nites, and then there were more. “This isn’t working!” he cried “They just keep on coming!”

Some of the Starfleet fighters and knights were growing exhausted, and while there were others to take their place so they could get some rest, they all knew this couldn’t go on forever.

Starla kept staring up at the alien ship worry about Lightning, which distracted her from the fight, and she got blasted at hard by a couple of monsters, and then was kicked hard in the chest and sent crashing into a tree, snapping the trunk and the tree keeled right over.

“Starla!” cried Krysta.

“I’m okay…” Starla said as she got to her feet, and glared at the monsters. Then she leapt up high in the air…

“STAR SHOWER”she unleashed her stars at the monsters, which barely scratched the monsters. They just raised their diamond-arms defending themselves from the barrage, which let Starla come in from above and kick them hard in the heads knocking them down.

She and Krysta nodded at one another with a smirk.

Sienna was amused by all the battling, but frustrated as well. “Don’t these ponies ever give up?!” she growled.

Then she contacted Omnisha, “What’s taking so long down there? Why haven’t you found the Elements of Chaos yet?”

“A-thousand pardons,” said Omnisha “We can’t seem to dig our way into the temple. This ground is unlike anything I’ve ever seen.”

The Raiders all groaned and whined, holding up busted shovels, broken drill bits, and tired out lasers, yet the ground hard been hardly scratched.

“I don’t care how you do it; just unearth that temple and GET ME THE ELEMENTS!!” Sienna thundered, and she pounded the console changing the picture to showing the engine room.

“What’s this?!” she snapped as she couldn’t believe her eyes. The prisoners had escaped and were setting Starla’s droid down in the engine room by the main reactor… and Mako was with them!

Any care and respect she supposedly had left for her brother seemed to be completely overtaken with rage! “He’s betrayed me!!”

She reached for her sword and drew it out, “That’s the last straw!” and she dashed off, but not before pressing a silent alarm switch.

*Mykan’s POV*

Inside the massive engine room, all the Raiders inside were unconscious, having been beaten up by the team when we burst in.

“This is the main reactor.” said Mako, “If this baby blows, the whole ship will go dead.”

Fluttershy gulped nervously, “I hope it doesn’t make us go dead!”

Rhymey held her hand to calm her, and we all watched as Lightning set Starla’s droid down behind the reactor where no one would see it, and opened the compartment in the back. “Easy… easy…” he said as he carefully picked at the wires with his fingers, remembering all he studied about electronics and circuitry from his education.

There was a soft spark, making him wince.

The rest of us gasped softly.

“It’s okay. It’s all right.” Lightning said, and he concentrated on his work. “I sure wish Krysta was here.” he said to himself “Her tiny hands would come in handy.”

After a few simple reconnections, the droid began to awaken again. “Systems, online.” it said in a robotic voice.

“Yes!” Lightning cried softly, “Now, Self-Destruct system-- connect this… to here… and that there…”

He finally managed to make the right connection. “Self-Destruct system activated.” beeped the droid, “Five minutes and counting.”

Then a timer appeared in her eyes and began to count down from 300 seconds!

“Five minutes?!” cried Artie.

“Uh, oh…” said Lightning “I forgot to calculate the timer mechanism.”

We all gave him a strong look of disdain. “Hey, nobody’s perfect!” retorted Lightning.

“Never mind, let’s beat it outta’ here before this place blows!” cried Rainbow.

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” agreed Applejack.

“Wait…!” cried Mako “…I can’t leave without Sienna. She’s still my sister, and I don’t want her to be destroyed.”

We all figured he would say that, and we understood his feelings well.

“How touching.” Sienna scoffed.

Everyone looked up, and we all saw her with an army of Raiders and a few Jemma-Nites by her side.

“Sienna.” cried Mako.

His sister glared at him in extreme disappointment, “I should’ve have known you’d turn on me, Mako.”

“It’s not like you gave him much of a choice!” sneered Dyno.

Myte agreed, “Look at yourself, Chica! You’ve become so overcome by greed and hatred you’ve chased your own brother away from you!”

Rarity and Spike stood by Mako’s side. Poor Mako looked ashamed, but Rarity and Spike comforted him, and glared angrily at Sienna, which only further enraged her. “You creatures…! What would you ever know about loyalty and truth?

Just look at me…!

Ever since our parents died, I had to toughen up to look after Mako, and then we got abducted and abused by those horrible aliens. I remember all the beatings I took to keep Mako safe, I remember all the things I sacrificed to keep us both alive!


Mako shook his head, “No, Sienna… I was always grateful that you looked out for me, but now you’ve changed. You’re not the sister I know and loved.” his voice sounded tearful “These ponies did nothing to us, except try and stop us from making larger mistakes than what we’ve already made.

They were kind enough to help me when I was lost and hurt, and you continued to hurt them!”

Sienna gnashed her teeth angrily.

“Don’t be a fool, Sienna.” said Lightning “It’s over! Your reign of terror ends now. Give yourself up and we’ll try and help you.”

“Help me…?!” growled Sienna “Maybe you should worry… ABOUT YOURSELVES!!” and she ordered her minions to attack in the big open engine room.

Pinkie sighed “They always want to do it the hard way. Fine, we’ll do this the hard way.

Rhymey quietly reminded everyone…

“We better not take long you, know.
Very shortly the bomb will blow.”

The Raiders all leapt over the railings and down to the main floor, and began to fired their ray guns.

“HOLD YOUR FIRE!!” shouted Sienna “You’ll blow the reactor! Use your swords!”

The Raiders complied and went after us.

“So you want swords, eh?” I snickered and drew out my sword and shield. I began to fence with those raiders. Rhymey and Spike joined me, wielding their own swords.

“ALL FOR ONE, AND ONE FOR ALL!!” we all cheered.

“See the Raiders as they fall!” rhymed Rhymey.

The Jemma-Nites came at the ponies swinging their huge arms, and the ponies fought back valiantly, holding them at bay.

The timer on the droid read 120 seconds to go; two minutes!

“Get them, you miserable monsters…!” thundered Sienna.

Lightning glared up at her, and leapt up onto the walkway and tackled her to the ground hard. “If you can’t be made to reason with, I’ll just have to DRAG you into custody!”

“You’ll never take me alive!!” shouted Sienna, and she kicked him off of her and drew out her sword.

“Take that!” Sienna growled, swinging her sword like a mad lady! Lightning swerved and dodged her every strike, and managed to punch her hard in the face, sending her over the railing and down to the floor.

Lightning then leapt down after her.

“We’ve got to hurry! There isn’t much time left!” cried Rarity

“Let’s hurry and waste these creeps!” thundered Applejack.

“Yeah!” agreed Buddy and he got out his Vine Whip and tripped all the monsters off their feet, and then he charged up his finisher,“WHIPLASH STRIKE”

One monster was destroyed.



Artie and Rhymey took out two more.

There was less than a minute remaining on the timer…!

Sienna and Lightning were still brawling like crazy, and some of the others jumped into help him.

Applejack lassoed the sword and yanked it out of Sienna’s hand.

“Oh, yeah!” thundered Sienna, and she grabbed her ray-gun.

“NO!!” shouted Mako, and feeling overwhelmed with rage of his own, he lunged at his own sister, jumping on her and covering her head with his cape.

Blinded and stumbling about, Sienna dropped her gun, allowed the ponies to all come in and tackle her to the ground and take her by the arms.

“You’re finished, Sienna!” thundered Lightning, “In the name of Starfleet, I hereby place you under arrest for intergalactic terrorism and thievery!”

Sienna growled angrily, but just as Lightning was about to place her in a capture sphere…

…03… 02… 01…!!

KPAOW!! The droid exploded, and severely damaged the main reactor. The force of the explosion knocked everyone clear to the back of the room.

The entire ship began to rumble and shake as systems began to fail!

Outside the ship, the thrusters began to malfunction and exploded, and the ship began to tilt and descend.

The Ruler was confused.

“Look!” Celestia cried from within.

“The ship, it’s blowing up from within!” said Grand Ruler.

Down below, Starla didn’t like the looks of the ship blowing up one bit. “Lightning!!” she cried up at the sky. “Krysta! Take me to the moon!”

“But… but I…?”

Starla, in a moment of madness, grabbed the little fairy and shouted, “TAKE ME TO THE MOON!!”

“Okay! Okay! I gotcha!”

“We’ll go with you.” said Saber and Cadance nodded in agreement, and so, Krysta warped them all up to the moon.

The ship was slowly descending towards the moon, and inside the warning alarms sounded followed by an automated voice.“Danger! All systems failing! Evacuate Ship immediately!”

Sparks began to fly as more systems and consoles malfunctioned, and the ship rocked all about, giving Sienna her chance to escape custody.

“Stop her!” I shouted, and the others began to fire magical blasts form their horns, but Sienna skillfully rolled about, dodged their every blow, and made her way back to safety by the entrance door.

“Sienna!” shouted Mako, but he sister just glared at him like a traitor!

The ship continued to rock about as the reactor went crazy. Sienna shouted at us all “Don’t feel too proud that you’ve destroyed my ship, because you are going down with it!!” and she ran off.

“Sienna!!” cried Mako “…SIENNA!!!!” but she was already gone, dashing down the exploding corridors.

She was running to make her great escape, but the coridoors began to collapse as they blew wide open in the explosions. “Whoa… HEY!!!” Sienna shrieked as she was buried until tons of falling debris.

Mako tried to run off after his sister, but the twins held him back. “Let me go!” Mako cried, “Sienna! I won’t leave her!”

“Sorry, amigo, we gotta go now!” shouted Dyno.

“Andale, let’s go!” cried Myte.

We all leapt up high up to the exit.

“This way!” cried Mako “Emergency escape hatches…!”

*POV Pause*

The ship was falling faster and closer towards the moon.

“Look!” cried Omnisha “It’s heading right this way!”

The Raiders all panicked and leapt out of the crater, getting as far away as they could. “Hurry… Run!!” Omnisha cried as she ran for the moon hills herself.

The Ruler could see it all for themselves.

“The ship!” cried Celestia, “It’s heading straight for where the temple of mystery is!”

“We can’t let it hit there.” said Grand Ruler “Otherwise we may not be able to explore it.”

The only option they had to was to his the ship with all their might and try to nudge it off course so it wouldn’t fall into the temple, but Grand Ruler was still worried about Lightning and the others.

*POV Resumes*

We all reached the missile launch bay and the hangar doors were open wide.

“BAIL OUT!!” Lightning shouted, and everyone began to jump through the openings, out of the ship.

“WHOA!!” cried Rarity as she felt the force of the fall pushing against her. “My wings!!” she screamed “I’m losing my feathers!”

I scorned at Rarity, “You’re lucky you haven’t lost more than that!”

Rarity grinned sheepishly as we all plummeted down, down, down towards the moon. Mako turned to look back at the falling ship, “SIENNA…!!!” he cried.


At the very same moment, Starla and the others had appeared on the moon and could see the huge ship less than a-thousand feet from crashing!

“Look there!” Saber shouted pointing up at the sky, and everyone could see, “It’s Lightning and the others!” cried Krysta.

Starla smiled, “They’re all right!”

The Ruler could see them from where they hovered, and they were most pleased. “Now’s our chance.” said Grand Ruler. Celestia agreed, and the two of them powered The Ruler’s magical scepter, aiming it straight at ship…



POW!! The hyper beam soared, striking the ship hard, and though it did it hardly any damage due to the strong alloy, but it did push the ship way off from the temple’s crater.

“Whoa! Check it out!” cried Artie.

“INCOMING!!!” Rainbow hollered as the ship continued to go down, down, down…!

…CRASH!!! The very ground shook vigoursly as the ship slammed down hard in a clearing, hundreds of yards away. The back thrusters burst into flames, and one of the back wings was severed off.

The ground shook so violently that Omnisha and the raiders all fell over and off their feet. Omnisha dropped her crystal ball, and she scrambled to grab it, but Starla came along stepping on her arm.

Omnisha nervously looked up and saw Starla, and the others glaring furiously down at her. She knew she was finished and surrendered willingly.

Starla used her magic to capture Omnisha in a sphere, and Cadance took the crystal ball for evidence to be locked away.

As for the remaining Raiders,“STRIIDENT SHOCKWAVE”Saber blasted them to bits. “So much for them.” he grumbled.

“Starla…!” Lightning called as he and the rest of us came flying over the plain. Starla’s smile widened as her sprint on ahead and collided into her husband in a huge hug. “Lightning…!”

Lightning embraced his wife tightly and then said to her, “Um… bad news about your droid I’m afraid.”

Starla didn’t seem to care too much.

The friends were all delighted to be runited, but poor little Mako was absolutely miserable as he stood atop a hill and stared at the downed ship from afar.

“Sienna.” he cried softly. No one ever saw any escape pods exit the ship before it crashed, and surely no one could have survived the crash itself.

Mako felt his insides aching, but he hurt so much he couldn’t even cry.

“Oh, Mako…!” Fluttershy cried as she came up to the little alien boy, hugging him softly. “I’m so sorry.”

Everyone felt extremely bad for Mako’s loss.

“Take him back to the planet, will you, Krysta.” said Lightning “We’ll decide what to do about him later.”

Cadance, de-transformed so she could speak, and held the sad little boy, “I’ll go with him.”

Soon, Krysta warped the four of us away.

“Poor little guy.” cried Pinkie “I hope he’ll be okay.”

“We all hope so, Pinkie.” said Applejack “We all do.”

We all held our heads low and suddenly looked up at the bright lights in the sky as Grand Celestial Ruler loomed over us from above. Their cosmic energies protected them from being warped off into space by the teleporting energies.

“We are glad to see you all are safe.”

We all felt the same.

“How are things on the planet?” Spike asked.

“There have been some damages, and many of our fighters have been injured, but… thank the stars… there have been no serious casualties.

There are still some monsters left, but our forces will be able to handle them. Now that Sienna’s ship is down, no other Jemma-Nites can come after us, thanks to all of you.”

We all saluted kindly.

“We must return to the planet now to assist the soldiers, but before we leave… take this.”

The Ruler raised their free hand, and magically, a burlap sack containing all four of the legendary items appeared, reminding everyone that they still had one other quest to fulfil.

“Now, take these items and enter the Temple of Mystery to find the Elements of Chaos. Once they are found you will finally be able to destroy them forever, and fulfil the last request of Queen Galaxia.”

Lightning gazed up at The Ruler bravely, “We’ll find them, that’s a promise!” and the others and I all nodded in agreement.

The Ruler nodded proudly at us all, and then raised their sceptre, bathing everyone in a soft light to restore our strengths and powers back to full.

“We must go now before our power runs low.

Good luck to you all.”

The Ruler then flew off back to the planet and everyone waved them on.

*POV Ends*

As The Ruler flew, their majesties conversed with one another deep inside.

“Are you certain you did not wish to join them?” Grand Ruler asked Celestia, “It is something your mother left behind, and I assumed you would want to see it for yourself.”

Celestia shook her head, “This is their quest to fulfil, not mine. I don’t wish to go and let memories of my mother at close hand slow me down. Besides that… a good queen always puts the needs of her land and her subjects first.”

Her husband was very proud of her.

Still, in regards of all that was happening, no one had bothered to closely examine the remains of Sienna’s ship, or they would have seenSienna had survived the crash,and very slowly and shakily was digging her way through the messy, and collapsed halls making her way out through an opening.

Her expression was nothing short of sheer fury, and anxiety to get back at the ponies for what had happened!


In our next episode: Our heroes enter the mysterious Temple of Mystery, solving puzzles to unlock the way to the Elements of Chaos, but they soon discover that taking them will be harder than they thought, especially when Sienna appears in a sneak attack to take what she desires.

Who will truly end up with the Elements of Chaos when all is completed?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Part 1: Treasures in the Temple.”)