• Published 27th Jan 2018
  • 1,133 Views, 14 Comments

My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season VII - DakariKingMykan

The Ponies face an evil treasure hunter and evil Bat creatures

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Episode 19: Part 1: Long Distance Relation Calls


Poor Captain Magnus Majik…

It had been nearly two months since Sienna had invaded United Equestria, and it caused his beloved Sephy Dancer to vanish into space. She had been labeled KIA-- Killed in Action.

He would often have recurring nightmares of watching it happen all over again, and he would wake up in a fright… and then sink into depression.

Still, he wouldn’t let it interfere with his Starfleet duties, nor would he have short fits with his troops, but there wasn’t any time in between that he wouldn’t stop, look up into the starry skies, making a wish on every star to have Sephy back.

Meanwhile, Lightning and his entire team were at the palace. Starla dropped Shining Light off at the palace daycare.

Everyone was discussing a serious problem.

“Our scouts have been up and about, and all over the planet.” said Celestia “But they are unable to locate the final piece of the mystic map anywhere at all.”

There was a moment of soft gasps and gawks of concern. “Where could it possibly be then?” asked Lightning.

Grand Ruler explained “We have one theory, but we need to ask from Captain Shadow coat. I’ve already sent for him.”

Shadow Coat knocked at the door immediately after, and he was welcomed in.

“Captain, please tell us…” said Princess Luna “Our mother, Queen Galaxia…”

Celestia held herself strong not wishing to let her emotions show, but Grand Ruler could already see it getting to his wife.

“…Did she herself attempt to hide a fragment of the mystic map?” Luna continued.

Shadow thought hard, going deep into his memories. “Yes… Yes, I remember; after the map was split into four fragments, she insisted on hiding it herself. Naturally, neither I nor my fellow knights were told of where she planned to hide it.”

The gang all sighed, “Well that don’t tell us much.” Applejack muttered so as not to be overheard, but then… Shadow remembered something.

“The queen was still very weak after her great ordeal, and having her horn severed.” He paused, and remembered “Yes… while on route to hide my treasures in the frozen mountains, I swore I could see a large glow of light in the darkened skies and believed it to be the queen.

Then… there was a tiny flash, much like a shooting star that fell from her, and… disappeared into the skies.

That is all I know.”

Everyone’s faces had concerned expressions, and Grand Ruler thanked Shadow, “You’ve been very helpful. You are excused.”

Shadow bowed and headed off to prepare to teach his next Ancient History class.

“That’s it then.” said Starla “Galaxia must’ve accidently dropped the piece into the sky, and it found its way into space and was lost.”

“Oh…!” cried Fluttershy “If that’s true, that means we’ll never be able to find it.”

Rhymey agreed,

“The piece could be anywhere in the entire universe,
It may even have been destroyed… that’s even worse.”

It really was starting to look hopeless. If they couldn’t find the map piece, it would be all that harder to even try and find the Temple of Mystery and uncover the Elements of Chaos.

“Now, now, everyone…” said Grand Ruler “Remember the code of Starfleet: Never to give up no matter how hopeless it may see. We’ll think of something… we usually do.”

Everyone agreed, and that was pretty much all there was to say.

Just as everyone got up to leave, Professor Brain knocked at the door and was let in. “Terribly sorry to interrupt an official conference.” he said “But I do have some good news, as well as bad.”

“Well what is it already?” asked Rainbow.

The Professor invited everyone to the labs so he could explain better.

“Last one there’s a rotten cupcake!” teased Pinkie, and she dashed off.

Once everyone had cleared out, the royal trio were the only ones left, and Celestia still looked a bit lost in her fighting depression.

“Are you alright, sister?” asked Luna.

“Yes… I’m fine.”

Luna and Grand Ruler didn’t feel she was.

“Do you wish to talk about it?”

Celestia smiled at them that they were showing great care, “I’m fine. Let’s go to the lab. I want to see what the professor has.”

Luna and Grand Ruler were really growing concerned. They both knew she was grieving over Galaxia. “If she doesn’t open up soon, it will only make it more painful for her.” said Grand Ruler.

Luna agreed, and it made her feel bad that she couldn’t really understand her sister’s pain the way she did. Still, putting it aside, they went off to the labs.

“After many weeks of researching, my assistants and I have finally been able to make good use of the alloy obtained from Sienna’s forces, and infused them into suits of armor as well as weapons and tools for battle.”

He showed everyone on a computer simulation, how even though the suits and weapons still appeared the same as the currents weapons and suits, “With new alloy polymerized within, your battle strengths and powers shall increase immensely.”

The simulations showed how they would be strong enough to blow whole mountains, or even asteroids into dust with much little effort than ever before, and even Sienna’s best forces wouldn’t have a chance against them.

“Okay, that is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen!” said Buddy.

“When can we try it?” asked Artie, but that’s when the Professor had the bad news, “I’m afraid there is one little flaw in the design I hadn’t anticipated.”

He held out the newly constructed energizers for each and every pony. “Off you go then.”

“Well, let’s do it.” said Lightning. The other ponies agreed, and removed their normal armor platings to use the new energizers.



They donned their new suits and, just as the professor promised, they looked exactly the same… except…!

“Hey!” snapped Lightning, and he fell right to the floor with a huge thud, as did all the others, flat on their fronts and backs, and they could hardly seem to move!

“Gracia divina!*Goodness Gracious*”groaned Dyno “What is this, meng?!”

“I… I can hardly move at all!” added Myte.

The ponies all tried and tried with all their strength, but, they couldn’t’ seem to move and inch. Even their heads were stuck where they were due to their new visors weighing so much.

“Rarity, let me help you.” said Spike, and he tried to help lift his wife to her feet, but found that she was too heavy for him to move, and he lost his grip and flew backwards nearly hitting a table of beakers and chemicals, but Celestia stopped him at the last inch, holding him with her magic.

“Turn these… suits off…!” groaned Rarity, “HURRY!!!”

Since none of the ponies could reach the energizers themselves, Brain used a remote to deactivate the suits, freeing everyone from the heavy weight.

“Are you alright, Lightning?” asked Krysta.

“Yeah…” Lightning said “But that was… intense.”

Brain sighed. “I feared this would happen. It appears to be a side-effect of the polymerization of the alloy and your suits.”

This was indeed a cause for concern.

“And there is no chance of you recalibrating and correcting the weight problem?” asked Princess Luna.

“I’m afraid not, your highness. If I made any such attempt, then the suits would be rendered weaker.”

Rainbow sulked, “Well that’d peachy. We finally get that must-need power-up, and we can’t even use it.”

Applejack flexed and cracked her shoulder bones, “Felt like I had a full harvest moon on my back. How in the hoot are we supposed to fight with all that weight on our backs?”

Lightning clenched his fists, “The same way as ever; we train to boost our strengths and grow accustomed to the weight.”

Starla agreed with him, and all the others began to agree as well. They remembered the basic Starfleet training to get as strong as they were; fighting with loads of weight attached to their selves, and under immense pressures, which was not only used to build their strength, but to help increase their speeds and dexterities.

“But how are we even supposed to train with these things?” asked Fluttershy “They’re so heavy, we couldn’t even move in them.”

Before long, the entire team found themselves on The Moon where the lower gravity made the suits much lighter; at least enough for them all to find their strengths to struggle to stand up instead of being completely pinned down.

Still, it was very hard to keep on their feet and hold their balances without toppling over. “This may not be as easy as we thought, huh?” asked Starla.

“We have to try.” said Buddy “After all; if it’ll help us bring Sienna down we need to trust in the training.”

“Come on, everyone. Let’s go…” said Lightning and he began to march along the surface. “One, two… one, two… one, two…”

All the others soon followed, and even Spike joined, having just had his Dragon Knight Armor and sword upgraded with the alloy. “Ooh, this is heavy!” he groaned as he felt his feet sinking into the moon sands.

“Keep up the pace, Spike!” Lightning called to him.

From her ship, Sienna was contemplating and frustrated with her entire crew. “It’s utterly incredible!” she thundered “After all this time, Starfleet has nearly all the map pieces and all the legendary items, and we have just THIS ONE?!

And you call yourselves treasure hunters!”

Slash, Omnisha and all the Raiders looked and felt ashamed, and as for Mako, he stood behind his sister noting how much worse she was becoming in her obsession for The Elements of Chaos.

“Well…!” snapped Sienna “Does anyone have any BRIGHT ideas?”

“Perhaps the answer is obvious.” said Slash “Since we are unable to locate the Elements of Chaos ourselves, we can allow Starfleet to find them for us. Then, we attack and steal the Elements from right out of their grips.”

Omnisha couldn’t believe what she was about to say, “He does have a point. We’ve tried to get the map and the treasures from the ponies and it hasn’t worked.”

Sienna agreed with them and looked down at her only piece of the map. “For once, you two come up with an idea that makes you seem intelligent.”

The duo didn’t know whether to feel flattered or insulted, but suddenly, the ships warning alarm sounded. “What is it now?” snapped Sienna and Mako checked the console “There’s an object heading for the planet on a Dimensional Space Pathway.”

“Onscreen.” said Sienna.

A Raider turned on the monitor, and everyone huddled in to see the pathway stretching across the cosmos, and a lone Starfleet officer-- Captain Magnus-- was soaring across it on his way to the planet.

“Say, I recognize him.” said Slash “He was one of those annoying little pests that tried to intercept us upon our arrival here.

Let’s shoot him down!”

“No…!” said Sienna “Let’s wait and see what brings him here? I love a good mystery.”

So she let Magnus go, and conduct whatever business he had.

A while later, Lightning and team had returned to the palace, extremely tuckered out from their intensive training on the moon. They had literally marched all the way around the moon and back to their starting point.

They slouched and limped as they paced into the throne room. “Are you all okay?” asked Goldwin.

“You try pacing all way around the moon with a couple hundred tons on your body and then ask us that.” groaned Pinkie, and she flopped down like a deflated balloon.

Rhymey slumped onto the floor,

“Every muscle in my body is sore
To make a move hurts me more and more.

And we’ve all just barely begun to train,
It’ll be awhile before we can take such a strain.”

“Yeah, we still haven’t even tried using the weapons yet… and then we have to train at normal gravity too.” said Artie “That’s going to be tough.”

Everyone dreaded such training when the time came.

“I’m so tried I can’t even faint in shock.” said Rarity.

Just as everyone was about to go off and have a good long rest, Grand Ruler’s voice was heard over the palace intercom. “Attention. Attention please: Lightning Dawn and team, report to the briefing room immediately.”

All at once, everyone groaned so irritably that Goldwin covered his ears, but he couldn’t help but feel sorry for them all as he watched them all walk groggily off.

When they all got to the briefing room, their majesties saw how tired they were and used their powers to boost their strengths up a little.

“Whew… that’s much better.” said Spike. He cracked back and the spines along his head.

“So… what’s up?” asked Pinkie.

“This is what’s up, Pinkie Pie…” said Celestia as she held up a letter, “Captain Magnus received this on Planet M5 where his outpost and crew are, and he brought it straight here to us.”

“Where’s the Captain now?” asked Applejack.

“He is resting.” replied Luna “He came to us rather excitedly, and for very good reason.”

Grand Ruler then explained, “He claims that this letter was sent to him by none other than… Lt. Sephy Dancer, his Fiancée.”

A long moment of silence followed. Everyone remembered how Sephy was lost; disappeared into space.

“Are you positive about this?” asked Rarity.

“More than positive.” replied Grand Ruler “The handwriting is perfectly authentic…” he held up a single pink thread of hair from a mane that lay in a small, empty ashtray on the table, “And this hair was found in with the letter, and the DNA matches perfectly.”

Another moment of silence and extremely hopeful expressions appeared on everyone’s faces. There was no doubt that Sephy miraculously was transported to the planet she sent the letter from.

This reminded Grand Ruler of how lucky he was; when he was thrown out into space by Nightmare Moon, he landed on a habitable planet that would later become Unicornicopia and the beginning of Starfleet.

“Wait a minute…” said Starla “If Lt. Dancer was alive all this time, why wouldn’t she try to find her way back to base, or contact any Starfleet forces for rescue?”

Their majesties all looked concerned, and Celestia read from the letter.

“To whom it may concern…

I am the Mayor of, what promises to be, a new town of the Planet Firmos.

I do not remember much of my past, but my only clue was a strange marking I found on the armor vest I wore with the inscriptions of “Starfleet”

If you are reading this letter, please ensure that this “Starfleet” whoever he, she, or they are, gets this. I feel they may be able to help me figure out who I really am and where I come from.

Signed: “Mayor Fey Ser of the planet Firmos”

“Fey Ser?” everyone kept contemplating.

“That’s it then.” Fluttershy said “She must’ve lost her memories.”

Grand Ruler nodded, and then extended his magical mane to show the mappings of the known galaxy. “This letter was passed on and on in a chain sending.” he explained, and magical arrows appeared, bouncing along the planets on the map until they reached the far side of the galaxy, into Unexplored Space.

“The area still remains unrecorded and unexplored by our database, but thanks to our deep-space telescopic readings, Planet Firmos must be somewhere in this area.

We leave tomorrow morning. We’ve got to find Lt. Sephy and help restore her memories.”

Everyone agreed, but Lightning then noted, “We…?”

“That’s right. This timeI’llbe going with you supervising this mission.

If Sephy’s really been alive all this time, I must see it for myself. Just the thought that another pony survived the dangers of space like I did; it’s indescribable.”

The next morning, bright and early after breakfast, everything was all set.

Grand Ruler was bidding goodbye to the children.

“You two behave, and you listen to your mother and Aunt Luna, ‘K?”

“Okay, father.” said Castor.

“Will you bring us back something, Daddy?” asked Lelani.

Her father chuckled, but promised he would.

“Come children…” said Luna “Why don’t we go play in the garden.” and she led them merrily away, leaving Celestia and her husband to embrace. “Please be careful out there.” she whispered to him “I don’t think I could bear if something would happen, and I’d lose you again.”

“That… will never happen.” Grand Ruler assured her “I’ve done this many times. I won’t let anything happen.”

His smiled deeply at him.

Starla and Lightning had just returned from the nursery wanting to bid their baby goodbye. “He was still asleep when we got there.” said Starla. She was shivering softly with guilt of leaving her baby, and worried should something happen to her or Lightning.

“Easy honey…” said Lightning “I feel the same as you… worse even, but we have to go, and you know your droid doesn’t work across incredible distances.”

Starla understood.

Just then, Captain Magnus came into the room, and Lightning greeted him. “Good morning, Captain. Are you set to go?”

“Yes sir. I also wanted to thank you all for letting me join you. These past two months have been torture to me, but finally… my prayers have been answered and I’ll get the love of my life back.”

Grand Ruler approached him, “Just the same, keep in mind she’s lost her memories. She might not recognize you when if you try to talk to her, but don’t worry; she WILL remember again. That’s a promise.”

“Thank you, sire.”

With all that set, everyone was ready. “Do it, Krysta.” said Lightning.

“One super-duper long portal and path, coming up…” Krysta said, and she conjured up all the power she could spare forming a portal.

POW!! The magical path of light sparked from the planet and shot far, far off into space.

“Off we go!” said Grand Ruler, and one-by-one, everyone leapt through the portal, and rocketed off down the light path, off to the stars.

“Good luck everyone.” Celestia said softly.

Sienna saw the astronauts all heading out. “Track them!” she said to the Raiders “I want to know where their off to and why.”

The ship’s guide to the galaxy was a bit different than Starfleet’s due to Sienna having been to and robbing so many star-systems.

“They appear to be heading for Planet Firmos.” said Omnisha.

“That dump heap again?” scoffed Sienna. She remembered how she had robbed from it and blasted it from a fertile world into a world of desolation before coming to United Equestria, “But why would they be heading there?

…Unless they’re hiding something!”

Slash stepped forth, “Captain, allow me to peruse them before the pathway vanishes. I’ll find what it is they’re up, and if things get ugly I will destroy them.”

Sienna felt like agreeing, “But Slash, your sword was destroyed in your previous battle. I won’t let you go unarmed.”

“I know…” Slash grumbled. He still felt horribly outraged for the ponies destroying his pride and weapon, “Which is why I have decided to use my other sword.”

“What?!” snapped Mako “THAT sword, but that’s…”

“Have you gone mad?!” snapped Omnisha.

“Enough!” shouted Slash “I realize the dangers in that sword, which is why I kept it chained up all this time, but those ponies have forced me to use extremes, and it may be a good chance to bring them down for good.”

Sienna could see the flare and determination in Slash’s eyes and couldn’t object to this, “Very well, Slash, but you better now letwhat happened the last timehappen again.”

Slash thought about this as well, when he went to his room and pulled out a loose panel in the floor where a large metal box lay hidden and chained up.

Still, all he had to do was simply pull on the chains and broke them with his strength to get into the box where a long sword was sheathed in a red and black scabbard. Just looking at it without even laying his hands on it made him visualize and hear so many screams of many victims. Fires and ceaseless destruction followed up by the sound of an evil and monstrous laugh.

Nevertheless, he clenched his fist and took the sword in its sheath. “When this mighty blade is drawn… it MUST taste blood.” he said softly to himself.

Soon, he was off; launched from the ship within a hollowed missile and onto the magical pathway while it was still intact, and he rocketed off after Starfleet.

Sienna still had her doubts however, “I hope he realizes what he’s getting into.”

Omnisha actually agreed with her, and looked at her crystal ball. “There’s no way of telling how this will end up, and I’m usually good at foreseeing this sort of jazz.”

When all was quiet, Mako decided, again, to try and converse with his sister about the kindness that the ponies had shown him.

“Sienna, I’ve been doing something thinking about the ponies… I really don’t think we have to go to all this trouble with them anymore.”

Sienna sighed “Mako, not this again.”

“I just think maybe we could…”

“Mako!” snapped Sienna “What is with you? I thought those ponies had brainwashed you, but now I’m starting to see it’s more serious than I thought. They are our enemies, Mako. EVERYONE… in the entire universe is our enemy, and I’m not going to stop until they all suffer for the things that happened to us… remember?”

“Well, yeah I remember but… but…”

“But what…?” growled Sienna, she loomed over her brother the same way all the big bullies used to at the orphanage, and Mako actually shuddered in fear… at his own sister!

Sienna could see she was being a little too harsh on him, “We’ll talk about this later. I have things to do.”

Then she left, and poor Mako felt nearly on the verge of tears. Sienna nearly just treated him like an underling, and that was never like her at all.

Even Omnisha felt concerned. She had wanted Sienna to focus more on the mission, but as much as she wasn’t fond of Mako, she felt the little guy didn’t deserve that.“She’s growing worse.”Omnisha thought silently,“Her obsession to find the Elements and exact vengeance is overshadowing her care for her own brother.”

A long while later, Starfleet was arriving at their destination…

“Would you look at that!” said Buddy.

Planet Firmos: It looked rather dismal. It was all grey and brown patches as if it had been scorched with little green patches to indicate many forests.

“What a dreadful place.” said Rarity.

“Oh, my…!” cried Fluttershy “I sure hope the planet was always like this.”

Much as Rhymey hated to upset his wife, just looking at the planet was enough to tell him,

“I don’t believe it was always this way.
You can see by the marks in the earth that lay.

If I would have to guess it right,
This planet was attacked in a big fight.”

“Exactly right.” said Grand Ruler “We’re going in.”

As everyone got closer and closer to entering the planet, Magnus couldn’t help but look at the desolate lands all over. “Sephy…”

A portal opened, and everyone landed safely on the surface in the barren field, with hardly that much grass anywhere, but rather just plain dry ground.

The sky was a little grey with overcast and there was a soft breeze as well.

“Wow, this place could sure use a bit more color and joy.” said Artie.

“So, how do we find Sephy?” asked Magnus.

“Scan for her DNA of course.” said Lightning.

“Good thinking, Lightning.” commented Grand Ruler.

Lightning then activated his normal visor, and located the source of the DNA. “Follow me.” and he led everyone off into their air.

As they all flew along, they couldn’t see too many signs of many towns or villages, or even signs of other life forms. “This place is starting to give me the creeps.” said Spike.

Rainbow could hard stand the sight of the overcast much longer. “Excuse me…” she said “I think it’s time to bring a little sunshine into this place.”

She was about to fly upward when Grand ruler halted her with his magic, “No, Rainbow!” he scolded her “Don’t you remember what you were taught about visiting unexplored planets?”

Rainbow sighed, “…Never mess with the ecology, until your certain it can and should be done.”

“That’s right.” replied Grand Ruler “So keep close and don’t meddle with things… any of you.”

Pinkie complied by stuffing her hands down her pants, “I won’t touch a thing.”

“How much further, Lightning?” asked Starla.

“We’re getting close…” replied Lightning, but suddenly hid visor began to glow “What the…”

Everyone else gawked at the glowing.

“Can it… can it be?” wondered Applejack.

“It’s got to be.” said Dyno, “The last piece of the mystic map… it must be around here somewhere!” added Myte.

“That’s incredible!” cried Krysta “We’ll be able to find it after all.”

Grand Ruler felt that it was surely a gift of luck from the stars. “We can split up.” he said “Half of you spread out to find that map piece. The rest of us will continue to find Sephy.”

It was agreed.

Grand Ruler, Lightning Starla, Krysta, Magnus, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy headed off to find Sephy, while the others scouted around to find the map piece.

“This mission is really starting to turn gold for us.” said Magnus “You find that treasure you need, and soon I’ll get my Sephy back.”

“Hey, look up ahead…” said Lightning.

“It’s a village.” said Starla. It didn’t seem to be a very large or lively one. The buildings all seemed to be makeshift houses made from scraps of metal, wood and large rocks.

“How dreadful.” said Rarity “Who in their right mind would live in such oddly constructed buildings?”

“There doesn’t seem to be anybody down there.” said Fluttershy, and she began to tremble “This is getting a little creepy.”

Rhymey held her hand calming her.

“Is that where Sephy is?” asked Magnus.

“Must be… The signal’s coming strong from down there.” replied Lightning.

The team touched down at the foot of the village, and there was still not a soul to be seen. It was rather creepy like a ghost town.

“I bet I know how I can get someone to hear us…” said Pinkie. She drew in a huge breath to call out into the village, but Starla held her mouth shut, “Pinkie Pie!” she grumbled as she wrestled to calm her down, “No, no… Stop! Calm down!”

“Pinkie Pie…” sighed Grand Ruler “Remember the code…”

Pinkie talked with Starla’s still over her mouth.

“What was that?”

Starla let Pinkie go and she recited the code, “When visiting a new world, remember that we are strangers and the lifeforms, if any, may not yet trust us.”

Grand Ruler sighed, “Let’s all continue forth, WITH caution.”

As they all trekked through the village, Magnus could barely keep himself from going wild. “Sephy’s got to be here someplace.”

“Yeah, whatever this place is…” remarked Lightning.

Suddenly, they all could hear the sound of someone chanting in prayer near the largest building at the end of the village.

He looked to be a humanoid creature, but with silver skin, black hair, and he was dressed rather unusually, wearing a whole bunch of tattered clothes all jumbled and tied together to make a garb.

He was praying to a kind of Tiki stone.

The team all softly approached the stranger, and Rarity stepped on a small twig, snapping it, frightening the man and making everyone else jump.

The man backed away in fright, but Grand Ruler assured him “We mean you no harm. Don’t be afraid.”

The man gazed at the strange creatures, and all at once his fear faded away, “You…” he said softly “You look just like our mayor.”

Oddest type of greeting anyone ever heard, but Magnus rushed up to the man almost frantically, “Please… can you take us to her?”

The man nodded. “I am called Tomakar, I am the mayor’s right hand. I can take you straight to her.”

He led everyone up to the steps of the large building, which was actually the City Hall of the village. “For so long we wondered where Fey Ser came from, and now finally, our answers will be unfurled.”

Magnus really felt like coming out and explaining everything for him, but Krysta motioned for him not to, at least not until they saw the mayor.

Inside of City Hall, everything was all makeshift, build from more scraps, rocks and mud. There were also other creatures like Tomakar, only some had shiny golden colored skin, or bronze colored skin, yet every wore the same type of ragged, makeshift outfits like a primitive civilization.

At first many of the people were shocked or nervous about seeing the strangers, until Tomakar assured them “They are friends. They are going to help the mayor.”

The people calmed down and went back about their work.

“We are called Fermentials.” Tomakar explained “Each of us bears a color resembling a precious treasure of our planet.

You must excuse us, however… these days we are rather skeptical of approaching strange new creatures.”

“Um… sorry to butt in,” said Fluttershy “But would it have anything to do with the way the planet looks like it does now?”

“Yes…” replied Tomakar “But the mayor will speak more of this. We are nearly there.”

Soon they had all arrived at the mayor’s private office. “The mayor has no meetings today, so she should be free for the rest of the day.”

They were escorted inside, “Pardon me, Mayor…” said Tomakar “But these strangers have come to help you.”

The mayor spun in her chair for everyone to see, and Magnus nearly lost all feeling in his legs. It was really her; a light purpled Space alicorn with a long pink mane, and she even still had a soft burn mark on her face from nearly being hit by Sienna’s lasers. The burn had almost totally healed, but there was no doubt it was her.

“Bless the stars… she’s alive.” Grand Ruler muttered under his breath.

The mayor looked at all the ponies, “You… you all are just like me.” she said with astonishment.

“Well of course we are.” said Pinkie “You’re one of us.”

Sephy just looked at them all with a confused expression “I am?”

Lightning and Starla reminded Pinkie “She doesn’t remember us…”

“That’s what we’re here for; to jog her memory.”

Magnus began to feel a bit upset inside that his beloved didn’t recognize him at the start.

Grand Ruler approached the mayor.

“Who are you?” Sephy asked admiring the tall and strong pony.

“I would explain it to you, but that won’t be necessary.” he said. He then softly raised his fingers to lift away part of her long mane that was covering a side of her head, and surely enough there was a big spot where a large bump had once been.

“How did you get this mark?” Grand Ruler asked.

Sephy felt her head, “I… don’t remember.” and she recalled back as much as she could “All I remember is waking up in a field, wearing a strange and tattered suit.”

“Who am I? What am I doing here?”

“I couldn’t even remember what my name was.”


“That was all I could figure… like it was part of my real name.

When the people of Firmos found me, they accused me of being an invader, but eventually they found that I meant them no harm, but they couldn’t help me figure out who I was.

They brought me to their village, which was dilapidated and in ruins, and the people were all starving and poor.

According to Tomakar… Firmos used to be rich in important and valuable minerals. Everyone knew nothing but happiness and comfort in their rich lives… but then these strangers invaded their world, robbed the people of all their treasure, and ruthlessly used powerful lasers to level the planet into mess that it is now.

Now all everyone knows is fear, misery and poverty. Food is hard to grow because of the infertile soils, and the lack of good water to find, making produce very hard to maintain.”

Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy all had tears in their eyes.

“Oh, you poor, poor creatures…” Fluttershy wept softly.

“That’s just so sad.” agreed Pinkie.

Tomakar thought it nice they were showing such care. “We thought surely that our well of despair was truly bottomless, until Fey Ser realized she had magical abilities of likes we never saw before…

She was able to lift objects to clear messes away, and help mold the damages into our village as it is now, and she was also able to help find suitable water for us all to drink and help to restore a little of our produce so we would never starve again.

Despite it wasn’t as much to save the entire planet, we were ever so grateful that we dubbed her the mayor our village and she has helped us to slowly return to much brighter hopes ever since.”

Sephy nodded, and everyone else thought that was very noble.

“Still…” Sephy said “Much as I have made a life here and am very happy to help my friends, it would really mean much to me if I could just remember where I came from.”

“Say no more…” said Krysta “One memory restoration coming up.” She reached behind herself and pulled out a tiny sack with a single droplet of clear water in it. “Fairies on Planet Luminous are excellent in restoring lost memories. Just a single drop of this and your memories will be all restored in a while.”

At first Sephy was astonished that it would that simple to get her memories back. Nevertheless she cooperated and let Krysta drop the tiny little droplet into her mouth and hit her tongue.

“Well, that’s it then.” said Lightning “There’s nothing to do now but wait for it to happen.”

Magnus really hoped it would be soon. He couldn’t stop staring at Sephy with such hope.

Sephy then caught his gaze at gazed back at him. Magnus quickly turned away, and Sephy couldn’t help but smile at how cute that was.


Slash had arrived on Firmos himself. He found it odd to have returned to a planet Sienna had already raided once. “It looks like this planet’s done well after our little intrusion.” He said to himself. Then he looked down at his sword, “…You and I have a job to do. It’s time to be rid of those miserable mules for good!”

To Be Continued…!


In our next episode: As Sephy slowly regains her memories, Slash unleashes his fury, unveiling his wicked weapon which transforms him into a powerful and fearsome beast, which proves to be quite a formidable force even for the entire team combined.

How can our heroes overpower Slash and his cursed sword?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Part 2: Worse Curse”)