• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 2,461 Views, 344 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony - Captain_Cosmos

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Episode 11: Ready Now to Touch the Sky

A small pop and a puff of blue smoke were followed by Sparkler and Flappy clinging to each other as they landed just outside the Everfree Forest. After a few seconds of shaking and heavy breathing, they calmed down and let go of each other. Sparkler nodded as she summoned a copy of the town map and crossed out a circle on it. “Pro tip, NEVER, EVER go into the Everfree Forest. That pack of timberwolves came out of nowhere.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! When I flew overhead the other week, it was clear as the sky. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded and put the map back into her saddlebag. “It may have been empty AT THE TIME. I don’t EVER want you going in or over this Forest again. Got it?”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Got it. Ok, so we crossed out more than half the potential secluded flying spots. What’s next on the list? Squawk!”

Sparkler smiled. “The map says it’s the Windy Ring. It looks like a natural circular stadium.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Let’s go there. That sounds like a perfect place. Squawk!”

Sparkler shrugged. “We’ll see.” She grabbed hold of Flappy and lit her horn. It pulsed as they popped away.

Seconds later, they popped in on the top of the mountain surrounding the area. They let go of each other and both got a look at the view in front of them. They could see that indeed it was a crater with a seemingly smooth and flat stone base, surrounded by the mountain they were standing on.

Sparkler let out an impressed whistle. “Whoo. Don’t get a view quite like this in Saddle Arabia Eh Flappy?” She called out to account for the face that the wind was really blowing in the area.

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! And the wind conditions are something too. I actually think this could be a great place for flight training. Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled and nodded. “Sure. If you want to increase your strength and stamina. I might even be able to make an obstacle course for you!”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Sure thing. But right now. Those wings of yours need a good stretch after being cooped up in your sweaters! Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled. “Alright. Fine.” She lit her horn and a ball shot from it. The hall fell down onto the ground and started expanding into lines that circled the rim of the crater. The lines touched at the other end and the whole line flashed before disappearing. Sparkler nodded. “Tripwire spell. Just in case we get a tad too high and others enter this area!” She lit her horn again and her sweater poofed away. Her wings spread open and she actually shivered, not used to feeling the cold wind blowing through her wings. “Ooh. It’s kinda chilly up here!”

Flappy chuckled. “Squawk! You had a chance to get a new sweater made. Remember Rarity? Squawk!”

Sparkler gasped as Flappy took off. She laughed and assumed a take off position. “Oh you did NOT go there!” She flapped her wings hard, and took off from the rim after Flappy. She got a few meters forward before stumbling in the air. She quickly regained her balance and control and eased into a hover in front of Flappy. “Whoa! I’m definitely out of practice.” She chuckled.

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Maybe you need a training course. For now... Tag you’re it! Squawk!” Flappy quickly touched Sparkler with his wing before taking off. Sparkler laughed and chased after him.

And so they flew. They chased each other around, they raced, they played games, did tricks. And just had an awesome time in the air. The entire time, Sparkler was in complete bliss. While she always wondered why she needed to be born with wings, she would gladly admit that they had their perks. Being able to fly with her parrot being the prime perk. Back in Saddle Arabia, they would fly on a near daily basis. It always cheered her up no matter how down she was. And that was exactly the case now. Here, flying with Flappy, she could momentarily forget about her secret. Up there in the sky, she just could be Sparkling Medley, a pony who had both wings and a horn.

About an hour into the session. Flappy and Sparkler settled down on a cloud overlooking the Windy Ring. Sparkler set her hooves down on the fluffy cloud and took a deep breath. “Whoo. Wow what a workout. I definitely need to exercise my wings more.”

Flappy chuckled as he set down the cloud next to Sparkler. “Squawk! Well. Now you can. I mean, an hour out here and not ONE pony has come across here. I say that means we found our flight spot. Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled and nodded. “It was nice to get up in the air again. Though I feel as though I should preen my wings. Since they’ve been cooped up in sweaters since we moved here.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! I’ll help with that. As always.”

Sparkler smiled. “Thanks Flappy.” She sighed as she laid down on her haunches. “You can go ahead and keep flying if you want. I’ll watch from here while I take a break.”

Flappy nodded and took to the skies again. Sparkler watched from the Cloud as he started weaving through the magical obstacle course she had created for him. She smiled. Yeah. This place is perfect for us. Open, secluded, a good view. Like our own little paradise. She continued to watch, until she felt her spine shiver involuntarily. Her eyes widened as she instantly lit her horn. So much for paradise! Somepony had crossed the tripwire spell! She pulsed her horn and the sweater she had been wearing that day popped into place, covering her wings. Once she felt the sweater settle. She peered over the edge of the cloud, curious to see just who had entered the area.

“Hey Sparkler.” Sparkler jumped and whipped around to see Rainbow Dash and Soarin hovering a few meters from her cloud.

Sparkler gasped. “Rainbow! Soarin! Sweet celestia. You scared me!”

Rainbow chuckled. “Sorry.” She and Soarin touched down on the cloud.

Soarin smiled at Sparkler. “Sup Sparkler.”

Sparkler nodded. “Nothing. Sup with you?”

Soarin chuckled. “Nothing much. Just out for a flight with my marefriend.”

Rainbow nodded. “What about you Sparkler? Whatcha doing up here, on a...cloud...” her eyes narrowed on Sparkler, who’s mind was racing with worry and nervousness. “How are you standing on a cloud? You aren’t a Pegasus.”

Sparkler nodded. “But I can teleport and cast a cloud walking spell.”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “Teleport?”

Sparkler nodded. “What? You’ve never heard of a unicorn teleporting?”

Rainbow continued to give her a hard stare. “But Twilight’s never been able to teleport onto a cloud.”

“Well. I can. Lots of practice and lessons from my dad.”

Rainbow continued to stare at Sparkler, who was trying to keep a calm face. After what felt like hours, Rainbow smiled. “That’s cool. Twilight might want to come to you for pointers.”

Sparkler nodded. “I’ll be happy to help.”

Rainbow nodded as Soarin looked over the edge and saw a yellow streak zipping through a homemade obstacle course. “Hey Sparkler, is that Flappy down there running that course?”

Sparkler smiled as she and Rainbow peered over the edge. Sparkler nodded. “That’s him. We came out here so he can work on his speed, stamina, strength, things like that.”

Rainbow watched Flappy go and gave an approving nod. “Hm. He’s a fast little critter. I’ll give him that.”

Sparkler laughed. “Oh that’s not even his top speed. That’s just his leisurely pace.” She lit her horn and directed her attention to Flappy. “HEY FLAPPY! KICK IT INTO OVERDRIVE!” She shouted over the megaphone spell

Flappy heard her, and Soarin and Rainbow’s eyes widened when he increased his speed at least tenfold. They watched him zip through the course lickity split, and nearly jumped back when he suddenly appeared at their level. Smiling at everypony.

“Squawk! Were you timing that Sparkler? Squawk!” He asked.

Sparkler chuckled and shook her head. “Nope.” She gestured to Rainbow and Soarin. “But these two wanted to see just how fast you are.”

Flappy laughed. “Squawk! Faster then both of them I’ll bet. Squawk!”

Rainbow gave a dramatic gasp and glared her wings as she stared at Flappy. “What?! No way! There’s a reason I can do the Sonic Rainboom! And I wouldn’t even need it to beat you in a race!”

Flappy laughed. “Squawk! Careful Dashie. You talk a good game, but you might not be able to back it up. Squawk!”

That earned a gasp from everypony as Rainbow smirked at him. “Oh you are going DOWN parrot! 10 laps around that obstacle course down there!”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Bring it! Squawk!” Flappy descended down to the course. Rainbow followed suit.

Soaring looked at Sparkler. “Your parrot has no idea what can of worms he just opened.”

Sparkler chuckled. “Eh, so long as she actually doesn’t employ the Sonic Rainboom, this should be an interesting race.” She lit her horn again and activated the megaphone spell. She directed her attention to the racers. “I WANT A NICE CLEAN RACE FROM BOTH OF YOU! THAT MEANS NO PUTTING YOUR OPPONENT IN DANGER, AND NO SONIC RAINBOOMS DASH!

Rainbow laughed. “Don’t worry Sparkler! This may be a race, but I play fair!”

Soarin nodded his head when Sparkler glanced at him, vouching for Rainbow’s statement. She nodded and turned back to the race. “IN THAT CASE, ON YOUR MARKS...GET SET...GO!!!”

Rainbow and Flappy took off. Racing through the obstacle course. Soarin and Sparkler looked on, and Soarin was surprised to find Flappy actually managing to keep pace with Rainbow. “Whoo. That parrot of yours has some serious speed.”

Sparkler nodded. “He used to race all the time back home.” She chuckled. “You know what he told me when he first learned of the wonderbolts? He told me he was gonna be the first Parrot wonderbolt ever.”

Soarin laughed. “Well. He definitely looks like he has the speed for it. Unfortunately we don’t take animals as team members.”

Sparkler chuckled. “I figured as much. But that’s not gonna stop him from training.”

Soarin chuckled. “Hey, maybe he can be a wonderbolt for Nightmare Night.”

Sparkler chuckled. “I’ll talk to Rarity.”

At that moment, they saw Rainbow gain distance on Flappy and crossed the finish line first. Flappy followed only seconds later. Rainbow smiled as she crossed her forelegs. “Haha! Sorry Flappy. Maybe next time.”

Flappy laughed. “Squawk! You are a worthy opponent Rainbow Dash. But next time I shall be victorious! Squawk!”

Rainbow giggled. “In your dreams Parrot.”

Soarin smiled before an idea came to him. He turned to Sparkler. “Hey Sparkler, you mind if I race Flappy next?”

Sparkler smiled and activated the megaphone spell. “Let’s ask him.” She turned to Flappy. “HEY FLAPPY! GOT MORE IN THE TANK FOR ANOTHER TEN LAPPER? SOARIN HERE WANTS A RACE!”

Flappy smiled and nodded. “Send him down!”

Soarin smiled as he and Rainbow basically traded places. Once everypony was in position. Sparkler smiled. “ON YOUR MARKS...GET SET...GO!!!” Soarin and Flappy took off around the course.

Rainbow turned to Sparkler. “Gotta admit. That Parrot of yours actually put up a decent race.”

Sparkler chuckled. “Used to race all the time back home.”

Rainbow nodded. “It definitely shows.” She chuckled. After a second, she settled down again. “So. I hear you and Soarin got to know each other a bit while I was away.”

Sparkler raised an eyebrow. “Did we?”

Rainbow chuckled. “Did you or did you not help him with a certain song that he calls Fly Together?”

Sparkler’s eyes widened as she remembered his commission and chuckled. “Oh. Yeah. That. Yeah he came to me two days before you lot were sent on that Friendship mission. He already had the lyrics down, but said he didn’t have any musical talent beyond singing.”

Rainbow laughed. “That’s so true. Did he provide an example?”

Sparkler shuddered as she nodded. Remembering the attack on her ears. “Yeah. I was close to having to wash my ears for that one.”

Rainbow laughed. “That’s why we don’t allow him ANYWHERE near any instrument that isn’t pie.”

Sparkler nodded. “So. Did you like the song?”

Rainbow nodded. “I did. Spinal Record can eat his heart out. Soarin may have sung the song and he has a good voice and all that. But YOU Sparkler, you did things in that song I didn’t even know were possible.”

Sparkler chuckled. “What can I say? I’m just that awesome.”

Rainbow laughed. “I agree. Though nopony’s more awesome than me.”

Sparkler laughed. “Sure. Whatever you say.” They turned back to the race, which was still going on. Sparkler raised an eyebrow. “They don’t look like they’re stopping.”

Rainbow nodded. “They just passed ten laps.”

Sparkler nodded. “Think we should let them know?”

Rainbow laughed. “I say we let the boys duke it out. I kinda want to see if Flappy can pass the finish line before Soarin at all.”

Sparkler chuckled. “Alright then. But I’m not letting this go on forever.”

Rainbow laughed. “Exactly. I don’t want to have to carry Soarin back. Do you know how much pie he eats? Thank CELESTIA he’s a wonderbolt. That’s the only way he could keep in shape.”

Sparkler and Rainbow laughed as they watched the boys race. As they looked on, Sparkler smiled. Despite nearly blowing my cover, today was pretty great. Though Flappy and I MAY need to find a new spot to fly together.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Sparkler spreads her wings at last. And someday she might be able to do so freely without having to maintain her cover.

BTW, This chapter actually came about BECAUSE of the song used for the montage. Cloud 9.

also on the subject of song choices, come on, Nothing Can Stop Me Now from Planes just screamed race music. and i think it fitting for a race involving a wonderbolt.

all rights go to their respective owners

Now. time to start the reveal-to-Twilight arc, what scenario should I use to get them in the same room?