• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 2,461 Views, 344 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony - Captain_Cosmos

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Episode 17: Surfacing Feelings

Sparkler was trotting along Ponyville’s streets with Flappy on her back. She smiled and glanced back at her parrot friend. “So, you ready to become a wonderbolt Flappy?”

Flappy smiled and shivered with excitement. “Squawk! Even if it’s just a Nightmare Night costume. I’m so EXCITED! Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled. “Shame they don’t allow birds in the wonderbolts. You definitely have the speed to keep up with them.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! We have GOT to ask WHY birds aren’t allowed. Squawk!”

Sparkler giggled and nodded. “Next time we see Soarin we can ask.” She turned back to the road and saw their destination up ahead. “There’s the Carousel Boutique...” She slowed her pace as her smile faded. She took a deep breath. “Hopefully I don’t get pulled into the fray. I REALLY do not need Rarity the Gossiper finding out about my wings yet.”

In the Carousel Boutique, Rarity was hard at work on a new dress commission. She smiled as she placed diamonds on the trim. “Diamonds. They look simply DIVINE on any dress.” She placed another diamond in its place in the line when she heard the boutique door open and the bell ring. She beamed and trotted out of her workshop into the main store, launching into her usual greeting. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique, and magnifique.” She looked to the door, and her smile grew when she realized who it was. “Oh! Sparkler! How delightful to see you!”

Sparkler smiled and nodded. “Nice to see you too Rarity.”

Rarity nodded as Sparkler walked further into the store. “So, are you here for a new outfit? PLEASE tell me you’re here for a new outfit!”

Sparkler chuckled. “Kinda. But not for me.”

Rarity’s smile faltered. “Oh? Then who?”

Flappy chuckled and hopped off Sparkler’s back. “Squawk! I’m gonna be a Wonderbolt! Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled and nodded. “Flappy wants to be a wonderbolt for Nightmare Night. You think you can make a wonderbolts outfit that will fit him?”

Rarity chuckled and nodded. “Foals play.” She lit her horn and summoned her measuring tape. She gestured over to the elevated stage. “Come up onto the stage and we’ll get you all measured up Flappy.”

Flappy nodded and flew over to the stage. Rarity and Sparkler giggled at his giddy mood and trotted over to the stage. Rarity hopped on and began measuring Flappy. “If you can spread your wings Flappy, this will be just a moment.”

While Flappy spread his wings, Rarity took measurement after measurement. While she worked, she chatted with Sparkler. “So, how’re you Sparkle? Enjoying life in Ponyville?”

Sparkler nodded. “Yeah. It’s been great. Definitely made the right choice moving here.” Now if only I could work up the courage to reveal my wings, it would be PERFECT!

Rarity nodded. “I’d say you did darling. And I’m sure Twilight would agree with you.” She shot Sparkler a wink.

Sparkler caught on immediately to Rarity’s meaning and her smile faded as she groaned. “Ugh! Rarity, exactly WHAT have Starlight and Spike been spreading around?”

Rarity chuckled. “They say you and Twilight practically barricade yourselves in the castle library regularly for hours at a time. Never allowing anypony else to join you. Well, except Flappy, from what Starlight and Spike say.”

Sparkler shook her head. “That doesn’t mean we’re together. I mean, libraries aren’t even all that romantic compared to other things.”

Rarity nodded. “Sometimes the most romantic moments come from the most unlikely of places darling.”

Sparkler nodded. “Maybe, but to set the record straight, Twilight and I are NOT together. As I told Fluttershy, if we were, there wouldn’t be ANY doubt as we wouldn’t keep it a secret.”

Rarity giggled. “Are you certain? Your secretive study sessions suggest otherwise.”

Sparkler shook her head. “They’re just that. Study sessions. What we study isn’t anything of any importance so we do not feel the need to spread it about.” Not until I’m ready at least.

Rarity nodded dismissively. “So there isn’t ANYTHING you like about Twilight?”

Sparkler groaned. “Look, it’s not that I DON’T like Twilight. I do, just not in that way.”

Rarity nodded and she stood at her full height while writing something on her notepad. “If you say so darling.” She nodded. “Alright. Got the measurements. You two just wait out here and I’ll be back in a few with Flappy’s new wonderbolts uniform.” With that, she trotted into her workshop.

Sparkler and Flappy watched her go. Once she disappeared. Flappy turned to Sparkler. “Squawk! I see you’re still in denial. Squawk!”

Sparkler groaned. “There is nothing to be in denial about. My feelings towards Twilight do not go beyond friendship. End of story.”

Flappy smirked. “Squawk! Then how about you be a tad more open about WHAT goes on in the library? I mean, Alicorns aren’t the ONLY thing you two study. Need I bring up music? Astronomy? Magic? Squawk!”

Sparkler sighed. “My mind just won’t allow me to say that. It’s on full lockdown to make sure nopony discovers my secret until I’m ready.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Alright, so you have a valid reason for keeping our study contents a secret. That doesn’t erase the fact that you’re in denial. Squawk!”

Sparkler banged her head on the stage floor in frustration. “WHY are you SO insistent that I have a crush on Twilight? What gives you that impression?”

Flappy chuckled. “Squawk! I’ve seen the way you look at Twilight Sparkler. Friends do not give those kinds of looks to their friends unless they have a crush on them. There’s also you talking in your sleep. Lately I’ve been hearing Twilight’s name more frequently at night.”

Sparkler blushed. “T-That can mean anything.”

Flappy nodded, an idea coming to him. “Squawk! Alright. Then how about we try this. Describe Twilight. Squawk!”

Sparkler raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“Squawk! Describe Twilight. What do you see when you look at her, what do you feel when you think of her. And be honest. Squawk!”

Sparkler sighed. “Well. Let’s get the obvious stuff out of the way. She’s smart, friendly, she’s trustworthy. She likes teaching.” She giggled at that one.

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Go on. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “I also won’t deny that she is very beautiful. Any pony with two brain cells can see that. She’s kind, caring, understanding, honestly the list can go on.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Alright. What about how she makes you feel? Dig deep here. Squawk!”

Sparkler sighed as she continued pacing, which she had begun doing. “Well, whenever I think of her, I feel...happy? Relieved that I’m not the only one with wings and a horn after all.” Sparkler started thinking back to all the times she and Twilight got together. Carefully analyzing her feelings during those times. “Whenever we get together, I feel like I can truly be myself around her. She makes me feel safe, wanted. In a way that I’ve never experienced before. Whenever I see her smile, I quickly start to smile too, no matter how down I am, her smile is just too contagious...and when she talks on and on about, anything, I feel like I can listen to her voice for eternity, like a beautiful melody playing on re...peat...” Sparkler trailed off as she realized something. She had been thinking back to all the times she and Twilight were near each other. Be it with friends or one on one. She had carefully examined each memory and took note of her feelings and emotions, and while her earliest memories didn’t correlate to the feelings she found NOW, it was clear at least HALF of her memories of Twilight DID. Her eyes widened as she concluded something...she DID have a crush!

Flappy saw the spaced out look on Sparkler’s face and smiled, sensing that she finally got the message. “Squawk! What was that about being in denial? Squawk!”

Sparkler just stood there in total shock. She couldn’t believe it. Now that she stopped and thought about it, ever since she came out to Twilight about her wings and they started their study sessions, she had been increasingly comfortable around the princess. She didn’t deny that she had always been drawn to Twilight, mainly because she was a fellow Alicorn, but now that she was looking at her feelings more closely, she realized that as they spent more time together, hanging out and studying their favorite topics in the library on top of Alicorns, Sparkler had gradually begun to develop feelings for her fellow Alicorn, feelings that went beyond friendship! She was in love with TWILIGHT SPARKLE! The PRINCESS OF FRIENDSHIP!

At that moment, Rarity returned carrying a small blue jumpsuit with yellow streaks. She was absolutely beaming. “Oh Flappy. Ready to try on your new wonderbolts—Sparkler?” She frowned when she saw Sparkler standing there. Eyes widened, mouth agape, and frozen in shock. Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Sparkler? Everything alright?” She glanced at Flappy.

Flappy chuckled. “Squawk! It would seem our favorite hot pink Unicorn has had an epiphany and has discovered previously unknown feelings towards our mutual lavender Alicorn friend. Squawk!”

Rarity beamed and squealed in delight. “That’s wonderful!”

That snapped Sparkler out of it as she blinked and saw Rarity standing there. She raised an eyebrow. “Rarity? How long have you been standing there?”

Rarity chuckled. “Only a moment. But it would seem you’ve done a lot of thinking whilst I was making Flappy’s costume.”

Sparkler sheepishly nodded and blushed. “Yeah. Remember when I said I DIDN’T have a crush on Twilight? That may have been...incorrect.”

Flappy straight up laughed while Rarity gently set the costume down and rushed Sparkler, capturing her in a tight embrace. All while squealing like a filly. “That’s great Sparkler!”

Sparkler nodded as she pried Rarity off. “Not so much. Twilight probably just thinks of me as a friend, nothing more.”

Rarity chuckled. “Well, that shouldn’t stop you from telling her. The greatest of romances can come from the most unlikely of places, as well as the worst of friendships.”

Sparkler sighed. “But there’s another factor here. She’s a PRINCESS! Why would she ever date a nopony from one of the most remote backwater villages on the planet?”

Rarity gave off a dramatic gasp. “Sparkler! Do not think so lowly of yourself! You are NOT a nopony. And Twilight won’t care where you came from. You two are best friends and she values that above all else.”

Sparkler sighed as her ears flopped down. “She does?”

Rarity nodded. “Without a doubt. She is the princess of FRIENDSHIP for a reason.”

Sparkler nodded. “That makes sense.”

Rarity nodded. “Though she would prefer if you DIDN’T treat her like a princess. She hates that.”

Sparkler chuckled. “Took a few times but I shook the habit of addressing her as princess Twilight.”

Rarity nodded. “Good. She just wants to be treated as a regular pony.”

Sparkler nodded. “Still, the princess thing is still very much a factor to my mind. An intimidating factor.”

Rarity chuckled as she glanced at a clock, she frowned. “As much as I want to keep talking about this. I’m afraid I must get back to work.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! It’s fine Rarity. Squawk!” Sparkler and Rarity turned to see Flappy decked out in his new wonderbolts outfit. He gave Rarity a huge smile. “Squawk! You are amazing Rarity! It fits beautifully! Squawk!”

Rarity chuckled and nodded. “Anytime Flappy.”

Sparkler smiled. “Looking good Yellow Streak.” She turned to Rarity. “How much for the commission Rares?”

Rarity chuckled and shook her head. “Think nothing of it darling. On the house.”

Sparkler smiled and shook her head. “You don’t need to do that—“

“I insist darling. This entire process barely took me ten minutes. Not enough to justify asking for payment. Consider it a gift.”

Sparkler hesitated for a second before nodding. “Thank you Rarity. That’s very generous of you.”

Rarity nodded. “Anytime darling. Oh, and do come back tomorrow around lunch, I simply MUST have the details on how this little crush of yours came to be.”

Sparkler laughed and nodded. “Sure Rarity, I’ll be back.”

Rarity nodded. “Then I shall see you tomorrow darling. Do have a pleasant day.” With that, Rarity reentered her workshop.

Sparkler chuckled and Flappy landed on her back and shot her a smirk. “Squawk! So, who was right about you in denial? Squawk!”

Sparkler laughed as she headed for the exit. “I wouldn’t call it denial. I genuinely didn’t REALIZE I had feelings for Twilight until you made me describe her. Thanks Flappy.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! That’s what a wing parrot is for. Also, sorry but I just can’t resist. I told you so. Squawk!”

Sparkler laughed as she opened the door to step out into Ponyville. “Yeah yeah. Let’s just go home my little wonderbolt. Then you can tell me exactly what I’ve been saying in my sleep concerning Twilight.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Aye aye Cap’n. Squawk!”

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Don't worry, I won't rush the Sparkler X Twilight plot. And it won't be the mane focus, yet. Right now the mane focus is still Sparkler working up the courage to come out to everypony with her wings. For now...


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