• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 2,462 Views, 344 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony - Captain_Cosmos

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Episode 4: Parrots, Parties, and Discoveries

Sparkler reached out with her magic and pulled out a black sweater from her bedroom closet. She looked in the mirror. She turned to a perch. “Hey Flappy, you think this is less suspicious than my gray overcoat?”

Flappy, Sparkler’s pet bird on his perch, squawked. “Squawk. Definitely. Squawk.”

Sparkler smiled and nodded. “Good. You don’t need an overcoat inside, but a sweater is perfectly acceptable.”

“Squawk! I doubt it’s necessary. Squawk!”

Sparkler sighed as she looked out the window into town. “Maybe. But you remember what happened in Saddle Arabia back in school, I was singled out because of my horn and wing combo and was everypony’s favorite punching bag.”

Flappy flew off his perch onto the bed to look Sparkler right in the eye. “Squawk! New town, new life, fresh start. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “I know that, but still...what if this just ends up like home? I don’t want to be the resident punching bag.”

Flappy leaned in and nuzzled Sparkler on the cheek. “Squawk! Any pony hurts you deals with me. Squawk!”

That got Sparkler to chuckle as she returned the nuzzle. She sighed in content. “Well, it’s nice to know I at least have ONE friend I can always count on. Thanks Flappy.”

Flappy nodded and started flying. “Squawk! Party Party Party Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled and put on her sweater, over her wings. She nodded. “Ok. Ok. We can go.” She summoned the invite with her magic and checked the location. “According to this...the party’s supposed to be at the School of Friendship. Next to...” Sparkler’s eyes widened as she read where the school was. Right next to that giant crystal castle. “Next to that giant crystal castle. Ah huh. At least it’ll be easy to find.”

Flappy nodded and spread his wings. “Squawk! See you there! Squawk!”

Before Flappy could take off however. A giggling Sparkler caught him in her magic. “Hold on there mister. We need to set a few ground rules. One. Don’t go anywhere without telling me. Two, don’t eat or drink anything without checking with me first. Three, you can talk to anypony you want but be nice. First impressions are key. And finally, DO NOT! Under ANY circumstances, mention my condition, to ANY pony. There’s ALREADY somepony on to me and I don’t want anymore of that kind of attention.”

Flappy nodded and saluted with his wing. “Squawk! Aye aye Cap’n, Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded and released Flappy from her magic. “In that case. Wait for me outside the castle. We’ll go in together.”

Flappy nodded, flapped his wings, and zoomed out the bedroom window. Sparkler watched him go and chuckled. “I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t challenge anypony to a race tonight.” She shook her head smiling. Flappy was a speedy bird, and a tad competitive about it. Ever since they had crossed into Equestria from Saddle Arabia, she had to make it a point to defuse any conversation as quickly as possible if it turned to speed and racing. Now that they were settled in Ponyville however, where there was an established veterinarian’s office within running distance, Flappy could knock himself out. And Sparkler did enjoy watching his little races every once and a while. On that note, she proceeded downstairs and out the door to catch up to him.

Several minutes later, Sparkler came to a stop in an open area between Ponyville and the crystal castle. She took a look around, and saw another building next to it. She smiled. “That must be the School of Friendship.” She trotted over to the building and saw a sign.


She nodded. “Yep. This is definitely the place.” She looked up and around to see Flappy flying around at top speed. She could tell the yellow parrot was having an absolute blast zooming around the large castle. She chuckled. “The Yellow Streak is back.” She frowned and sighed. He’s having so much fun up there. I’m sure he’d appreciate some company. She cocked her head to one her sides to stare at the wing blocked by the sweater. Keeping up her Unicorn persona meant that she rarely used her wings since they moved to Equestria, especially for flying, which was basically asking somepony to see her. As a result, Flappy rarely had a friend to fly with. Whatever flying mate he did get was a bird or two. Sparkler sighed. Maybe I can help him find some local bird friends to play with. He’d love that. She sighed again, and decided that that was enough pondering on what ifs and whatnot. So she looked back up into the sky. “HEY FLAPPY! YOU ARE CLEAR FOR FINAL APPROACH!”

Flappy heard her and immediately came soaring down from the sky. He saw Sparkler turn her back to him to give him a place to land. He stretched out his feet and began to flap his wings hard to slow himself down. Within seconds, he gently touched down on Sparklers back. He folded his wings and smiled. “Squawk! And touchdown! Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled as she started walking towards the school. “You looked like you were having fun up there.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! It Would be more fun flying with you, like we used to. Squawk!”

Sparkler sighed and nodded. “I know. But while Saddle Arabia provided an open field where we could fly whilst staying out of sight from everypony, we are in barely-charted territory now.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Scouting mission! Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled as she turned the corner of a hallway in the school, to see a giant arrow pointing inside a room. She nodded. “We’ll talk more about that later Flappy. Right now, ready to make some new friends?”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Let’s get our party on! Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled and entered the room the arrow was pointing into...to find it pitch black. She raised an eyebrow as she entered deeper into the room. “Uh, hello?” She called out. In response, the doors suddenly slammed shut. She and Flappy jumped and turned to see that there was no light whatsoever. Sparkler called out again. “Uh, anypony here?” Nothing. She sighed. “I was told this is where a welcome party was...so I don’t know why you guys are trying to—“ That was as far as she got before a bunch of things happened at once. The lights sprang on, multiple explosions were followed by a vision blotting amount of confetti falling all around her, and the sound of MULTIPLE ponies all happily shouting out in unison.


Sparkler managed to stop the ringing in her ears relatively quickly as she shook her head to get the confetti off her face. She opened her eyes to see a bunch of ponies smiling at her under a banner that had “WELCOME SPARKLING MEDLEY!” Written on it. She managed to get out of her shock. And a huge smile exploded across her face as she chuckled. “Well...that’s the last time I underestimate you. You still managed to surprise me.”

Pinkie Pie bounced in front of the crowd and smiled at Sparkler. “Of course! Surprise parties are the best kind of party! Because you get to surprise the guest of honor and see them smile and of course there’s the cake and the music and the dancing and the—“ Pinkie was interrupted by a magenta aura that surrounded her and pulled her away from Sparkler.

Sparkler saw the lavender unicorn from earlier today walk up and give Pinkie a look. “Alright Pinkie. Give the mare some space.” The unicorn let go of Pinkie and turned to give a warm smile to Sparkler. “Hello there Sparkling Medley. I’m Twilight Sparkle, as princess of Friendship, let me be the first to officially welcome you to our town.” As she said that last part, Sparkler saw Twilight spread her definitely-there wings to gesture to the rest of the residents of the town.

Sparkler smiled and nodded, immediately bowing her head in respect. “Thank you your majesty, it’s an honor to make your acquaintance.”

Twilight folded her wings back up and chuckled. “And that’s the last time you address me like that. I may be a princess, but just Twilight will do nicely.”

Sparkler was taken back by this, but smiled as she lifted her head again. “Very well...Twilight.”

Pinkie smiled and bounced up and down. “Well what are we waiting for? LET’S PARTY!!!”

Everypony cheered their approval as the music started and ponies started mingling with each other. For Sparkler, she was about to go and start introducing herself properly, when she was stopped by Flappy, who hovered right in front of her. “Squawk! That mare has the combo! Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “I can see that.” Deep down, Sparkler was shocked with herself, she managed to not only NOT freeze up, but also somehow managed to not gasp at the fact that Twilight DID have both wings and a horn. HOLY TARTARUS! She DOES HAVE THEM! I’m NOT the only one! Her mind was racing, earlier she had believed herself to be seeing things due to the daze of being tackled, but now, there was no doubt in her mind. She had met somepony else with the wing and horn combo. She WASN’T the only one after all! She actually struggled to contain the swirl of emotions raging inside her, ranging from excitement to relief. Is it actually possible that I don’t have anything to worry about?! I mean, granted she’s a princess, but still...

Flappy saw the slight shock on his owner’s face and smiled. “Squawk! I think at the very least you can trust her to know. Squawk.”

Sparkler’s eyes widened as she suddenly got close to Flappy to whisper/hiss. “What did I tell you before we left?! No talk of that!”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Right. Squawk!”

Sparkler sighed. “We’ll talk later.”

Flappy nodded, and was about to say something else when they heard a squee, followed by a canary pegasus basically rushing up to them and gawking at Flappy. “Sweet Celestia. Your parrot is absolutely adorable!”

Flappy blushed a tad and smiled. “Squawk! Aww. You’re too kind. Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled. “This is Flappy. My pet parrot since I was six.”

The canary mare nodded. “It’s very nice to meet you. Both of you. My name is Fluttershy. We kinda met earlier after that monster attack.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! You mean the one where Sparkler absolutely bucked that monster into next week. Squawk! Yeah I saw that. Fortunately my innate trait of being the fastest being alive managed to save me from being squished. Squawk!”

Sparkler gasped. “Wait a minute, you were in the line of fire?!” Flappy nodded. Sparkler gave him an apologetic look. “Oh no. I’m so sorry Flappy. I didn’t realize...”

Flappy cut her off. “Squawk! No harm done. Squawk!”

Sparkler raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

Fluttershy giggled. “You know, if Flappy ever needs a checkup, you’re welcome to bring him to me. I can make sure he’s healthy and feeling ok.”

Flappy raised an eyebrow. “Squawk! You’re a vet? Squawk!”

Fluttershy nodded. “In a way. I didn’t go to school for it, but taking care of animals is how I got my cutie mark. I promise you’ll be well cared for.”

Flappy smiled and turned to Sparkler. “Squawk! Can we? Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled and after a second, nodded. “That’s very kind of you to offer Fluttershy. Thank you.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Anytime.”

A few hours later, after the party, Sparkler and Flappy entered the bedroom of their house. Sparkler giggled and sighed in content. “Well. That was a good party.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! And we made some new friends. And learned something BIG! Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded, picking up on what he was talking about. “Yeah. Yeah we did.”

Flappy smiled and landed on the bed facing Sparkler. “Squawk! That princess has the combo. And she ISN’T hiding it! Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “Yeah. But Flappy, she’s also a princess. She may not be ABLE to hide it.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Still. I think she can be trusted. Squawk!”

Sparkler sighed and practically flopped onto her bed beside Flappy. “Maybe. But how will she even react? ‘Hey, Princess Twilight. Guess what, I have wings and a horn too.’ That isn’t something you can just drop on somepony and expect only a good result Flappy.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! True. But here’s another reason to talk to her. She just might have more information about the combo. Squawk!”

Sparkler’s ears perked up at that. She raised an eyebrow. “You think so?”

Flappy shrugged. “Squawk! Possibly. But either way. I didn’t hear anypony bad mouthing her behind her back at the party, and you told me that ponies here considered this town the Capital of Friendship. Sounds to me like this won’t be school in Saddle Arabia all over again.”

Sparkler sighed. Flappy was right. From what she saw today, she couldn’t see herself having any problems in this town, but still. “I don’t know Flappy. I just don’t want to feel like the outcast again.”

Flappy scooted closer and leaned in to nuzzle her cheek. “Squawk! As I said, anypony hurts you, in ANY way, deals with me. Squawk!”

Sparkler smiled at her companion. “Thanks Flappy.” She reached out and wrapped her forelegs around him in a gentle embrace. Flappy’s right. This isn’t Saddle Arabia. Maybe I really could be myself around here. Around...her. She shivered at the thought of being friends with another like her. Certainly not what she was expecting, but she didn’t mind all the same.

To be continued...

Author's Note:


anything is possible for Sparkler in Ponyville. just...no friendship missions yet. she's not really part of the group yet.