• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 2,462 Views, 344 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony - Captain_Cosmos

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Episode 15: Emergency at Tea Time

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and Sparkler and Fluttershy were galloping frantically through the streets, escorting a flock of birds carrying an injured Flappy along. Wait...what?!

Fluttershy turned her head to give Sparkler a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry Sparkler. The Animal Sanctuary isn’t too far from here. We’ll take care of Flappy.”

Sparkler nodded as she glanced worriedly at Flappy, who was laying on a makeshift stretcher being carried by Fluttershy’s bird friends. “Just hang on Flappy. We’ll getcha all fixed.”

Flappy groaned in pain. “Squeak. It hurts. Squeak.”

Sparkler nodded. “Just a little further Flappy, it’ll all be ok.”

Mere minutes later, they came up to a building Fluttershy had led them to. She all but bucked the doors open and rushed in. Startling the only pony in the room. The mare jumped when she saw the door swing open. Fluttershy paid it no mind as she gave the mare a frantic look. “Cherry Blossom! We got a code red. Parrot down, he needs medical treatment now!”

Cherry glanced behind Fluttershy and saw the flock of birds holding a makeshift stretcher. She saw the stretcher carried a parrot, and it was clear it was in pain. She nodded. “Let’s get him to the ER.”

Fluttershy nodded and turned to her bird friends. “Follow Cherry Blossom. Get Flappy to the ER.”

The birds nodded and followed Cherry. Fluttershy then turned to a panicky Sparkler and gave her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry Sparkler. Flappy’s gonna be just fine.”

Sparkler nodded. “Can you really help him?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Of course. Helping animals is how I got my Cutie Mark. I’ll bring him out when we’re done.”

Sparkler nodded. “Anything you can tell me now?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Even with healing elixirs, he’s gonna need to stay on the ground for at least two weeks.”

Sparkler nodded. “That I can ensure.”

Fluttershy nodded and gave Sparkler a quick hug. “I’ll be back with Flappy soon.” With that, Fluttershy rushed out of the waiting room.

Sparkler watched her go and sighed. “Please bring Flappy back to me.” She whispered to nopony in particular. With nothing else to do, she walked over to one of the chairs and hopped onto it. Thinking back to earlier.


Flappy did a loop and landed on the branch, where his new bird friends were using their wings to clap. Flappy smiled and took a bow. “Squawk! Thank you. Thank you. You’ve been an amazing audience. Squawk!”

One of the birds chirped something. Flappy smiled and nodded. “Squawk! I have saved the best for last. My greatest trick of the lot. A little something I like to call, the Air Blaster! Squawk!” He spread his wings.

“Hey Flappy!” Flappy turned to see Sparkler sitting at an outdoor table with Fluttershy and Discord. She shouted to him. “If you’re doing THAT maneuver, be careful!”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Always careful Sparkler! Squawk!” With that, he took off.

Fluttershy, Discord, and Sparkler watched him take off. Fluttershy smiled as she noticed the other birds watching him in anticipation and excitement. She giggled and turned to Sparkler. “Flappy’s quite the celebrity. I think all my current bird tenants are gathered to watch him do his little stunt show.”

Sparkler chuckled as she set her teacup down. “Anything relating to flight, he loves to do. Racing, stunts, anything that uses his wings as they were intended.”

Discord nodded as he took a sip of his own tea. “Has he raced Rainbow Dash yet?”

Sparkler nodded. “He lost. Both against her AND her coltfriend Soarin. Fun fact, Flappy now is aspiring to be a wonderbolt.”

Discord and Fluttershy chuckled. “Do they even allow animals?”

Sparkler shook her head. “Soarin told me no. So while he may become the fastest thing alive, unless they change their rules, he can’t ever be a wonderbolt.”

Discord literally deflated. “Aw. I kinda wanna see Flappy in a wonderbolt suit now. I bet he’d look adorable.”

Sparkler chuckled. “Well. Good thing Rarity is a fashion designer. I just need to get Flappy in for a measuring, wait a few days for Rarity to make the suit, make sure it fits, and Badda bing badda boom, he’s a wonderbolt for Nightmare Night.”

Fluttershy nodded. “You won’t have to wait a few days. Rarity’ll be able to have the entire process done in a day at most.”

Sparkler raised an eyebrow. “Really? That quickly?”

Fluttershy nodded. “She’s really passionate about her work. And has become rather good at being fast and thorough.”

Sparkler let out an impressed whistle. “Whoo. That’s impressive.”

Discord nodded. “Which will leave you plenty of time for you two to chit-chat about things.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

Sparkler RAISED her eyebrow at him. “Things?”

Discord nodded. “She’s a perfect source if you need assistance with more...personal endeavors.”

Sparkler gave him a confused look. “Meaning?”

Discord groaned. “Romance! I mean romance!”

Sparkler and Fluttershy slightly leaned back involuntarily at his sudden outburst. Sparkler still wasn’t getting it. “Why would we chat about romance?”

Discord smirked. “Because you and Twilight are a thing now. Of course.”

Sparkler, who had taken a sip of tea, spat it out, and her eyes widened. “EXCUSE ME?!”

Discord chuckled. “Oh come on Sparkler, don’t think we didn’t notice you two started spending more time together.”

Sparkler blushed like mad. Think Sparkler, THINK! “How in Equestria would that correlate to us being an item?”

Fluttershy shrank a tad as she spoke up. “Um, well, it’s just that Spike and Starlight told us how you two now practically barricade yourselves in the castle library, always requesting to be left alone and undisturbed...”

Sparkler cursed herself internally. OF COURSE they would notice that! Sparkler shook her head. “That doesn’t mean we’re together. I mean, I’ve barely known her for a month, and I am NOT the kind of mare to fall into the love-at-first-sight trope.”

Discord smirked at her. “Then you wouldn’t mind sharing why it is you two have taken to having private study sessions regularly now?”

Because she’s been teaching me about my own kind. Again, Sparkler shook her head. “I don’t believe that’s anypony’s business. What we do behind closed doors is between us until either of us decide to disclose to everypony.” Or in this case, until I decide to disclose. “But we ARE NOT together, I don’t like her like that.”

Discord shot her a knowing smile. “So there’s NOTHING you like about her?”

Sparkler was about to respond...when she suddenly heard a crashing sound, followed by a loud squeal of pain. She whipped her head around to see a bunch of Fluttershy’s bird tenants hover over to them and squeak frantically.

Fluttershy listened. And gasped a few seconds later. “What?!”

Sparkler lifted an eyebrow. “What did they say?”

Fluttershy hopped out of her chair. “They say Flappy CRASHED!”

Sparkler’s eyes widened. “He WHAT?!” She hopped out of her chair as she followed Fluttershy and the birds over to the tree. They reached behind the tree, and both Fluttershy and Sparkler gasped at the sight of Flappy laying on the ground, wings splayed out, bent in ways they shouldn’t be, feathers a mess. Sparkler took a step towards him and lay down on her haunches. “Flappy?! Are you alright?!”

There was no response for a good minute, and then they heard a faint groan. “Squeak. Ow. Squeak.”

Fluttershy turned to her bird friends. “Get the stretcher, we need to get him to the Animal Sanctuary.” The birds nodded and rushed towards the cottage.

Sparkler lit her horn and carefully lifted Flappy off the ground and into her hooves. “Oh Flappy. What happened?”

Flappy groaned. “Squeak. Crashed into the tree. What do ya think? Squeak.”

Fluttershy got down on her own haunches and gave Flappy a reassuring smile. “It’s gonna be Ok Flappy. We’ll get you fixed up.” She turned to Sparkler. “I got an Animal Sanctuary not too far from here. It’s fully equipped to treat injuries this severe.”

Sparkler nodded. “Please? I don’t want to lose him.”

Fluttershy nodded as she noticed the birds return carrying a small stretcher. “You won’t. I’ll make sure of it.”

At that moment, Discord popped in and got a good look at Flappy. “Yikes. That’s pretty bad.”

Fluttershy nodded as Sparkler carefully set Flappy on the stretcher. “Discord, can you look after the animals here?”

Discord snapped his fingers and turned into an exact copy of Fluttershy, and nodded. “Fluttershy mode engaged. Don’t worry. I’ll handle things here.”

The real Fluttershy nodded and got up on her hooves along with Sparkler. “Thanks Discord.” She turned to Sparkler and the birds, who were carrying Flappy in the stretcher. “Let’s move it!”


Sparkler paced back and forth in the waiting room of the Sanctuary. It had been a half hour since Fluttershy had taken Flappy back to the ER and she hadn’t heard anything. She continued pacing as her mind raced. Grah! I knew that Air Blaster maneuver was dangerous. Why didn’t I stop him?!

He’s successfully performed it before, several times. There just weren’t any trees in the way.

And now he’s in the ER, with who KNOWS how many injuries beyond the wing damage.

Will he be able to fly again?

I hope so. He always enjoys flying, it would DEVASTATE him if that was taken away.

At that moment, Sparkler heard the door open and she snapped her head to the door to see Fluttershy pushing a mobile table with a sight that made her worries wash away. There, standing on the table, was Flappy, both wings were bandaged, and held to his sides by a bandage that wrapped all around his barrel, but still, he was alive.

Sparkler grinned as she ran over to them. “Flappy. You’re ok!”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Fluttershy’s a freaking miracle worker. Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled and nodded towards Fluttershy. “That she is. What’s the damage?”

Fluttershy launched into explanation. “Both his wing bones popped out of place, we had to pop them back in and bandage them.”

Sparkler nodded. “And what does he need to do to let his wings heal completely?”

Fluttershy reached under to the under compartment of the table and pulled out a bottle. She held it out for Sparkler. “He should get a sip of this every morning and every night before he goes to bed, it’s a healing elixir that’ll expedite the healing process. And he can’t be flapping his wings at all. Which is why we wrapped a bandage around his midsection, to keep them in place.”

Sparkler nodded and glanced at Flappy. “Hear that Flappy?”

Flappy sighed and nodded. “Squawk! Yes Sparkler. I heard. Squawk!”

Fluttershy nodded. “All goes well and you should be back in the air in as little as two weeks. Just don’t go doing that...Air Blaster? Is that the move you were trying to do?”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Yeah. And I CAN do it successfully. Just...apparently can’t when trees are around. Squawk!”

Fluttershy nodded. “Well don’t go doing that again any time soon. We honestly don’t need another Rainbow Dash around here.”

Sparkler chuckled. “Meaning?”

“She crashes more often than you’d think. The Hospital is probably “sick” of dealing with her by now.” Fluttershy responded, giggling to herself.

Sparkler giggled too. “Ah. I see. You don’t want Flappy to start a habit of needing to be fixed up regularly too.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Um, I know you can’t fly, but...it would be good if maybe you could watch him while he does his trick shows from now on. Just as a safety precaution?”

Sparkler chuckled as she lit her horn and moved flappy from the table to her back, and took the elixir and settled it in her saddle bag. She nodded at Fluttershy. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you SO much Fluttershy. We owe you big time.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Yeah. Thanks a lot. Squawk!”

Fluttershy nodded. “Oh. It was no trouble at all. I would hate for Flappy to lose his flight. After all, what’s a bird without flight?”

Sparkler and Flappy nodded. “A bird without flight is no bird at all.”

Fluttershy nodded and gestured to the door. “Flappy should get some rest. I can walk you two home if you want.”

Sparkler smiled and nodded. “An extra pair of eyes wouldn’t hurt.” She glanced at Flappy. “He can get fidgety sometimes.”

Flappy rolled his eyes as Fluttershy giggled. “We have to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself again.” Sparkler, Flappy on Sparkler’s back, and Fluttershy started walking, they exited the Sanctuary and made their way towards Ponyville. A few minutes into the journey, Fluttershy spoke up again. “So, um. Sparkler?”

Sparkler turned to Fluttershy. “Yes Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy shrank a little again as she bit her lip. “Um. I know you already said no. But, um. Maybe you just didn’t want Discord to know...are you and Twilight...?”

Sparkler groaned and shook her head. “No Fluttershy. We aren’t together. I meant it when I said you girls would’ve found out by now if we were.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Oh. Um, ok.”

Flappy laughed. “Squawk! Did I miss something at Fluttershy’s? Squawk!”

Sparkler shook her head. “Nope. Nothing at all.”

Flappy laughed. “Squawk! Sounds like I did. Squawk!” He turned to Fluttershy. “Squawk! I can confirm that they indeed aren’t together. Although they’d make the PERFECT couple. Squawk!”

Sparkler blushed. “Flappy! Will you stop? Please? I don’t like her like that.”

Flappy chuckled. “Squawk! Oh come on Sparkler. Don’t think I don’t notice whenever you look at her these days. Squawk!”

Sparkler groaned. “Grah! Why does everypony ship me and Twilight?! First Soarin, then Discord, then Rainbow, followed by Flappy, I swear to Celestia if I get bombarded by Rarity with Twilight related questions when I take you to go get your Nightmare Night costume...”

“Um, if I may say something. I really do think you two would make a good couple. Not trying to match make, just an observation...” Fluttershy commented.

Sparkler sighed. “Well, least I know I have support IF we ever get there.”

Flappy giggled. “Squawk! When. Not if. Squawk!”

Sparkler turned her head and shot a glare at Flappy. “You are really lucky you’re hurt. I still got that frying pan.”

That shut Flappy right up. Sparkler sighed and shook her head. “Look, it’s not that I DON’T like her. I do, but I just don't LIKE like her. We’re just friends.” She nodded and turned back to watching where she was going. Just friends. Just friends.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Am I going to have everypony start teasing Sparkler about her and Twilight? Yes. Yes I am.

Why? because I'm a sucker for romance and can't keep it out of my stories for very long. :rainbowlaugh:

ANYWHO...Vote who Sparkler should hang out with next.

meet trixie
Or her parents come to town.