• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 2,462 Views, 344 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony - Captain_Cosmos

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Episode 3: Detective Pinkie

Twilight Sparkle was walking through the hallways of her castle, going through student tests when something caught her eye. She looked up to see her dragon assistant Spike flapping his wings hard and racing to the front door. She chuckled as she called after him. “Hey Spike! Going somewhere?”

Spike stopped in his tracks, turned to face Twilight, and nodded. “Yeah Twilight. I’m meeting up with Gabby and the CMC to hang out at Sweet Apple Acres.”

Twilight nodded. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. And make sure you guys watch the time. According to Pinkie’s invitation everypony’s supposed to be at the Friendship School gym at sundown for the welcome party.”

Spike nodded. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world. See ya Twilight.” With that, Spike zoomed away.

Twilight watched him go and giggled to herself. Things with Gabby must be going great. She smiled to herself. She was relieved that Spike had finally moved on from his impossible crush on Rarity. She may not have been an EXPERT on love, but even she could see that there just wasn’t a connection there. Spike and GABBY however...she could genuinely see happening. She chuckled to herself and shook her head. Returning her attention to grading papers and heading to the library.

She turned the corner into another hallway...and almost immediately her ears were assaulted as a familiar voice practically shouted at her. “TWILIGHT!!!”

Twilight jumped and papers scattered all over the floor as her magic involuntarily cut out. She shook her head to see her friend Pinkie poking her head through a door, smiling at her. Twilight sighed. “Pinkie! What have I told you about surprising me like that?”

Pinkie nodded and proceeded to ignore Twilight’s question. “I need your opinion on something.” She threw the doors open and wheeled out a cake. “You think this cake will get the message through to our new friend?”

Twilight looked at the cake, which was chocolate. She saw that there was writing on it.


Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Pinkie? Usually your welcome cakes say welcome. What’s the deal with the sudden change?”

Pinkie chuckled as she reached out of frame and pulled over a chalkboard with a pull down presentation attached. She started pulling down slides as she began speaking. “Because something’s up with our new friend Sparkling Medley. My pinkie sense has been going off ever since she arrived here, and it’s rarely gone off because of a new resident. So I did some sleuthing, compiled all the evidence...and my investigation has led me to the conclusion that our new unicorn friend is in fact NOT a unicorn at all. BUT SHE’S ACTUALLY AN ALICORN PASSING OFF AS A UNICORN!”

Twilight saw the drawing of the new resident with wings...and had a hard time stifling her laughter over Pinkie’s exclamation. “Pinkie. I stopped questioning your antics a long time ago, but...do I even need to explain why THIS isn’t possi—LIKELY?” Twilight corrected herself upon remembering her niece Flurry Heart, who was a natural born Alicorn.

Pinkie shook her head. “Oh yeah. Laugh it up. Play it off like it’s impossible.” She pulled down the next slide. “Whenever she’s outside she’s wearing an overcoat, more than long enough enough to cover the region of the body that would contain the wing joints. There’s no need for an overcoat early Fall Twilight. That’s just weird.”

Twilight sighed. “It could just be that she was cold—“

Pinkie interrupted her. “Perhaps. BUT! Let us go back to today’s monster attack. She summoned enough magic to blast that Bugbear far away from town. IN ONE SHOT!”

Twilight rubbed her chin in thought as she recalled seeing the mare blasting the beast. She nodded. “I admit that is unusual for unicorns.”

Pinkie nodded. “But it should be a piece of cake for Alicorns!” She pulled down the next slide to reveal a graph. Pinkie reached into her mane and pulled out a pointing stick. “This is a graph projecting the magical prowess of various unicorns in Ponyville. As you can see...” She slid to pointer down to a relatively long lavender line below very noticeably shorter lines. “This was your magical prowess when you were still a unicorn.”

Twilight nodded. “Looks about right.”

Pinkie nodded as she pulled down the next slide to show another graph, this one only had two lines. Both lavender, but one longer then the other. Pinkie continued. “And THIS is your prowess now. Dramatically more powerful.” She pulled down a smaller slide that added a line, a hot pink line. Twilight noticed how it was the second longest line. Pinkie continued. “And THIS is today’s measurements of our new Alicorn’s prowess. Dramatically more powerful than your Unicorn power, but not enough to match your current Prowess.”

Twilight nodded. “And what does this prove?”

Pinkie groaned as she kicked the entire presentation out of frame. The sound of a cat screaming being heard as a result. “It PROVES that she is NOT an ordinary Unicorn. If she’s that at all. I know exactly what’s happening here. She doesn’t want us to know she’s an Alicorn so she’s hiding her wings under clothing not made for wings. Why? I don’t know that yet. But my gut is telling me she’s hiding wings.”

Twilight sighed. She had to admit that Pinkie made a compelling argument, but she still could not see how it was possible. “Pinkie. If, and that’s a GIANT if, if she IS somehow an Alicorn hiding her wings, she must have her reasons for doing so.”

Pinkie nodded. “Of course. But she’ll be so much happier if she knows she doesn’t have to hide from us.”

Twilight shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not. But either way. If she decides to tell us what’s up. She will. But until then, she won’t appreciate us pestering her about it.”

Pinkie deflated a little. “But I want her to be comfortable with herself and know that she doesn’t have to hide her true self from us.”

Twilight sighed. “And that’s why we can keep the words on the cake, but for now, lets just leave her be and let her enjoy life in Ponyville.”

Pinkie smiled and nodded. “Okey doki Twily. I best be off. Still several more balloons to blow up and hang up along with streamers!” With that, Pinkie bounced off.

Twilight watched her go and smiled as she rolled her eyes. “Our newest resident is an Alicorn. Yeah. When the princesses retire.” On that note, she used her magic to collect the scattered papers and continued on Grading them as if the last few minutes never happened.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Fortunately for you Twily, Celestia and Luna WON'T retire like in Canon, BUT...

Sparkler is in fact an Alicorn.

Pinkie: WELL DUH!

Grah! PINKIE!!! Get back to setting up for the party!

Pinkie: Okey doki loki

(rolls eyes) yeah. anyway, thx for reading