• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 2,461 Views, 344 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony - Captain_Cosmos

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Episode 24: This Is Me: Pt 1

Celestia’s sun grazed the town of Ponyville with it’s warmth as the dawn of a new day came. Blazing alarm clocks roused the slumbering residents and alerted them to the start of a new day. In one house, that alarm came in the form of a single parrot that was squawking like mad. “Squawk! Today’s the day! Today’s the day! It’s finally that day! Squawk!”

The pony in the bed groaned as she was awoken by her parrot. She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes. “Grah! Flappy! What’s got you going Mach 10 this early?”

Flappy landed on her bed with an excited expression. “Squawk! The Ponyville Music Festival is today! It’s finally here! Squawk!”

Sparkler was about to ask why that was cause for acting like a mad parrot, when it hit her. She let out a small smile. “Oh yeah. It’s TIME.”

Flappy nodded as he flapped his wings and launched into the air. “Squawk! I’ll head down and get breakfast started. Squawk!” He was grinning like a goofball as he headed out the door. “Squawk! No more excuses. You’re FINALLY going to come out about your wings. Hehe. WOO...” His voice trailed off as he descended the stairs.

Sparkler couldn’t help but chuckle at her parrot friend’s excitement as she looked out the window into Ponyville. Her smile faded as she got out of bed. She sighed.

🎵My whole life I’ve wondered

Why I have my wings

What could’ve possessed the heavens

To grant me the power of flight

For these wings have been an obstacle

A barrier against friends

And I’m afraid tonight’s events

Could raise that wall again🎵

Sparkler opened the door to her closet to pick out a sweater, and spotted the picture of her and Twilight she had tucked in there.

🎵But when I think of her

The one who shares my wings

I feel as though this fear

I shouldn’t let win

Years of torture and ridicule

Have covered up these wings

Can I find the strength inside me

To Rise above the pain?🎵

Sparkler lit her horn and a sweater floated from it’s hanger onto her body. Covering up her wings...again.

🎵Maybe it’ll be ok

Maybe I can be myself

But whenever I look down that path

My past comes back to bite

I wish not to hide anymore

I wish to spread my wings

But whenever I try to do so

My past tethers me in place.

But maybe...

But maybe...🎵

She stepped through the door into the upper hallway and descended down the stairs, looking at the multiple pictures that had been taken in recent months of her and her friends.

🎵In the months I’ve been here

In this friendship paradise

I’ve found what I’ve always desired

The magic of friendship

But if I reveal my wings tonight

Will the magic still be there?

Will they stick around

Or will I be shunned again

I don’t think I can do it again

But Maybe it’ll be ok

Maybe I can be myself

But whenever I look down that path

My past comes back to bite

I wish not to hide anymore

I wish to spread my wings

But whenever I try to do so

My past tethers me in place.

But maybe...

But maybe...🎵

Sparkler entered the kitchen just in time to see Flappy catapult a pancake from a pan onto a plate. Flappy turned his head to see that he hit his target. “Squawk! Bullseye! Hehe. There’s your breakfast Sparkler. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you can’t sing on an empty stomach. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded and sighed. “I can do this right Flappy? I can overcome fear tonight?”

Flappy nodded without hesitation. “Squawk! You kidding Sparkler? I’ve seen you master a cloning spell just to meet the requirements for a group project those brainless monkeys effectively excluded you from. If you can do that, this should be nothing. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “Yeah. Right.”

Flappy smiled as he landed on the table with a small piece of watermelon. “Squawk! Seriously Sparkler, you got this. And remember that you have half of the Equestrian royalty on your side. Because didn’t you say that Princess Luna visited you in your dreams last week? Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “Yeah. She was finally able to after my magic apparently kept her out. She told me that she had known all along. And that she’d keep it from her sister until I told her myself.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! And since we haven’t seen any guards yet. Along with Twilight that’s two princesses on your side. And there’s ample reason to believe Celestia and Cadance will come around after they get over the shock. Seriously Sparkler. Equestria could be a literal PARADISE for you compared to Saddle Arabia. Squawk!”

Sparkler sighed and nodded. “Let’s hope so. I don’t think I can handle being the outcast again.”

“Oh, I have a feeling you won’t have to.” At that moment, the oven door swung open and Discord slivered out of it. He slivered around the table a few times before settling in an empty chair.

Sparkler, after calming down from her moment of shock, groaned. “Grah! Discord! Why don’t you use the door like a normal creature?”

Discord chuckled. “They don’t call me the God of Chaos for nothing. How are you two today?”

Flappy rolled his eyes. “Squawk! We’re good. Just hyping up for the music festival today. Squawk!”

Discord grinned. “Yes! You have told me you were going to come out with your wings tonight. Oh! I have an idea to make it more of a—“

“No!” Sparkler shouted, cutting him off. “No! Nothing fancy. It’s just going to be me, my guitar, and a few lights so everypony can clearly see my wings. Nothing else!”

Discord deflated a tad. “Oh alright. Just thought I’d try and help.”

Sparkler sighed. “I’m sorry Discord. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. It’s just that I’m already nervous about tonight and I want to keep it as simple as possible.”

Discord smiled again as he inflated back to his normal...density I guess. “Roger that Sparkler. I promise no chaos for your performance.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Good. Besides, you’ll probably be spent after your performance. Squawk!”

Discord beamed. “Hahaha! I’m pulling out all the stops so that with any luck, Fluttershy will fall for me and we’ll live happily ever after. Hey! I got an idea. Me and Fluttershy and you and Twilight going on a double date Sparkler. Should be fun!”

Sparkler laughed. “Discord, I still got a ways to go before I work up the courage to ask her out. I’m focusing on coming out before any romantic ventures.”

Discord laughed. “Oh alright. But you need ideas...”

Sparkler smirked. “I’ll be sure to hit you up. Now.” She got out of her seat and headed out of the kitchen. “I suppose you’re here for your commission.”

Discord nodded. “Yes. Yes I am.”

Sparkler nodded as she lit her horn and a record popped into the scene. “One side complete, one side instrumental. Standard SHR package.”

Discord nodded and accepted the record. “Oh joy! Thank you Sparkling Medley! I shall be sure to invite you to the wedding, ta ta. I got a song to practice.” With that, Discord snapped away.

Sparkler chuckled and shook her head. “Well. If any mare can handle Discord, it would be Fluttershy.”

Flappy nodded as he came into the living room. “Squawk! She’s the main reason he reformed right? Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “Yep. Now, come on. We said we’d help set up for the festival.”

To be continued...

Author's Note:

The Season Finale Arc has begun! the day has arrived, Sparkler is finally gonna reveal her wings to the town, how will it go? Stay tuned to find out!


PS. If you'd like some idea of the instrumental of Sparkler's song at the beginning...

True Love by Dove Cameron is the closest to it.
