• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 2,459 Views, 344 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony - Captain_Cosmos

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Episode 9: Chaotic Introduction

đŸŽ”So come on girl, let’s fly together!


Fly together!


Let’s fly together!đŸŽ”

Soarin smiled as the song finished. He turned to Sparkler and Flappy. “You two are miracle workers. You know that right?”

Sparkler and Flappy chuckled. “Squawk! We are good aren’t we. Squawk!”

“I take it you like the result?”

Soarin grinned and nodded. “I honestly never expected it to come out this good. Heck, Spinal Record couldn’t do half the things you’ve done with this song.”

Sparkler chuckled. “Well, I was considered a one mare band back in Saddle Arabia so I think that helps.”

Soarin nodded. “I definitely see why.”

Sparkler nodded and lit her horn to summon the record from the player and promptly slid it into a cover. She smiled and held the record out for Soarin. “Here you go Soarin. One side has just the instrumental if you decide to sing live, and the other has the full song with the vocals.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Standard SHR package. An Instrumental and a regular. Squawk!”

Soarin nodded and he took the record in his wing. “Thanks Sparkler. Flappy. I really appreciate this. I just hope Rainbow likes it.”

Sparkler nodded. “I’m sure she’ll LOVE it. By the way. Have you heard anything from her in the last few days?”

Soarin shook his head. “Last I heard from her she said she was going on a Friendship Mission far far away. Haven’t heard anything since.”

Sparkler nodded as she deflated a tad. “Alright.”

Soarin raised an eyebrow. “Why do you ask?”

Sparkler sighed. “I was just wondering because I was actually wondering when I would be able to see Twilight again.”

Soarin nodded, then gave a light gasp and smirked. “Oh? Got the hots for the princess?”

Sparkler’s eyes widened as she blushed. She recovered and glared at a chuckling Soarin. “It’s nothing like that! She actually had asked me to give a presentation at her school about Saddle Arabia and Starlight said she was disappointed to have to miss it so I just thought I’d do the presentation one on one with her!”

Soarin chuckled as he nodded. “Sure.”

Sparkler groaned and shook her head. “I do not have ‘the hots’ for Twilight. She and I are just friends! I most certainly am not falling into the love-at-first-sight trope!”

Soarin nodded. “Whatever you say.”

Sparkler rolled her eyes as she led Soarin to the door. “Don’t you need to head back to HQ or something?”

Soarin chuckled and nodded. “Yeah. This was just a pit stop. Anywho. Thanks again Sparkler.”

Sparkler nodded. “Anytime.”

Soarin nodded and walked out the door. Sparkler closed the door behind him and let out a flustered sigh and rolled her eyes. “Me and Twilight. Yeah. When Tartarus freezes over.” She heard snickering and looked up to see Flappy trying, and failing, to keep a straight face. She shook her head. “No. Don’t you dare—“

Too late, Flappy let out loud bouts of laughter. “Squawk! Hahaha! Aww! Does my little Sparky have a crush? Squawk!”

Sparkler shook her head as she went for the kitchen. “Flappy! You know I only wanted to know when Twilight would be back so I can tell her about my wings. Get your mind out of the gutter!”

Flappy continued laughing as he flew into the kitchen and landed on the table. “Squawk! Aww! But you two WOULD make a cute couple. I can totally see it happening. Squawk!”

Sparkler shook her head as she got out a bottle of her homemade lemonade. “No. Flappy. Stop. Twilight and I are just friends. And I DON’T have a crush on her. End of story.”

“I don’t know. I can see you two happening as well.” Sparkler’s eyes widened as a new voice reached her ears.

She glanced down at Flappy. “Flappy was that you?”

Flappy shook his head as the voice returned. “By the way. What’s this I heard about wings?”

Sparkler’s and Flappy’s eyes widened as the oven suddenly opened and milk started flying out. The milk collected into a flying ball that expanded into a snake, and grew arms and legs, and with a poof, the milk turned into a creature that was the weirdest mishmash of animals they’ve ever seen.

The creature smiled and landed on the floor. “Greetings new friends!”

The response was Sparkler and Flappy screaming and assuming attack positions. Sparkler lit her horn and growled at the creature. “Who are you! What are you?! How did you get in here!”

The creature chuckled. “Why, it is I, the Lord of Chaos! The master of mischief! Ponyville’s resident draconnegus, DISCORD!” A huge sign saying Discord suddenly dropped out of nowhere and music and applause filled the room.

Sparkler looked around, trying to find the source. After failing to do so, she groaned and cleared her throat. “TURN THAT OFF!” She shouted.

Discord nodded and with a snap of his fingers, the noise stopped and the sign disappeared. Another snap popped in a chair that Discord sat down in. “Sorry. I overdo it sometimes. Anyway. You two must be the new residents of Ponyville. Yes?”

Flappy cautiously nodded. Discord smiled and extended his hands for shaking. “A pleasure to meet you! Fluttershy told me about you the other day!”

Sparkler and Flappy looked at each other, and then back at their unexpected guest. “Fluttershy?”

Discord nodded. “Oh yes. She told me how you blasted a bugbear out of town. Impressive.”

Sparkler nodded. “I suppose so. It’s Uh, nice to meet you Discord, my name is Sparkling Medley, Sparkler for short.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! And I’m Flappy. Squawk!”

Discord smiled and shook their hoof and wing. “A pleasure!” He snapped his chair away and smiled at Sparkler. “So. What wings are we talking about here?”

Sparkler’s and Flappy’s eyes widened as they instantly shook their heads? “Wings? What wings? I didn’t hear anypony say wings.”

“Squawk! You must’ve misheard. Squawk!”

Discord chuckled. “Oh really?” He snapped his fingers and a recording device dropped into his hand. He pressed the play button. And Sparkler and Flappy heard Sparkler’s voice. “Flappy! You know I only wanted to know when Twilight would be back so I can tell her about my wings. Get your mind out of the gutter!”

Sparkler’s eats drooped and she froze in fear as Discord snapped away the recorder, and her sweater, revealing her wings. Discord smirked. “Must’ve misheard Huh?”

Sparkler instantly lit her horn, grabbed hold of Discord’s beard, and yanked it so Discord’s eyes were brought to her own. She gave him a TERRIFYING stare. “Utter a WORD of this to ANYPONY, and I’ll dismantle you into your separate animal parts! Am I clear!”

Discord nodded without hesitation. “Crystal.”

Sparkler let go of his beard and poofed a sweater back on while Discord straightened himself out. “Just so you know, you don’t need to hide around here. Twilight’s one too.”

Flappy sighed and nodded. “Squawk! That’s what I keep telling her! Squawk!”

Sparkler sighed. “Well I WAS going to tell Twilight the other day after our presentation. But then she had to go on that Friendship Mission. I mean, I understand it’s important and that she’s the Princess of Friendship and all that. But still!”

Discord chuckled. “Don’t worry. She’ll be back. Oh! I know!” He snapped his fingers and Sparkler and Flappy saw two plates of food, utensils, a table cloth, and scented CANDLES appeared. Discord smiled. “You can tell her over dinner. Ask her out on a date.”

Sparkler quickly lit her horn again and the romantic scene was turned back to the way it was before Discord. She shook her head. “NO! I’m not gonna ask her out on a date! I don’t like her like that!”

Flappy and Discord snickered. Sparkler eyed them. “What?!”

Discord smirked. “You’re in denial.”

Sparkler gasped and shook her head. “I am not in DENIAL! I’m stating FACT!”

Flappy snickered. “Squawk! You’re getting pretty defensive about it. Squawk!”

Sparkler blushed as she tried to stay calm. “Am NOT!”

Discord and Flappy chuckled as they started singing in unison. “Sparkler and Twilight sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.”

Sparkler growled as she lit her horn and summoned a frying pan. “Utter another word on this subject and you both get a frying pan to the face!”

Discord and Flappy saw the frying pan and ceased laughing. “Alright alright.”

“Squawk! We’ll stop. Squawk!”

Sparkler smiled and put the frying pan away. “That’s what I thought.”

Discord chuckled. “But you’re still in denial.”

Sparkler summoned the frying pan again and went to whack Discord with it. “GET OUT!”

Discord dodged the frying pan and popped away. “It was nice to meet you. Hope to run into you again soon.” He said.

Sparkler sharply inhaled and exhaled and put the frying pan away again. She turned to a Flappy. “We will never speak of this again.”

Flappy nodded. Sensing that Sparkler was dead serious.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

I had WAY too much fun with this one.😂😂😂😂😂

anywho. What should Flappy and Sparkler get up to next while they wait for Twilight's return?

don't be shy. nothing's too crazy.

PS, What do you think? would Twiight and Sparkler make a good couple?😊