• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 2,459 Views, 344 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony - Captain_Cosmos

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Episode 18: Clients and Stars Pt 1

“GOOD MORNING PONYVILLE! It's a beautiful fall day, partly cloudy, a gentle breeze, and here to get us going today, here’s musical sensation Airwave with his new song, The Way That You Do!”

Sparkler beamed as the song started playing over the radio. “Airwave has a new song. Awesome!”

Flappy chuckled as he ate his breakfast. “Squawk! And now you can hear them over the radio, juxtaposed to just getting the albums when they come out. Squawk!”

Sparkler giggled and listened to more of the song, dancing in her seat. “Ooh. This one’s got a good beat.”

Flappy nodded half heartedly. “Squawk! Eh, not the best song in my opinion. Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled. “Oh come on Flappy. Don’t you remember growing up listening to his songs? Dancing like nopony’s watching? Singing along. We had an absolute blast listening to his catchy songs.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Those were good times. And I guess I can’t complain about the influence he had on you. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “I guess you can say I owe my cutie mark to him. Were it not for him, I may not have discovered my true musical talent.”

Flappy chuckled and nodded. “Squawk! Hey, wouldn’t it be crazy if he were to knock on our door and commission a song or two mixed by us? Squawk!”

Sparkler laughed. “Ha! Yeah. Like that’ll ever happen. Although the chance to assist in creating his next big hit would be a dream come true.”

Right then, they both heard a knock on the door. They both jumped in surprise. Sparkler turned her head and looked at the front door. “Please tell me we didn’t just summon a Saddle Arabian Jinn to mess with us. We already got Discord for that.”

Flappy shivered. “Squawk! Could just be a coincidence. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded as she got up out of her seat. “Yeah. I mean. It’s not like Airwave just knocked on our door. Now. Could you go see who it is please? I gotta get my cover on.”

Flappy nodded and while Sparkler rushed upstairs to put on a sweater, Flappy took off for the door and opened it. “Squawk! Welcome to Sparkling Harmony Records, what musical talent shall grace our walls...” Flappy stopped dead in his tracks when he got a good look at the pony standing in front of him. A tan Pegasus stallion with a blond, well kept mane, hazel eyes, and a charming smile. All VERY familiar to Flappy.

The stallion smiled at him. “Hello there little dude. I’m Airwave. Is there a Sparkling Medley here?”

Meanwhile, upstairs, Sparkler lit her horn and pulled on a sweater. She felt her wings get pushed against her sides as the sweater covered them. While she was getting dressed, her eyes fell on the poster she had of Airwave. She smiled. “Love your new song Airwave. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll get to one of your concerts...hm. I wonder what kind of music Twilight’s into...” She stopped and shook her head. “No. Not right now, brain. One thing at a time. First, come out with my wings, SECOND, think up ways to win Twilight’s heart.” She giggled to herself. The idea that she had fallen for Twilight was still a shock to her...but she had come to accept it. “Although...if I can’t come out soon then I may have to shift priorities to something that isn’t being blocked by emotional baggage.”

“Squawk! Sparkler! Get your flanks down here! You won’t believe who’s here! Squawk!”

Sparkler raised an eyebrow and trotted out of her room and down the stairs. “Who’s here Fla-aaah...” She turned the corner, walked into the living room, and froze. There, standing in her living room, was a VERY familiar tan Pegasus stallion with a blond, well kept mane, hazel eyes, and a charming smile. Sparkler’s jaw dropped. It was AIRWAVE!

Airwave shot his charming smile at him and walked up and held his hoof out to shake. “You must be Sparkling Medley. My name is Airwave. It’s nice to meet you.”

Sparkler somehow found it in herself to shake his hoof. But her brain was still trying to process the fact that her idol, the very one that inspired her to go into the music industry as a career, WAS STANDING IN HER HOUSE!! AIRWAVE IS IN MY HOUSE! SAY SOMETHING! After a few seconds, she finally said something. “Airwave...I-It’s nice to meet you. I’m a HUGE fan of your work.”

Airwave smiled and nodded. “It’s always nice to meet a fan.”

Sparkler nodded. And then realized something. “Oh, where are my manners. Would you like something to drink Mr. Airwave?”

Airwave chuckled. “Just Airwave, please. And I was told to ask for some lemonade?”

Sparkler nodded. “Homemade lemonade it is. Right this way.” She led Airwave to the kitchen, where Flappy was waiting on the table. “Have a seat and I’ll be just a sec.” While Airwave nodded and took a seat, Sparkler opened the fridge and pulled out three bottles of Lemonade. She levitated two to Airwave and Flappy and took her seat across from Airwave.

Airwave smiled as the bottle set down in front of him. “Thanks Sparkling Medley.”

Sparkler chuckled. “Just Sparkler will do fine.”

Airwave nodded and went to take a sip of his lemonade. He swallowed and set the bottle back down and beamed at Sparkler. “Wow. No wonder everypony recommended I try your lemonade Sparkler. It’s the best lemonade I’ve ever tasted!”

Sparkler chuckled and nodded. “I get that a lot.” She took a sip of her own lemonade and smiled at Airwave. “So, Airwave, what brings you here, to my house...” If this is about SHR, I’m gonna burst with excitement.

Airwave smiled and unfurled his wing to place a parchment down on the table. “This is the place to go in this town if you want to commission songs right?”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Sparkling Harmony Records. We work with any talent. Whether it’s musical or vocal. Squawk!”

Airwave smiled and nodded. “Great. I’m currently trying to work on my new album, but my Record Label just went up in flames.”

Sparkler gasped. “Oh no. Nopony was hurt I hope.”

Airwave nodded. “Yeah. Everypony’s fine, but in short, Star Records is no more.”

Sparkler sighed. “That’s too bad. Star Records was the top Record Label in Equestria. Hay, they fathered the modern era of the music industry in Equestria.”

Airwave nodded. “I’m gonna miss them. But what happened happened and we need to move on.”

Sparkler nodded. “So, what does this have to do with SHR?”

“Last we met, my producer, Star Sound, suggested I move here and get in contact with Sparkling Harmony Records.”

Sparkler spit out her Lemonade and stared at Airwave. “STAR SOUND suggested that?!” Was she dreaming?! Her little operation reached the ears of THE top music producer in the industry?!

Airwave chuckled. “Yeah. And I have to say I agreed with him. My ears managed to pick up some music that was sourced right here, and I can see why he’d recommend you.”

Sparkler was just about ready to faint. Her idol, musical sensation AIRWAVE, was sitting at her kitchen table, telling her that he was sent right to her by the top of the music industry! Was this really happening?!

Flappy noticed Sparkler’s brain about to explode, and decided to take over and turned to Airwave. “Squawk! So you’re saying that you’d like to go into business with us. Squawk!”

Airwave nodded. “If you’re interested.”

Sparkler felt like she was going to scream with excitement, her dream was RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER! After a second, she finally made a noise. “Ahem. Uh, could you excuse me for just a second Airwave?”

Airwave chuckled. “Go ahead. I get it.”

Sparkler nodded and left the kitchen. Flappy laughed. “Squawk! Cover your ears in three...two...one...Squawk!”

At that moment, a very audible high pitched shriek bounced off the walls of the house. Airwave and Flappy covered their ears to protect them from going deaf. After a second, it got quiet. Flappy smiled at Airwave. “Squawk! I think you just made her entire year. Squawk!”

Airwave chuckled. “How long will she be?”

To answer his question, Sparkler walked back into the kitchen, acting as she didn’t just scream in excitement like a filly. She sat back down in her seat and cleared her throat. “I do believe we can hammer out a deal. Sparkling Harmony Records is honored, and excited to work with you Airwave.”

Airwave chuckled. “The feeling is mutual Sparkler. I’m looking forward to seeing you in action.”

Sparkler nodded. “Now, just out of curiosity, how DID Star Sound head about Sparkling Harmony Records?”

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Airwave: inspired by Ross Lynch primarily in the role of Austin Moon from Austin & Ally.

Will this business endeavor turn into a friendship?

That's like asking if time moves forward.