• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 2,461 Views, 344 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony - Captain_Cosmos

  • ...

Chapter 8: Marhabaan bikuli makhluq!

The bell rang throughout the School of Friendship. Signifying the end of class, and the end of the day. Twilight smiled as she watched her class pack up. “Don’t forget about tomorrow’s test on the magic of Friendship in Griffonstone!” There was a collective groan from the class. Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes at the predictable reaction. “And the day after will start our Saddle Arabian portion of our International Friendship Unit. So make sure you tune your brains accordingly.” The class left the room and Spike, who had been in the back of the room, walked to the front.

“Well. Tomorrow should be a fun class. I don’t need to be here for it do I?”

Twilight chuckled and shook her head. “You’re excused Spike. But I want you here for the day after tomorrow for the start of Friendship in Saddle Arabia.”

Spike nodded. “Now that one, I’m actually looking forward to. Especially since we now have a friend who grew up in Saddle Arabia.”

Twilight nodded. “Speaking of Sparkler. I’m gonna head over to see her. Ask her if she’d be up for a presentation of her hometown, a firsthoof insight is always a superior teacher to secondhoof information.”

Spike nodded. “That’s a great idea.”

Some time later, over on Pony Street, a door opened and Sparkler let a SHR client out. She smiled at him. “Give us a few days to work our magic and I think you’ll be happy with the result Soarin.”

Soarin smiled and nodded. “Thank you so much Sparkler. I’m looking forward to seeing the final result. Hopefully she’ll love it.”

Sparkler nodded. “So, who’s the lucky mare that gets to hear your talent anyway? A fellow wonderbolt?”

Soarin nodded. “One of the newer ones actually.” He leaned in and whispered something into her ear.

Sparkler’s eyes widened and she smiled. “So YOU’RE the stallion she’s been droning on about. The one who LOVES pie.”

Soarin chuckled. “Yeah. That’s me. I’d really appreciate it if you kept this under wraps. I want this to be a surprise to her.”

Sparkler nodded. “Client Privacy Policy. Anything they confide in us we only disclose with their permission.”

Soarin nodded. “Thanks Sparkler. I really do appreciate this.”

Sparkler nodded. “Just doing my job. See you in a couple days.”

Soarin nodded and spread his wings to fly off. Sparkler watched him go and chuckled to herself. If Rainbow’s gonna be hearing this, then I better make it awesome. She nodded and went to close the door, when she heard somepony call out her name.

“Hey Sparkler!” Sparkler pokes her head outside to see Twilight smiling as she approached.

After taking half a second to compose herself, Sparkler smiled. “Hey Twilight. How’s it going?”

“It’s going fine. Was that Soarin I just saw fly away?”

Sparkler nodded. “Yeah. He was here on official Sparkling Harmony Records business.”

Twilight smiled. “Did he commission a song?”

Sparkler nodded. “He did. Though that’s all I’m allowed to say on the matter.”

Twilight chuckled knowingly. “So long as a certain rainbow maned mare likes it that’s all I need to know.”

Sparkler and Twilight chuckled before Sparkler motioned for Twilight to come inside. “Wanna come inside?”

Twilight nodded. “Sure. I actually have something to talk to you about.”

Sparkler’s breath slightly caught in her throat. Twilight actually had to talk to her about something? If that party mare put her up to this I swear to Celestia... Sparkler let Twilight into her home and they stepped into the living room. Sparkler looked at Twilight. “You want anything to drink? I got some homemade lemonade you might like.”

Twilight smiled and nodded. “Yes please. If it isn’t too much trouble.”

Sparkler nodded and they proceeded to the kitchen. Sparkler immediately went for the fridge and opened it to pull out two bottles of her homemade lemonade. She used her magic to levitate one over to Twilight. Who smiled and took it in her own magic. She opened the bottle and took a sip. Her eyes widened when it’s sweetness touched her tongue. She set the bottle down and smiled at Sparkler. Swallowing the sip before talking. “Sweet Celestia. This is amazing!”

Sparkler chuckled as she sat down at the table across from Twilight. “Thanks. Just a little experiment in my spare time.”

Twilight nodded. “A successful experiment. Is the recipe top secret?”

Sparkler chuckled and nodded. “I’d like to be the only pony to know that if you don’t mind.”

Twilight nodded and took another sip. “Alright. Fair enough.”

Sparkler nodded. “So, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about? Please don’t say wings. PLEASE don’t say wings!

Twilight smiled. “So, we’re learning about friendship on the international level and the next subject is Saddle Arabia.”

Sparkler had to consciously beat down a sigh of relief as she nodded. “Really. Huh. You guys are in for a treat. That’s for sure.”

Twilight nodded. “Yes. And I was wondering...if you’re not too busy. Maybe you could come in and give us some insight on Saddle Arabian culture.”

Sparkler smiled. She only had one client currently so she could take a few hours to give a lesson about her home. She nodded. “Sure. I’d love to come in and get your brains in the Saddle Arabian mood. What day were you thinking?”

Twilight smiled. “Does the day after tomorrow sound good?”

Sparkler nodded. “Yeah. That sounds good. And Flappy can give his own insight. If that’s ok with you.”

Twilight nodded. “The more insight the merrier. Thanks Sparkler.”

Sparkler nodded. “Sure thing Twilight. Oh. One thing. Make sure no creature has any food in the room. Flappy tends to just dive right in for the snacks if he can get at them.”

From elsewhere in the house, they heard Flappy groan in annoyance. “Squawk! Oh Consarnit! Squawk!”

Sparkler and Twilight laughed as Twilight nodded. “Thanks for the tip.” She got up out of her seat. Sparkler followed. “Thanks for the lemonade. It was SO tasty.”

Sparkler chuckled. “Feel free to stop by anytime. My door’s always open.”

Twilight nodded as she and Sparkler walked to the door. “I’ll keep that in mind. Anyway. Have a good evening Sparkler.”

Sparkler nodded. “You too Twilight.” With that, Twilight left. Sparkler closed the door behind her and chuckled to herself. Pinkie Pie, you are one lucky mare. She finally allowed that sigh of relief to escape. “That was a close call.

Flappy entered her view and nodded. “Squawk! If you ask me you should’ve taken this opportunity. You two were in the kitchen, having that sweet sweet Lemonade. How hard could it have possibly been to just say it? Squawk!”

Sparkler sighed. “I’m not ready yet. I’m still not entirely sure if I should trust her. What if she immediately makes a royal statement or something? Then everypony would know, they’ll shun me into the outcast role, and then We’ll have to move away! It would be the end of my life in Equestria!”

Flappy shook his head. “Squawk! Sparkler. You can’t just assume it’ll turn out that way. This isn’t Saddle Arabia. And you aren’t in school anymore. Squawk!”

Sparkler sighed in frustration. “You keep saying that. But my mind just doesn’t want me to believe that.” She summoned a pillow from the couch over to her, and promptly screamed into it. “Gah! Why is it SO hard to trust anypony in this town?! They’ve given me ZERO reason not to trust them! And Twilight has the same condition! If she can be herself, why can’t I bring myself to do the same!” She buried her head in the pillow and hopped onto the couch, groaning into the pillow.

Flappy sighed as he watched his owner struggle to regain composure. He could tell that she wanted to trust the residents of Ponyville and reveal her true self. But the fear of being shunned and ridiculed like before was holding her back. Eating away at Sparkler. Slowly gnawing away at her sanity. If she doesn’t talk to Twilight soon. We could have another breakdown to deal with. He shivered at that. And then he flapped his wings and flew over to the couch, where he landed on Sparkler and proceeded to wrap his wings around the mare. “Squawk! Hey. Calm down Sparkler. It’s all gonna be ok. Squawk!”

Sparkler sighed as she sat up. “Is it though? I feel like I’m losing my mind.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! That may be a sign that you need to talk to Twilight soon. Uncork the bottle and let out it’s contents, before it goes boom. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “Maybe you’re right.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! You have another opportunity coming up. I REALLY think you should take it. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “Maybe if I can get her into an empty room alone. But I’m not so sure—“

Flappy interrupted her. “Squawk! I can make sure nopony disturbs you two. Squawk!”

Sparkler sighed. “If I can get her into an empty room alone, then yes. I will tell her then.”

Flappy smiled. “Squawk! Trust me Sparks, you’ll feel so much better. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “I sure hope so.”


Sparkler tried to control her breathing as she and Flappy made their way to the School of Friendship. Today was the day she was gonna accomplish two things. Broaden the horizons of the next generation on Saddle Arabia, and equally as important, tell Twilight about her wings. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. You can do this Sparkler. You're only gonna be revealing your secret to the most politically powerful pony you’ve ever met, a pony that can bani—NO! Don’t go there brain! She doesn’t seem like the kind of pony to do that. In fact, you don’t even need to think about it right now. Instead think of your presentation. “Flappy, what species of parrot are you?”

“Squawk! Saddle Arabian Teal Kiki Parrot. The most common of parrots in Saddle Arabia. Squawk!” Answered Flappy automatically.

“Most important holiday?”

“Squawk! Saddle Founding Day. My turn. Why the sudden quiz? Squawk!”

“To keep my mind off the other thing I’m gonna do today.” Sparkler answered.

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Is it working? Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “Yep.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Good. Squawk!”

They reached the School of Friendship. Sparkler nodded. “Right. Let’s go in there and lay the groundwork for the magic of Friendship in Saddle Arabia!” She pushed open the door and she and Flappy entered the building. They had barely gone a few steps before they saw Starlight galloping towards them.

Starlight stopped in front of the two and smiled. “Sparkler, Flappy. You made it.”

Sparkler nodded. “Yep. We’re here and ready to fill those young minds with Saddle Arabia fuel.”

Starlight nodded. “Great. Though unfortunately Twilight and the others won’t be able to make it to the assembly.”

Sparkler frowned. “Why not?”

Starlight sighed. “They’ve been called on a Friendship Mission and it’s gonna be a few days before they even make it there.”

Sparkler raised an eyebrow. “So they aren’t here?”

Starlight shook her head. And both Sparkler and Flappy had to keep a calm face to not give off any revealing signs. OH FOR THE LOVE OF TARTARUS! Are you freaking kidding me?!

Instead, Sparkler just nodded. “Well. That’s a bummer.”

Starlight nodded. “I think Twilight was the most disappointed of all. She was REALLY looking forward to your presentation.”

Sparkler nodded. “Well. I can always have a one on one lesson with her when she gets back.” There goes my plan for today. Grah!

Starlight nodded. “I’m sure she’ll like that. Come on. Every creature’s in the assembly hall already waiting for you.”

Sparkler nodded as Starlight led them to the assembly hall. Along the way. She and Sparkler shared a quick glance. Their eyes doing the talking.

I finally work up the courage to tell Twilight, and she isn’t even here!

I would ask if maybe telling somepony else is an option, but I know it isn’t.

Only Twilight right now. After all, she and I have the same condition, she’s likely to know more about it. I hope.

Soon, they reached the hall and Starlight opened the door. Inside, Sparkler and Flappy saw that it was packed with students. Sparkler suddenly became nervous. Ah Huh. That’s a lot more than I expected.

Starlight smiled at them. “Let me calm them down first. Then you two can start.” She proceeded to the stage and cleared her throat, preparing to address the crowd. “Alright. Every creature calm down!” The crowd didn’t seem to hear her. She sighed and lit her horn. Calling an air horn over to her. She magically squeezed the air bubble and a loud wail assaulted the ears of every creature. The crowd instantly shut up and snapped their eyes to the front. Starlight smiled as she put the air horn away. “Air horn. Never fails. Ahem. Welcome every creature. Yesterday you all had an exam on the magic of Friendship in Griffonstone. And Twilight wanted me to let you all know that you passed.” That was met with cheering from the crowd for a moment. Starlight waited for them to settle down again before continuing. “So, as a last minute reward, after this assembly, all classes are canceled until Twilight and the other teachers get back from their latest mission.” Another round of cheers before Starlight continued. “You can use that time to study because there’s gonna be a quiz on today’s presentation.”

There was a collective groan as one student shouted. “What?! But how?! Miss Twilight isn’t even here for the presentation!”

Starlight chuckled. “But I am, so I will be in the back using a recording spell from which Twilight will draw up the quiz.” She was met with eye rolling, groaning, and sighing. “Hey. Don’t blame me. It was all Twilight’s idea. Just following orders here. Anyway. Here to share with us her insight into Saddle Arabian culture. Ponyville’s newest resident musician/singer/recorder. Sparkler!”

The crowd clapped their upper extremis together as Sparkler exchanged places with Starlight on stage. She shot Starlight a smile. “Thank you, Starlight, for incentivizing them to pay attention. This will serve as the groundwork for their adventure into the magic of Friendship in Saddle Arabia and it’s an interesting culture.” She turned her attention to the crowd and waved. “Hi every creature. My name is Sparkling Medley. Sparkler for short. And Twilight’s asked me to get your brains into the Saddle Arabian groove. To help with that. I brought a very good friend of mine who’s actually a native of Saddle Arabia. Come on up here Flappy.”

Flappy smiled and took a lap around the room. “Squawk! Marhabaan bikuli makhluq! That’s Arabic for Hello every creature! Squawk!” He flew to Sparkler and landed on her waiting outstretched foreleg. He gave a bow before settling down.

Sparkler chuckled. “Show off. She commented.

Flappy chuckled. “Squawk! You know me. Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled and rolled her eyes and returned her attention to the crowd. “Anywho. That’s right Flappy. Marhabaan bikuli makhluq is Arabic for Hello every creature. Now. I mentioned that Flappy here is a native of Saddle Arabia. Just out of curiosity. Does any creature here know what species of parrot Flappy is? Any creature? Just raise an extremis if you know.” She saw one hoof raise. She smiled. “You. The one in the front with the turtle shell. You know what species he is?”

The volunteer nodded. “He’s a Teal Kiki Parrot. The most common species of parrot found in Saddle Arabia.”

Sparkler smiled and nodded. “Yes. That’s right. A Teal Kiki Parrot. Not only the most common parrot species, but actually the most common BIRD species in Saddle Arabia. They’re literally everywhere. They’re about as common as...” She lit her horn and summoned a stringed instrument she had brought. “A chordophone. A Saddle Arabian string instrument played often. Especially on Saddle Arabian holidays such as Founding day—“ She and Flappy went off to tell them all about Saddle Arabia and it’s cultural history, going as far as to utilize the Chordophone to perform a traditional Saddle Arabian Duet. But...even though Sparkler was focused like a laser on the presentation. One thought lingered in the back of her mind. Of all the times for them to go on a mission...who knows if I’ll be able to work up the courage again.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Well, now that Twilight won't be back for a good week or so-

Sparkler(sarcastically): THANKS A LOT!

All in the name of a good story Sparkler!

Anyway, now that Twilight's gone, how does everypony feel about a certain god of chaos making an appearance?