• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 2,459 Views, 344 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony - Captain_Cosmos

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Episode 28: This Is Me: Pt 5

🎵Now I found Who I am

There’s no way to hold it in

No more hiding who

I want to be

This is me!🎵

Sparkler strummed the last note on her guitar as the song came to an end. She opened her eyes and turned her attention to her two pony audience, who were clapping.

Thundercracker smiled. “Another masterpiece of a song, Sparkler.”

Aurora nodded. “Can we get a record of it to frame right next to Play It Loud? Just as that song got you your cutie mark, this one marks another important step for you.”

Sparkler blushed a little and nodded. “I’ll make up a record after the show...that is, if Ponyville reacts the way I HOPE it does.”

Aurora smiled at Sparkler. “Hey, don’t sweat it Sparky. You’re going to do great.”

Thundercracker nodded. “Yeah. And hey, once you get going I think you’ll get lost in the music that you won’t even notice the crowd.”

Sparkler nodded and sighed. “I just...tonight is probably the most important night of my life. What happens tonight will change everything, and I’m worried it won’t be for the better.”

Aurora pulled her daughter in for a hug. “Hey, it’ll be alright honey. You’ll get through this.”

“Squawk! I cannot wait for you to meet Sparkler! I sure do hope she is down in the living room! Squawk!”

Sparkler automatically pulsed her horn and her sweater appeared on her, covering her wings again. She smiled. Flappy was back and by the sound of it, he brought a friend over. Good job remembering to warn me Flappy.

A second later, Sparkler and her parents saw Flappy fly into the living room, followed by a vibrant red bird who’s coat blended into orange at the tips of its wings and tail. A creature they all recognized as a Phoenix.

Sparkler smiled at Flappy. “Hey Flappy. Who’s your friend?”

Flappy smiled. “Squawk! Her name is Philomena. She’s that fast bird I saw earlier. Squawk!”

Sparkler smiled and turned to Philomena. “It’s nice to meet you Philomena.”

Philomena made a slight crowing noise. Flappy nodded. “Squawk! She says it’s nice to meet you too. Squawk!”

Aurora smiled as she got a good look at Philomena. “Aww! Aren’t you just the cutest thing!”

Thundercracker nodded. “Does she have an owner or is she a free bird?”

Philomena made another slight crowing noise. Flappy listened, and his smile slowly faded as he took in what Mina just said. “Squawk! SHE’S your owner?! Squawk!”

Sparkler raised an eyebrow. “Who’s her owner Flappy?”

Flappy gulped before answering. “Squawk! Her owner is...Princess Celestia, and she’s coming here for the Music Festival. Squawk!”

Sparkler and her parents’ smiles faded quickly as they all gasped. “PRINCESS CELESTIA?!”

Philomena and Flappy started making animal sounds. Mina looked around at all the shocked faces. She raised an eyebrow as she turned back to Flappy. “Is there something wrong Flappy?”

Flappy shook his head. “Squawk! Nothing’s wrong...necessarily. It’s just that Sparkler’s been nervous about tonight and the fact that the highest authority in Equestria is going to be in the audience isn’t helping. Squawk!”

While Mina and Flappy were talking. Sparkler was trying to control her breathing. The Princess of the freaking Sun is going to be in the audience tonight. She...she’s going to find out about my wings...tonight. Sparkler tried her best not to panic. Princess Celestia’s Phoenix pet was in her house, and there was no telling WHAT that Phoenix could understand. Sparkler shook her head. No, Don’t think THAT! Celestia doesn’t seem the kind of pony to use her pet to spy on her subjects...right?

“Squawk! Sparkler? Squawk!”

Sparkler blinked out of her thoughts to see Flappy staring right at her. Flappy spoke again. “Squawk! Basement, you, me, talk, now. Squawk!” Flappy flew off towards the basement.

Sparkler nodded towards Philomena and her parents. “Excuse us for a moment.”


“Princess Celestia is coming here for the Ponyville Music Festival.” Sparkler stated as she paced back and forth

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Yep. Squawk!”

Sparkler stopped pacing and nodded through her hyperventilations. “Ok, ok. Not the TOTAL end of the world. It’s entirely possible I’m getting all worked up for nothing...WHAT AM I GOING TO DO FLAPPY?!” Sparkler just burst out panicking as she quickly materialized a paper bag and started breathing heavily into it.

Flappy shook his head. “Squawk! Sparkler! Calm down. Just breathe in, and out. In...and out. Squawk!”

Sparkler did as she was told and took deep breaths and exhaled to calm down. After a few minutes, her breathing had steadied. Flappy smiled when Sparkler put down the bag. “Squawk! Now. Let’s remain calm. We knew this was coming. You and Celestia crossing paths. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “Yeah. Sooner or later I was gonna have to interact with princess Celestia. Luna even told me I should pull her aside if I see her before the show.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! So it’s just one more pony that’s gonna be in the audience. Isn’t that a good thing? The more ponies that find out tonight the better? Squawk!”

Sparkler thought about that for a moment, before nodding. “Yeah. I guess.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! You have your routine down. You know the song by heart. All you need to do is focus on the routine, and you’ll make it through. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “You really think I can do this?”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! I know you can. You’ve prepared too much to back out now. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “Right. There’s no turning back now. The song’s been recorded, I’ve put in the practice hours. I can’t let it go to waste, I can’t screw this up now.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! That’s the spirit. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “And besides, it’s like Luna said, I’m not going in alone. My friends...those who know the truth anyway...will be there to support me.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk, you can say the rest of your friends will be there to support you too. To some degree. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “Yes...but for how much longer can I call them my friends...”

Flappy shook his head. “Squawk! No! Whatever you do. Don’t think like that. The key is to stay positive and optimistic. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “Your right. As long as I stay positive and optimistic, and focus on the routine. I can make it through tonight.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Yes you can. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded as she looked at the clock. It was quarter after five. Sparkler frowned. “Tartarus. We need to get to the festival!”

Flappy glanced at the clock and saw the time. He gasped as he flapped his wings and launched from the table. “Then let’s go!”


“Here we go everypony, a round of cider straight from Sweet Apple Acres.” Applejack called out as she slid a mug to each of her friends.

Everypony smiled as their mug slid to them. “Thanks Applejack.” They all said in unison.

Rainbow took a sip of her Cider and smiled. “Ahh. AJ, your Cider is the BEST!”

Princess Celestia nodded. “I have to agree Rainbow Dash. I do not drink often, but an occasion such as this is cause to indulge in sweetness.”

Applejack chuckled and tipped her hat. “Thanks Celestia. Me and mah family worked extra hard to make this year’s Cider exceptional.”

Rarity nodded. “Well it definitely shows darling.”

Twilight nodded. “Agreed. Hey, has Sparkler tried any Cider yet Applejack?”

Applejack shook her head. “If she did I certainly didn’t hear anything about it.”

Rainbow nodded, before something caught her eye. She turned to the point of interest and smiled when she saw a pony slated to walk past them. “Well. We can just ask her.”

Over to Sparkler, she had long since noticed her friends sitting at one of the tables. She also noticed the tall white Alicorn that was princess Celestia sitting with them. Were she not RIGHT THERE, I might have gone over there to say hi, but I really don’t need Ice Breaker questions right—

“Hey Sparkler!” Crap! They noticed me! Sparkler turned her head to see Rainbow and Twilight waving her over. She gulped. Ok Sparkler...you don’t have time to pull her aside anyway, just a quick hello, a little small talk, and politely excuse yourself. And once the show is over, I’ll seek her out, answer any question she may have, and pray that she understands my dilemma.

With that in mind, she changed course and joined the mane 6 at the table. “Hey guys.”

Rainbow smiled. “What up Sparkler? How’s it going?”

“It’s going good.” Sparkler replied. “Can’t wait for the show.”

Celestia nodded. “Are you the Sparkling Medley I’ve heard so much about?”

She means my music. She doesn’t mean the wings. Sparkler nodded and gave a respectful bow. “Yes. It’s an honor to meet you, your majesty.”

Celestia nodded. “The honor is mine. There is no need for formalities here.”

Sparkler nodded and stood up as Pinkie bounced around the table and settled next to Sparkler. “So, you ready for your performance tonight Sparkler?”

Sparkler nodded. “Yeah. It’s gonna be great.”

Celestia nodded. “I look forward to seeing you in action Sparkling Medley. Twilight says your music is the best she’s ever heard.”

Twilight blushed like mad while Sparkler’s eyes widened. Best she’s ever heard? She really thinks that? “You really think that Twi?”

Twilight hesitated, before smiling sheepishly and nodding. “What else was I supposed to say? It’s true.”

Sparkler momentarily forgot about everything as she smiled warmly. Twilight Sparkle you are a freaking MIRACLE worker! “Awww. Thanks Twi. That’s sweet of you to say.”

“Awww!” Twilight and Sparkler raised eyebrows as they turned to see their friends staring at them.

“What?” They both asked in unison?

Rarity beamed at them. “You two are just so cute together!”

Twilight and Sparkler recoiled from that comment and blushed like mad. “We are not together!” They both shouted in unison...before realizing that they spoke in unison twice now. They glanced at each other, and then Sparkler glanced at a conveniently placed clock hanging from a nearby pole. “And on that comment. If you’ll all excuse me, I need to head to the stage where the acts are gathering. See y'all later, and enjoy the show.” Sparkler pulsed her horn and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Twilight shook herself out of her own shock and embarrassment and turned to see her friends all giving her knowing looks. She shook her head. “No. No don’t you all start with this. Sparkler and I are just friends. Nothing more!”

Celestia giggled. “You sure made it sound like you had a crush.”

Twilight shook her head. “I do not!”


Backstage, Sparkler popped into reality and took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. “That was NOT how I expected that to go.” She shook her head to clear her mind. “Focus Sparkler. You still have one giant obstacle before you can confidently pursue your crush. And you are about to overcome it. Just get on that stage...and sing.”

To be continued...

Author's Note:

This is it. this is the moment we've all been waiting for. what will be the outcome? STAY TUNED!