• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 2,459 Views, 344 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony - Captain_Cosmos

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Episode 6: Fears and Doubts

Sparkler quickly galloped around the house. Locking every door and window and pulling down the blinds so nopony could see inside. She galloped back to the living room and gave Flappy a frantic look. “You’re saying my secret’s out?!”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Yep. Squawk!”

“How the hay did Pinkie find out?! Is THIS why she talked to you in private?!”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Basically, she told me she knew you had wings. I tried to deny it but she knew I was lying. Squawk!”

A frantic Sparkler pulled Flappy in and stared right into his eyes. “HAS SHE TOLD ANYPONY ELSE?!”

Flappy nodded, much to Sparkler’s horror. “Squawk! She told Twilight. Squawk!”

At that, Sparkler let go of Flappy and stood there, absolutely frozen in shock. “Twilight...” She couldn’t believe it. The ONE pony that she was considering to let in on her secret...was told by another who somehow found out. “Flappy. Please tell me you made Pinkie PROMISE not to tell anypony else.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! She gave me her word. And...by the sound of it. It doesn’t seem like Twilight believed her. Squawk!”

Sparkler calmed down a little. “She doesn’t believe her. Ok. Good. Alright. So it’s just Pinkie who really knows the truth...did...did Pinkie say anything else?”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! She told me to tell you that you don’t need to hide anything around here. Squawk!”

Sparkler sighed. She wanted to believe it. She wanted to believe that she didn’t need to hide herself from anypony. But her mind kept going back to school in Saddle Arabia, where she was the outcast.

Flappy saw the distraught look on Sparkler’s face. “Squawk! Sparkler. If I may. I think I’m with Pinkie Pie on this one. I genuinely believe it’s safe for you to be yourself in this town.”

Sparkler nodded. “You keep saying that, but every time, I can’t help but fear that it can turn into Saddle Arabia School all over again. I...I don’t want to be branded as Featherhorn again, it hurts.” She sniffled as her eyes started to water.

Flappy saw and immediately flew in and wrapped his wings around Sparkler best he could. “Squawk! There there. Remember. You always got a friend in me. And I’ll stick by you till the very end. Squawk!”

Flappy’s words sank in and Sparkler smiled and hugged her parrot back. “Thanks Flappy. You always know just what to say.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Oh. And just a reminder. Anypony gives you trouble. Let me at’em and I’ll take them down a peg. Squawk!”

Sparkler giggled. “Ok my knight in shiny armor.” She sighed in content before continuing. “So you think I should talk to Twilight?”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Yes. You should. She may be able to provide more information on the horn/wing combo. And she just might be able to help you gain confidence in your real self. She is the Princess of Friendship after all.” He waggled his eyebrows, which Sparkler didn’t notice.

Instead she just chuckled. “Now. I just need to figure out how to bring it up.”

Later that night. Flappy was sound asleep on his perch, while Sparkler slept comfortably in her bed. Well...almost.

Sparkler trotted happily to her locker in between classes. Looking to exchange her math book for her music folder. She sighed happily. “Ah, band class. My favorite time of day.” She reached her locker with her magic and began dialing the combination. “A time where I can be in my element. Take another step towards my dream...and—oof!” That was as far as she got before her locker suddenly burst open and she was forced against the wall behind her by an avalanche of feathers. She collapsed on the floor as the feathers completely covered her.

A host of other students watched the scene from afar...and began laughing their flanks off. One of them pointed at the feathery mess. “Is that enough feathers for your chicken wings Featherhorn?

Sparkler poked her head above the feathery mess and rolled her eyes. “Oh yeah. Hahaha. Real funny guys.

Another of the students chuckled as he mockingly directed an ear at her. “What was that? I don’t speak horned chicken.” The laughing continued.

Sparkler let her ears droop as she got herself out of the mess. “Ok. We’ve all had a laugh. We can stop now.”

The laughing didn’t stop. Another student smirked at her. “Would you like some seeds for lunch? I happen to have some just in case I run into a chicken!” The student used his teeth to pull out a bag of seeds, and threw it at her. It smacked her in the face and fell to the ground. Sparkler just stared at it just as the bell rang. The laughing finally ceased as the students all headed to class. Sparkler just sat there, eyes wet. Covered in feathers.

All of a sudden, she heard a voice from behind her. “They were right you know.” Sparkler turned around and suddenly found herself in Ponyville Plaza. Surrounded by the residents of the town. She looked around and saw Twilight step forward, wings spread, and with a disgusted scowl on her face. “You’ll never belong anywhere. You’re nothing but a pointy chicken freak. As Princess. I hereby banish you from Equestria.”

Sparkler gasped. “What? No! Twilight please! I’m sor—“

”SILENCE! You are a disgrace to ponies everywhere.” With that. Twilight turned and walked away.

”Squawk! You heard her. Get out of here you freak. Squawk!” Sparkler saw Flappy give her a disgusted look before flapping away as everypony else started walking away.

Sparkler watched all her new friends go. “Wait, Flappy! Twilight. Anypony. No! NO!!!!

Sparkler’s eyes shot open and she bolted upright. She breathed heavily and looked around. She saw that she was still in her bedroom, in her house in Ponyville. Her eyes began to water as she slowly laid back down. She looked up to see Flappy sound asleep on his perch. She squeezed her eyes shut to prevent tears, which came out anyway as she quietly sniffled. It was just a dream? More like a nightmare... She assumed the fetal position and grasped her tail. Pulling on it to make herself into as small a ball as possible as tears continued to flow down her face. What did I do to deserve this? she asked herself as she cried. Before long, she had cried herself back to sleep.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

I don't know about you guys. but I just wanna scoop Sparkler up and let her know everything will be ok.😂

So she knows now that Pinkie pretty much knows. how will she approach Twilight? time will tell.

Also, Flappy...what was with that eyebrow waggle?