• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 2,462 Views, 344 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony - Captain_Cosmos

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Episode 12: So Close, And Yet So Far

It was a beautiful sunny day in Ponyville. Very few clouds in the sky, birds chirping, and the townsfolk were going about their business. Among these ponies was Sparkling Medley, who was making client rounds to deliver commissions. She was smiling as she levitated the last commission to it’s commissioner. “Here you go Time Turner. One side instrumental, one side with vocals. As requested.”

Time Turner smiled as he took hold of the record. “Thanks so much Sparkler. I’ve been wanting to write a song or two. And I’ve heard amazing things about the Master Mixer from all over town.”

Sparkler chuckled at her new nickname. “I can confirm that it’s all true. And remember. If you find a problem, feel free to stop by and we’ll get it fixed at no extra cost.”

Time Turner nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind. But I already know it’ll be great. You do an amazing job.”

Sparkler, while slightly confused as to how he already knew it was amazing, just put it off and nodded. “Well. Thanks. If you ever need any other commissions. My door’s open.”

Time Turner nodded. “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. Now, if you’ll excuse me. I have a record to listen to and an adventure to begin.” He closed the door to his little box, and a few seconds later, Sparkler saw the box fade away. A second later, she was just staring at the wall that was behind the box.

She just shrugged and turned to walk out of the alleyway. “Monster attacks, a crystal castle, a pony that lives in a box that fades away...anything else I should look out for in this town?” She asked nopony in particular.

“Have you met Discord yet?” Sparkler jumped at the sudden reply and turned to see Twilight smiling at her.

After taking a second to compose herself, Sparkler smiled. “Oh, Twilight. Hey. How long have you been there?”

Twilight chuckled. “I was just walking by when I heard you asking if there’s anything else in this town you should look out for. To which I decided to ask if you had met Discord yet.”

Sparkler relaxed a tad and nodded. “He entered my house through the oven and apparently had turned himself into milk before taking his true form, a draconequus. I think.”

Twilight chuckled and nodded. “Yeah. That’s what he is. And he came in as milk from an oven?”

Sparkler nodded. “Yep. Sure gave Flappy and me a good scare. But fortunately he didn’t cause TOO much chaos.” Other than basically SHIPPING you and me together. Sparkler added in her mind. Not that she’d ever tell Twilight that.

Twilight smiled. “That’s good. You just can’t know what to expect with Discord.”

Sparkler nodded. “That's apparent.”

They both chuckled as they subconsciously began walking side by side. After a few seconds, Sparkler calmed down. “So how are you Twilight? Heard that friendship mission of yours went ok.”

Twilight nodded as her smile slowly vanished. “Yeah. It was a mission success. I’m so sorry I had to miss your Saddle Arabian presentation though. Starlight told me you and Flappy were a hit.”

“Squawk! Somepony ring? Squawk!” Right then, Flappy came in and landed on Sparkler’s back. He waved his wing at Twilight. “Squawk! Hey Twilight. Squawk!”

Twilight smiled. “Hey Flappy.”

Sparkler turned to Flappy. “Twilight was just telling me how she’s bummed she had to miss the presentation we did last week.”

Flappy chuckled and nodded. “Squawk! We did amazing. Every creature adored the Yellow Streak. Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled and rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say.” She turned back to Twilight. “So, how goes your adventure into the magic of friendship in Saddle Arabia?”

Twilight smiled. “Great. The Friendship Mission put us behind schedule but we’re making our way back on track. Every creature passed that quiz on your presentation by the way.”

Sparkler smiled. “That’s good.” She giggled. “They all thought they’d get a break when you left for that mission. It was a tad amusing to see them learn that you made a quiz to keep their brains stimulated.”

Twilight chuckled and nodded. “I mainly just did it to make sure they actually paid attention to you. I didn’t want you to have a bad first impression.”

Sparkler smiled as she blushed a tad. “Aww. That’s sweet that you care.”

Twilight nodded. “Of course I do. We are friends after all.”

While Sparkler and Twilight were talking. Flappy just remained silent and watched. He smiled. This is it Sparkler. No other ponies around, we’re near our house. Just say there’s something you want to talk to her about privately, and go for it. You can do it. He would’ve loved to have reminded her of this out loud, but that would’ve been too revealing right off the bat.

A few minutes later, they had come up to the Sparkling house. Sparkler turned Twilight. “Wanna come in and have some Lemonade? Just made a lot more.”

Flappy took off from his perch on Sparkler’s back and watched in anticipation. That’s it. Get her inside...

Twilight frowned as she gave an apologetic expression. “Oh. I wish I could. That Lemonade’s the best I’ve ever had. But I gotta get back to school. My lunch break’s almost over.”

While Flappy internally cursed that another opportunity was just dashed away, Sparkler nodded. “Alright. I understand. Can’t be late for class.”

Twilight nodded. “Never have been late in the past. Not starting now.”

Sparkler nodded. “In that case. You better get going. See ya Twi

Twilight nodded. “Yeah. See ya.”

Sparkler turned to open the door, when she suddenly turned back to Twilight, who had started to walk away. “Wait, Twilight, there’s something I wanted to ask you.”

Twilight stopped and turned back to Sparkler. She smiled. “Sure. What is it Sparkler?”

Flappy smiled as his hope rose again. Come on Sparkler. Say it...just a few words.

“Which way do you swing?”

While Flappy had to beat down a loud groan of annoyance WHILE staying in the air. Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Pardon?”

Sparkler nodded. “Which way do you swing? Like, do you prefer mares or colts?”

Flappy’s mouth hung open. He couldn’t believe it. Sparkler had chickened out, again. OH COME ON! You were SO close!

Twilight blushed a little as she realized what Sparkler was asking. “Oh. Oh. You mean which way do I swing? Uh. Ahem. Um, I actually swing both ways actually. Mare OR colt. Doesn’t really matter. Uh, any reason?”

Sparkler shook her head as she blushed too. “Nah, it was just something I’d been wondering and I couldn’t really resist asking. I ask weird questions like that sometimes.”

Twilight nodded. Suddenly feeling the awkward pile on. “Oh. Ok. That’s uh, fine I guess. Not really something I’d try to hide.”

Sparkler nodded. “Yeah. I feel like we live in an accepting enough society that I can safely say that I swing all the way towards mares. I’m not gonna hide that.”

Right. Because you’re too busy using it to DODGE the real issue here! Flappy wanted to shout. But he knew better.

Twilight nodded. “Alright. That’s uh, that’s cool. ahem. Uh, if there’s nothing else I’ll just be on my way.”

There IS something else. Somepony just chickened out YET AGAIN!

Sparkler nodded. “See you later Twi.”

Twilight nodded. “See ya.” With that, she watched as Sparkler and Flappy entered the house. When the door closed. She frowned and raised an eyebrow. “What in Tartarus was that all about?” She asked as she walked off.

Flappy stared at Sparkler in their house, still not entirely believing what had just happened. Sparkler saw the look on his face and raised an eyebrow. “What?”

Flappy landed on the ground. “Squawk! What do you mean WHAT?! Squawk!” He pointed star the door with his wing. “Squawk! What HAPPENED back there?! Squawk!”

Sparkler groaned and she banged her head on the foyer wall. “I DON’T KNOW!” She squeezed her eyes shut to prevent tears from falling, and they fell anyway as she cried. “I was SO close! I was ONE SENTENCE away from getting her alone. And then I said the WRONG ONE! ‘Which gender do you swing towards?!’ Grah! Why did I ask that!” She banged her head on the wall again, and several sparks exploded from her horn. The sudden reaction made Flappy and Sparkler jump back in surprise.

Flappy gasped and immediately flew into Sparkler, wrapping his wings around her neck in a hug. “Squawk! Sparkler! Calm down! Remember your emotional state. Breathe. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded and began breathing in and out rhythmically. After a few breaths, she regained her composure. She sighed. “This isn’t good.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Your magic is reacting to your fear. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “I’m losing control.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! You know what this means. Squawk!”

Sparkler gulped and nodded. “I’m close to having another incident.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! You know what you have to do. Tomorrow is the weekend. That’s the best chance you have to catch Twilight not doing anything. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “I know.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Until then, we better get that ring on. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “Yeah. But not yet. When we go to bed.”

Flappy sighed. “Squawk! If your horn starts going even more rogue, it goes on right then and there. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded.

Later on. Sparkler spat toothpaste into her bathroom sink and rinsed out her mouth after brushing her teeth. Once she finished, she placed everything back in its place and exited every bathroom to find Flappy hovering above the bed with a ring in his claws. She sighed. “Make a note Flappy. Tomorrow is the day. No ifs ands or buts about it, no dodging out, no last second decisions. I am gonna march up to Twilight’s castle, find Twilight, and reveal my wings. And if for whatever reason I chicken out at the last second, AGAIN, you have my permission to tear my sweater off.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Noted. You’ve put this off long enough. One way or another, Twilight’s gonna learn the truth tomorrow. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “And in the meantime. Let’s cork it Flappy.” She lowered her head to allow Flappy better access to her horn.

Flappy nodded and swooped in to slide the ring over Sparkler’s horn. He used one of his claws to swipe one side of the ring and it spun as it screwed down her horn into position at it’s base. Once the ring settled. Sparkler immediately felt her magic thoroughly blocked. She shivered for a second at the feeling before relaxing again. “Hopefully this’ll prevent history from repeating itself.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! At the very LEAST it should reduce the danger significantly. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded and climbed into bed. She used her wing to grab the covers and pull them over her. She settled in. “G’night Flappy.”

Flappy nodded as he settled down on his perch. “Squawk! G’night Sparkler. Squawk!” He extended his wing and flicked the lights off. With that, they both drifted off the sleep.

Sparkler found herself in Ponyville Plaza. Walking around with Twilight. Twilight smiled at Sparkler. “Oh Sparkler. I’m so glad we’re finally together. I love you so much.”

Sparkler nodded. She smiled at Twilight. “Wanna know something about me?” She saw Twilight nod. She lit her horn and her sweater. With the removal of her sweater, her wings spread out. Twilight gasped as Sparkler nodded. “Yeah. I also have wings. Just like you.” Sparkler gave Twilight a nervous glance, waiting for Twilight’s reaction.

Flappy squinted his eyes before slowly opening them. Having been roused awake by the loud squeaking of mattress springs. He sleepily looked to Sparkler, and his eyes instantly snapped open when he saw a blue glow coming from under the covers. Oh NO! He instantly flew off his perch and landed on the bed. He used his beak to grab hold of the covers and threw them back to reveal Sparkler. And just as Flappy feared, she was the source of the glow. He shook his head worriedly. No. no this shouldn’t be happening! He got to work trying to wake Sparkler up. “Squawk! Sparkler, Sparkler wake up! Squawk!”

Sparkler rolled over in her bed, giving Flappy a distraught look as she remained asleep. She shook her head. “No. No no. Stop laughing. Please!”

She started glowing brighter, and much to Flappy’s horror. He noticed cracks starting to form on the ring. HOLY TARTARUS! This is WAY worse than before! He continually tried to wake Sparkler. “Squawk! Sparkler! Wake up! It’s OK! You're ok! Nopony’s laughing at you!”

Sparkler just shook her head. “Please! Twilight let me explain! No!”

The cracks on the ring grew bigger as Sparkler’s horn began letting out sparks. After a few seconds, the ring all but exploded into tiny pieces.

THAT got Sparkler’s eyes to snap open as she finally awoke. She bolted upright, and immediately noticed something wrong. She turned to see Flappy with a panicked look on his face. “Flappy?! What just happened?!”

“Squawk! The ring BURST! Your magic destroyed the ring! Squawk!”

She glanced up and saw that the ring wasn’t on her anymore, and her horn sparking. She looked down and saw that she was glowing. Her eye irises shrank to near invisibility in fear. She shook her head. “No. No no. This can’t be happening!”

Flappy took to the air and immediately launched into a song.

🎵Sometimes love’s a scary place, it’s like standing in the dark...

Flying through the universe trying to fix your broken heart...🎵

Sparkler heard Flappy’s singing, and tried to focus on his calm voice, but her magic only increased it’s uncontrollable sparking. She began hyperventilating. “Flappy, it’s not working!”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Stay calm and listen to my voice. Eyes on me Sparkler! Squawk!” He continued singing.

🎵It’s ok to let it go, you don’t have to be so afraid...

Take a chance somepony else is gonna swoop in and save the day...🎵

Sparkler shook her head. “I don’t think that’s gonna help...I...I have to get out of here!” She turned around to her window, and before Flappy could say another word, she rocketed right through the window. Shattering it and zipping away. Flappy instinctively took off after her. He managed to catch up to her a few minutes later.

He glanced down and saw that there were still lights on in the houses below them. It will be a miracle if none of those ponies notice this! He came up beside Sparkler. “Squawk! Sparkler. Just set down. And listen! We can fix this!” He resumed singing again.

🎵You don’t have to face your fears alone...

Cause whenever you're in trouble... I’ll know.🎵

Sparkler shook her head. “No! I can feel it building. I...I can’t control it! I gotta get out of here!” She turned her head around to glance at potential hiding places. She spotted the forest and sighed. Least nopony will be crazy enough to go in there. She changed course to head RIGHT for the forest.

Flappy saw this and gasped when he realized her heading. Horseapples!

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Well, This just turned into a life threatening problem really darn quick

Will our hero meet her end? Find out on the Next chapter of Sparkling Harmony