• Published 17th Jan 2021
  • 2,988 Views, 99 Comments

What makes a Hero? - Quillion9000

Goten starts to feel down since he doesn't seem to live up to his idols, but he will get his chance in the land of Equestria. This land needs a hero, but if he can't understand what that really means, the land will fall.

  • ...

Competition, Leaves, & Demons

Two beings and a red sphere floated around an endless, purple void. Floating crystals surrounded them showcasing past events of Universe 6. The first figure was a female while the second was a male.

The woman was rather beautiful with a slender frame, blue skin, long white hair, and purple eyes. She has a golden infinity sign hair accessory that covers the back and both sides of her head. Her attire was a red and black skintight body suit, and she carries a brown staff.

“It seems our time is as hand.” The woman laughed as new crystals appeared showing what Goten had done since arriving on Equis. “We had to avoid the prior champion, but this one seem even more promising than Bardock.”

“Is that the opponent I must face.” The guy grunted. “He is a mere child.”

“Yes, a mere child following in the footsteps of gods.” The woman smirked. “A child of potential. With his unwilling help, the seal will fall, our god will rise, and the Demon Realm shall be free.”

“At least, this should be quick.” The guy stated. “A child is barely worth my time or power.”

“That may very well be but remember that he is important to our future.” The woman nodded. “Do not kill him just yet Mira.”

“Understood Towa.” Mira replied.

Sweet Apple Acres
Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Goten had decided to get together on the farm. Now, they were tossing horseshoes. Rainbow Dash threw hers, and it landed just before the stake which she celebrated.

“Hoo-wee! Not a bad pitch for a pony who works with her head in the clouds.” Applejack complemented.

“Oh yeah? Think you can do better, cowgirl?” Rainbow Dash retorted.

“Ah know I can.” With a grunt, Applejack tossed her horseshoe, but it came up short of Rainbow’s. “Oh, for Pete's sake!”

“Oh, my turn!” Goten exclaimed.

Obviously, there’s no way Goten would use all his power for a game. He simply took a stance and threw the horseshoe. It banged into the stake as Bardock had been helping the Half Saiyan master his aim when they weren’t working of the Wrathful Form.

“Alright, I did it!” Goten declared.

Rainbow laughed. “Looks like a Half-Saiyan and pegasus can pitch better than the workhorse. The object of the game is to get the closest to the stake.”

“All right, all right. You got another throw, ponygirl.” Applejack stated.

The farm horse then tosses the horseshoe onto Rainbow’s muzzle, and she tossed it from there. The pegasus sent the horseshoe flying far away from the stake.

“Tough luck, Rainbow.” Goten stated sincerely.

With a sarcastic tone, Applejack said, “Wow, you couldn't hit a barn door with that kind of throw!”

“Yeah well, Goten has it dead on while I have the closest throw after him.” Rainbow taunted. “Pretty sure that puts you in last place Applesmack.”

AJ took that as a challenge and was determined to make her last throw count. She picked the horseshoe up and threw it. This time, the shot was dead on as her horseshoe fell right on top of Goten’s.

“Yee-haw! It's a ringer!” AJ cheered proudly. “That's how you do it down on the farm.”

“Awesome!” Goten nodded with a smile. “If I didn’t have Master Bardock training me, there’s not a doubt in my mind you’d have won AJ. You truly are good at this game.”

Rainbow Dash held her head low. “I lost.”

“Don't feel bad, Rainbow.” Applejack told her.

“Yeah.” Goten nodded. “When it comes down to it, this was in good fun.”

“I hate losing.” Rainbow said sharply.

“Well, no one can be number one at everything.” Goten looked at her. “My dad’s the strongest person I know, yet he learned early on that there’s always someone stronger out there.” He remembered Trunks and Buu. “I even experienced it firsthand.”

“I won’t deny that’s true, but it’s easy for you to say.” Rainbow retorted. “Here, you’re crazy strong, so why do you continue working? I doubt there’s anyone stronger than Nightmare Moon. Heck, not even an Ursa Major means anything to you.”

“I once thought there were no more challenges after Buu.” Goten shook his head. “Then, Bardock came around, and while I was stronger than Nightmare Moon, it reaffirmed that stronger beings still exist. What I’m saying is, think of it this way. You may lose today, but never dwell on that loss. Use it to come back smarter and stronger.”

“He’s right Rainbow.” Applejack chimed in. “Besides, you're a mighty good athlete, but I happen to be better.”

That caused Rainbow to get an idea. “Alright, you think you're the top athlete in all of Ponyville while I think the same, so I think we should prove it.

“Prove what?” Applejack asked.

“I challenge you to an Iron Pony Competition.” Rainbow declared. “We’ll participate in a series of athletic contests to decide who's the best, pony athlete in all of Equestria.”

She would have left out the pony thing, but she knew she wasn’t ready to compete with Goten. Applejack, on the other hand, was doable. Especially with her training under Bardock.

“Alright Rainbow, you're on.” Applejack declared.

They spat on their hooves and shook on it before turning to the Half-Saiyan. “Goten will be our judge!”

“I’d be glad to, but I think we need more than one person to determine the best pony athlete.” Goten got an idea. “I got it!” He ran off. “I’ll be back you two!”

Goten went about gathering a crowd from Ponyville while roping Twilight in to help with this whole competition.

"So, you two are doing what now?" Twilight asked.

“We’re doing an Iron Pony Competition.” Applejack informed.

“We've set up a bunch of events to decide which one of us is the most athletic pony ever!” Rainbow exclaimed excitedly.

“What are Goten and I supposed to do?” Twilight asked.

“I’m here to judge while you keep score.” Goten explained.

“That’s right.” Rainbow declared. “Someone must record my awesomeness for the history books.”

Iron Pony Competition
Applejack and Rainbow Dash got ready for the first contest.

“Hello everypony.” Spike decided to take up the role of announcer. “Welcome to the Iron Pony Competition!” The crowd cheered. “Let the games begin!”

The objective of the first contest was to run to the finish line while weaving through barrels set up along the track.

“Before we begin, I want to say that as judge, I will not condone cheating!” Goten shouted. “Now, begin!”

Applejack took off and was doing great before she hit the second to last barrel.

“Time! 17 seconds!” Goten called out. “Unfortunately, we must add a five second penalty for nudging that barrel.”

“Nuts and chews! Still, that's 22 seconds. Not too shabby.” Applejack noticed Rainbow seemed a bit fidgety, so she put a hoof on her shoulder. “Hey, don't be nervous. Remember, it's all in good fun. Now, git on up there.”

Rainbow nodded and made the run; however, she must not have tested the speed she’s gained because the pegasus nudged two barrels.

“Whoa, that was fast Rainbow!” Applejack cheered genuinely impressed.

“Thanks, but I don’t think it’s enough to beat you.” Rainbow returned.

“Time. You actually got it in 8 seconds flat.” Goten commented. “Even with the two-barrel penalties, you come out with a time of 18 seconds. That means Rainbow is the winner of the first contest!”

Hearing Rainbow initially got eight seconds made Applejack fall over in shock.

“Wow, guess my training really paid off.” Rainbow Dash state surprised.

AJ recovered. “Alright, don’t get too cocky now because we still got more contests to go.”

The games continued with Applejack really stepping up to keep up with Rainbow. The extra effort seemed to amount to something as Applejack and Rainbow Dash continuously traded victories. Soon, it came down to the final event which would be the deciding competition.

“Alright, you two.” Goten stood at the center of the tug of war rope while the competitors stood at opposite side. “This is the final event, so give it all you've got. I want to see a clean final competition.”

Some of the crowd cheered for Rainbow while others cheered for Applejack. The bout began with both mare’s giving it their all. This seemed to result in an absolute stalemate. If something weren’t done, the rope would snap.

Then, Rainbow used her wings to fly up, and she started to pull AJ with her.

“STOP!” Rainbow landed and everypony was now focused on Goten. “From the start, I made it clear I would not condone cheating. I reiterated this before. If this were a fight, wings would be fair game, but this is a contest. As such, I must award AJ the win.”

“What!?” Rainbow spoke up.

Bardock, transparent as ever, appeared. “Mind if I take it from here?”

Goten nodded. “Be my guest.”

“I taught you better than to cheat Rainbow.” Bardock shot her a disapproving glare when it seemed the pegasus was going to retort. “Every warrior needs pride in themselves, and a win without that pride is no win worth celebrating.”

“I-I didn’t think…” Rainbow hung her head. “I’m sorry Master Bardock.”

“You’ll be forgiven once we go through the punishment run.” Bardock stated. “Get moving, and I’ll join you in a minute. If you’re slacking, I’ll not only have you run, but we’ll go through normal training all night as well.”

“I’m running! I’m running!” Rainbow was out of there.

“I don’t know if I’d be for that punishment, but is it really that bad to make Rainbow bolt like this?” Applejack asked.

“Let me put it to you this way Applejack.” Goten stated. “I was late one time to Master Bardock’s training, and now I’m never late without a great explanation.”

Bardock glanced over at the farm pony. “I understand you have your responsibilities, but if you ever want training from me, you’ve earned it.” He nodded. “We’ll work around your busy schedule.”

“That’s mighty kind of you sir.” Applejack was certainly interested what with how even Rainbow matched her, and honestly practically every victory the farm horse earned was by the skin of her teeth. “I’ll take ya up on that offer.”

Bardock nodded before flying off in the direction Rainbow went in.

Ponyville Streets: Later…
After that whole event, Goten was walking back to the library with Twilight.

As they walked, she had a request for the Half-Saiyan. “Hey Goten, mind if I ask you a favor?”

“Sure Twilight.” Goten stated. “Ask away.”

“Can you train me in running?” Twilight asked. “The Running of the Leaves is tomorrow, and I’ve been thinking of running it.”

“I mean, I know how to run.” Goten rubbed his head. “I think it may be a little too late if you’re looking to win.”

“Oh, I have no intention of winning.” Twilight smiled. “I thought it’d be a good experience to participate, and I’m not going into this completely blind. I’ve read a few books that seemed to have useful tips.”

“In that case, I’ll gladly help.” Goten nodded. “Oh, what’s more we can run it together, and I can have a gravity spell placed on me to get some good training out of it.”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah, that sounds great.”

Over the next few hours, Goten trained Twilight in everything his mom and brother showed him concerning running. He taught her how to pace herself and when it is time to unleash all she has at the finish line. After a quick practice race, they regrouped back in front of the library.

“Wow. I gotta remember to ask you if I ever want a workout Goten.” Twilight stated.

“Well, you know where to find me.” Goten crossed his arms with a smile. “Now, pop quiz. What is the best way to run a race?”

“Slow and steady.” Twilight replied. “Don’t tire yourself out by continuously going all out.”

“Excellent.” Goten nodded. “What should you do once the finish line is in sight?”

“Focus on the goal and put your all into it.” Twilight replied.

“Amazing.” Goten smiled. “Why do you run the race and what should be your approach?”

“Have fun and keep your eyes peeled as not to hurt yourself.” Twilight replied confidently.

Goten nodded with approval. “Alright, I think we’re both ready to run tomorrow.”

The pair walked inside.

Golden Oaks Library
“Hey Goten, you really think I’ll do alright tomorrow?” Twilight asked.

“You never know until tomorrow arrives, but I think you stand a good chance of not placing anywhere near last at least.” Goten smiled. “With me running alongside ya, I’ll keep your spirits high. We may not come near first, but we’ll do great together.”

“Thank you, Goten.” Twilight nodded. “I’m glad you’ll be running with me tomorrow.”

“If you two really want to do well tomorrow, you should get some sleep.” Spike informed.

“He’s right.” Goten nodded. “We really should, and no all-night study session Twilight.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Twilight assured. “Honestly, I could use the sleep.”

Ponyville Streets: Next Day…
Twilight, with Spike on her back, and Goten were moving towards the start of the Running of the Leaves. Goten already had a powerful gravity spell afflicted upon him, so he was ready to run.

“Come on Twilight and Goten, we’re going to be late!” Spike shouted.

“Man Spike, why are you so excited about?” Twilight asked. “Thinking of running with us?”

“Nah, I was actually hoping I could be the announcer again.” Spike explained.

The three made their way to the event and up to the sign-up booth. Twilight got the number 42 and Goten was given 43.

“Give it your best you two.” Spike hopped off Twilight’s back. “I know you’ll do great.”

“Thanks Spike.” They stated together.

“Racers! Please take your positions!” Pinkie said over the loudspeaker only to notice Spike nearby. “Hey Spike!” The dragon had been feeling down when he realized this event already had an announcer. “Would you like to be my co-reporter on the action?”

“You want me to join you?” Spike asked excitedly.

“Yup, climb on up, and we’ll get this show on the road.” Pinkie stated as she opened the door to her hot air balloon.

“Alright, are you ready?” Pinkie questioned.

“Get set.” Spike shouted next.

They hit the bell together. “Go!”

Everyone took off.

“And they're off! Welcome to the official coverage of the Running of the Leaves! You know, Spike, despite its name, the leaves don't do any of the actual running.” Pinkie asked the green dragon. “Nope, that's left to the runners.”

“Yes, Pinkie.” Spike declared. “It's called the Running of the Leaves because the running of the racers is what causes the leaves to fall.”

This caused Pinkie disgust. “Ugh. Those lazy, lazy leaves.”

Currently, Goten and Twilight were at the back of the pack, but they were in no hurry to push forward this early into the race.

“This is just beautiful, right?” Twilight asked.

“I’ll say.” Goten agreed. “I guess I’ve been so busy that I’ve forgotten to stop and smell the…” Suddenly, he stopped and looked off to the right. “This doesn’t feel good.”

Twilight back tracked and looked to the right. “Goten, are you okay? Is something wrong?”

“I’m not sure.” Goten was concerned. “I’m sensing something malicious in the distance.”

“Oh no.” Twilight stated worried. “Should we call off the race and contact Princess Celestia?”

“No, I think I can handle this.” Goten looked at her. “Just remove the gravity spell and continue the race.”

“Are you sure?” Twilight questioned.

Goten nodded. “Yeah, I got this.” Twilight didn’t like this, but her horn glowed as did the Half-Saiyan. “I’ll be back with news on what this is.”

The Half-Saiyan removed his number and dropped it before rocketing off in the direction of the Ki he was feeling. Twilight watched him go with concern evident on her face. She only proceeded with the race once he was gone.

“I hope you can handle whatever is out there Goten.” Twilight thought as she ran on.

Island: Later…
Goten touched down on an uninhabited island. There was vegetation and plateaus all around. Honestly, not a bad location, but the Half Saiyan was focused on finding whoever was behind this Ki he was sensing. The problem was that he now sensed two beings.

Before he could move towards the signature, one of them, Towa, came out to address him. “Say, your sharp for a kid.” She chuckled. “Perhaps you’ll actually provide more energy than I thought.”

The second figure, Mira, stepped out. “I’ll be sure to draw out all the energy I can from him.”

Goten stared at the two figures warily. “Who are you?”

“All you need to know for now is that I am Towa, and this is Mira.” Towa floated back. “Mira here is the one you will be fighting. Oh, and we do wish harm on the world you’re protecting.”

If their malevolent Ki wasn’t enough of a reason to fight, then what she just said certainly was.

“If you want to hurt this world or its inhabitants, you’ll have to get by me first.” Goten got into a fighting stance. “I won’t allow to hurt this world.”

“Spunky little guy, huh.” Towa smirked. “Mira, commence.”

Goten moved up a bit while Mira rushed forward at an impressive speed. The Half-Saiyan held out a hand and caught his opponent’s fist without moving an inch. Mira was marginally surprised while Towa was shocked.

“This is my world to protect!” Goten declared.

The Half-Saiyan lunged forward and punched Mira in the face knocking him into the ground. The demon was sent sliding across it. Goten rushed forward while Mira recovered, and the two of them began to move around the island at hypersonic speeds attacking each other.

Eventually, Goten landed a powerful kick into Mira’s stomach knocking him back before launching a barrage of Ki blasts. The demon managed to move through them until they stopped. The two fighters then came to stand across from each other.

“Is this all you got?” Goten asked. “I faced an alicorn with more power than this.”

“Mira is being overpowered this early?” Towa thought before laughing to herself. “This is better than I could have hoped for. This boy will make Mira seek more and more power. Through their clashes, all our goals will be achieved.”

“Impossible.” Mira stated. “I am the strongest. I must be the strongest!” He glared at Goten. “I will not lose to you.” He cupped his hands and began charging purple Ki. “Show me your power! Now!”

“Alright, but only because you asked for it.” Goten declared. “There’s no mistaking it. The color may be different, it’s also oozing maliciousness, but that is a Kamehameha.” Goten cupped his hands. “I’ll match and surpass his.”





Mira was putting his all into this attack as his desire to win started to override his creator’s orders. Goten could sense this and was pumping in enough to currently match it. He had a plan to ensure this ended. They pushed out their cupped hands.



Goten’s blue and Mira’s purple collided at the center between them in a spectacular display. Now was the time. Goten gave a mighty yell as he went Super Saiyan adding greater amounts of Ki to his attack, and it quickly started to overcome Mira’s.

“Damnit!!!!” Mira exclaimed as the attack overcame him.

The attack dissipated, but Goten knew his advisory wasn’t gone as he shifted his gaze to the right. Mira was laid out on the ground, unconscious and severely injured, while Towa was smirking. Clearly, she had saved her creation.

“Most impressive young Half-Saiyan.” Towa smirked. “You win today, but we’ll be back.” Goten rushed her. “After all, you are our target.”

Towa and Mira suddenly vanished before he reached them which left the Half-Saiyan standing where they had been. Goten closed his eyes with a sigh as he powered back down to base. Not to long after, Celestia and Luna landed behind him while Bardock appeared…

Twilight had managed to come in fifth place. For a first race. that was rather amazing; however, she couldn’t enjoy it because Goten was out there confronting who knows what. Then, nearby ponies began to kneel.

It was followed by clapping and Goten’s voice. “Good job Twilight.” The unicorn turned to see the Half-Saiyan and her teacher approaching. “Fifth place for your first race is great.”

Twilight would have knelt as well, but she was overjoyed to see her friend safe. “Goten, you’re okay!” She ran over and they hugged. “I was so worried.”

“Sorry Twilight, but I had to go.” Goten whispered. “Let’s not talk about this here. Bardock is gathering the girls and Luna is already at the library.”

“I understand.” Twilight whispered.

Golden Oak’s Library
With everyone gathered, Goten recounted his encounter with Towa and Mira. “… Essentially, all I know is that I’m their target, and I get the feeling there’s more to them than meets the eye.”

“Boy howdy, that’s a crazy story.” Applejack stated. “Are you sure they weren’t human or Saiyan?”

“My earth has many odd-looking species, but those two only resemble humans.” Goten nodded. “The problem is, so do the Saiyans. Based on how they’re blue, it’s safe to say they aren’t human.”

“Before you ask, I’m unfamiliar with what those two are, but I can confirm that Goten’s feeling is accurate.” Bardock stated. “That Towa is stronger than Mira; however, Mira has a deep well of untapped power to him. Definitely not to be underestimated.”

“Please, how tough could they be when Goten kept pace in his base form.” Rainbow smirked. “Bet Gilda or I could have done the job.”

“Yeah.” Gilda agreed. “Let them show their faces again. Rainbow and I will handle them.”

“Last I checked, you had particular difficulty dealing with Goten in his base form Rainbow.” Twilight stated.

“While you two have come a long way in a short amount of time, these two are still beyond your current skill level.” Bardock crossed his arms. “Even if you were to work together, you’d be outclassed hands down.”

“Well, if those two are after Goten, I won’t even think about throwing them a party.” Pinkie declared protectively.

Fluttershy decided to approach Goten and looked at him. “Y-you are okay, right Goten?”

“Don’t worry Fluttershy.” Goten smiled. “There may be more to them, but I was able to drive them off this time.” He looked to Bardock. “I’ll continue to train to keep it that way.”

Bardock nodded approvingly.

Luna looked away from him. She wanted so badly to voice her help in fights to come, but her original power still hadn’t returned. Any attempt to train has been a resounding failure as well. The princess of the night really wasn’t feeling good at all.

“Well, today has been rather troubling; however, I do not want this to control your lives.” Celestia stated. “Please, continue to live them while keeping an eye out for those two.”

“I think we understand princess.” Twilight stated.

“Come along sister.” Celestia stated. “I believe we should take our leave.” They walked off, but the sun princess looked back at the group with a smile. “My faithful student, congratulations on coming in fifth place, and champion, thank you for reacting to danger as you did.”

Twilight and Goten smiled proudly at being recognized.

Author's Note:

This chapter sees the introduction of Towa and Mira; however, through my research into them, there always seems to be different a Towa and Mira depending on the canon. The most prominent ones seemed to be Xenoverse Towa & Mira and Heroes Towa & Mira.

I felt making this the What Makes a Hero? Towa & Mira was fine. The main thing is that Mira is currently weaker, but All Mira share the trait of constantly improving. Bottom line, I thought this would make things interesting.

It could potentially give MLP characters that wouldn't stand a chance against Goten, a proper chance. That said, I feel there are many characters who can hold there own without them, so don't expect the pair to always interfere in that way.

Yeah, maybe you feel no one should ever come close to matching a Super Saiyan or so on, but this is an Equestria in the Dragon Ball universe. I think that alone implies this isn't Canon MLP we're dealing with.

If you want to see a Saiyan or Half-Saiyan tearing through though enemies easily, nothing wrong with that as I enjoy those stories, there are countless examples of that you can read on this website alone. Hopefully, you enjoyed.