• Published 17th Jan 2021
  • 2,984 Views, 99 Comments

What makes a Hero? - Quillion9000

Goten starts to feel down since he doesn't seem to live up to his idols, but he will get his chance in the land of Equestria. This land needs a hero, but if he can't understand what that really means, the land will fall.

  • ...

Bridle Gossip

Champion’s Training Room #1
“You’re really starting to annoy me.” Bardock declared as Goten roared, and his yellow eyes stared dangerously at his adversary. “Here I thought Half-Saiyan’s were supposed to have potential, yet you’re nowhere near in control of yourself.”

Goten lunged wildly at his guide who used his superior speed to seemingly appear behind the boy, grab him by the neck, and shove him straight into the ground. “We’re going to keep going until you snap to attention or pass out. Whichever comes first.”

Goten simply growled and tried to struggle free. While the Half-Saiyan was stronger than any Saiyan child Bardock met, the older Saiyan had spent countless years as a warrior. Not to mention this universe, in his time, gave him plenty of chances to push his limits.

Ponyville Streets: Day…
"Wow, what a gorgeous day." Twilight remarked as there was barely a cloud in sight and the sun shined bright over Ponyville.

"Yeah, looks like all that training Rainbow Dash does with Bardock has her on a schedule." Goten commented.

The group were noticing that there wasn’t a pony in sight.

"Odd, I'd think ponies would be out enjoying the lovely weather." Spike stated. "I hope there isn't something wrong.”

"Could this be some holiday we’re unfamiliar with?” Goten questioned.

The trio eventually walked by Sugarcube corner when Pinkie poked her head out. "Twilight, Goten, and Spike, over here!"

"Pinkie?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"No time!” Pinkie whispered loudly. “Get in here before she gets you!"

Sugar Cube Corner
“Why are you all hiding?” Twilight asked confused. “In fact, why is everypony so scared?"

Applejack pointed out the window. "We're hiding from her!"

The trio had a look and saw somepony, covered by a cloak, digging at the ground.

"Do you see her?” Apple Bloom asked. “Do you see Zecora?”

"Apple Bloom!” Applejack reprimanded. “What did I tell you about saying that name?"

"Well, we did see her glance this way." Twilight replied.

"Glance evilly this way!" Pinkie added.

"Okay, I don’t understand what’s going on, but I think you can all relax.” Goten stated. “I don't sense anything evil about her. In fact, she feels rather harmonious.”

"Likely story.” Applejack pulled Apple Bloom close. “I bet she’s just waitin’ till we all drop our guard before moving in on our kin. Why, when I saw her, I swept Apple Bloom up and brought her here for safe keepin'."

"I walked here myself!” Apple Bloom defended. “Applejack, I'm not a baby! I can take care of myself!"

"Not with that creepy Zecora around." Applejack retorted.

"She's mysterious." Fluttershy added.

“Sinister as well.” Rainbow Dash added.

"And spoooooky!" Pinkie added.

Zecora removed her hood revealing herself as a Zebra.

"Ack! Just look at those stripes.” Rarity spoke up in disgust. “They make her look dreaded and garish. No pony should ever look like that."

"That’s because she isn't a Pony.” Twilight declared. “Zecora is a Zebra."

"She's a what?" Rarity asked.

“A Zebra.” Goten explained. “They’re a race of beings that are meant to look like that as she was born with those stripes.”

"What is a Zebra?" Rainbow Dash asked.

“A Zebra is another species of Equis that come from another land." Twilight explained. “They usually roam the Savannahs of lands far to the east. At least, that's what I read; however, some are known to have moved to parts of Equestria."

"My question is, why are you all so afraid of her?” Gilda questioned. “Goten and I are less pony than her, yet we don’t receive the cold shoulder… well, I receive better treatment now.”

"G, this is different.” Rainbow replied.

"How so?” Gilda questioned. “Give me one good reason?"

"Well, neither of you give off the same vibe as her." Pinkie replied.

"Is it also because we’re not a Zebra?" Goten asked.

"Clam’s sake no!” Applejack shouted. “We’d mistrust anyone if they lived where she does!”

"Where does she live?" Twilight asked.

"The Everfree Forest." Applejack stated fearfully.

"It’s a place where the trees, plants, and animals act on their own.” Fluttershy informed.

“If that’s grounds for mistrust, then you do remember I lived on a whole planet that was like that, right?” Goten inquired.

“Plus, Equestria is the only land influenced by pony kind on all of Equis.” Twilight chimed in.

"That’s not all.” Pinkie voiced. “Zecora lives out there because it gives her the freedom to do her evil stuff. She’s so evil that I wrote a song about her.”

“I still sense that she’s a good person.” Goten spoke up. “There doesn’t seem to be any maliciousness to her.”

Pinkie seemed to ignore Goten as she delved into her song:

She's an evil enchantress
She does evil dances
And if you look deep in her eyes
She'll put you in trances
Then what will she do?
She'll mix up an evil brew
Then she'll gobble you up
In a big tasty stew
Soooo... Watch out!

As she sang, Applejack was shaking like a scaredy cat and holding onto poor Apple Bloom. Goten and Gilda sighed and shook their heads.

"Girls, I thought we all learned a valuable lesson about not judging books by their covers." Twilight stated while nodding to their friends. “In fact, didn’t we learn that lesson twice now.”

“It’s just too dangerous.” Rainbow stated. “What if she puts you in an evil trance?”

“Okay, you five are making way too many assumptions.” Goten stated.

"I agree with Goten.” Apple Bloom nodded. “This all sounds ridiculous.”

“Count me with them.” Gilda declared. “It’s this behavior that made me loathe pony kind.”

"Well said you two.” Goten nodded. “Why don’t we go greet Zecora properly? If our friends come to their senses, they can join us.”

“I’m down.” Gilda stated. “Equis knows I wish someone would have greeted me over the years.”

"I’m in for sure!” Apple Bloom declared.

Applejack wasn’t fond of that. "Wait just a minute! You're not taking my sister to go see that dreadful Zecora. I'm fine with you and Gilda going, but not my sister!"

“I’ll tell you what Applejack.” Goten grinned. “Apple Bloom will stay right here if you can catch us before I take her.”

Before Applejack could reply, Goten grabbed Bloom and Gilda. He then sped out the door with them in tow.

"Goten! Apple Bloom! Gah!” Applejack was steaming. “I'm gonna get Goten for that!"

Twilight calmed her down since Apple Bloom was in good hands with Goten and Gilda.

Ponyville Streets
The group approached Zecora.

"Excuse me, Zecora?" Goten asked.

Gilda said. “Sup Zecora.”

"Hey Zecora." Apple Bloom added.

Zecora turned around and gave them a smile. "Oh, what do I see here to greet? A little pony, griffin, and hairless monkey man who can speak?"

"That’s close.” Goten shook her hoof. “My name is Goten and I’m what’s known as a Half-Saiyan.”

“Name’s Gilda.” Gilda informed.

“And I'm Apple Bloom.” Apple Bloom spoke up cheerfully. “It's a pleasure to meet ya!"

"I am grateful to meet you three.” Zecora stated. “I honestly thought this whole town was hateful of me."

"About that.” Apple Bloom stated. “It’s kinda of a long story, so I hope you’re ready.”

"Tell me on the way Goten, Gilda, and little Apple Bloom, for I must get back home.” Zecora informed. “After all, I don't wish to disturb anypony else with my mysterious gloom."

They walked with the Zebra; however, the others were following them into the Everfree Forest. Along the way, the trio explained the situation. Eventually, they were passing near some odd, blue flowers.

"You three must stay away from this field.” Zecora took note of this. “This is a warning you must yield. This little flower seems harmless, but Poison Joke is rather disastrous.”

"Poison?" Apple Bloom saw the flowers and screamed before hoping on Gilda’s back.

"Whoa foal, chill out.” Gilda stated. “We didn't touch the flowers."

"Don’t worry about Ponyville, Zecora.” Goten nodded. “You’re certainly nice enough, so we'll come up with some way to clear the air."

"You have my deepest gratitude.” Zecora smiled. “I will wait to hear your feedback soon."

Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie came up behind them with the later 5 shouting at Zecora to go away.

This prompted Zecora to give them a waring. "Beware, Beware you pony folk! For those blue flowers are not a joke!"

This caused them to shout more, and all six mares ended up stepping into the patch of flowers.

"K-keep your creepy mumbo jumbo to yourself, ya hear?!" Applejack shouted.

Twilight sighed. "Oh brother."

Zecora continued to warn them. "Beware! Beware!"

"Back at ya, Zecora! You and your lame curse are the ones who better beware!" Rainbow shouted.

Zecora soon disappeared into the fog of the Everfree Forest.

“You!” Applejack glared at Apple Bloom. “Why couldn't you just listen to yer big sister?"

Apple Bloom didn’t know what to say.

"Applejack, please let us explain.” Goten began.

"And you!” Applejack turned on him. “You took my sister to see that dreadful Zecora even after I said you couldn’t. Don't you realize what kind of hex or curse she could have placed on you two!"

"Just like in my song!" Pinkie exclaimed.

She started to sing, but Gilda stopped her. "Applejack listen to us. We only wanted to learn the truth about Zecora, and she isn't bad. Honestly, she’s more friendly than quite a few ponies I could list.”

“Yeah, she means no one any harm.” Goten added. “If anything, I'd say it’s you and Ponyville who are the mean ones for not accepting Zecora like you accepted Gilda and I." Goten shook his head. “Honestly, I’m disappointed in you.”

He walked off with Gilda joining him. Goten could have said he was angry or sad, but this whole situation reminded him of times he messed up like this. When his mom said it to him, it hurt the Half-Saiyan more than anything.

Apple Bloom was still on the griffin’s back, but she decided to add her two cents. “Also, get out of those flowers because Zecora says their poisonous!”

"Wait…” Twilight trotted up them. “Poisonous how?"

"We didn’t get the chance to ask, but Zecora did give us a warning about them.” Goten replied. “They’re called Poison Joke.” He looked at his friends and just shook their head. “Not only did she kindly warn you, but she warned us as well.”

Goten, Gilda, and Apple Bloom’s words were influencing the others, but it was hard to bypass all the gossip they’ve heard.

At least Twilight was more open minded. "Don't worry, I’ll look into this Poison Joke, and we’ll figure out something. At least those flowers didn't seem like too much of a hazard."

"I sure hope not.” Despite how disappointed Goten felt, he’d never want anything bad to happen to his friends. “Zecora seemed pretty worried about them.”

Though Goten knew Zecora’s treatment was wrong, he wasn’t sure what they could do. Apple Bloom seemed more than ready to help, but Applejack has been keeping a close eye on her. This left Goten, Gilda, and a skeptical Twilight to figure it out.

Golden Oak Library, Night…
Twilight was sat at a table trying to research Poison Joke.

Spike was helping, and he managed to find a green book that held his interest. “Hey Twilight, why don’t you take a look at this book?”

“Supernaturals?” Twilight looked at it. “I know we shouldn’t judge books by their covers, but the supernatural is just a bunch of hooey.”

Goten was walking by, but he stopped. “Twilight, I’m from another world where my father fought an alien destroyer, my brother fought a bio android, and a being made of bubble gum attacked my planet. Maybe that book actually has answers.”

“I’ll look at it eventually.” Twilight sighed. “Right now, I don’t think such a book has the answers I’m looking for.”

“Well, I think I’m going to hit the hay.” Goten declared. “Night Twilight.”

“Night Goten.” Twilight responded.

Twilight did eventually find something on Poison Joke. Based on the information, it wasn’t life threatening, but anyone who stepped in it today would be waking up to a joke. This did cement two things for her. Zecora was as nice as Goten claimed, and she may have the remedy.

“I’m not looking forward to whatever may come tomorrow.” Twilight closed the book and walked upstairs. “I should get to bed.”

Goten returned from his early morning training to find Twilight going through her books. While that wouldn’t be an odd sight, her horn being all floppy with blue spots certainly was.

“Twilight, what’s up with your horn?” Goten asked.

“This is the effect of the Poison Joke.” Twilight replied. “Turns out those flowers are rather harmless as their poison only plays jokes on unsuspecting ponies. Now, I’m waiting for the others and trying to find a cure myself before we must go to Zecora.”

Then Pinkie busted through the door screaming. "Ah pfurse!

The pink pony’s tongue was sticking out and puffy preventing her from forming proper words.

"A purse?” Spike questioned. “What do you need a purse for?"

"I think she is saying a curse." Goten stated.

Pinkie nodded.

"This at least confirms they are different jokes." Twilight commented.

"Pee pah Zthecora! Sthe put a cursthe on me!" Pinkie spat.

Unfortunately, Spike was the unlucky recipient of her spit. "Hey, say it; don't spray it!”

Rainbow Dash came in next, but her wings were inverted forcing the mare flying in upside down. This resulted in the pegasus crashing into quite a few things in the library. Gilda flew in after her flying rather normally.

"Ow! She's trying to say-ow! Zecora, oft! Slapped us all with a, ow! curse!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

Rarity entered the room now sporting long hair everywhere. "I'm afraid I have to agree with her."

"I hate to say I told ya so Goten, Gilda, and Twilight, but I told ya so!" Applejack entered; however, she was atop Apple Bloom’s back since she was tiny. "It's a curse, I tells ya!"

As Fluttershy entered, she seemed normal prompting Gilda to speak up. “If this a curse, how come Fluttershy is fine?”

"Yes, there doesn't seem to be a thing wrong with her." Rarity stated sarcastically.

"Are you okay Fluttershy?” Goten asked curiously. “Is there something wrong with you?"

All she did was nod yes in response.

"Would you care to tell us?" Goten asked nicely.

Fluttershy shook her head.

"So, you're not going to tell us?" Twilight asked only for the pegasus to nod again confusing her. "So, yes you're not, or yes you will?"

Applejack got aggravated by her not talking. "Good gravy, girl! What's wrong with you?!"

"I don't want to talk about it." Fluttershy responded only her voice was deep.

This caused Spike to laugh and as much as Goten didn’t want to, he joined in.

"I’m so sorry Fluttershy.” Goten apologized sincerely. “I know I shouldn't laugh but that voice is priceless.”

"Oh man, this is hilarious! Look at all of you!” Spike decided to speak up. “We got: Hairity, Rainbow Crash, Spitty Pie, Apple Teeny, Flutterguy, and... I got nothing. Twilight Sparkle...” He shook his head. “Seriously, I can't even work with that."

Twilight was not happy. "This is no joking matter even if a joke has been played on us.” She turned to all her afflicted friends. “Girls, you have this all wrong.” She walked over to the table and the others followed. “This isn’t a curse from Zecora, but a result of the Poison Joke.”

"Yeah right.” Rainbow declared. “We know this is a curse, and the only cure is Zecora lifting it.”

"It's not a curse!" Twilight was annoyed as he tapped the book before her forcefully. “It’s written right here. Those flowers the six of us stepped in are known as Poison Joke not to be confused with Poison Oak. They mean no harm and simply play a joke on the unsuspecting.”

“See, Gilda, Bloom, and I told you Zecora was a nice creature, but you all refused to listen.” Goten stated with a deep exhale. “Twilight couldn’t find a cure, but I’m betting she has one.”

Gilda glared at the five mares who insisted Zecora was bad. “I’m betting she’d be happy to help you if you don’t go insulting her.”

Apple Bloom put Applejack on the table and joined them. “Personally, I think she’s owed a big apology from everyone for avoiding her all this time.”

This made those five mares feel bad about how they’ve been acting. In the end, it was unanimous that they’d head on into the Everfree Forest to find Zecora.

Everfree Forest
Eventually, the group came to a hut and knocked on it hoping this was her home.

The Zebra’s voice rang out. “Is that a visitor knocking at the door? Maybe I should have swept the floor." She soon opened the door and smiled. "Ah Goten, Gilda, and Little Apple Bloom, you have good news I assume?"

"We’re working on it, but we were hoping you wouldn’t mind helping us out.” Goten stated as the trio moved aside to reveal their friends. “Our friends didn’t take your warning seriously.”

"Ah, the Poison Joke seems to have affected you ponyfolk.” Zecora stated concerned. “Do not fear, for I have the remedy which you pursue; however, I cannot brew. I require ingredients to make the curable stew."

She led the group inside to see that the hut was decorated with objects from Zecora’s native home. The zebra showed them to a book which was already open to the remedy.

“That’s great to hear.” Twilight stated happily. “I tried to find a cure in all my books, but I came up short.” She was staring at the page. “What book has this natural remedy?"

"Here is the book, you see?” Zecora closed it to reveal that Supernaturals book Twilight had discarded earlier. “Sad that you lack it in your library."

“I do have this book, but I didn't look inside because the title was weird.” Twilight then read the tittle. “Supernaturals: Natural Remedies and Cure-alls That Are Simply Super. I had the answer the whole time if only I had bothered to look inside."

Zecora simply chuckled. "Maybe next time you will take a second look, and not judge the cover of the book."

"I think that’s something many of us in this room could keep in mind moving forward.” Twilight stated while the other mares all seemed ashamed of themselves. “Zecora, would you be kind enough to mix up a batch of this herbal bath?"

"Mix it up I certainly will, yet I am missing an herb from Ponyville." Zecora explained.

Goten, Gilda, and Apple Bloom all shared a smile.

"Hey stripes, remember how we said we'd help ya out?" Gilda asked.

"I think we can now clear this whole mess up.” Goten stated.

Zecora and the gang headed back to Ponyville causing a serious uproar.

"Look Rose!”

“How awful!"

"The wicked enchantress has cursed them all."

"The horror, the horror!"

"Run, ponies! Run!"

The group went about explaining the truth to everypony before they were taken to the spa.

Pinkie no longer had that tongue, Fluttershy didn't sound like a guy, Rarity didn't look like a bush baby, Rainbow Dash could fly in a straight line, Twilight's horn was back to normal, and Applejack was her normal size.

"Oh, I have never felt so lovely in all my life!" Rarity stated gladly.

"Oh, my gosh! I never realized how horrible it is being unable to talk!” Pinkie exclaimed joyfully. “I mean, I love talking so much, and when I couldn't talk anymore, my tongue was all 'ehhhh'! It was the worst! Don't you agree, Fluttershy?"

"Yes." Fluttershy replied in her normal voice.

"Looks like everypony is back to normal thanks to you Zecora." Goten stated.

"Not a problem, you see.” Zecora stated. “I am always able to lend you a hoof and offer my remedies."

Goten shook the Zebra’s hoof with gratitude.