• Published 17th Jan 2021
  • 2,984 Views, 99 Comments

What makes a Hero? - Quillion9000

Goten starts to feel down since he doesn't seem to live up to his idols, but he will get his chance in the land of Equestria. This land needs a hero, but if he can't understand what that really means, the land will fall.

  • ...

Sonic Rainboom

Golden Oak Library: Day
Goten was currently busy helping Twilight reorganize the library. The young Half-Saiyan was happy to assist in any way the unicorn allowed. This, coupled with making his own way through the odd jobs he does, helped him feel better about living with her and Spike.

“Looks like it’s that time of the month Goten.” Twilight declared excitedly.

“Yeah, looks like it.” Goten smiled and crossed his arms. “I bet we can break our previous record this time.”

Twilight used her magic to remove every book before the pair got to work. Unfortunately, in that the pair had to stop, there was a knock at the door. Spike opened it letting in Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack.

“Oh Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie!” Twilight exclaimed happily.

“Hey, what brings you over this afternoon?” Goten asked.

“I was coming to look for a book regarding a certain dress design but seeing as how you happen to have every book on the floor; I think I’ll look for it later.” Rarity declared.

“Wow, so many books on the floor!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Do you need some help? Oh, and I was coming around to say hi.”

“I came here because ah need a new book to read, but it’ll have to wait till this is sorted.” AJ replied. “Speakin’ of which, I think the three of us could lend a hoof.”

“Of course, we can’t simply walk away from a mess such as this.” Rarity added.

“Alright, let’s get to work everyone.” Twilight declared.

One Hour Later…
Everyone began organizing the library, and come the end of the hour, they completed it.

“Thank you so much for helping me clean up these books, guys.” Twilight voiced genuinely. “It was a crazy week of studying.”

Goten was about to speak up until he felt a familiar being coming in fast. “Everyone, take cover!” Everyone heeded his warning and got down while he was able to catch Rainbow who came sailing into the room. “Whoa, got you.”

“Uh.” Rainbow groaned as the Half-Saiyan helped her regain her footing. “Thanks Goten.”

The others stood as Fluttershy and Gilda entered.

“Dash, are you okay?” Gilda asked concerned.

“I’m fine G.” Rainbow sighed. “That was a feeble performance though.”

“Hey, it wasn't all bad.” Fluttershy voiced. “I particularly liked it when you made the clouds spin.”

“I’m not talking about my performance; I’m talking about yours Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash groaned in annoyance. “Ugh, that feeble cheering!”

Fluttershy looked down disappointed.

“What are they arguing about?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, what seems to be the problem?” Goten added.

“Were we arguing?” Fluttershy bowed her head. “I'm sorry.”

Rainbow Dash grunted in defeat before deciding to answer the question. “I wish you guys could come to Cloudsdale to see me compete in the Best Young Flyer Competition.”

“Best Young Flyer Competition?” Goten asked. “What's that?”

Pinkie Pie gladly explained. “It's where all the greatest pegasi flyers get together and show off their different flying styles! Some are fast!” Pinkie zoomed around the room. “And some are graceful.” Graceful she was not. “Whoa, whoa, whoa!”

The pink pony fell over.

“Golly.” Applejack was now interested in seeing it. “I'd love to see you strut yer stuff in that competition.”

“I wish you guys could be there, but you can’t exactly fly there… Well Goten could, but he can’t stand on the clouds.” Rainbow sighed. “I mean, Fluttershy and Gilda are great, but the former’s cheering isn't exactly inspirational.”

Pinkie Pie then said something that really caught everyone’s attention. “Ooh, I'd love to see you make a Sonic Rainboom! It's like, the coolest thing ever! Even though I've never actually seen it, but I mean come on! It's a Sonic Rainboom! How not cool could it possibly not be!”

“What's a Sonic Rainboom?” Twilight asked.

Pinkie Pie got in her face. “You really need to get out more. The Sonic Rainboom is legendary! When a pegasus like Rainbow Dash gets going sooo fast… Boom! A sonic boom and a rainbow can happen all at once!”

“That trick sounds like it takes a lot of wing power, speed, and stamina to achieve.” Goten commented. “So, Rainbow should be all good since she’s been training under Bardock for months now.”

“Yeah, I should, shouldn’t I.” Rainbow stated unsteadily.

Goten raised an eyebrow at that while noticing that Fluttershy, Rarity, and Gilda seemed to pick up on something being wrong as well.

“Wow to think such a move exists.” Twilight stated amazed. “If you pull that off, you'll win for sure!”

“The grand prize is spending an entire day with the Wonderbolts.” Rainbow Dash smiled. “After spending most of the gala with Spitfire and Soren, I’ve wanted to do it again.” She then hoped over to the window.

“I'm going to rest up. Don't want to over prepare.” She pointed a hoof at Fluttershy. “You, on the other hand, better keep practicing. I need a cheering section to match my performance.”

Fluttershy nodded before Rainbow took off leaving the shy mare. “In truth, she's practiced that move a hundred times, and she's never come close to doing it. I don't know if I can cheer loud enough to help her.”

“You and me both.” Gilda added before they left.

“That doesn’t make sense. If Rainbow did the Sonic Rainbow as a foal, then she should have been capable of doing it as an adult. Then again, Rainbow seemed nervous, so maybe if we were all there, we could give her the support she needs to succeed.”

Rarity looked at Twilight expectantly. “Well, Go on.”

This confused the lavender unicorn. “Go on, what?”

“Find a spell that will allow us to set foot on Cloudsdale.” Rarity replied. “Didn't you see how nervous she was?”

“Nervous?” AJ looked at her. “Have you spit yer bit or somethin'? She was tootin' her own horn louder than the brass section of a marching band!”

“I think Rarity is right Applejack.” Goten chimed in. “Rainbow needs us cheering her on tomorrow.” He looked at the books before picking the one he was looking for. “If I remember correctly form my own studies, in trying to figure out Bulla’s powers, this one should be it.”

Twilight flipped through the book before stopping on page nineteen. “You’re right Goten! This is a cloud walking spell which is rather self-explanatory. I’ll cast it tomorrow before we head to Cloudsdale in the early afternoon.”

“Alrighty then, I guess we’ll all meet up near your balloon.” Applejack stated.

“Yes. we will head to Cloudsdale and cheer for Rainbow Dash!” Rarity declared.

“Wee! I can’t wait!” Pinkie Pie could barely contain her excitement, but that was par for the course.

Goten had spent the rest of the day reading through Twilight’s magic books. Ultimately, he wasn’t certain how a being like Bulla was able to produce magic, but even if it wasn’t possible for him, knowledge about it seemed like a good idea.

He also spent some time contemplating what a Sonic Rainboom was. Practically everyone he knew back home, including himself, could go far faster than that; however, to have a physical impact on the world from it was different.

Goten walked out onto the balcony. “I wonder if I could utilize something like it in combat. Being able to fly at your opponent and unleash a powerful shockwave should be possible even if it’s not like what Rainbow is said to do.”

He then took a deep breath and looked to the sky as the full moon above was drawing his attention. He didn’t transform since he’d long ago, for himself, gained control over his Wrathful State, but that didn’t mean nights like this didn’t still feel different.

Goten’s gaze eventually turned to Ponyville, and he smiled. “Luna really is getting better and better at making nights peaceful. Hopefully, you take pride in that fact if nothing else.” He suddenly yawned. “I think it’s time I get to bed.”

So, Goten turned around and walked back into the library ready to hit the hay.

Outskirts of Cloudsdale: Day…
Rainbow Dash, Gilda, and Fluttershy were coming up on Cloudsdale which was a city built atop a massive cloud.

“You got to learn to be assertive Fluttershy.” Rainbow voiced. “Don’t be afraid to speak up.”

“Even if you are, you shouldn’t be.” Gilda added. “After all, Rainbow and I got your back.”

The trio landed among various pegasi going about their day, and they just so happened to land near the three stallions who bullied, or attempted to bully, all three of them at one point in time.

“Well, what do we have here?”

“It’s our old friend, Rainbow Crash, and it looks like she’s reconnected with the wimpy griffon.”

“Last time I checked, Gilda graduated as the top of the class.” Rainbow defended her friend. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you three were part of that class same as me.”

“Last time I checked, Rainbow was the best flyer out of all of us before she left.” Gilda defended her friend right back.

“Please, like any of those matters considering you’re a griffon while she got kicked out.”

“You know I didn’t get kicked out.” Rainbow retorted.

“If my ranking doesn’t matter, then why pick on me?” Gilda asked.

“That’s a good point.” Fluttershy spoke up surprisingly firm before back tracking a bit as everyone looked at her. “Sorry, I’m trying to be more assertive.” She shook her head and regained her firmness. “Anyhow, Rainbow and Gilda are some of the best flyers I know. Today, Rainbow will at least prove it by performing a Sonic Rainbow.”

“Like she could. Everyone knows there’s no such thing.”

“Then show up to the competition and see for yourself.” Fluttershy backtracked a little again. “If you’re free, that is.”

The bullies laughed before assuring they’d be there and taking off.

Once they were gone, Fluttershy flew a few inches off the ground with a smile. “Did you two see that? I was so assertive.”

“Eh, it was a nice first step.” Gilda nodded. “We’ll work on it.”

“Those guys are right.” Rainbow merely sighed. “I’ll never be able to do it.”

“Rainbow Dash, you may have failed the Sonic Rainboom over a hundred times during practice, but it doesn’t mean you’ll fail at the stadium in front of all those impatient ponies.” Fluttershy tried, but it had the opposite of her intended effect.

“Not a good move there Fluttershy.” Gilda commented.

“Gah, what do I do?” Rainbow asked. “Everypony will see me fail, the Wonderbolts would never let a loser like me join, and Princess Celestia will probably banish me! Me life is…”

“Why do so many ponies assume Celestia would banish them?” Goten questioned drawing their attention. “I don’t get it. She’s honestly one of the nicest ponies I know.”

“Goten?” Rainbow asked shocked. “W-What are you doing here?”

“Did you really think we’d miss the chance to cheer on our favorite flyer in all of Equestria?” Goten responded with a smile.

“We?” Rainbow questioned.

At that moment, the air balloon with Applejack, Pinkie, Twilight, and Rarity rose out of the clouds before landing.

“I can't believe it!” Rainbow declared in shock and happiness.

“It's incredible!” Fluttershy added.

“This is cool.” Gilda finished.

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Sure is!”

She then hopped off the balloon which scared Rainbow. “Wait!” Before any of them could say anything else, Pinkie landed on the cloudy surface with ease and was able to stand. “How'd you do that? Only pegasi can walk on clouds.”

“Goten remembered seeing a spell that allows anyone to walk on clouds for 24 hours.” Twilight explained. “I could cast it easily, so we’ll be able to cheer you on at the Young Flyers Competition!”

“That’s right, we came to cheer you to victory!” AJ chimed in as she walked up to Rainbow.

“To be honest, I was starting to get just the teeniest, tiniest bit nervous.” Rainbow smiled at them. “Now, I feel a lot better with you guys here. Oh, Fluttershy and I had planned on showing G around Cloudsdale, so why don’t we just show all of you around now?”

Everyone agreed with a smile and followed their guides.

“Here it is!” Rainbow declared as they walked through the streets. “The greatest city in the sky!” The group marveled at what they saw. “Some of the greatest pegasi in history came from Cloudsdale.”

“Since we're here, I'd sure like to get a look at where the weather's made.” AJ stated.

“Great idea!” Rainbow declared. “To the weather factory!”

Weather Factory
The ponies and griffon managed to find work attires that could fit them which were precautions in case an accident happened. While Goten knew he’d be fine, he decided to adjust the colors of his attire, while they were here, to be white rather than rase some stink over it.

“This is where they make the snowflakes.” Rainbow explained as they began the tour. “Each one is hoofmade. As you can see, it's a delicate operation.”

Each snowflake was different from the last. The next area of the factory they entered involved rainbows

“This is where they make rainbows.” Rainbow explained.

They walked by vats where the worker pegasi were brewing the color batches they know as rainbows. Pinkie Pie thought it was a good idea to dip her hoof in and taste it. This caused her face to light up many colors.

“Spicy!” Pinkie exclaimed as she ran to find some water.

“Yeah, rainbows aren't really known for their flavor.” Rainbow remarked.

Then, the three bullies approached them.

“Oh look, it’s the wimpy griffon and Rainbow Crash again! If that wasn’t enough, they found some hairless monkey to create a trio with.”

“Why is it that everywhere new we go, there’s always someone who wants to make fun of Goten?” Fluttershy questioned protectively. “How would you three like it if you tried going somewhere new, and there was always someone there to make fun of you.”

“Please, we wouldn’t get made fun off because we actually belong.”

Fluttershy glared at them, but Goten put a hand on her back before giving a gentle smile. “While I appreciate you sticking up for me, their words don’t really matter.” He nodded. “I have my friends, and that’s enough. Let the rest think what they want.”

“Heh, those are the words of someone who isn’t well liked like us.”

By looking around, Goten could tell the pegasi didn’t seem fond of them likethat, so clearly their words were false. Again, he didn’t care about the opinions of beings who weren’t his friend. That said, he didn’t like it when they did pick on his friends.

“All that said, say what you will about me, but I won’t stand for you three being mean to my friend.” Goten stated firmly. “I bet the only reason you make fun of them is because they’re better flyers than you three combined.”


They walked off.

“Goten, you didn’t have to do that but thank you.” Rainbow stated genuinely.

“Rainbow, no matter what, you shouldn’t listen to them.” Goten stated. “I’ve seen enough to know you’re the best flyer of the whole pegasi race.”

“Goten’s right.” Rarity added. “You'll win for sure.”

“Are you kidding?” Rainbow scoffed. “I can't do the Sonic Rainboom. I'm doomed!”

“You know that is not true, Dash.” Gilda declared. “Come on, where’s the Rainbow I know who ooze’s confidence?”

Everyone began trying to reassure Rainbow, but clearly this competition was stressing her out. None of them seemed to know just what they could say to bring out the Rainbow they all know.

“What am I going to do?” Rainbow questioned as she curled herself in the corner.

As it got closer to the competition, everything just kept piling on Rainbow. Those bullies’ words, past failures, and her own insecurities. It had reduced her to this, and Goten was at a loss. He’d tried longest out of everyone, but he just couldn’t think of anything more to say now.

That’s when Bardock appeared. “Alright, looks like I have to step in.”

“Bardock?” Goten asked.

Everypony else looked on rather shocked, but unsure how to handle this, they hesitantly went back to preparing for their turn.

“Rainbow is one of my students, so I suppose it’s only natural I step in.” Bardock stated before kneeling on one knee before her. “Rainbow Dash look at me.” His voice did draw the pegasus’ attention. “These other ponies and that audience don’t matter.

All that matters, the only person you must concern yourself with, is yourself.” He pointed at her. “No matter what it is, you’re not out to impress a crowd or surpass anyone else. You must surpass and impress who you were yesterday. Be better than you were the day prior.

That’s your competition. That’s your audience. Right now, by cowering as you have been, you’re throwing away your pride as a flyer, fighter, and my student. If you can’t do something simple like this, then you won’t make it any further as my student.

Rainbow Dash stood and internalized her mentor’s words. “You’re right.” She nodded. “I must surpass and impress myself; however, it’s not just the me of yesterday. I did the Sonic Rainboom when I was just a filly, so she’s also who I must surpass and impress now.”

“That’s the spirit.” Bardock faded back to the element.

“Good luck, Rainbow.” Goten took off to join the others in the stands.

The coordinator of the event then approached her. “Number fifteen, let's go!”

Rainbow looked from the coordinator to the curtain. At that moment, she could see her of yesterday and her filly self confidently walk out there. Since that was her competition, Rainbow moved just as confidently to join them. It was time to surpass and impress them.

“I loved number seven.” Twilight voiced. “Doing fifteen barrel rolls in a row can't be easy.”

“My favorite was number ten.” Fluttershy smiled. “She just looked like such a nice pony.”

“I’m sure Rainbow will blow them out of the water, but I did like how powerful number nine looked.” Gilda admitted.

“Don’t worry about Rainbow.” Goten voiced as he joined them. “She’ll be out in a sec.”

“Oh, you’re here Goten.” Twilight voiced. “How’s she feeling?”

“She’s doing alright now.” Goten nodded. “Honestly, I was out of words I could say to her, but then Bardock appeared. His words seemed to inspire her, so I think she’s about to give one heck of a performance.”

“Now, it’s time for our final competitor of the day!” The announcer declared. “Contestant Fifteen!”

The crowd cheered and applauded; however, the loudest were her seven friends.

“Come on Rainbow Dash, you can do it.” Fluttershy murmured. “Just remember the plan.”

The routine started with Rainbow losing sight of her filly self, but she could still see her prior self-start phase one. Rainbow followed her executing it perfectly. This continued into phase two as she spun the clouds and picked up speed.

She took that to ascend into the air where her filly self was now waiting. Rainbow did a figure eight before observing both prior versions of herself start plummeting. She followed them as mach cones began to form around all of them.

The prior day Rainbow Dash was eventually pushed away and faded; however, Rainbow focused on her filly self as she pushed harder and harder. She could feel herself breaking the limits of her speed. This was something she hadn’t felt since that first day she did a Sonic Rainboom.

Just mere inches from the ground, a huge eruption of color occurred. Rainbow could feel her power and speed double with a big bang sending out a shockwave of color. Her filly self-vanished leaving Rainbow herself.

Goten went wide eyed as Rainbow’s power spiked. “Whoa, that is something on par with a transformation.”

Goten was more than confident he could have still taken her if she could use this back when they fought, but it might have surprised him enough to let Rainbow get some decent hits in at least.

“A SONIC RAINBOOM! YEAH! SHE DID IT!” Fluttershy screamed.

Rainbow flew up and around the stadium of Cloudsdale creating a rainbow above before landing back in the stadium.

“I did it… I did it!” Rainbow was so excited and amazed. “Best. Day. Ever!”

Rainbow had met up with her friends, and they celebrated even before knowing who won. Honestly, the Sonic Rainboom was more than enough for them at that moment, and everyone was more than happy to cheer on the rainbow manned pegasus.

“Even if they, for some reason, don’t pick you as the winner, I think it’s safe to say who we consider the winner to be.” Gilda voiced as she threw an arm over Rainbow. “Way to go Dash.”

Everyone cheered again causing Rainbow to smile. “Honestly, I don’t mind if I win or not.” That was something she never thought she’d say. “After envisioning it, I’m more than content to have surpassed my past than anything.”

“Well, good to know the pony we picked as the winner is a graceful one.” Spitfire commented. “You were pretty cool before, but now you’ve seemed to have grown a little from that mare we met at the gala.”

Rainbow was shocked as she turned around to see the three Wonderbolts were right there. “Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh!”

“Huh, so you’re Spitfire.” Goten commented.

“That I am.” Spitfire looked at him. “You must be the Half-Saiyan we’ve heard helped save the world with these six ponies. Goten, right?” The Half-Saiyan nodded. “Well, it’s nice to meet you.”

Suddenly, the Wonderbolts bowed causing everyone else to turn. They saw Celestia, so they did the same.

“Princess.” Twilight greeted.

“Hello Twilight Sparkle, Goten, and your friends as well.” Celestia greeted with a smile. “I’ve come to present the grand prize for Best Young Flyer to this year's winner, Miss Rainbow Dash!”

Everyone applauded and cheered whole heartily.

“I won… Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!” Rainbow Dash cheered in excitement of her victory today.

The bullies approached.

“Uhh, hey, Rainbow Crash.”


“Oh! Sorry. Rainbow Dash. Uhh, we just wanted to congratulate you on winning the competition.”

“Yeah, that Sonic Rainboom was awesome!” The other said.

“Heh, thanks, guys.” Rainbow Dash stated.

"Yeah, we're also sorry we gave you and your friends such a hard time before.”

“Aww, that's okay you guys.” Rainbow stated. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Hey, so you want to hang out with us? Maybe you could show us how you did that incredible trick!”

“Sorry boys.” Rainbow chuckled. “Maybe some other time because I've got plans!”

Rainbow took off with the Wonderbolts to hang out with them.

Author's Note:

With this chapter, I've come to realize I'm close to my version of a Season 1 Finale. A finale that will cap off the arc I've mentioned, and been building on, all season. Soon, Luna's arc will end, but she will of course continue to be a character.

As for this chapter itself, I feel as though I gave a reasonable change her to prevent Rarity from getting those faux wings. If I didn't for you, well that's fine. At the end of the day, I can only hope you enjoyed this.