• Published 17th Jan 2021
  • 2,987 Views, 99 Comments

What makes a Hero? - Quillion9000

Goten starts to feel down since he doesn't seem to live up to his idols, but he will get his chance in the land of Equestria. This land needs a hero, but if he can't understand what that really means, the land will fall.

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Lost City:Part 1

The expansive blue sky, well above even the clouds, is empty save a marvel of magic and lost technology. A flying island which soars through the air. After countless years, the city falls to Equis. Time passes, and nature starts to take over before the city is covered by the land.

After countless years pass, Bulla stops just before the land which covers the city and walks around the perimeter planting staffs into the ground. She eventually returns to where she started letting the magic flow. The ground glows an ethereal white before the lost island surfaces.

She then summons two white spheres containing the Blade of Cruelty and Tome of Greed. Both pulsate with black energy. Bulla sends them away before looking from the city to the sky. She then walks into the island.

“The third element is within.” Bulla closed her eyes. “That is not all this city holds.”

Celestia’s Room: Night…
Celestia bolted awake in some terror but mostly shock at what she saw.

Then, Luna barged into the room. “Sister, are you alright?”

“I-I’m not sure.” Celestia put a hoof her head. “That was unlike any dream I’ve seen.”

“Sister, this was not a dream but one of your visions.” Luna stated.

“Then, this is most troubling indeed.” Celestia got out of bed. “Someone is gathering the Elements of Disharmony, and they already have two in their position while gathering the third.” She walked to the window. “I never imagined the third would have relocated there.”

“What are we to do sister?” Luna asked.

“We can do nothing.” Celestia stated. “Our connection to the elements was disrupted meaning only those with the elements can hope to do something. That said, the figure in my vision does not seem interested in using them.” She walked to her door. “I need to send some letters.”

Ponyville: Sweet Apple Acres Day…
Goten was currently staring at an apple tree with Applejack.

“So, the plan is to take this tree on a booked, private first-class car to Appleloosa and plant it in your family’s new orchard?” Goten asked.

“That’s right.” Applejack declared. “Bloomberg here is gonna have a new home, and it's in his roots to get there since he will produce some of the finest apples in all of Equestria. I just know it!”

“Alright, I’ll carry Bloomberg to the train station for you.” Goten picked the tree up. “Wow, he’s not much for me to carry, but he does feel heavier than your average tree.” He started walking. “Well, let’s get going.”

Train Station
Goten got the tree loaded into its private train car when Applejack arrived with their other friends. Gilda hadn’t wanted to come, so she’d be staying back to get in some extra training.

“The tree’s loaded up, so…” Goten began.

Suddenly, Spike coughed up a letter and the Half-Saiyan managed to catch it.

“Oh my, a letter from Princess Celestia.” Rarity stated.

Goten unfurled the letter and read it.

“Dear Goten,

A matter of upmost importance has come up. I would like your presence at the castle as soon as possible, so that we may discuss it further. Please, come alone.


P.S: Luna has been much better since your last visit.”

Goten would always be there for his friends, but that last line confirmed this wasn’t about Luna like his last two visits. “Sorry girls, but it looks like you’ll have to go to Appleloosa without me.”

“It’s alright Goten.” Twilight stated. “I think we understand.”

Goten nodded before rocketing off in the direction of Canterlot.

Canterlot Castle: Throne Room
Celestia was currently in her throne room sitting across from a white unicorn with an immaculately groomed, amber mane, and shining gold and silver compass rose cutie mark. He wore a tweed jacket, tie, and a pair of designer stallion's saddlebags.

“Aunt Celestia, are you certain you can trust the new champion, or do you only trust him because of your experience with previous champions?” The stallion asked.

“I assure you Blueblood, Goten is just as trustworthy as every champion before him.” Celestia nodded. “If you’re worried about him spilling the secrets of you or your friends, don’t be.”

“Very well auntie.” Blueblood nodded. “Your wisdom has never failed me before, so I shall believe in your word now.”

At that moment, Goten entered the room. “Celestia, I came as soon as I got your letter. What’s going on?”

“I thank you for your prompt arrival.” Celestia nodded. “Goten, before we begin, I would like for you to meet my adopted nephew. His family have been steadfast allies of my sister and I since we were first crowned.”

“Charmed to make your acquaintance Champion Goten.” Blueblood bowed. “I am Prince Blueblood, 51st Duke of Maresia and Defender of the Princesses.”

“Blueblood? Wasn’t he that prince Rarity mentioned?” Goten nodded. “Yeah, I believe I heard about you. Nice to meet you.”

“Now, the reason you are here is because I need you to accompany Prince Blueblood and his team to an ancient, and formerly, lost city.” Celestia informed. “It will be your job to guard them.”

“Understood Celestia, but is that really all the information you have?” Goten questioned.

“I was hoping you’d ask.” Celestia smiled. “Do you remember what I told you of Equis when it only consisted of Concordia, and how I would tell you more as time wore on?”

Goten nodded. “Of course.”

“Well, this lost city was once the crowning achievement of the Alicorns and Dragons. With their technology and our magic, we lifted a section of Concordia into the air where it became a flying island. We dubbed it Unity.”

“A flying island.” Goten was amazed to hear that. “Awesome!”

“It was quite the marvel of its time.” Celestia stated. “As our magic began to fail us, the island crashed back into Concordia. We were never certain what happened that day as it was the epicenter. It was where the Wendigos first appeared before spreading out.”

“Wait, you’re telling me you don’t know if any Dragons or Alicorns potentially survived the city crashing?” Goten asked.

“I’m afraid not, but time may not have been kind to them if they had.” Celestia stated. “Now, someone with a humanoid shape has uncovered this ancient island. Someone who has been hunting the Elements of Disharmony.”

“Elements of Disharmony?” Goten questioned. “Oh, I heard Nightmare Moon mention them once while we were fighting, but that was quickly shoved out of my head for obvious reasons.”

“Allow me to inform you of what they are.” Blueblood stated. “The Elements of Disharmony are all different objects which represent the opposite traits to the Elements of Harmony. They are their equal, and there is even one for the Champion’s Element.”

“Seven Elements of Harmony and seven Elements of Disharmony.” Goten nodded. “I understand. No wonder Nightmare Moon seemed to like them.”

“Yes.” Celestia nodded. “After Nightmare Moon’s banishment, the Elements of Disharmony scattered around the world as their master had been defeated. Now, it seems this humanoid has been collecting them and is after her third as we speak.”

“Alright, I get it.” Goten smiled. “You want Blueblood, his team, and I to head to this lost city, locate this humanoid, and secure the element, correct?”

“Exactly.” Celestia stated. “There is a bit more to this, but I shall allow Blueblood to explain.”

“Thank you, Aunt Celestia.” Blueblood nodded. “Goten, we need to head out into Canterlot to gather the rest of my team. I have already filled them in; however, I ask that you be mindful as most of us keep our explorations secret for varying reasons.

“I understand, but can I ask why?” Goten inquired.

“Some of us have alternative roles or do not wish for ourselves to be well known.” Blueblood explained. “That is why I am entrusting you with keeping everything straight, and I will not forbid you from speaking of this exploration. Just take into consideration the feelings of others.”

Goten nodded. “Alright, I think I can do that.”

Blueblood’s horn glowed before disappearing. It wasn't the only thing that altered. His coat turned a light brown, and his mane and tail went from an immaculate gold cascade to a shorter, dark brown cut. Even his saddlebags shifted to a simpler design. The tweed jacket stayed the same, and his cutie mark changed to a range of three blue mountains with snowy white peaks.

“While I am cloaked as this, my name is Blue Hills.” Blueblood replied. “You can also call me Blue, Duke Blue, or Duke Blue Hills.”

Goten nodded. “Alright, ready to move when you are Blue.”

Blue started walking. “The first pony we must see is at the home of her charge.”

Canterlot Streets
As Goten and Blue Hills walked the streets, the upper-class ponies either whispered about or glared at Goten. The Half-Saiyan certainly felt more welcome in Ponyville, and he’d have loved to have his friends with him. Still, he could ignore them. After all, Goten knew who he was.

Eventually, the pair stopped before a rather nice looking home even by Canterlot standards. Blue knocked and two unicorns answered the door. The first was a stallion with the same body type as Blueblood. He even had the same white coat yet a blue mane with light blue eyes.

He wore a black suit and monocle while having three crowns for a Cutie Mark. The second was a long mare with a lighter white coat, pink mane, and purple eyes. Her Cutie Mark was three Fleur de Lis. While the two stallions looked impressive, Goten could sense that the mare was strong.

“Well, if it isn’t Blue Hills.” The stallion turned his attention to Goten. “Ah, you must be the Champion of Equestria. It is truly an honor to meet you my fine creature.”

“Oh, uh…” Goten wasn’t expecting anyone outside of the castle to be nice to him. “Nice to meet you as well, sir.”

“Goten, this is Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis.” Blue nodded. “Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis, this is Goten. May we come in for we must discuss that matter of my letter.”

“Ah yes, I understand.” Fancy nodded before he and Fleur stepped aside. “Come in, so that we may speak in private.”

Fancy Pant’s Home
Blue and Goten moved to the living room while Fancy closed the door. He and Fleur then joined them.

Fleur saluted Blue. “Prince Blueblood, it is good to see that you are in good health, sir.”

“Fleur, we’ve known each other since you were in training and my father held the title of prince.” Blue sighed and shook his head. “I thought by now you’d realized tittles are a formality that shouldn’t be between us in private.”

“Sorry pri… Blueblood.” Fleur stated with a smile. “Old habits are hard to break even after all this time outside the guard.”

“Yes well, I suppose I can understand even if we’ve been on countless other assignments, missions, and explorations together.” Blue sighed before looking at his companion. “Goten, Fleur is actually the pony we are here to find.

She was a recruit at the same time as Shining Armor, and while he is the better captain, Fleur’s devotion to Equestria cannot be understated. She is one of my team’s best fighters and looks out for one of Canterlot’s most influential residents ensuring he stays safe.”

“Please, you flatter me Blueblood.” Fancy smiled. “I take great pride in all of Equestria and especially Canterlot. Of course, making it look good is the least I can do for my home.”

“Well, you do an excellent job.” Blue stated. “Now, Shining Armor will be sending a temp bodyguard while Fleur is indisposed. From what he tells me, this time he’s sending a rather promising recruit in a Flash Sentry. From the reports, he should do well.”

“If Shining Armor is sending him, I’m sure the boy will do a great job in Fleur’s place.” Fancy stated.

Blue nodded. “Fleur, Goten and I shall expect you at our normal rendezvous.”

“Of course, Blueblood.” Fleur nodded. “I will be there.”

“Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have one other member to round up.” Blue walked out and Goten followed. “Once there, we shall meet the last member as well.”

Canterlot Streets
“Huh, well they seem like good ponies.” Goten commented as they walked down the street.

“They are some of the best Canterlot has to offer.” Blue commented. “Our next stop is a local book shop I tend to frequent.”

Canterlot Book Shop
The pair entered the book shop and found a mare closing her stand. She had a light orange coat with a gray mane and purple eyes. She wore a purple cloak, gray hat, and red rimmed glasses.

“A pity that I missed the book signing.” Blue Hills commented getting her attention. “Here I was hoping to get my new friend here a signed copy from A.K. Yearling.”

“Interesting company you keep Blue Hill.” A.K. looked form him to Goten. “Considering I’ve never signed a copy for a creature like him, I suppose there is an exception that could be made. Of course, I have my books in the back if you’ll follow me. Both of you.”

The pair followed her into the back room before Daring made sure it was closed tight.

“Last I checked, a certain Prince has his standards.” A.K. smirked. “Almost makes our interactions seem logical in that sense.”

“You know as well as I do that’s just an act.” Blue returned.

“This is exactly why I do it. Your uptight, so someone’s got to take ya down a peg.” She smirked before looking at Goten. “So, the Champion of Equestria, huh? He as trustworthy as your aunt says?”

“He has been rather accepting.” Blue stated. “Still, it’s your secret. I can’t force you to reveal it.”

“Miss my chance to see some lost, formerly flying city?” A.K. shook her head. “I’ll take my chances.” She removed the cloak, glasses, and hat to reveal that she was a pegasus with a compass rose Cutie Mark. “My name is Daring Do.”

“You mean the same Daring Do from the Daring Do Book Series?” Goten asked.

“The very same. Glad to see you’ve read my work since it makes introductions easier.” Daring nodded. “Those tales are actually heavily based on my real adventures.”

“Daring Do is our resident ruins/artifact expert, expert on disguises, and is a capable fighter.” Blue explained. “She is also the fastest among us.”

“Well, seems as though you know how to flatter people after all.” Daring smirked. “To bad I’ve been married to my work.”

Blue rolled his eyes. “As you’ve seen, she also enjoys taking me down a few pegs.”

“Well, someone’s got to keep you grounded.” Daring stated as she disguised herself. “Anyways, I’ll meet all of you at our usual meeting place.”

“Thank you, Daring.” Blue nodded. “I could not imagine doing any of these explorations without my full team.”

“Don’t go getting soft on me.” Daring stated. “Now, you should get going. No doubt Braeburn’s been working hard on our group meal.”

“I only hope he received my warning about this one.” Blue stated. “According to Aunt Celestia, the Champions are heavy eaters”

Outside Canterlot: Forest Clearing…
Goten was led through the forest by Blue, but there came a point when he felt he could have made it there as the familiar smell of apple confectionaries hit his nose. Of course, he’d never mistake this smell as this was Apple Family cooking.

The pair entered a clearing with set up tables which contained practically every apple treat you could imagine and a fire pit. It was being manned by a yellow coated earth pony stallion with green eyes and a light orange mane. He wore a brown, western get up.

“Well, if it isn’t old Blueblood.” The earth pony seemed glad to see the royal. “How have you been doing buddy?”

“I feel better than when we last parted ways.” Blue shook his head. “I still haven’t forgiven you.”

“Oh, come on.” Braeburn stated. “How was I to know some mother would put your saddlebags in that pinata?”

“It wouldn’t have been that bad, and I’d have even let them go if it weren’t for one little fact. The artifact we were sent to retrieve was inside them.” Blue shook his head. “I can still remember those angry mothers. Chased me all night.”

Goten couldn’t help but laugh at the image.

“Oh, this must be Goten.” Braeburn smiled. “Seems my cousin’s letters were dead on with your appearance.”

“You’re cousin?” Goten asked.

“Yeah, ma cousin Applejack.” Braeburn smiled. “Seems I’m not the only one who won’t be in Appaloosa today.” He looked to Blue. “Speaking of which, I sure hope an Element of Disharmony is where we’re going.

Sure, there will be family to greet AJ and her friends, but I’d have loved to be there. Not to mention, tensions have been high with the buffalo as of late. I’d hate to think what could happen without me there.”

“I am sorry to have pulled you away, but I assure you this was a vision seen by my auntie.” Blue stated. “It is vitally important that we do everything in our power to secure it before the other humanoid.”

“Well, I can’t rightly argue with that.” Braeburn tipped his hat. “Ah, ma cousin will ultimately understand, and if her letters continue to be accurate, perhaps her and her friends will have smoothed over tensions between my group and the buffalo anyways.”

“Anyways, this is Braeburn, and he’s the resident cook of our little group.” Blue explained. “Of course, being an Apple means he’s rather tough himself. At the very least, he can hold his own, and his farm expertise has come in handy.”

Braeburn came to his side. “You also forget to mention I’m your best friend.”

“Even if sometimes I wish that weren’t the case.” Blue retorted.

Braeburn said, “Ah, ya don’t mean that.”

“Do I need to reiterate the artifact misplacement?” Blue questioned.

Braeburn moved back to his sweets. “Ah, that just means I bring excitement to our little group.”

At that moment, Daring and Fleur joined them.

“If by excitement, you mean constantly causing our prince headaches, I’d agree.” Fleur stated.

“Don’t be too hard on him Fleur.” Daring smiled. “About seventy-five percent of the time, those experiences do end up being rather fun.” She gently nudged the former guard. “I think someone’s still a little salty because she lost that last bet.”

“What bet?” Goten asked interested.

“Oh, you’ll get a kick out of this kid.” Daring smirked.

Blue sighed. “Daring, please don’t.”

He knew it was useless, but the prince had to try.

“Aw, don’t be a stick in the mud oh fearless leader.” Daring commented. “Anyways, we were passing through a town on our way back from our latest exploration when Braeburn decided to bet Fleur he could get Blue in a dress and have him walk through town.”

“You actually did that?” Goten was chuckling.

Blue sighed. “Braeburn mislead me into thinking he accidentally left my saddlebags among a group of prizes tied to a beauty pageant happening that same day. Mysteriously, Fleur and Daring were nowhere to be found.”

“Braeburn convinced us he’d accidently left some maps back at the inn, so we offered to get them for him.” Fleur stated. “If I had known the truth, I’d have refused.”

“Everything fell into place.” Braeburn smiled. “After ‘misplacing’ our current haul, and with none of the girls in sight, our leader took it upon himself to dress as a girl for the pageant. Not only did he have to walk through town, but he ended up winning.”

“After we left town, Braeburn confessed everything.” Blue stated. “Every night we stopped, we ended up punishing him by tying him to a tree for the night.”

“Ah, seeing him in a dress was worth it.” Braeburn stated. “Having Fleur buy 5 barrels of apples was the cherry on top of the cake.” Suddenly, Goten’s stomach rumbled. “Boy, that was pretty loud. Must be hungry, huh?”

“Yeah, I am.” Goten stated bashfully.

“Well, help yourselves everyone.” Braeburn stated. “I made plenty because of that warning, and I want to see just how much this champion can eat.”

The group were currently waiting on a carriage and getting to know each other better. As such, Goten happily told them about himself. Bardock didn’t come out when he talked about his master, but that was just the Saiyan. Either way, Goten was liking this group a lot.

Eventually, when Blue went off to check the perimeter, Goten leaned forward. “So, Blue Hills had a lot of good things to say about all of you, and I can tell you all seem to care for him; however, what more can you tell me about him? How did you all come together?”

“It wasn’t as gradual as ya may assume.” Braeburn stated. “I mean, it took a little time for us to become this close, but Fleur and I were there on his first exploration.”

“Braeburn was his friend and eager to help while I was still a guard at the time.” Fleur stated. “Despite how capable our prince is, he is still royalty.”

“As for me, turns out they’d been sent to a temple guarded by my archenemy Ahuizotl.” Daring explained. “Back then, I wasn’t too eager to work with others and we clashed heads. After I was captured and left for dead, they saved me. Been with this group, as often as possible, since then.”

“As for old Blueblood, he’s been a steadfast friend far as I can remember.” Braeburn smiled. “Most mares love him, and he’s the most eligible bachelor in all of Equestria. Those he took time to know tended to be empty in the head or gold diggers.”

“Yeah, the prince has always had the worst luck with mares, and he came to rather resent all the attention.” Fleur stated. “At every social event, it was another mare with three others waiting in the wings. He confided in us that he felt more like an object that the stallion he was.”

“Social events aren’t my forte, but I’ve heard enough.” Daring stated. “Blueblood tried to evade them politely. He may not mind hard work, but the prince vehemently refuses to dress down. He’s too much into style.”

“So, these three helped me develop quite the persona.” Blue returned and it was clear he’d been listening. “Together, we concocted a Blueblood who is an elegant jerk. In a sense, I play the part of a haughty prince who accepts only the finest treatment.”

“That works?” Goten asked.

“It works like a charm.” Blueblood stated. “A good majority of my time is taken up playing the act, but most of the night wasted is better than all the night. At the very least, I can enjoy myself.” He sighed. “Of course, there is one thing that would be better than my act.”

“What would that be?” Goten asked.

“A mare who is not a gold digger or empty headed.” Blueblood stated. “If I could find a mare that shares my interest, she could be by my side, and it would deter all other mares. Especially because I would be unwilling to let such a mare go.”

“Interesting.” Goten commented. “You know, being here with you four is actually pretty cool.”

Naturally, Goten wanted to be a friend to Rarity and recommend Blueblood try to know her. He didn’t feel now was the right time for that. Even if it sounded like those two might hit it off. They then heard the approaching pegasi and would soon be off.

Author's Note:

Well, this was probably unexpected or maybe not. Either way, I can't remember what story I saw it on, but someone somewhere wanted to see a Blueblood they could like. I figured, there's enough bad Bluebloods out there that I could give it a try.

I also decided to give some love to minor or side characters. Hopefully, I did a good job on selling this group as an actual group. Finally, if any of you wanted to give me an OC, you can. If you want a list of alien life I'll be putting in this story, PM me.