• Published 17th Jan 2021
  • 2,987 Views, 99 Comments

What makes a Hero? - Quillion9000

Goten starts to feel down since he doesn't seem to live up to his idols, but he will get his chance in the land of Equestria. This land needs a hero, but if he can't understand what that really means, the land will fall.

  • ...

Nightmare:Part I

Inside the Moon: Castle of Nightmare
Nightmare was more determined than ever to secure a new vessel. A being strong enough to secure her reign where Luna fell. A being that could crush any opposition. Especially that harmonious Half-Saiyan should she prove an issue.

Even if she wouldn’t interfere, which seemed unlikely given her cryptic words, the potential was there. As such, Nightmare began observing every potential vessel; however, it wasn’t long before she settled on Goten. Though, this did present issues she’d have to contend with.

The first was that he had already fought and lost to Bulla. In the end, Nightmare was confident her powers would amp his enough to overcome that obstacle. The second was the fact that Goten wasn’t truly crucial to the Elements of Harmony.

His element was ancient in comparison and merely served as an amp to the others. As such, her only recourse was to possess him along with one of the element bearers. That would take a considerable amount of power hence all this time spent gathering her power.

Even then, there was no guarantee she’d be able to possess Goten. After her confrontation with Bulla, Nightmare strove to remember everything about her time as Nightmare Moon. That came with the memory of how Goten broke that seal she’d placed to deal with him.

Fortunately, the Everfree Forest itself provided a solution which would require more research. Ultimately, after months of preparation, it was finally time to set her plans into motion. Honestly, this was the opportune time as it was nearing one year from that Summer Sun Celebration.

Goten’s Nightmare
Moonlight shined down upon Ponyville revealing that it was devastated. There’s wasn’t a pony in sight, and everything was quiet. Not even the common sounds of bugs could be heard. Then, Goten crashed through the wall of the Golden Oak’s Library.

He managed touch the ground and flip to his feet before powering up into Super Saiyan. “I don’t know what you’ve done to my home, but I won’t stand for it!”

The Half-Saiyan cupped his hands.


Black smoke began to seep out from within the library and moved towards Goten who was charging his Ki into the familiar form.


Smoke began encompassing Goten and blocked out everything around him. The sense of unease now in the air made him burst into Super Saiyan 2 pumping more Ki into his current move.


He pushed out his hands firing the Kamehameha with all his might. For the second time since arriving in this word, his power was insufficient as the darkness consumed him.

Golden Oak Library: Morning…
Spike yawned and stretched. “Morning Twilight and Goten. How’d ya…”

“Don’t even ask.” Twilight grumbled.

Goten was leaned over the back of the nearby couch. “Sleep…”

“Not another nightmare for you two.” Spike stated genuinely worried. “That makes one every night this week.”

Twilight and Goten left the library with each holding a book; however, these were not the first the pair had investigated.

“There must be some way to get rid of these nightmares!” Twilight declared.

“Twilight?” Spike tried.

“I know what you mean.” Goten stated. “If I knew it was an outside source, I’d deal with it immediately.”

“Goten?” Spike tried.

The pair were too focused on the books, and what with their lack of sleep, to the point that they hadn’t noticed what the baby dragon had. It was Rainbow Dash coming in fast and looking rather sleep deprived.

Spike patted the two of them. “Look out!”

The dragon managed to leap out of the way, but it was too late for the pair as they were close lined into the ground by the cyan pegasus.

“Whoa, sorry Twilight and Goten.” Rainbow stated sincerely.

The three of them got back up.

“It’s okay Rainbow Dash.” Twilight replied. “We should have been paying attention.”

“I second all of that.” Goten chimed in. “I really should have felt you coming.”

“Whoa Dash, I finally caught up with you.” Gilda stated relieved. “Sorry about her you guys, but she hasn’t been sleeping well. All week she’s been having nightmares.”

“Her to!?” Goten exclaimed in shock while Twilight merely looked it.

“Not to be a pest, but would you mind keeping it down Shallot, er Bardock, I mean, Goten?”

“Yes, some of us haven’t had our beauty rest.” Rarity added.

“Have you all had nightmares to?” Twilight asked shocked.

“Whenever I close my eyes, I’m struck with ghastly images!” Rarity declared stressed.

“Every single night, I reckon.” AJ added.

Fluttershy yawned. “The worst nightmares ever!”

“I’m doing fine.” Gilda informed. “What about Pinkie?”

Sugar Cube Corner: Pinkie’s Room, Night…
“Welcome to my slumber party!” Pinkie declared before kissing her pet alligator, gummy, on the cheek.

After checking in with Pinkie, and discovering she was having similar nightmares, it was decided that they’d fill the time before bed with many, pleasant memories in hopes of that finally driving the nightmares away. Gilda and Spike were both invited as well.

Twilight was busy still reading up on other alternatives, but Goten decided to throw his lot in with this current idea. Well, as much as he found he wanted to. Obviously, makeovers and such weren’t for him; however, a good pillow fight with Rainbow, Gilda, and Pinkie was up his ally.

Eventually, it was time to turn in with everyone sleeping in a big circle. This was another attempt at turning away the nightmares as Goten remembered the few times he’d gone to his parents’ rooms and slept beside his mom in response to nightmares.

Unfortunately, the slumber party didn’t work as the six mares and Half-Saiyan were plagued by nightmares. Twilight was dismissed as Celestia’s student with no chance to ever make up for whatever she did. AJ decimated her families’ orchards leaving them hungry.

Not matter what she tried she just couldn’t salvage anything. Fluttershy was abandoned by all her animal friends. Rainbow’s wings were clipped, and she could never fly with the Wonderbolts. Pinkie was on stage unable to make a single pony laugh.

Rarity’s nightmare was perhaps the worst of the mares. It started with Twilight rejecting a gift she’d made just for her. Then, the others began to replace her with another pony. Finally, she was abandoned by everyone. Goten’s nightmare was no better.

Goten’s Nightmare
Goten was standing the middle of Ponyville as his friends walked away from him.

“You’re just some kid Goten.” Pinkie stated carelessly. “We don’t need you.”

“We never did.” AJ added. “All you’ve been to us is a burden since you arrived!”

“Agreed.” Fluttershy added. “You eat too much.”

“You’re far too much of a ruffian.” Rarity continued.

“I’m done taking care of you.” Twilight finished.

“No, please don’t leave me.” Goten begged as tears came to his eyes. “I’ll be better. I’ll try to eat less.”

Pinkie’s Room
Everyone else was waking up causing them to see black smoke which openly displayed their friends’, who were still out, dreams. Rarity was crying while Goten’s dream shifted putting him in the throne room.

“Goten, it’s not real!” Bardock yelled as he appeared. “Wake up!”

“It’s sad you’d think my aunties respected you.” Blue Blood voiced in the nightmare. “They merely do what they must to appease you.”

“In truth, we fear you’ll become worse than I ever was.” Luna added.

“Now, I’ve found a spell powerful enough to banish you.” Celestia added as her horn glowed. “It’s time you move to the moon.”

“Goten! Rarity!” Everyone was now yelling and trying to wake their friends.

Goten was now on the moon where he was full on crying now. “I’m sorry!” He looked at Equus. “I’m sorry for whatever I did! Please, let me come back!”

“Twilight? Bardock?” Fluttershy questioned the most knowledgeable beings. “What do we do to help them?”

Rarity was suddenly awoken while Goten was kept under, and the two of them were lifted into the air.

“Ah, help me!” Rarity screamed.

“Rarity/Goten!” Spike/Fluttershy yelled before rushing in to try and help them.

“Take that you dirty air!” Pinkie exclaimed as she swatted at the black smoke; however, it merely escaped out the window with its prizes. “That worked so much better in my head.”

The mares, dragon, and griffon ran outside.

“They’re heading for the Everfree Forest!” AJ exclaimed.

“Rainbow, you and Gilda need to…” Twilight began.

Fluttershy immediately took off flying faster than any of them had seen her go as she flew after the retreating smoke. Gilda and Rainbow immediately took off after her. The smoke rushed back and smashed into Fluttershy and Gilda sending them towards the ground.

Rainbow picked up speed and even performed her Sonic Rainboom doubling it. “Hang on you two because I’m coming!”

Just as she almost had her hoofs on her friends, the smoke vanished with them in tow leaving Rainbow to frantically search for the pair. Gilda and Fluttershy managed to catch up with her.

“Which way did they go?” Fluttershy asked worriedly.

“I don’t know.” Rainbow sighed as she reluctantly flew back towards the others. “We do know where they were heading though.”

“The Everfree Forest.” Gilda stated. “As much as I want to go after them right now, it’s best we get the others.”

Fluttershy stared at the forest before reluctantly sighing and joining them.

Golden Oak Library
After returning and filling everyone in on the fact that they lost Rarity and Goten, everyone had a differing reaction. While everyone obviously cared that both their friends were now gone, some were thinking of one over the other in this moment.

“Rarity!” Spike cried. “She… She’s gone. Twilight, how?”

“I’m writing a message to Princess Celestia as we speak.” Twilight informed. “She’ll know what to do… I hope.”

“I can’t believe I failed them like this!” Rainbow lamented.

Gilda patted her friend’s back but didn’t speak since Dash just needed someone there for her.

“I’m more concerned with how they were feeling.” Fluttershy stated devastated. “Particularly Goten since he seems to think, deep down, none of us actually care about him.”

Twilight had Spike send off the scroll.

“That icky stuff looked really familiar.” Pinkie commented.

“Pinkie’s right.” AJ stated. “It was in my Nightmare.”

“I saw it in mine too!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“Me, too.” Twilight added drawing attention to herself. “That must mean there’s a link between that smoke and our nightmares.”

“So, you’re saying this glorified smog somehow got into our brains?” Rainbow questioned.

“If that’s the case, where would we even begin?” Gilda asked.

“Princess Luna.” Twilight replied. “She’s the protector of dream and was taken over by it. She can help us interpret our nightmares and find Rarity and Goten.”

“Looks like you won’t have to wait long.” Pinkie exclaimed as Celestia had teleported herself and Luna into the library the moment they finished the letter.

“I believe a dark energy has been infiltrating your dreams.” Celestia informed. “My sister may be able to help.”

“Princesses Celestia and Luna!” The mares cheered.

Luna was rather melancholic as she knew what this was now. “If only I’d known earlier, then Goten and Rarity wouldn’t have been taken.”

Rainbow and AJ approached the night monarch.

“So, what in tarnation is going on here!?” AJ questioned.

“More importantly, how do we get Goten and Rarity back!?” Rainbow questioned.

“A dark force has taken them away.” Luna alluded.

“I don’t care what’s taken them away because all we’re doing is wasting time.” Rainbow declared. “I say we take off for the Everfree Forest and take back our friends.”

“It’s not that simple.” Luna sighed as she knew she’d have to tell them. “This is something I hoped would never return. Back before I became Nightmare Moon, I was jealous of Celestia for she had so many ponies who basked in the day she brought.

It was that jealousy which drew a being, Nightmare, to me. Through my negative emotions, I accepted her within taking on her hate. After I was freed by the Elements of Harmony, I had thought she was destroyed; however, I was wrong. She survived and is making a new move.”

“Why does this Nightmare care about us?” AJ asked.

“Goten’s own power superseded my own by miles, and that was before his training.” Luna informed. “Even without him, the six of you would still possess the Elements of Harmony. They defeated Nightmare Moon before. Now, she’ll come after all of you to prevent that.”

“We need to go get Rarity and Goten on the jiffy.” AJ declared.

“Hello!” Rainbow exclaimed. “That’s what I’ve been saying all this time!”

“No, I shall investigate alone.” Luna stated firmly. “Nightmare getting her hooks in me was my mistake, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned from that, and everyone after, it’s that I must make up for my mistakes.”

“If there’s one thing I’m certain Goten and I have taught you, it’s that you aren’t alone in this, dear sister.” Celestia voiced. “You should take at least the remaining element bearers along.”

“But what about Ponyville?” Luna asked worriedly. “This is their home, and I have no doubt Nightmare will come to destroy it eventually.”

“I shall stay and help Ponyville prepare.” Celestia stated.

“As much as I’d like to help get Goten and Rarity back, I’ll stay back to help you.” Gilda declared firmly.

“Alright, then we must move fast.” Luna relented. “We do not know how long Rarity and Goten’s bravery will protect them.”

Castle of the Two Sisters: Throne Room
Considering both thrones were destroyed, Rarity had been bond to a pillar while Goten had been transported to a much lower level than this. She was currently being confronted and made an offer by Nightmare’s subjects which would ultimately see her possessed by Nightmare.

“We’ve made our offer clear.”

“Clear?” Rarity questioned in disbelief. “You know what’s clear? The fact that a new set of drapes would do wonders for this place. Bad decorating aside, I will never, nor would I ever leave with you. Ponyville is my home.”

“Oh, we know that. All you ever want to do is help.”

“Naturally, we need help from such a pretty lady.”

“Without you, our entire existence would be meaningless. Your generosity would save us.”

“No!” Rarity exclaimed. “My friends need me!”

“Do they, or would they reject you once somepony else comes along? Somepony with less attitude, perhaps?”

Rarity remembered her nightmare and became less certain than she was. “They… They wouldn’t forget me, would they?”

“Stay with us, and your kindness would never be taken for granted.”

“You would never be taken for granted.”

“Never?” Nightmare made her move attaching herself to Rarity making her eyes glow. “I just want to help.”

“And you will help more than you ever dreamed.” Nightmare informed.

Nightmare began wrapping herself around Rarity.

Everfree Forest
Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Luna all began the trek into the forest. Luna could feel multiple energies at the Castle of the Two Sisters, so that was to be their current objective.

“I sure hope Goten is okay.” Fluttershy stated worriedly. “I know he’s nearly three years older than when we first met him, but he’s still a kid.” She looked at the ground sadly as memories of seeing his dream of them played through her mind. “A kid who seems to be hurting a lot.”

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, I’m sure he’s fine.” Twilight assured. “Goten might just be a kid, but he’s tougher than anyone I know.” She nodded. “He’ll hold out, and we can assure him that his dream isn’t true.”

“Thanks Twilight.” Fluttershy’s mind then turned to their other missing friend. “What about Rarity?”

“Rarity’s a lot tougher than we think.” AJ assured. “She’ll hold out. My main concern right now is Spike.” The purple dragon was wearing full on armor. “Are you sure that’s all necessary?”

“We need to be prepared for anything.” Spike retorted. “This is Rarity’s safety we’re talking about.”

“I think it’s plain heavy, but you do you Spike.” AJ returned.

Castle of Two Sister: Secret Basement
Goten groaned as Nightmare lifted the spell from the shadows, and he slowly opened his eyes before looking around. The room would have been exceedingly dark if not for a pink glow from behind that illuminated a rather barren, stone room.

The Half-Saiyan turned only to freeze in shock at what he saw. It was what looked like a deer, which was the same size as Celestia, trapped within a pink crystal. She was mostly an earthy green and light shade of purple with a clear nature theming as her antlers looked like branches.

“Who is that?” Goten questioned.

Suddenly, he could feel powers within the room and turned to see black smoke, much like that within his dreams, except these all had red eyes.

“Hello Goten, we’d like to make you a special offer.”

“What kind of an offer?” Goten asked skeptical.

“We’d like you to leave Ponyville and come stay with us.”

Goten had no idea what was going on, but he did know one thing for certain. “I’m not leaving Ponyville to stay with a bunch of beings I don’t even know.” He crossed his arms. “No, knowing my name doesn’t mean I know you.”

“Oh, but we thought you’d agree since we know you don’t like being a burden to your friends.”

“If you came with us, you’d never be a burden to them again.”

“Of course, you wouldn’t be a burden to us.”

“I’m not a burden.” Goten stated uncertainly. “My friends like having me around.”

“Do they, or do they merely keep you around to make sure you stay in line?”

“They’ll likely ditch you the first chance they can and are merely looking for it.”

Goten couldn’t help but think of his latest nightmare and how alone he felt during it. “T-They won’t abandon me, right?”

Tears came to his eyes.

“Stay with us, and we promise you’ll never be alone again.”

“You will never feel like a burden.”

“Never…” Goten voiced. “I don’t want to be alone.”

Nightmare then seized her chance and hit Goten making his eyes glow blue.

“Goten!” Bardock appeared. “Don’t let this happen!?”

“Why not?” The Half-Saiyan turned to his mentor as tears flowed down his cheeks. “This way I won’t ever be alone.”

“That’s right Goten.” Nightmare spoke up. “Don’t listen to him because you’ll never be alone again.”

“Goten, you were never alone before.” Bardock declared firmly. “Even if you doubt your friends, which you shouldn’t, I’m always with you. Don’t throw away your pride. I can’t watch this happen again.

I… I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to lose you like I lost Luna.” He knelt before him as the shadowy creatures all hissed knowing they couldn’t physically do anything to stop him. “You have never been a burden to me.”

“Bardock…” Goten stated hopefully.

“Don’t listen to him!” Nightmare shouted. “He’ll abandon you just like everyone else.”

“No, I won’t!” Bardock shouted. “After everything I’ve learned from this land, I’d never betray my family. Even if they do toss away their pride, I wouldn’t abandon them. That said, this is my grandson, and I know he’s much stronger than you could ever be.”

“Get out…” Goten whispered.

“W-What!?” Nightmare exclaimed shocked.

“I said get out!” Goten yelled before powering up. “This is my body, and I don’t need you!”

“Just what is a Saiyan or Half-Saiyan!?” Nightmare shouted. “I refuse to leave! Not when I’m this close!”

“GET OUT OF ME!!!” Goten yelled as he went Super Saiyan. “GET OUT OF MY BODY!!!”

This triggered numerous, blue runes, within the shadows of the room, to glow brilliantly bathing the room in blue light. The crystal resonated, and the room started to flash pink and blue with the golden aura around the Half-Saiyan standing out amongst the other colors.

“THIS IS MY BODY!!!” Goten ascended to Super Saiyan 2. “YOU CAN’T HAVE IT!!!”

Nightmare growled in pain as Goten’s eyes flashed their glowing blue and back to normal rapidly. “NO, YOU ARE MINE!!!”

“Goten, don’t give up!” Bardock shouted. “Keep pushing until she’s out!”

Goten heard Bardock’s words and began pushing every ounce of his power to the surface which resulted in the Half-Saiyan yelling his loudest yet. The sheer outpouring of power began to slowly shake the castle.

Everfree Forest
Luna suddenly stopped and opened her eyes wide as she could feel Goten’s power. Granted, she’d felt it when he went Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2. That fact had prompted the group to start running towards the castle. This new power was far greater than the prior two.

“Princess Luna, what’s wrong?” Twilight asked concerned.

“I-It’s Goten.” Luna stated shocked. “His power is growing.”

Castle of the Two Sisters: Secret Basement
Goten’s outpouring of power was whipping up a strong wind which forced the beings made of smoke to retreat. The Half-Saiyan just kept yelling and powering up further and further while Bardock stayed by his side. Now, all Equus was shaking.

Celestia had stopped along with every other pony. They all stared of in the direction of the Everfree Forest as that was where their princess was looking.

“Goten…” Celestia was shocked. “This far surpasses how strong Bardock was the day he left, and your power is still rising!”

Ponies, changelings, dragons, griffons, hippogriffs, and so many other creatures that called Equus home had no idea why it was happening, but the very planet was shaking as if it were experiencing an earthquake everywhere at once.

Castle of the Two Sisters: Secret Basement
Goten kept yelling as now his hair began to grow out, and his aura was brilliant. At this point, a massive amount of it began to waft off him causing the runes to glow brighter. The golden aura was captured and fed into the crystal containing the deer.

The Namekians, most of which could certainly feel that, were awestruck at the sheer power. Then, their tower cracked, and stone rained down prompting the warriors to move their fellow people out of the way. This was a similar thing for many races at this point.

Castle of the Two Sisters: Secret Basement
The whole room was cracked completely leaving only the crystal, still siphoning off Goten’s rapidly dwindling Ki, intact. There was then one final explosion of light which saw Nightmare ejected from the Half-Saiyan’s body. In that moment, she sunk into the deer’s body.

Goten was now panting as he had the signature long hair and large forehead. He had ascended to Super Saiyan 3; however, the problems his father mentioned, and Gotenks experienced before getting it down, were apparent. His body just wasn’t ready for this and wouldn’t last long in it.

“I need to get out of here!” Goten thought.

Bardock now vanished as Goten flew up busting through the ceiling. Once he was gone, the crystal containing the deer broke apart as she opened her eyes revealing they were the same blue Goten’s had been. Her form began to shift as black smoke surrounded her.

Everfree Forest
The remaining members of the mane six, Luna, and Spike were all looking around as everything had stopped shaking.

“I-Is it over?” Fluttershy asked timidly.

She may be very worried for Goten, but all that shaking had been truly terrifying. Before anyone could speak up, they turned their attention to the Castle of Two Sisters as a familiar, golden glow busted through the roof of a tower and ascended high into the air.

Then, the glow completely died down, and everyone could just make out something plummeting back towards the ground. Luna and Rainbow, with their better developed eyes, could see that it was their half-Saiyan.

“That’s Goten!” Rainbow exclaimed.

Even though Luna was in a weaker form herself, she was still an alicorn that had once trained with Bardock and far longer than Rainbow currently had been. As a result, she was the first to take off before the cyan pegasus ended up following.

Luna caught a now unconscious Half-Saiyan on her back before flying to Rainbow. After the pegasus confirmed Goten was merely unconscious, the two of them flew back to the group. Fluttershy immediately had Goten off Luna’s back and began frantically checking him over.

“How is he Fluttershy?” Twilight asked concerned.

“From what I can tell, he’s physically fine.” Fluttershy informed. “I think he’s just exhausted.”

“Well, I don’t think this will wake him up, but I can use some of my magic to speed along his recovery.” Luna’s horn glowed as she applied her magic to give the Half-Saiyan energy. “There, he should awaken sometime after we enter the castle.”

“Right.” Twilight used her magic to put Goten’s body on her back. “In the meantime, we must continue onto the castle. Rarity still needs us.”

The others, while certainly casting concerned looks Goten’s way, agreed. They knew leaving him here wouldn’t accomplish much as he’d likely come looking for them anyways. Plus, none of them wanted to lose sight of their friend after just getting him back.

Outside the Castle of Two Sisters
Just as the group reached the castle, Luna could feel multiple beings leaving the planet. When she investigated the distance, she saw white particles floating to the moon. Among them she could feel Rarity, numerous lower powers, and one strong power which felt like Goten’s.

Obviously, Goten was right there with them, so it didn’t make sense. Regardless of this fact, it was clear they would not find Nightmare or Rarity within the castle. No, there was only one place they could have gone through such means as that.

“Nightmare has taken Rarity to their home within the moon.” Luna sighed. “We shall not find them within the castle.”

“Okay, then we just need to go to the moon.” Rainbow declared.

“How do we do that?” Fluttershy asked.

“I know the way.” Luna began before Goten groaned and seemed to be coming to. “First, we should check on our friend and ensure he is oaky.”

“Okay?” Goten question before sitting up and sliding off Twilight’s back. “I think I am.” He looked around and noticed most everyone was there. “You guys came for me.” He hung his head as everything that’s happened lately weighed heavily upon him. “I’m sorry.”

“What do you have to apologize for sugar cube?” AJ asked.

“It’s because all I’ve done is burden all of you.” Goten stated sadly. “I suddenly appeared, and you’ve all just had to take care of me.”

“How could you ever think that?” Rainbow asked as though it was the more ridiculous thing in the world.

“Yeah, you may have suddenly appeared in or lives, but I thought you’d know just how important you’ve become to us.” Twilight stated. “I mean, I couldn’t imagine my friends without picturing you right here with us.”

“Without you, I wouldn’t be nearly as strong as I am now.” Rainbow added. “You push me to improve. If G were here, I know she’d thank you for being here. Heck, you’re the one who helped her open and change for the better.”

“You’re always down for some good fun!” Pinkie continued.

“You are always protecting us.” Fluttershy added firmly. “You protected us from Nightmare Moon, the Ursa Major, and that Towa and Mira. Plus, you’re a hard worker that all of Ponyville can rely on.”

“I know I certainly can whenever we’re in a tight spot down at the farm.” AJ continued. “You’re real reliable and more than pull your own weight.”

“After everything you’ve done, there’s no way we could see you as a burden.” Luna declared. “My sister and I could never feel burdened by you. While we know you have a home elsewhere, we had hoped you could see Equus as your home to.”

“I know Rarity was quite glad you were there when she needed you against those Diamond Dogs.” Spike added. “I honestly like having you around because you’re another guy to hang out with.”

“You guys.” Goten chuckled and shook his head as a huge weight had just been lifteded from his shoulders. “Guess I was just an idiot, huh?”

“No, you weren’t.” Fluttershy stated. “No one is immune to feeling negatively about themselves; however, it’s important to talk with your friends because they’re the ones who’ll help you through it.”

“Yeah.” Goten gave a smile. “I’m starting to see what I went through could have been avoided had I just told you all how I was feeling.” With this all out of the way, the Half-Saiyan did finally notice something. “Wait, where’s Rarity?”

With that question, both sides realized there was a lot neither of them knew. Despite how long it’d take, they knew it was necessary to inform the other about what’s been going on. So, Goten informed them of everything he did after waking in the castle.

They then informed him of everything that happened from the time they woke up to now. With all of that out of the way, the group knew they had to go after Rarity. This still left the question of just how they’d get inside the moon.

Fortunately, Luna knew the answer. “Follow me, and I shall take you to a platform which once connected the inside of the moon to Equestria.”

“Okay, but what’s the deal with a platform that connects Equestria to the inside of the moon?” Goten asked.

“It was an ancient artifact found by Star Swirl the Bearded.” Luna informed. “He got it working and set foot on the moon first; however, Celestia told me she had deactivated it after I was banished. That means someone else had to have activated it, and I doubt it was my sister.”

The group arrived at the platform that would send them to the moon.

“This is your last chance to change your minds.” Luna voiced. “I didn’t get a chance to say this, what with everything that happened at the castle, but now would be the time to turn back. The forces that took Rarity will use their power to scare you with your greatest fears.”

“When we’re together, we can overcome anything.” Twilight declared.

“As long as we get Rarity back, it’ll all turn out dandy.” AJ stated.

“No one here is backing out.” Goten added.

“Before we leave, I’d like to take a moment to speak with Goten.” Bardock stated as he appeared.

“Of course, Bardock.” Luna nodded. “Take him over there, and we shall be here ready to depart.” Goten followed his mentor back towards the tree line. “Before we leave, I uh… I wanted to make sure you’re alright.”

“I’m better now that I don’t think I’ve been a burden to them.” Goten replied honestly.

“That’s good.” Bardock sighed. “Look, even with all the time I spent on this planet, this isn’t particularly easy, but what I drew onto help you back there was a truth that came from a place I don’t like to look in often. I just want you to know I’d do it again every time.”

Goten smiled. “I love you too.”

Bardock just crossed his arms. “Just remember while you’re up there, those Nightmare Forces are going to put all of you through your worst fears, but no matter wat you see, none of it will be real. I know now that you’re more assured, you’ll remember. You’re a smart kid like that.”

“Thanks… grandpa.” Goten stated before speeding on over to his friends.

“That kid.” Bardock muttered to himself with a small smile before vanishing.

Luna cast the magic, and the group turned into white particles as they ascended towards the moon.

Inside the Moon
Everyone appeared on the platform in utter darkness.

“Finding Rarity in the pitch black?” Rainbow questioned sarcastically. “No problem at all.”

“We’ll take care of this.” Luna declared.

Luna and Twilight lit up their horns while Goten went Super Saiyan.

“We must hurry for the Nightmare Forces will be upon us soon.” Luna stated.

“Who exactly are the Nightmare Forces?” Twilight questioned.

“They are her subjects ensnared many moons ago.” Luna stated. “Unfortunately, the peaceful animals and ponies of the moon became its victims. Their lives prolonged by her magic, and later my own as Nightmare Moon.”

“How could she do that to sweet little animals.” Fluttershy stated.

“All those ponies to.” Goten added.

“They are neither sweet nor of their right nature anymore.” Luna voiced.

Goten suddenly felt many powers nearing them. “I think they already know we’re here.”

Then, the black smoke that were ponies and animals appeared all around them.

“Something worse is coming.” Luna voiced before an amorphous black smoke rushed at them. “Run! I have no power over this mist!”

“You heard her!” AJ yelled. “Move them hooves.”

Goten could have run with the rest, but he turned to face the oncoming darkness while cupping his hands. “Kamekameha!”

His energy bore a hole through the oncoming darkness, but the rest of it merely moved around him and the rest of the remaining mane six. Only Luna and Spike, who had hoped on the princess back in all the confusion, managed to escape it.

Twilight ended up in the throne room, once more, where Celestia was lecturing her harshly. Ultimately, she was dismissed and told that friendship was dead. Thankfully, Spike and Luna were there to pick the unicorn back up and make her see the truth.

Rainbow’s nightmare had Ponyville in disarray from a massive storm with the Wonderbolts trying to save everything and everyone. They asked for her help, but her wings were clipped. She was also sinking into the flood.

Twilight, Spike, and Luna helped Rainbow recognize that her fear was giving them power, so she stopped being afraid. Pinkie was back on stage being heckled and booed; however, she reaffirmed who she was to herself and managed to break free alone.

Fluttershy was now being approached by all her animal friends who were enraged with her. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie busted in helping her see the truth. This made Fluttershy yell genuinely loud as she was angry at being taken through that scenario.

AJ was with her family who were all starving as everything they’d built lied in ruins. The others managed to get her out of it and stop fearing them. Fortunately, AJ ended up believing them which only left one more being.

Goten’s Nightmare
Since his prior nightmare wouldn’t work like it did previously, the Nightmare Forces dug deeper. Goten found himself back at Capsule Corp. He was standing across from his family and Trunks who all looked angry with him.

“Look at you Goten.” Trunks scoffed. “You’re so weak compared to me. At this point, I’d only keep you around to have someone I can boss around.”

“You were only a few years younger than me, yet you couldn’t stop Majin Buu like I stopped Perfect Cell.” Gohan sneered. “How pathetic.”

“You’re no…” Chi Chi began.

“No!” Goten exclaimed angrily. “Your cheap tricks will no longer hold any power over me. All you do is dig at insecurities. None of you are a representation of how the beings I care for really feel. Now, stop using their images like this!”

With that last declaration, he powered up to Super Saiyan 2 and pushed out his Ki freeing himself of their grasp.

Inside the Moon
“Nice going Goten.” Twilight stated as the last of the smoke started to vanish.

“I won’t fall for their nightmares anymore.” Goten replied with a firm nod. “That I promise all of you.”

The smoke now cleared to reveal they were surrounded by every possessed being on the moon.

“Well, this is creepy.” Twilight voiced.

“Way creepy!” Pinkie affirmed.

“Uh, a little critter help here Fluttershy?” AJ asked.

“Sorry, but I’m running a little empty on bravery right now.” Fluttershy responded.

“You want some more!” Rainbow yelled to the mass. “Well, we aren’t afraid of you!”

“Ah, but some of you are. Isn’t that true, Luna? Isn’t that what you go by now?”

“That is my name.” Luna replied. “My past as Nightmare Moon is long over.”

“But there is something you fear.”

“Come back as Nightmare Moon, and we’ll spare your friends.”

“After all they’ve done for you, this is how you will repay them. Tsk-Tsk. Of course, you know our alternative.”

“No!” Luna exclaimed. “You can’t. They saved me. Rarity saved me. Goten helped me even after I tried to kill him. I will…”

“No, you won’t.” Goten declared firmly as he used his Ki to push the offending Nightmare Force away. “Luna, you’re my friend, and I refuse to let you fall back into that darkness.”

“Yeah, none of us will let these shadowy beings take another of our friends.” Rainbow declared firmly. “Taking two, even if one came back, is two too many already.”

“Darn tootin’.” AJ agreed.

“You five consider me a friend like Goten does?” Luna asked shocked.

“Well, duh!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“We’ve all come to trust you.” Fluttershy agreed.

She was rather firm as the pegasus felt Luna truly was her friend. The Princess of the Night had spent the gala helping her start down the path of befriending the garden animals and made her see the mistake she was making.

“Well, I see you have some real friends here. Friends who would do anything for you.”

“You know what, I’m getting tired of everything you’ve been doing to everyone of my friends.” Goten declared. “So, why don’t you all leave us alone!”

He pushed out his Ki more powerfully than before pushing every Nightmare Creature well away from them. Almost immediately after, there was a huge explosion of darkness before the group. It dissipated to reveal an alicorn sized, navy blue Rarity causing the forces to return.

“You might be able to hurt us, but how will you beat your dear friend. Of course, she’s not home right now as this is your new queen, Nightmare Rarity.”

Author's Note:

Alright, the official end to my season 1 has finally begun. I will say that every episode I didn't cover from MLP Season 1, except Dragon Shy, still happened in some form. Dragonshy is excluded because it just ends up contradicting with future dragon related episodes.

You can replace that with Winter Wrap Up since that would have had to happen here. As for this chapter, it has been mentioned a couple of times before this that Goten wanted to make his own way, so this whole burden thing for him didn't come out of nowhere.

For those of you who think Goten ascended to Super Saiyan 3 to early, Goten spent 2 whole years in the chamber Bardock ended up wishing for, and, in case it wasn't clear, it has been nearly 1 year since he arrived on Equus.

Altogether, it's been nearly 3 years, and Goten should have the same or more potential than Gohan. If you still have a problem with it, he doesn't have any training himself with Super Saiyan 3 and can merely access it; however, his Ki will just be leaking like crazy.

Finally, this is it. This is what my talk of Luna's arc has been amounting to. putting everything I did together and leading it right into this comic story placed here within the timeline. Soon, this major arc for her will come to a close.

Note: Luna will of course still be a character within this story, but future seasons will not focus on her as heavily as this did.