• Published 17th Jan 2021
  • 2,987 Views, 99 Comments

What makes a Hero? - Quillion9000

Goten starts to feel down since he doesn't seem to live up to his idols, but he will get his chance in the land of Equestria. This land needs a hero, but if he can't understand what that really means, the land will fall.

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Enter Equestria:Part 2

Castle of the Two Sisters
Goten flew through the halls past decrepit walls and worn-out tapestries. Naturally, he was more focused on finding Nightmare Moon. Eventually, he burst into a throne room with one intact and one destroyed throne. The alicorn in question sat in the intact throne.

“It’s good to see you, old friend.” Nightmare Moon stood up. “You may look younger, sound different, and go by a different name, but I would recognize that hair anywhere. You can’t fool me, Bardock!”

“Bardock?” Goten questioned confused. “What or who is that?” He never did get the name of that transparent man. “Is it a type of food? I am feeling hungry.”

“Do not jest, thy old friend.” Nightmare Moon stated dangerously as she approached the Half-Saiyan. “Thy may does not control the Elements of Disharmony in this age, but thou must have lost power with your age regression.”

“Age regression?” Goten only grew more confused. “I’ve always been a kid.”

The Half-Saiyan was pouting which gave the alicorn pause. The proud warrior who was always willing to fight. The one who glared and scowled angrily at her before her banishment. He was now a child?

“How can this be?” Nightmare Moon contemplated. “Mind wipe? Age Regression? Could this be a descendant? If that’s the case, what or who mated with Bardock? You know what, crush the child now and cement my rule; questions about him later.”

“Very well.” Nightmare Moon stated. “You may not be the man I am thinking of. Come to think of it, he was much fiercer than you, and likely more powerful than you will ever be.”

Goten gave her the stink eye and protested that last comment. “Hey, I am strong!”

Even Nightmare Moon had to admit that the look he gave was more adorable than anything. She chuckled softly at his outburst while concluding that this boy wasn’t anything special save his looks. Their fight before must have been a fluke.

“By all means boy, show me this ‘strength’ you claim to have.” Nightmare Moon stated mockingly.

Goten quickly flew at Nightmare Moon and planted his foot into her side knocking the mare into a nearby wall. Pure shock was evident on her face. The resounding thud was soon followed by the wall cracking. At this point, that one hit cemented it.

She had let how the boy acted cloud the truth. No matter his age, this boy was strong. The alicorn stood and let lose an animalistic growl. She would no longer play around with him. This boy was to be an example of what happens when you cross Nightmare Moon.

Her horn glowed as she flew at Goten. “Night Piercer!”

For a second, she felt glad to be rid of this monkey as her horn seemed to go clean through him. Nightmare Moon quickly registered that there was no cry pain. As the image of the boy faded, she realized her horn hit an afterimage.

“KAMEKAMEHA!” Goten declared from a few feet behind her.

Not a second later, a small yet fast beam of ki was heading straight for the mare. She quickly threw up a sphere of dark blue magic hoping to stop the blast. When the beam met her shield, the alicorn and shield were pushed back. Still, it managed to hold.

When the beam stopped, Nightmare dropped her shield and ascended near the ceiling while blue magic charged to her horn. “Night Canon!”

A beam of dark blue magic fired at Goten, but instead of the despair she expected to see, the child was smiling.

The Half-Saiyan readjusted his stance, cupped both his hands under his body, and let his power flow. “KAMEHAMEHA!”

Unlike the first beam, this one was slower yet larger. The two beams met and were dead even as showed by the resounding explosion upon contact. Shock was evident on Nightmare’s face before turning to rage.

This boy’s mere existence was an insult to the lunar princess. One that she would not stand for. Nightmare Moon was done holding back. Her wings began to glow as the room began to fill with magically created feathers.

Goten noticed this and wondered just what she was planning. “What is this?”

“Maybe your end or maybe not.” Nightmare Moon declared. “I don’t care what it takes or how much I must give. You will fall to the princess of the night! Night’s Feather Bombardment!”

All those magically generated feathers began launching themselves at Goten with speed the young Half-Saiyan didn’t think his opponent was capable of. What’s more, they were coming from every direction putting him on the defensive.

“Just die already!” Nightmare Moon declared as her horn glowed greater. “Night’s Blast Volley!”

The feathers in the room became full on beams of magic that began striking with even greater speed. Goten already had to use every ounce of his concentration just to avoid the feathers alone. Eventually, one blast hit Goten in the back causing him to scream out in pain.

“Yes!” Nightmare Moon declared.

She continued to nail Goten using this opening to hammer in blast after blast. The hybrid’s screams became music to her ears. After how long this fight had dragged, and all the humiliation she suffered, the boy was at her mercy.

Eventually, Goten’s screams of pain became the yells of power giving Nightmare Moon pause. The Half-Saiyan knew he couldn’t let this continue. He had to ascend. His hair flared up while turning yellow, and his eyes lost all innocence as they shifted to teal.

The level of power she could feel scared the princess of the night. When she finally turned against her sister and Bardock, the Saiyan had used this power against her. At the time, she only came close to matching him with the power of the Elements of Disharmony.

“Thou art a S-Super Saiyan.” Nightmare Moon stated.

Nightmare Moon noticed that her blasts were no longer causing harm, so she ceased her attack to conserve energy.

“Yeah, I am.” Goten’s grin returned, and he put his hands behind his head. “I’m kind of surprised you know what that is, but I guess it doesn’t matter. You are my opponent, so it’s not like you’re willing to talk.”

Once again, this was nothing like how Bardock acted. To see all this power in a mere child got on Nightmare Moon’s nerves. She may have been intimidated, but the Princess of the Night had not come this far only to stop. She would end this warrior no matter what.

With the Mane 6
The group had found the Elements of Harmony in a room. Five in total sitting on stone pedestals. Each one was a round stone with neither looking more important than the other. Twilight tried to get them to work while the others stood around her.

“Come on!” Twilight shouted in frustration. “Why won’t these stupid rocks work!?”

The other five looked at her worriedly.

“How’s about ya take a break Twi?” Applejack asked.

The unicorn had been at it for a few minutes now, and no progress was made in getting them to even light up. Applejack knew how important it was that they work but trying hard didn’t seem to be the answer. They needed cool heads to solve this problem.

“Yeah, you’ve been doing nothing but trying the same thing repeatedly. I say we get out there and kick Nightmare Moon’s butt!” Rainbow added.

She had been passing the time by doing some punches in the air. Ever since the pegasus saw Goten fight the alicorn, she had wanted to join in the fray, yet the others told her no. When she tried to get away, they used magic and rope to keep her there.

It was stupid if you asked her. Even now she could hear the results of their fight. Constant banging, yelling, and the occasional shout of pain. It made her jealous of Goten, but a small part of her pitied the child.

“I can’t stop now. We are so close. Once I get the elements working, we can finally help Goten stop Nightmare Moon.” Twilight retorted firmly.

“Aww, don’t be that way Twilight.” Pinkie stated. “Being grumpy won’t make things better.”

Twilight stubbornly continued firing her magic at the elements.

“Darling, listen to them.” Rarity tried. “You can’t think straight at this point.”

“I need to finish this.” Twilight stated firmly.

“Fluttershy dear, please explain…” Rarity looked at the pegasus in confusion. “Fluttershy?”

Rarity’s confusion drew the other’s attention. Strangely, the normally shy mare didn’t even notice all the concerned stares sent her way. A look of worry was on her face as she stared in the direction Goten’s yells of pain had come from.

Pinkie walked up to the yellow pegasus’ side. “Fluttershy?”

“Y-yes Pinkie?” Fluttershy asked.

She tried to hide her worry, but how could she? Goten may have been capable, but he was still young. A young and innocent child who was risking his life for them. That fact tore her up inside. She didn’t want to fight Nightmare, but Fluttershy would if it helped Goten.

Applejack walked up to her. “Are ya okay sugar cube?” Fluttershy could only shake her head as those last screams of pain had really shaken her. “Ya wanna talk about it?”

Fluttershy just knew if she did, she’d start crying, and that wouldn’t do anything for Goten.

“I understand.” Rainbow finally got it, but that was due to how they’ve known each other longer than the others. “You’ve loved kids almost as much as your animals, so hearing those cries of pain must really be getting to you.”

Fluttershy nodded as Rainbow hit the nail on the head, and this helped the others to understand. They came to realize just how much she cared about the fight. If they didn’t like feeling helpless, then Fluttershy was absolutely torn asunder by her worry.

“He’ll be okay Fluttershy.” Pinkie exclaimed. “Goten may be a kid, but he’s strong. He’ll stall that meanie until we get there and blast her back into the moon!”

Fluttershy looked at Pinky with a thankful expression.

“Yeah!” Rainbow exclaimed. “We’ll totally kick her flank!”

The worry was still there, but it lessened as her friends kept trying to cheer her up. Twilight had observed this and couldn’t help but smile.

“The six of them care for Goten, each other, and me so much. Without any of them, Goten included, I wouldn’t have made it here. I think they are the best friends anyone could ask for.” That’s when it clicked. “The spark!” Twilight stomped her hoof. “Girls, I have the answer!”

“What is it Twilight!” The five of them asked.

“We can do it alone, but I don’t want to.” Twilight pointed at the elements. “We need to take these and head towards the battle. With Goten, we can stop Nightmare Moon.” She looked at them. “All of us together is the answer, so will you help me?”

“I-I’m in.” Fluttershy suddenly said.

She wasn’t looking any of her friends in the eyes, but they could tell she was serious.

“Are you sure Flutters?” Rainbow asked worried for her first friend.

“I’m sure.” Fluttershy stated quietly. “I trust Twilight to know what she’s doing.”

“If she’s in, I’m in.” Rainbow declared.

“I’m in as well.” Rarity added.

“Ah’ wouldn’t have any other way.” Applejack declared.

“Aww shucks! You don’t even have to ask!” Pinkie finished.

With everyone in agreement, they lifted the five rocks before moving towards the fight.

Throne Room
“I can’t deny thy power child.” Nightmare Moon declared. “The fact that those last blast did nothing confirms it, but the victor of a fight is not always the strongest. Mark my words. I will end you before shrouding the world in night.”

“I think you’re mistaken Nightmare Moon.” Goten declared. “I’m not an idiot myself. My mom and brother made sure of it. I won’t think I’m smarter than you, but I think I can keep up.”

“We shall see.” Nightmare Moon’s front hooves glowed. “This is my domain, and magic is more than beams.”

She slammed her hooves on the ground causing a circle of dark blue magic to wash over the room. Goten looked around and was ready for anything; however, all that happened was the room glowing blue once before ceasing.

“What was that?” Goten asked confused.

“It will be your end.” Nightmare Moon’s horn glowed. “Night’s Canon!”

The beam of dark blue magic fired at Goten. Rather than dodge, he held up his hand generating a Ki shield. When the beam met the shield, it held, and Goten didn’t budge an inch. He then used that Ki to rush through the beam and stopped before a stunned Nightmare.

Goten smiled before upper cutting the mare into the air. He rocketed up before planting both feet into the mare knocker her into the ceiling. Goten then got out of there as the alicorn came crashing to the ground. The ceiling above then came down soon after on top of her.

Goten knew this wouldn’t finish her, and Nightmare Moon proved it by using a magical explosion to blast the ruble away. She stood showing her chin was bruised, her body injured, and hair, still flowing in the wind, was a mess.

Nightmare Moon glared daggers at the Half-Saiyan. “You continue to get on my nerves you brat.” She was scanning the room and noticed that sections of it were glowing exactly as they should. “That is why I will wipe you off the face of this world!”

She rushed forward and began trying to skewer Goten with her horn which she moved at ridiculous speeds. The alicorn only hit air as the Half-Saiyan danced around the attacks like they were moving in slow motion.

“Missed me!” Goten declared as he jumped over the last attack.

The boy then grabbed the alicorn by the horn and flew up before spinning in place.

“Let me go, miserable monkey!” Nightmare Moon shouted.

“If you wish it, I’ll comply!” Goten declared.

He used the momentum and his strength to chuck the alicorn into the now destroyed thrones. Nightmare Moon was panting as she slowly rose to her feet. She noticed that the magic in the room was collecting above Goten as he landed across from her.

“This is enough Nightmare Moon.” Goten’s grin was replaced with a serious glare. “I’m ending our fight now.”

“Guess you’re nowhere near smart enough to keep up with me, huh?” Nightmare Moon grinned. “It helps that I could mask my trap.”

“What are you…” Goten began before sensing it.

At this point, it was too late. A blue magic circle had appeared above him, and a beam of magic rained down on the Half-Saiyan. Goten couldn’t move and felt an excruciating pain which made him scream in agony.

“I let myself get carried away.” Nightmare Moon laughed. “See boy, our powers differ. You’re all about that strength, but I have countless techniques. This spell was one I created just in case Bardock was still around. It amplifies all damage one has taken during this battle 100-fold.”

Goten could safely say this was the second worst pain he’s ever felt in his life. The first was when his mom died as no other pain could compare to losing family. She came back, but that didn’t mitigate the pain he’d felt. He lived through that, so he could live through this.

The Half-Saiyan pushed his power to the surface with all his might and managed to clench his mouth shut. He forced down his cries of pain no longer giving this alicorn the satisfaction. Nightmare stopped laughing and was at a loss for words as the boy’s power continued to build.

Eventually, Goten yelled once more, but he was not crying in pain. This was something primal within. Soon, the golden light of the Super Saiyan overcame the magic circle above until it split in half and dissipated.

“RAAAAAAAGH!” Goten wasn’t content to stop there.

The Half-Saiyan could feel more power buried within and knew it had to be Super Saiyan 2. He just had to keep going and force it out. In the end, it completely slipped away from his grasp, and a painful jolt ran through his body.

Goten fell to his knees. The coldness of the floor beneath nor how short of breath he was didn’t even register to his mind. He had been close yet failed to reach Super Saiyan 2. In the end, the only explanation he had was that he lacked power.

“Damn it!” Goten punched the ground cracking it.

Nightmare was at a loss for words, but her mind was a different story. “He destroyed my magic circle, and his power continued to rise. Only I should have power like that. I’m a princess of the highest power, yet like Bardock before him, this boy stands as an unmovable object.”

The princess of the night could not stand to be weak. No matter what, she would beat this warrior and prove her strength.

Little did she know, the Half-Saiyan was having similar thoughts. “I won’t be weak anymore! I’ll grow strong! Strong enough to stand with my brother and dad! I will make them proud!”

The two of them had made up their minds and glared at the other with a raging intensity. Goten dropped to a familiar stance while Nightmare Moon’s horn glowed brilliantly. She was prepared to put everything into one, ultimate attack.





Nightmare Moon pumped her magic into this beam and continued to push her power as it got closer to Goten. Rocks and rubble were blown out of its path, but Goten grit his teeth before pushing his hands forward.


The blue beam met Nightmare’s attack pushing it back to the middle of the room. Then, the attacks exploded which washed over the room masking both combatants.

With Main Six
The six ponies had felt the castle shake and knew it had to be the result of the battle ahead. Still, the group had decided to help Goten, so this was not about to deter them.

Throne Room
Goten’s hair returned to normal, but the Half-Saiyan was still standing. That’s more than you could say for Nightmare Moon. The alicorn was laid out on the ground heavily injured but still conscious.

“I won.” In Goten’s eyes, this was good enough. “I won. I won! I WON!”

“H-He beat me.” Nightmare Moon was in disbelief. “I lo… No. No! NO!” She forced herself back to her feet against excruciating pain. “I haven’t lost yet.”

“No, we’re done Nightmare Moon.” Goten declared firmly.

Nightmare Moon growled. “What do you mean?”

“I mean we’re finished.” Goten declared. “You can barely move, and your strength is falling. I shattered your pride, so stop before I break you absolutely. Accept whatever punishment the ponies have and don’t throw your life away.”

“I don’t care what you say.” Nightmare Moon was infuriated. “You have humiliated me for the last time.” She was now standing and began taking shaky, slow steps towards Goten. “I am not finished.”

“Just give up.” Goten stated firmly. “Fighting now is pointless.”

Nightmare Moon constantly tried to kill him and would do so even now if she could; however, Goten wasn’t like that. Yeah, this alicorn had done terrible things, but she couldn’t hurt anyone right now. Plus, she’d planned to wrong the ponies first and this was their world.

“Goten!” The six ponies all shouted his name. “We’re here!”

Not a moment later, they ran into the room, with the rocks, coming to stand in front of him protectively. They then noticed the state of the two combatants.

“Whoa.” Rainbow was shocked and said what they were all thinking. “You actually beat her.”

“Yeah, I did.” Goten stated. “The problem is, she refuses to accept it.”

“It doesn’t matter that they are here.” Nightmare Moon declared. “I will defeat you all.”

“No, you won’t.” Twilight declared firmly before looking back at Goten. “You got the fight you wanted, so allow us to put this to rest. Together, we can end this.”

“So, you know how to make those element things work?” Goten nodded. “If it means I don’t have to put her down, go for it.”

“No, I will defeat you all.” The alicorn was panting. “I am Nightmare Moon, and I will have my kingdom of the night.”

“You won’t because we can stop you together.” Twilight turned on Nightmare confidently. “The Elements of Harmony may be gems, but they won’t work without those who represent them. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is here.”

“Everyone? Not everypony? Does that mean I represent an element?” Goten contemplated.

“What?” Nightmare Moon questioned confused.

“Apple Jack who reassured me when I was in doubt represents Honesty.” Twilight declared. Fluttershy who tamed the manticore with her compassion represents Kindness. Pinkie Pie who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger represents Laughter.

Rarity who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents Generosity. Rainbow Dash who would not abandon her friends for her heart’s desire represents Loyalty. These five ponies got us through every challenge you sent our way.”

The five spheres rotated around the named ponies.

Nightmare was worried. “You still do not have the sixth element, so the spark did not work.”

“That is where you’re wrong.” Twilight declared. “The spark was never what we thought it was.” She turned to everyone. “I felt it the moment I realized how close we became.” She nodded to Goten. “All of us.” She turned to Nightmare. “It happened when I realized they are my friends.”

A sixth sphere appeared above Twilight which then prompted something strange to happen with Goten. A green gem phased out of his chest and rotated around him like the five spheres. It suddenly clicked that the man who brought him here showed him this gem.

“The Element of the Champion further empowers the Elements of Harmony.” Twilight smiled. “Goten who stood up for ponies he didn’t know represents Courage. That just leaves the spark which exist in us all. Magic.”

The spheres turned into small gems before becoming necklaces in the shape of their respective pony’s cutie marks. Goten’s gem became a mini, green dragon ball with four stars before becoming a bracelet on his right arm. Finally, Twilight’s formed into a crown.

All seven of them glowed and floated together in midair before a beam of rainbow magic washed over Nightmare Moon who screamed. Then, everything went white, and the group passed out along with Nightmare Moon.

Universe 7: Capsule Corp., Day…
Trunks was officially freaking out because he’d searched Capsule Corp., and around it, yet Goten was nowhere to be found. At first, he assumed his friend had returned to normal and was playing an impromptu game of hide and seek.

So, the Half-Saiyan had played along until Goten’s usual hiding spaces turned up nothing. It was like Goten vanished, and he had no idea where to. For all he knew, this could be some bad guy or something.

“Oh, there you are Trunks.” A voice that Trunks recognized, and one of the few he didn’t want to hear, had just called out to him. “Have you seen Goten? Mom says it’s time we get back home.”

Trunks turned to face a teen that had the same black eyes and black colored hair common in the Son family. His hair was much shorter and stands on end in a spiky formation with a single bang hanging over the right side of his forehead. He wore a blue suit for the party.

Trunks froze and looked distressed which Gohan picked up. “Hey, are you okay?”

The young Half-Saiyan had no leads on where his friend could be. That meant he’d have to start scouring every nook and carney on the planet looking for him. Even with the speed he had, it could take days to find Goten.

That’s if he could find him at all. For all Trunks knew, his best friend might be on a whole other planet. Hiding this from people, especially his own family, would prove disastrous. At best, he could find Goten in a few days. At worst, he may never find him.

“No, I’m not.” Trunks gulped. “Gohan, Goten’s nowhere in or around Capsule Corp.” The older Half-Saiyan was shocked. “At first, I thought we were playing hide and seek, but I’m starting to think this may have something to do with how he was acting last night.”

Gohan regained his composure. He knew Goten wouldn’t have up and left without telling someone in the family. Considering his mother had asked him to find his younger brother, and she had kept dad close, it was unlikely he had left.

The older Half-Saiyan knelt on one knee. “Was something wrong with Goten last night?” Hearing that had concerned him. “Goten seemed his usual cheery self the times I saw him.”

“Goten was really down on himself.” Trunks stated. “He kept talking about our failure to stop Buu and kept comparing himself to you and Goku. I left because I wanted to talk to my mom about doing something to cheer him up. When I returned, Goten was gone.”

“I see.” Gohan looked to the side. “What happened to you Goten?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell anyone sooner.” Trunks stated. “Like I said, I thought we were playing hide and seek. I just thought he was hiding like he really didn’t want to be found. Now, I think something else has happened.”

Gohan shook his head, smiled, and put a hand on his shoulder. “It’s alright Trunks. Honestly, I’m glad you cared enough for my brother to try and cheer him up. The only mistake you made was not coming to us sooner; otherwise, you’ve done everything you could.”

He spotted some cameras nearby. “Say, do you have access to the camera room? I’d like to look through the footage before sending my mother into a tizzy. If we find something concrete, it’ll give us a better idea where to start looking.”

“The camera room…” Trunks opened his eyes wide and smacked his forehead. “Why didn’t I think of that!?” He started running. “I can get us in. Let’s go!”

Universe ?: Equis, Night…
Everyone was sprawled out on the ground and coming to. Rarity’s tail had been restored along with Goten’s clothing, and he had been healed.

“Everypony okay?” Applejack asked.

They all began to stand.

Rarity noticed her tail. “Oh, thank goodness.”

“Oh Rarity, it’s lovely.” Fluttershy stated.

“I know, and I’ll never part with it again.” Rarity stated.

“Hey, my clothes are back.” Goten thought.

Fluttershy pointed at the necklace. “I meant your necklace.”

Goten looked at the gem on his wrist. “Mine looks like an off-color dragon ball.”

Applejack said, “You know, I thought you were spouting a lot of hooey Twilight, but I guess we really do represent the Elements of Harmony.” She looked at Goten. “As well as the Element of the Champion.”

“Indeed, you do.” A voice declared.

The sun finally rose allowing light in through the window. A tall, white pony with a horn, wings, and waving, rainbow colored hair appeared in the room. Goten noticed the others kneeling. His mother had instilled manners into him, so he immediately joined them.

Twilight smiled as she trotted over to her mentor. “Princess Celestia.”

“Twilight Sparkle.” The princess hugged her. “I knew you could do it my faithful student.”

Twilight parted from her confused. “You told me it was all an old pony’s tale.”

“I told you that you needed to make some friends.” Celestia stated. “Nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon’s return and knew it was you who had the magic to defeat her; however, you could not unleash it without friendship.” She then looked at Goten with a smile.

“It is good to see that the next bearer of the Element of Courage arrived to aid us.” At this point, some ponies seemed to know something, but the princess immediately focused on what had been Nightmare Moon. “Now, if only another would embrace friendship as you have Twilight.”

What had been Nightmare Moon was now a smaller alicorn with a blue coat and light blue hair.

“Princess Luna.” Celestia approached the alicorn. “It has been a thousand years since I’ve seen you like this.” She got on the ground before the alicorn. “It’s time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together little sister.”

“Sister?” The other mares questioned.

“They’re sisters?” Goten questioned internally. “Wait, didn’t I hear a story about dad’s brother? Wasn’t he called Raditz? Wonder if something remotely similar happened here?”

Celestia stood. “Will you accept my friendship?”

Luna thought about it before running up to Celestia. “I’m so sorry.” She hugged her sister with tears in her eyes. “I’ve missed you so much big sister.”

Celestia’s eyes teared up as she hugged her sister back. “I’ve missed you to.”

“Actual tears?” Goten crossed his arms. “I don’t think any of the bad guys I’ve heard of would shed tears.” He looked at the element on his wrist. “What are these things?” He looked at the sisters before smiling. “Questions for later. At least these two are together again.”

Pinkie cried before suddenly perking up. “We have so much to celebrate, so it’s time for a massive party!”

Celestia and Luna looked over at Pinkie with bemused smiles.

Luna then regarded Goten with a look of guilt, “Goten, I know apologizing isn’t enough to excuse thy behavior, and anything thy may say would only sound like an excuse. Still, I need to say I’m sorry for trying to kill thou.”

Goten regarded the alicorn for a good long while as everypony waited with bated breath. The young Half-Saiyan was thinking heavily over what he learned from his family, and what he’s been exposed to.

People that were bad had become steadfast allies. Yamcha was once a bandit, Tien and Chiaotzu were members of the Crane School, Piccolo’s father was a tyrant, Trunk’s father destroyed planets, and a different Android 18 destroyed a future.

For every example of people who took a chance at a new life, there were those who wouldn’t. The Red Ribbon Army, the rest of the Crane School, Raditz, Frieza, and Perfect Cell. Maybe Goten was being a fool, but he had reached his conclusion.

“Princess Luna, I’m willing to forgive you.” Goten declared. “Put everything that happened behind us as long as you stick to a better path.” He smiled. “If you don’t, I’ll stand in your way again, and we know I’m good at that.”

“Yes, I believe we do.” Luna nodded. “Thou have bested me, so I shall accept these terms.”

“If you don’t feel like you deserve it, you can make up for trying to kill me by becoming the best princess you can be” Goten nodded. “Be the leader your people need.”

“Thou is wise for his age.” Luna nodded. “I promise.”

“You think so?” Goten rubbed the back of his head with a smile. “I guess, but I’ve just been rather contemplative lately.”

Everypony was relieved and glad for the solution they came to.

“Well, there is much you and I must discuss young one, but that is later. For now, I believe all of you have earned your party.” Celestia declared. “Let us return to Ponyville.”

Universe 7: Capsule Corp., Camera Room…
Gohan and Trunks had seen exactly what happened last night, and they couldn’t believe it. Someone who looks like Goku and Goten, except transparent, had opened a portal to somewhere, and Goten had ran into it.

“Gohan, why did your dad abduct Goten?” Trunks asked confused.

“I don’t know who that was, but that’s not my father.” Gohan shook his head. “Goten, what have you gotten yourself into?”

“Is that my baby!” A female voice rang out causing Gohan to flinch.

He was hoping to break the news more gently than this. Probably didn’t help that he had been replaying the footage to find something he could use to find Goten.

“Oh, so that’s where Goten went.” A cheery voice stated. “I had no idea there was someone else out there who looked like Goten and I.”

Gohan turned to see that his parents had entered the room. His father, Goku, has the same spiky black hairstyle, dark-colored eyes, and facial features as Goten. He currently wore a gray suit, but he was usually in an orange gi.

His mother, Chi Chi, had light-skin, a slender build, and large black eyes. Her long, black hair was in a bun with long strands of hair framing her face. She wore a pink collared shirt, white pearl earrings, a pearl necklace, white pants, and black high heels.

“Goku, this is serious!” Chi Chi yelled angrily. “Our baby boy is who knows where, and our only clue is a portal created by some guy who looks like you and Goten.”

“Come on Chi Chi.” Goku held up his hands with a nervous laugh. “This could be a lot worse than it looks. Goten stepped in willingly, so it doesn’t seem like someone bad got him. Plus, he knows how to take care of himself, right?”

“Goku, he’s a child.” Chi Chi stated. “We’ve only taught him so much. What if wherever he ends up doesn’t have the resources he needs to survive?”

“Mom, what I think dad is trying to say is that Goten’s capable of holding out until we get him back here.” Gohan had walked over to them. “Considering how it happened, I think the dragon balls are our only hope in quickly locating him.”

“Our dragon balls were just recently used.” Chi Chi stated worriedly. “That means we’ll need to wait at least a year before using them.”

“Namek has their own set of dragon balls, right?” Goku asked.

“Exactly.” Gohan stated. “If we go to Namek, they should be willing to help us bring Goten back.” He looked to his father. “You can Instant Transmission us there just like when you brought Dende to earth.”

“Of course.” Goku put his fingers to his forehead. “This shouldn’t take long.”

“Wait Goku.” Chi Chi stated. “Gohan and I are coming with because I will not miss even a second of my baby being back. I also need to make sure he knows not to go running off into strange portals either.”

Gohan and Goku shared a look of concern, but they knew discipline would come Goten’s way.

“Hold on.” Trunk interjected. “I want to come because Goten’s my friend, and I need to make sure he’s alright.”

“Trunk, we can’t just take you.” Chi Chi stated. “Your mother would be worried sick.”

“Plus, I’m thinking you can do something else while we’re gone.” Gohan stated. “Tell everyone to search earth for Goten. There’s a slight chance that portal took him somewhere on the planet, and if the dragon balls can’t retrieve him, maybe you guys can.”

Trunks really did want to go, but Gohan was right. “Alright, I’ll make sure everyone gets out there and looks for Goten.” He ran from the room. “I’ll even make sure my dad helps!”

“Now, let’s go.” Chi Chi was getting antsy. “I want to see my little boy.”

“Just place a hand on my back, and I’ll transmission us there.” Goku stated.

Universe ?: Equis, Outside the Castle…
A female figure observed the group from a distance. She was relatively tall and well-built with long blue hair in a ponytail. She wore a black visor over her eyes. Her attire consisted of black boots with orange accents, black pants, and light black armor with orange trim.

The woman crossed her arms as she focused solely on Goten. “This time, things will be different. I’ll make sure of it. I’ll make sure you live, and Majesty never comes to threaten any universe.”

Goten and Celestia got the feeling someone was watching them, but before they turned, the woman had vanished leaving barely noticeable sparkles behind. In the end, both beings shrugged it off and continued with the group.

Universe 7: New Namek
Goku, Gohan, and Chi Chi appeared on Namek in the middle of a bunch of Namekians going about their day. The grass was blue, and the sky was green. Goku had managed to put them next to Elder Moori. A dark green Namekian with a red vest, white pants, and brown shoes.

Naturally, the group were shocked at first, but once they recognized Goku, that shock turned into welcoming smiles. They probably would have directed the same to Gohan, but it has been years since they saw him.

“Goku, this is an unexpected pleasure.” Moori stated.

Before Goku could speak, Chi Chi approached the elder with a pleading look. “Please, allow us to use your dragon balls. Our second born son vanished into a portal, and we don’t have any leads on where he may be.”

“I do not sense any ill will or misdirection within her.” Moori looked from her to Goku. “Is this true?”

"It is Moori.” Goku replied. “One second he’s there. The next, he runs into a portal with some guy who looks like me.”

“That must have been the overwhelming, harmonious energy we felt earlier.” Moori nodded before looking at his people. “I would like for the dragon balls to be gathered here for our friends from earth. Porunga shall attempt to grant their wish.”

The other Namekians began moving on their elder’s words.

“Excuse me sir, but how long will it take to gather the dragon balls?” Gohan asked.

“It shouldn’t be more than a couple of hours, at most, to gather them from the other villages.” Moori nodded. “In the meantime, we do not have much to satiate the needs of humans, but we shall do our best to make sure you are all comfortable.”

Universe ?:Ponyville, Later…
Pinkie Pie put together a huge party to celebrate everything, and Goten felt very welcome among these ponies. They naturally thought he looked weird, but the Half-Saiyan had put his life on the line for them. Goten honestly wouldn’t have blamed them if they were apprehensive.

Hey, this was a great alternative. Anyways, Spike reunited with Twilight and the princesses flew in on a chariot pulled by four guards. Goten noticed that Luna seemed to make the ponies conflicted. She was another princess who suddenly appeared.

The similarities to Nightmare Moon, though that truth was to be hidden, likely threw them off. It’d just take time for the ponies to accept this. At least the princess of the night was holding to her promise and not shying away from her people. Suddenly, Twilight felt rather glum.

“Why so glum my faithful student?” Celestia noticed this and approached her. “Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?”

“That’s just it.” Twilight looked at the ground. “When I’ve finally learned how wonderful it is to have friends, I have to leave them.”

Celestia looked at the baby dragon. “Spike take a note.” The dragon pulled out some parchment. “I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, will be tasked with a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study the magic of friendship and report her findings from her new home in Ponyville.”

The other ponies cheered.

“Thank you, Princess Celestia.” Twilight smiled. “I promise I’ll study harder than ever before.”

“You know, I wouldn’t mind sticking around to see that, but I don’t think I can.” Goten had his hands behind his head. “I have my family…” He lowered his arms. “Wait, how do I get back?”

With his resolve to help the next time something came up, and that something then being Nightmare Moon, Goten hadn’t given how he’d get home much thought. With everything wrapping up, he now realized he hadn’t brought himself here.

“You don’t.” That same guy who first showed himself to Goten appeared as transparent as ever shocking the ponies. “You recklessly ran into that portal without asking further questions or allowing me to explain. If I had, you’d know this by now.”

“Bardock, is that really you?” Celestia asked hopefully.

“Do you really need to question that?” Bardock looked back at the princess and crossed his arms with a small smile. “I may not be alive, but that’s because not everyone can be blessed with longevity, ya old sun butt.”

How he talked to Celestia really shocked and/or angered the gather ponies. Just before ponies like Twilight and Rainbow Dash could comment, Celestia laughed good naturedly.

“Yep, no one talks to me like that except you, old friend.” Celestia smiled big. “Even if it is not in the flesh, I am happy to see you.”

Bardock just grunted before looking at Luna. “Looks like you finally got a good night’s rest, ya cranky foal.” His tone wasn’t exactly favorable. “When we used to train together, you said you wanted to be a Saiyan.

Well, a Saiyan does not accept help like you did. You threw away your pride and lost my respect as a warrior.” Luna shied away from his gaze. “Even now, you shy away. It’s pathetic” He sighed in disappointment. “Things really went downhill fast, didn’t they?”

“Excuse me, Bardock.” Goten was really focused on what he’d first said. “What do you mean I can’t go back?”

“I mean, it’s not possible as things stand.” Bardock stated. “This planet, Equis, has to be in a universe not our own. At least, as far as I’ve come to understand since there were Saiyans here being born with far shorter tails. Regardless, you’ve been chosen to become the next champion.

I am to be your guide. That’s how the Champion’s Element works. It’s possible there’s a way back considering the element once came to me and then came to you.” He noticed that Goten was starting to tear up. “Don’t cry. The champion doesn’t cry.”

“I-I wasn’t going to cry.” Goten sniffled as the tears continued to build. “I won’t cry. I can’t cry. This was my decision, and even knowing what you’ve told me, I’d do it again.” He wiped his eyes. “These ponies needed help, and I could give it. That’s nothing to cry about!”

The act of trying to stop the tears only brought about more. It didn’t help that the young Half-Saiyan was thinking how devastated his mother and brother were going to be over his disappearance. Not to mention, his father just came back to life.

The two of them barely spent any time together. Goten didn’t regret helping the ponies, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t sad. He was even starting to assume the dragon balls wouldn’t bring him back. Earth’s were used, but he remembered stories of Namek’s.

Still, if those were going to bring him back, they’d surely have worked already, right? Everypony who watched this had heard the honesty by which Goten spoke. Considering he had initially protected them against Nightmare Moon, they didn’t doubt he’d have made this decision.

Luna felt exceptionally worse than anypony else. The Champion’s Element had reached out to the Half-Saiyan in response to her. From what she understood, any threat like hers could have caused this, but she was the reason he was here.

She wanted to run away, but she had made a promise. Plus, she didn’t want to further disappoint Bardock more than she had. As such, she stayed. She would not run away from what she caused. She would be a better leader.

Fluttershy was the first to approach him. “I know how scary it can be being away from home, so you can cry openly if you need to.”

“It’ll be okay sugar cube.” Applejack was next. “The way I see it, ya helped folks ya barely knew, so we’ll help ya in turn.”

“Like we could just get rid of you.” Then came Rainbow Dash. “Having Goten around is only going to push me to improve. I’d be crazy to kick him to the curb.”

Next came Rarity. “Goten’s a real diamond, so we should keep him close.”

“Yeah, Goten’s our friend.” After her came Pinkie Pie. “Friends should always look out for each other.”

“I’ve been taking care of Spike alongside my parents, so I’m sure it’ll be no problem looking after Goten.” Twilight smiled. “Especially with my new friends around to help.”

Hearing those words from his new friends finally helped Goten to stop crying. “You six are the best. Thank you.” He finished rubbing his eyes and sniffled. “Until I return home, or if I can never return home, I promise to do my best to protect Equestria as its next champion.”

Celestia smiled at the outcome and addressed the baby dragon. “Spike continue to add to that letter I had you write. I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the new Champion of Equestria, Goten, shall have his place in the town of the ponies he sought to protect. Ponyville.”

The girls now all crowded around Goten as the ponies cheered.

Bardock had a knowing smirk on his face and nodded approvingly. “Well said sun butt.” He looked at Goten. “A Saiyan hybrid, huh? I’ve had visions of what they’re capable of, but now I can feel your potential. As your guide, I’ll help you bring it out.”

Universe 7: Namek
The dragon balls of Namek had been gathered, and everyone there gathered around them.

Moori addressed the gathered Son family. “In the years since we’ve come to New Namek, we have taught our dragon a more common tongue. I only mention this because I get the feeling one of you would like to make the wish.”

He was referring to Chi Chi who nodded gratefully before stepping forward. “Come forth Porunga and grant my wish!”

The sky darkened as the large dragon balls of Namek glowed and Porunga appeared from a golden beam. He was green, had a heavily muscled upper body, and seemed alligator-like.

“You have collected all seven dragon balls.” Porunga declared. “As it is written, think wisely and I shall grant any three wishes that are within my power.”

“Eternal dragon, I wish for my second son, Goten, to be brought here.” Chi Chi wished.

“Just a second.” Porunga’s eyes glowed. “That is beyond my power.”

Goku, Gohan, and Chi Chi were in disbelief.

“What?” Chi Chi asked. “Why?”

“The one called Goten is in another universe, and I lack the power to bring him here.” Porunga replied.

“A whole other universe…” Gohan stated in shock.

“What do we do now?” Chi Chi questioned.

“Oh, I got it.” Goku stepped forward. “Hey Porunga, I wish my family and I were with Goten!”

“I shall try.” Porunga declared.

Gohan and Chi Chi were both shocked.

“Goku, what are you thinking!?” Chi Chi yelled.

“Well, you really wanted to see Goten, so why not go where he is?” Goku asked.

“Dad, if we go where Goten is, there’s no way we can come back.” Gohan stated. “You should have included that in the wish before making it.”

Goku chuckled and rubbed his head. “Oops.”

“That too is beyond my power.” Porunga declared. “State something within my power or allow me to go dormant.”

As much as Chi Chi wanted to see her boy again, she didn’t want her whole family to be stuck where he was. “Well, what do we do now?” She cupped her hands. “We can’t bring Goten here, and we can’t even rephrase the wish to go to him.”

“Maybe we just need wishes that are easier to grant.” Gohan stepped forward. “Porunga, I wish to know if my little brother, Goten, is in good health.”

“One moment.” Porunga’s eyes glowed. “The one known as Goten is healthy. You have two more wishes.”

Gohan thought about it before getting an idea. “I wish to know if there is anyone within our universe who could get Goten and bring him back to us.”

“I shall search.” Porunga’s eyes glowed. “There is one in this universe who can grant your request; however, I am forbidden from telling you. You have one more wish.”

“There’s one person in the universe who can get Goten back.” Chi Chi stepped forward. “You may be forbidden from telling us, but I wish for this person to be brought here now.”

“I cannot.” Porunga’s eyes didn’t even glow. “His duties are too important. Please, state your last wish.”

AAAAAH!” Chi Chi yelled. “What good is a wish granting dragon if it can’t do anything to help me get Goten back!?”

“I wouldn’t say he’s been no help.” Gohan stated. “We now know Goten is fine, and there’s someone out there who knows how to bring Goten back. If Porunga can’t bring him here, and he likely can’t put us there, all we have to do is find them.”

“Still, I just wish I could see my baby boy.” Chi Chi closed her eyes. “I want to see him.”

“I shall try.” Porunga had heard Chi Chi’s wish even if she hadn’t meant it. “You can see him.”

The air before Chi Chi rippled before a window into Equus appeared showing Goten surrounded by colored ponies. There were those with wings, horns, none of those, two with both, and the transparent man.

The Namekians gathered had no idea what to make of what they were seeing.

“Goten.” Chi Chi approached the window, but all it did was ripple at her touch. “He looks like he’s been crying.”

“He is also smiling.” Goku brought up. “I don’t think any of them are the cause of it.”

The window vanished.

“All three wishes I can grant have been granted.” Porunga was glowing. “Farewell.”

The dragon went back into the dragon balls before they themselves flew into the air and dispersed around Namek.

Chi Chi just stared up at them sadly as the sky cleared. “Goten…”

Gohan put a hand on her shoulder. “We may not have gotten Goten back, but if you ask me, that world doesn’t seem that dangerous.” He smiled. “No matter how long it takes, Goten should be fine.”

“Yeah, how dangerous can a world like that be?” Goku asked.

“You two may be right, but we still need to find the one in this universe who can bring him back to us.” Chi Chi stated.

“We will mom.” Gohan nodded. “I’m certain everyone back home will chip in.”

Moori approached the family. “I am sorry we could not be more help in retrieving your son. We can tell you care deeply for him. If there is anything we can do, don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Thank you.” Chi Chi nodded gratefully before turning to Goku. “Let’s get back and start searching. I want to find my baby boy.”

Gohan and Chi Chi put a hand on Goku’s back before he used Instant Transmission to get them back to earth.

Capsule Corp., Camera Room
After hearing from his son about what happened to Kakarot’s brat, Vegeta had to see it for himself. Especially after hearing the description given of the ‘man’ that appeared to Goten. Almost immediately, the Saiyan Prince knew this was no ordinary man, but a low class Saiyan.

Vegeta is a slim yet well-built man of a below-average stature. His hair is black and spikes upward while having a prominent widow’s peak. He wore a long-sleeved blue shirt, green pants, and a black belt.

“A champion of another land?” Vegeta questioned. “Kakarot and Raditz’s father was chosen followed by Goten. What does it mean, and why was their line chosen over mine? Bardock was nothing special last I remembered.”

The prince had been paired with Raditz on many missions, so he occasionally ran into the low class Saiyan. It’s not like Saiyans were meant to care for their children. That meant they hadn’t really conversated much especially given the status the prince once held.

“Well, color me intrigued.” Vegeta walked out of the room. “I’ll find the brat and get answers. Whether they be from him or Bardock, it doesn’t matter.”