• Published 17th Jan 2021
  • 2,987 Views, 99 Comments

What makes a Hero? - Quillion9000

Goten starts to feel down since he doesn't seem to live up to his idols, but he will get his chance in the land of Equestria. This land needs a hero, but if he can't understand what that really means, the land will fall.

  • ...

Applebuck Season

Field Outside of Ponyville
Goten stood across from Rainbow Dash who seemed ready for what was about to happen. As for the Half-Saiyan, he was a bit unsure about doing this. It’s not that he thought the pegasus was weak. She was strong, but Nightmare Moon had been exponentially stronger by comparison.

“Hey Goten, I just wanted to thank you for agreeing to fight me.” Rainbow was raring to go.

“Well, I did say I would.” Goten scratched his cheek. “This is a good place for it, right?”

“Yeah, this works.” Rainbow declared.

“So, this is just a spar between friends, right?” Goten questioned. “I’d hate for either of us to really injure the other.”

“That is about it; however, I want us both to go all out.” Rainbow got ready to attack. “I don’t plan on holding back myself, so you shouldn’t either.”

Rainbow then suddenly launched at Goten who dropped to the ground allowing the pegasus to fly over him. Rainbow stopped herself and flew back at him. The Half-Saiyan lunged clear to the right from his position on the ground avoiding her once more.

Rainbow then ascended to the sky rapidly before tucking in her wings and dive bombing the Half-Saiyan. Goten rocketed back as the pegasus landed gritting her teeth. She then moved around in a circle quicker and quicker generating a small tornado.

“Spinning Vortex!” Rainbow declared.

She sent the mini tornado Goten’s way, but he held out his right hand while generating a ball of Ki. When the tornado reached him, Goten shoved the Ki ball into it dispersing the oncoming attack.

“No good, huh?” Rainbow stared at Goten firmly. “Looks like I need to go faster.”

Rainbow Dash began flying around the field to pick up speed, but no matter how fast she went Goten’s eyes kept up with her. Eventually, Rainbow kept trying to fly into the Half-Saiyan, but he gracefully dodged every time.

Suddenly, Rainbow lost sight of him. “Where’d he go?” She continued to fly around the field keeping her eyes peeled. “Where is he?”

Goten had ascended above the pegasus and now flew down before lightly touching Rainbow’s head. She immediately fly back before coming to hover across from the Half Saiyan.

“Okay, I win.” Goten declared with a hopeful smile.

Rainbow grit her teeth before flying at Goten who simply jumped over her.

“Goten, you seem to have forgotten the rules laid out before we left town.” Rainbow turned to face him. “Dodge any attack you are able to. Take it seriously and no fooling around. Do not hold back.” The pegasus was shaking in anger at not being taken seriously.

“This is so frustrating.” Images of Goten’s first fight with Nightmare Moon came to mind. “When someone doesn’t take me seriously, my pride takes a hit.” Rainbow looked at Goten firmly. “Show me your power. The power you used to defeat Nightmare Moon.”

“Looks like, she’s not giving me much of a choice.” Goten looked down. “Alright Rainbow. If you want to see that power, I’ll oblige.” His hair turned golden while spiking up more, and his eyes turned teal. “This is what I used. This is a Super Saiyan.”

“His hair and eyes just changed.” Rainbow thought shocked. “Is he the one exuding this pressure I feel?”

Goten used his increased speed to seemingly appear before Rainbow Dash. It’s not like she could track him before, but now it was impossible. She tried to hit him with her front hoof, but the Half-Saiyan effortlessly avoided her.

Rainbow’s eyes went wide, and she turned only to see a fist coming at her with every intention of hitting her. Goten stopped the attack right before the pegasus’ face, but the air generated from the movement slammed into her knocking Rainbow into the ground.

Goten landed before his friend as his features returned to normal. “Alright, I think that’s enough.” He started to walk away hoping his friend would be okay with this outcome. “It’s nearing lunch time.”

Rainbow stood up and looked at Goten’s retreating form shocked. “So, that’s the strength it took to beat Nightmare Moon.” She looked at the ground. “Goten’s on a whole other level.” She gained a firm expression. “If that’s the case, I’ll just train to surpass that level.”

“Perhaps, I could teach you a few things to even the playing field.” A familiar voice stated.

“What are you doing here?” Rainbow Dash turned to see the transparent Bardock standing behind her. “Aren’t you bound to Goten or something?”

“In a sense, I am.” Bardock crossed his arms. “Granted, because of that I can’t travel as I please, but being out here is easy enough. Now, do you want training or not?”

“Why would you help me?” Rainbow asked. “Aren’t you Goten’s guide?”

“That’s exactly why I’m speaking to you now.” Bardock stated. “The boy’s growth will stagnate if he doesn’t have worthy rivals. As far as I can tell, you, Twilight Sparkle, and Applejack are his best bets in this village.”

“So, you’re just going to train me to make Goten stronger.” Rainbow shook her head. “I don’t want that. I want to surpass him.”

“That’s the spirit.” Bardock smirked. “As much as I want to see that boy improve, your training won’t lack pegasus. There would be no point to my offer if I merely trained you as a lamb to the slaughter. You must want to surpass the boy, or you might as well give up.”

“Alright, I’ll bite.” Rainbow was starting to warm up to the idea. “What can you show me to keep up with Goten?”

“When I was alive, I spent time picking up new techniques.” Bardock informed. “Saiyan Warriors tend to be fast learners, and I happened to be a warrior with the ability to see the future when I was alive. By observing my son and those around him, I picked up many techniques.”

“If you can help me get near Goten’s level, I’ll train with you” Rainbow declared.

“Then, you must do exactly as I say.” Bardock stated firmly. “You start complaining, and I’ll punish you with training until you collapse. A word to the wise, I know how to push an athletic type like yourself. Now, let’s get started.”

Ponyville, Next Day…
It was a quiet day, and Goten was uncertain how to spend it. Eventually, he decided that he might as well walk around the village and take it easy. Why plan something when you could take a moment to relax?

Goten soon noted that the ground was shaking. Not as much as when he’d play with the dinosaur’s back home, but it was alarming. The Half-Saiyan flew into the air and looked around before spotting a dust cloud heading for Ponyville.

“This is bad.” Goten yelled out over the village as he noticed a heard of cows coming towards the village. “Stamped!"

Panic spread quickly with everypony hiding in their homes or running to save themselves.

"Hey!” Pinkie was having the time of her life as she bounced from the ground shaking. “This makes my voice sound silly!"

"Pinkie Pie, are you crazy?” Twilight was running. “Run!"

Goten flew on over to the heard to see if there was something he could do.

"Everypony calm down!” Mayor Mare was trying her best to calm the situation. “There is no need to panic!"

"But Mayor, whatever shall we do?" Rarity asked in a terrified manor.

“Alright, think Goten. These cows are scared, and they’re not as big as dinosaurs. You can’t really hurt them.” Goten was frustrated since it’s not like he had much practice herding animals. “There must be something I can do."

"YEEHAW!" Applejack yelled cheerfully.

Goten noticed the apple farmer and her small, brown dog running amongst the heard, so he flew alongside them. "Applejack?"

Ponies started to cheer for them to get the herd away from Ponyville.

"Move aside, Winona!” AJ then looked to the Half-Saiyan. “Goten, make sure we got no stragglers!”

"Got it!" Goten declared.

With a clear direction, Goten flew above the heard and began targeting cows that seemed like they were breaking from the heard. He immediately moved towards those cows and nudged them back into place. Winona and Applejack kept the heard moving where they wanted.

"Come on, little dogies! Turn!" AJ stated before whistling for her dog. "Winona, put 'em up!” The earth pony roped the first cow and dragged it to the right away from Ponyville with the rest of the herd following. “Attagirl! Yee haw!"

“All of you stay together!” Goten made sure no cows broke off. “No one left behind!”

Applejack managed to make the heard stop by stopping the lead cow. “That was some top-notch herding Goten. You may just be a natural.” Goten smiled at the praise “Good work as always Winona." The dog gave a cheerful bark "Now, what in the hay was this about?"

A brown spotted cow, known as Daisy Jo, mooed to clear her throat before speaking. "Oh my! Begging your pardon Applejack, but Mooriella here saw one of those nasty snakes. Gave us all the willies don’t ya know?"

"We completely understand.” Applejack stated. “Just try to steer clear of Ponyville next time."

“We know that when you’re scared, you can’t make wise choices, but try to direct the herd somewhere safe.” Goten added. “I don’t think either of us want to see any of you hurt.”

"We certainly will.” Daisy began to lead the heard away. “So long you three."

The cows made their way back to the meadows, and Goten hoped they won’t get startled again. The ponies of Ponyville cheered for the three heroes.

"Yee haw!" Applejack declared.

She then ran off with Winona while Goten decided to slip away in another direction. He was glad to have been of help and beyond grateful to Applejack for taking charge.

"Yee haw!” Pinkie was beyond happy and hoped around. “Ride 'em, cowpony!"

"Applejack and Goten were just... just..." Mayor Mare tried to find the word.

Fortunately, Pinkie answered. "AppleSaiyantastic!"

"Exactly.” Mayor Mare addressed the gathered ponies. “We must do something to thank them for saving the town."

"I know!" Pinkie shouted. “A party!”

Everypony liked the sound of that.

A Week Later…
Goten had come to the party for him and Applejack. While he didn’t need it to feel appreciated, he wasn’t going to be a spoil sport. It was clear by all the decorations that the ponies had put a lot of work into this.

“Hey Pinkie, I just wanted to say thanks for the party.” Goten had approached the party pony. “I think Applejack will be just as grateful.”

“It was no problem.” Pinkie smiled. “Now, you are one of the guests of honor so get on stage.”

“Will do.” Goten walked onto the stage, but he had to wonder where his fellow hero of the day was. “Where is Applejack? She deserves most of the credit for the save.”

Twilight soon came onto the stage and had prepared a speech in Goten and Applejack’s honor, but she was constantly interrupted by some of her friends who wanted to share their thoughts on Applejack. They also talked about how Applejack was going to help them with something later.

After hearing that, Goten wondered when the country pony took a break. Eventually, Twilight gave up on her speech after the mayor wanted to have the last word. Annoyed, the unicorn joined her friends in the crowd to listen in on what Mayor Mare was about to say.

"With no further ado, it is my privilege to give the Prize Pony of Ponyville Award, to our guests of honor. A pony and Half-Saiyan of the utmost trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity. Ponyville's most capable and dependable friends: Applejack and Goten!"

The ponies cheered but quickly died down as they realized Applejack was nowhere to be seen. This left everyone confused. Eventually, Applejack did show up. She was working her way through the crowd of ponies and approached to accept the award with Goten.

It was obvious that Applejack was acting a little different than usual. She had problems keeping her eyes open and seemed disorientated. Twilight tried to give her proper thanks in the name of Ponyville. It was awkward and ended with Applejack dragging the trophy away.

"Was it just me, or did Applejack seem a little…" Twilight began.

Each of her friends gave an answer.

"Tired?" Rainbow stated.

"Dizzy?" Fluttershy then added.

"Messy?” Everyone looked at Rarity oddly. “Well, did you see her mane?"

"She seemed fine to me.” Pinkie started jumping for joy. “Woo! Woo!"

Sweet Apple Acres
Twilight had decided to go to Sweet Apple Acres to find out what was wrong with Applejack, and Goten tagged along. Once there, they quickly spotted Applejack bucking a tree. On her next attempt, she kicked over one of her barrels.

"What on Equis is that pony doing?" Twilight asked.

"Beats me.” Goten shrugged. “Whatever it is, Applejack’s energy is low. Really low. I’m not sure how much longer she can keep up this bucking.”

AJ soon fell asleep where she stood prompting the pair to approach.

"Hey Applejack!" Twilight shouted.

The pony continued to sleep, so Goten took in a deep breathe. “APPLEJACK!!!"

Once again, the Half-Saiyan could yell like nobody’s business, and it was more than loud enough to snap Applejack awake. “Huh? Whose there?” The country pony looked around before spotting them. "Oh, howdy Twilight and Goten."

The pair approached her, and Twilight spoke up. "What is all this about?"

"It's Applebuck Season." AJ almost tripped over her own hooves.

"Applewhat Season?" Goten asked.

"It's what the Apple Family calls harvestin' time.” AJ explained as she started to move onto another tree. “We gather all the apples from the trees so we can sell 'em."

"But why are you doing it alone?" Twilight asked.

"'Cause Big Mcintosh hurt himself." AJ explained.

"What about all those relatives I met when I first came to Ponyville?” Twilight inquired. “Can't they help?"

"They were just here for the Apple Family Reunion.” AJ explained. “They actually live all over Equestria and are busy harvestin' their own orchards meaning I'm on my own. Which means, I should really get back to work."

Goten got the feeling AJ’s pride could rival Vegeta’s meaning she likely wouldn’t want help with the orchard. On the other hand, this farm pony was tired enough that he could potentially relieve her work load another way.

“Alright, we’ll leave, but I actually have a favor to ask.” Goten smiled. “If you did this for me, it’d be such a huge thing in my eyes. You’d be a real friend.”

“Of course, Goten.” AJ yawned. “I’m always willing to help a friend.”

Twilight wondered what Goten was up to while the Half-Saiyan thought he was being a little manipulative, but AJ may seriously hurt herself. If she didn’t, she may just harm another pony, and Goten couldn’t let that happen.

“Well, I think I haven’t spent nearly enough time with the other mares in our friend group.” Goten explained. “I’ve been awfully busy settling in and training to the point that I feel I’ve been neglecting my time with them.”

“I don’t mean ta rush ya Goten, but I have trees to buck.” She started wobbling. “Can you get on with it?”

“No problem.” Goten stated. “All that stuff you promised to do with the girls sounds fun, so I’d like to take your place helping them. It’d be a great way to build stronger bonds with them.”

The thing is, Goten wasn’t completely lying. He had been slacking on spending time with the other mares. Hey, he was willing to give helping them a shot especially if it kept AJ away. Given her state, some of those activities sounded like ones she could use to accidently cause harm.

Twilight immediately understood and thought it was a lovely idea. “That is just a shame Goten.” She looked at the farm pony. “Applejack, please say you’ll help him.”

“If this will help you, do it.” AJ walked on. “Now, I really need to get back to work.”

Twilight and Goten left the area.

Once they were far away from AJ, Twilight spoke up. “This is a really sweet thing you’re doing for Applejack.”

“I just hope it’ll be enough.” Goten stated. “While I help the other girls, you should try to break through to her. I’ve seen this orchard, and I think AJ’s biting off a bit too much.” He looked at the ground. “I just feel bad I had to lie to lighten her load.”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t normally condone lying, but you can apologize later when she’s in a better state to understand.” Twilight stated.

“I guess.” Goten still felt bad, but he didn’t see any other option. “Anyways, I should get started on those promises.”

Rainbow stood on a fence post waiting for AJ to arrive.

Goten landed next to her. “Hey Rainbow Dash.”

“Oh, hey Goten.” Rainbow stated. “What are you doing here?”

Goten decided to keep it simple. “I just realized my training has kept me rather distant from my friends, so I asked AJ to let me take over her promises. I mean, that spar we had was the first time we spent any real time together since Nightmare Moon.”

“I understand.” Rainbow jumped on down. “Okay, let me explain what’s going to be happening.” She pointed towards what boiled down to a seesaw. “I’m going to stand on one end of that while you jump down on the other end from that platform above.

That’ll launch me into the air faster than I could on my own allowing me to do some amazing flips and spins. Once I get it all down, including a faster take off, I’m certain I’ll impress the Wonder Bolts.”

“Sounds like a fun form of training.” Goten smiled. “I’m in.”

The two of them got into position, and Goten played his part launching the prepared pony into the air where she began practicing her tricks. This is essentially what they did for the rest of the day with the Half-Saiyan having a blast.

Sugar Cube Corner
Goten had given Pinkie the same explanation he’d given Rainbow. After assuring the pony that he could follow directions, he helped his mom in the kitchen many times before, she had agreed to let him help.

He was then introduced to the Cakes. Mr. Cake was a taller stallion with a yellow coat and red mane while Mrs. Cake had a light blue coat with a pinkish mane. From what Goten could tell, they seemed like rather nice ponies.

“Pinkie Pie, are you sure you’re up for baking the muffins and running the store this afternoon?” Mrs. Cake asked

“Yes, siree bob Mrs. Cake.” Pinkie declared. “Plus, I have Goten to help me, and with how fast he can move, baking muffins will be a snap.”

“Don’t worry about a thing.” Goten added. “My mom taught me how to be a good helper in the kitchen. I suspect Pinkie knows what to do, so there should be no problems with her leadership.”

“Well, alright.” Mr. Cake stated. “We’ll trust in you two to handle things.”

Once the Cakes were gone, Pinkie and Goten got to work. The earth pony was the one who followed the recipes and combined the ingredients while Goten got the ingredients and kept things clean. In the end, they completed all the baking.

As Goten helped Pinkie, he got an idea. Maybe this could be what he did around town to earn some bits. Twilight had been taking care of him, but he didn’t want to be a bother forever. He didn’t doubt there were many ponies that could use some help.

Bunny Burrows: Next Day…
After explaining things to Fluttershy, the timid pony had readily accepted Goten’s help, and they talked as they walked.

“I may not have expected you Goten, but I’m glad you’re here to help.” Fluttershy stated. “You seemed like a natural when helping Applejack round up those cows, so I’m sure you’ll be an asset to the annual rabbit roundup.”

“No problem Fluttershy.” Goten smiled. “I’m happy to help.” He rubbed the back of his head. “I’m sorry my expertise lies more with larger animals than smaller ones. It’s just what I tended to play with.”

“Oh, that’s quite alright.” Fluttershy stated. “I’m happy to tell you how to handle the bunnies… if you want, that is?”

“I would appreciate that.” Goten nodded. “I wouldn’t want to mess this up.”

“Essentially, a lot of new, baby bunnies have been born, so it’s my job to get a count all the new families.” Fluttershy explained. “Now, as you said, these are smaller animals. Bunnies to be exact. They require one to be gentle as they are rather timid.”

“Gentleness is key.” Goten nodded. “Understood.”

Goten honestly didn’t find it hard to be gentler. It was kind of like being playful with the dino’s back home except quitter. The bunnies seemed to be rather drawn to Goten probably because he had a love of nature from his father.

Sweet Apple Acres
After finishing with Fluttershy, Goten decided to see how AJ had been getting along with her harvest. Even though he had fun with his friends, the Half-Saiyan was still worried for the farm horse. He expected to see her doing some apple bucking, but instead found her unconscious.

Twilight and a red stallion with an orange mane were near her. The stallion was Applejack's big brother Big Macintosh. Goten met him on one or two occasions when he was doing some work on the farm. He didn't talk much, but the stallion seemed okay in Goten’s books.

Goten landed next to Twilight. “Is Applejack okay?”

Twilight looked at Applejack in concern. “I’m not sure.” She shook her head. “AJ finished up a section of the orchard, but Big Mac pointed out how much she still had left to do. Now, she’s been like this.”

“Here I thought taking some of her load off would have helped more.” Goten frowned. “Guess it only delayed this outcome, huh?”

“You did what you could.” Twilight stated. “Regardless, it was really sweet of you.” At that moment, the farm horse woke up, so the unicorn focused on her. “AJ are you alright?"

"Huh," Applejack groaned.

"Applejack, every time I came to you, I saw how hard you worked; however, there are ponies who care for your wellbeing out there.” Twilight stated. “So, maybe you should put a little of your pride aside and allow your friends to help,"

Applejack looked at how many apple trees there were left and realized by now that it was too much for her. In the end, she swallowed her pride and accepted their help. Twilight and Goten let out a sigh of relief.

Goten, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy all ended up helping Applejack with the apple trees, and the work was done by the end of the day. As thanks, AJ prepared some drinks for her friends before bringing them on out.

"How about y'all come over here?” AJ offered. “I got some fine apple juice waitin' for ya!" the group gathered around. “I can’t thank you all enough. I was acting a bit stubborn.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “A bit?”

“Okay.” AJ stated. “A might stubborn. Twilight and Goten, I’m awfully sorry for just brushing of your concern all this time.”

“I have to apologize as well.” Goten stated.

“Apologize for what?” AJ asked confused.

“I lied to not only you, but Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy as well.” Goten admitted sadly. “While it was true I wanted to spend more time with my friends, the truth is that I didn’t want to see you overwork yourself. I’m sorry. Even if I may never have been caught, it wasn’t right.”

The girls looked at each other, but it was AJ who spoke. “I can’t say I like the fact that you lied, but I understand why you did it. As I said, I was a might stubborn, and had you spoken honestly, I’d have brushed ya off. I forgive ya and thank you for caring about me.”

“Thank you, AJ.” Goten nodded. “I’ve heard many stories about pride, so I forgive you as well.”

The other girls easily forgave Goten since he had been a huge help to them. After hanging out a bit, everyone went home. Goten would now set out to offer his help to Ponyville. Doing odd jobs would honestly be for the best since he had his training as well.

Author's Note:

This chapter turned out better than I thought it would. Now, I'm contemplating constructive ways to skip episodes without them going missing. I would like to finish this story someday, and 222 episodes, some movies, and specials are a bit much.

Especially when I feel many of them could be left as they were or with very minor changes. If any of you have ideas, I'd be glad to hear them. Oh, maybe I could do a Dragon Ball Z 'Last Time' any time I skip an episode.

What do you think?