• Published 17th Jan 2021
  • 2,984 Views, 99 Comments

What makes a Hero? - Quillion9000

Goten starts to feel down since he doesn't seem to live up to his idols, but he will get his chance in the land of Equestria. This land needs a hero, but if he can't understand what that really means, the land will fall.

  • ...

Ticket Terror

Hill Outside of Ponyville, Days Later…
After the party, Goten was told he could live with Twilight and Spike in the Golden Oak Library. That was perfectly fine with the young Half-Saiyan. Sure, he loved having fun and fighting, but his mother and brother had given him a healthy appreciation for literature.

After a few days of settling in, with Goten getting used to Ponyville, he was left relatively alone. He still had to digest what his new life would entail. While he would miss home, he found that he had no regrets helping these ponies.

Yeah, maybe they would have been fine without him, but at no point had Bardock alluded to Nightmare Moon being the reason he was summoned here. Maybe it was a catalyst to him being summoned earlier, but Goten couldn’t shake the feeling that worse was out there.

Either way, once Bardock felt Goten had settled in enough, he told the kid they had to go outside of Ponyville. When questioned, the transparent Saiyan simply said this would be where Goten trained the most. Now, they stood on the top of the hill.

Goten turned towards his guide. “So, are you going to tell me why we’re out here?”

“As I said, we’re here because it’s time you begin your training.” Bardock looked Goten up and down to see that he was still wearing his party clothes. “We also need to get you into clothes more fitting of a warrior. Here, we can eventually achieve both.”

“I don’t see any new clothes out here.” Goten was looking around. “Plus, this hill looks like any other place I could train at.”

“That’s because we’re standing above the place.” Bardock crossed his arm. “Let your Ki flow and the training room will respond.”

Goten decided to trust his guide and began to let his Ki flow. Almost immediately, the top part of the hill began to glow green as the grass and dirt were dissipated leaving a circular platform with a green gem on it. In fact, this image looked like Goten’s element before it transformed.

“Wow, what is this?” Goten asked.

Right after he spoke, he turned into green particles which sunk into the circular platform.

Champion’s Training Room #1
Goten suddenly blinked to find himself in a small building comprised of a black metal. Even the door was made of that stuff. A nice sized case was lain against one of the walls and there was a rather comfortable bed nearby.

Bardock answered Goten’s earlier question. “This is one of the Champion’s Training Rooms. It’s where we come to hone our abilities and learn from our guides.” He tapped Goten on the head. “Even though I still look transparent, these are one of few places I can interact with.”

Goten walked over to the nearby door and opened it only to find a white, expansive void beyond. In fact, it looked like the Room of Spirit and Time. As he stepped out, he began to feel the familiar tug of increased gravity.

“Whoa, does this place also have its own time field?” Goten asked.

“Time field?” Bardock questioned.

“Yeah.” Goten nodded. “Back home, there was this place called The Room of Spirit and Time. In there, one year equaled one day outside it.”

“That sounds useful, but it does not.” Bardock stated. “All this has is increased gravity, more fluctuations between extreme heat and cold, and magic in the air that constantly restores stamina. In here, I will teach you all that I know and help you refine what you may develop. Now…”

Let's get down to business…

“Wait, what is that?” Goten interrupted confused. “Are you singing?”

“Yes.” Bardock sighed. “I think it has something to do with the land, but I learned to stop questioning or fighting it long ago. You’d be best to follow my lead. Now, are you going to let me continue or…”

Goten thought about it, and he did contribute a small part to Pinkie’s song. “I guess.”

Let's get down to business to defend this world
(Bardock began moving around the room at speeds Goten couldn’t keep up with.)
Did I get a child when I asked for a warrior?
(The Saiyan took note of this.)
You're the saddest runt I ever met
(He stopped before Goten.)
But you can bet before we're through
(Bardock pointed at the kid.)
Goten, I'll make a man out of you

Tranquil as a forest but on fire within
(Bardock moved slowly in front of his protégée showing him smooth but fierce strikes.)
Once you find your center, you are sure to win
(He began showing a proper stance to the boy.)
You're a spineless, weak, pathetic kid
(Goten glared at Bardock, but it was still cute rather than threatening.)
And you haven't got a clue
(Bardock smacked him on the head.)
Somehow I'll make a man out of you
(The Saiyan shook his head before giving him a real glare.)

I'm never gonna catch my breath
(Bardock had Goten run around the room past his limits.)
Say goodbye to who I was before
(The Half-Saiyan was now doing push ups.)
Man, was I a fool for not training more
(Goten was now punching and kicking the air while drenched in sweat.)
You need to fight fiercer or fail
(Bardock corrected his stance.)
I hope to impress this warrior
(The more training wore on, the harder Goten worked.)
Now I really wish I paid more attention
(The Half-Saiyan was thinking back to his mother’s lessons.)

Be a man
You must be swift as the coursing river
(Goten punched Burdock’s cheek, so the man punched him in the stomach.)
Be a man
With all the force of a great typhoon
(He kept up the attack pushing Goten deeper into the white space.)
Be a man
With all the strength of a raging fire
(Goten managed to slide between Bardock’s legs and kicked him in the back.)
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
(The Saiyan simply smirked before spinning around and kicking Goten away.)

There’s only so much time to train until you need it
(Goten collapsed on the ground, so Bardock stood over him with a firm expression.)
Heed my every order and you might survive
(The Half-Saiyan forced himself to his feet.)
You're currently unsuited for a true battle
(Bardock began attacking Goten with furious strikes.)
Don’t let that stop you, stand up, continue the fight
(The boy was knocked down, but he got back up again.)
You must have the instinct to survive!
(The Saiyan punched, but Goten caught the arm before flipping him into the ground.)

Be a man
You must be swift as the coursing river
(Goten landed a punch on Burdock’s cheek before fluidly moving around him.)
Be a man
With all the force of a great typhoon
(Bardock spun around and punched at Goten who managed to block.)
Be a man
With all the strength of a raging fire
(The Half-Saiyan then moved past Bardock’s guard before kicking him in the chest.)
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
(The Saiyan took the kick before catching his footing.)

Be a man
I must be swift as the coursing river
(Goten’s kicks and punches moved quickly through the air.)
Be a man
With all the force of a great typhoon
(He spared with Bardock and made every strike count.)
Be a man
With all the strength of a raging fire
(When he found an opening, the Half-Saiyan took advantage of it with a punch to the gut.)
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
(Goten faced Bardock, and they went Super Saiyan.)

Champion’s Training Room: Two Weeks Later…
Goten stood across from Bardock as their hair was golden and eyes teal. The young Half-Saiyan’s clothes were in taters like when he finished his fight with Nightmare Moon. Rarity offered to make him clothes, but Goten denied her.

Bardock said there was an outfit waiting for him once his bad habits were knocked out of him, and he adequately improved. Goten wanted his new outfit to be one he earned, and it’s not like he looked out of place considering most ponies were usually naked. He did wash what he had to.

Bardock smiled. “Well, looks like you Half-Saiyans can learn quicker than any Elite Saiyan out there. Here I thought you’d need to stay in those rags longer than this.”

Goten looked at the man he had come to see as one of his strictest and hardest teachers to date. Not even his mom could be this arduous with his training. He loved every moment of it because he could just feel his improvement.

“You mean, I’m ready for this outfit of yours?” Goten questioned.

“You are, but don’t be mistaken.” Bardock stated firmly. “There’s still much you must learn. You’ve merely gotten to a point where I can teach you properly.” He walked back to the black metal building which Goten had learned the metal was called Katchin. “Now, come on.”

Goten eagerly followed. Bardock had done much to improve the Half-Saiyan’s technique and started to make him a bit more serious in combat. Still, two weeks was too short to work out all the kinks. Hey, Bardock would take what he could get.

Honestly, he got more than he expected in these past couple of weeks. It’s not like he couldn’t continue working with the boy. If anything, they now had a solid base to branch off into more complex training. It’s not like he wanted to completely erase who Goten was anyways.

Metal Hut
The pair entered the hut and Bardock walked over to the metal case Goten had taken note of on the first day. The Saiyan picked it up and found a key underneath before taking it. Said key was then used to open the case. Inside there was a white shirt, gloves, pants, and boots.

“Uh, is this it?” Goten asked.

The Half-Saiyan didn’t want to sound ungrateful, but he was a bit disappointed. These clothes were even too big for him. Expected, but, with everything else, unwelcome. Rarity would have to tailor them.

“Where do you think we are?” Bardock crossed his arms. “This is a world of magic. These clothes may look plain, but Celestia designed them to interact with magic. If you hold your hands over them, and think of the outfit you want, they will become what you envision.”

“Really?” Goten looked at the outfit. “So, I can make these into whatever I want?”

“That is what I just said.” Bardock replied. “They can also be changed through the same method and will always be your size. They’re light as a feather yet tough to better protect you from smaller attacks. They can even repair themselves using the magic in the air.”

“No kidding.” Goten stated impressed.

He looked at the outfit in a new light. His father and brother were some of his biggest idols, so the Half-Saiyan began thinking of something like a gi. He then looked at Bardock who had been guiding him. He had to put some respect behind that.

Goten smiled. “I think I know just what I want.”

He had a clear picture and put his hands over the attire. A second later, there was a white light which washed over the room. When it cleared, Goten was suddenly dressed in his new attire. He wore a gi in the similar style of his father’s, but the color was different.

Goten now wore a Turtle School style dark blue gi with a dark green undershirt secured by a red knot-tied obi, wristbands, and kung fu shoes. The Champion’s Element was the largest symbol on the back while the smaller Saiyan symbol was proudly displayed on the front.

“Wow, this really is super light.” Goten looked at Bardock. “What do you think?”

“You certainly look like a warrior.” Bardock smirked. “Now, if only you were one.”

“You can be such a meanie sometimes.” Goten walked over to the circular pad. “I think I’m just going back to the library for today.” He yawned. “All that training’s really hitting me hard.”

Bardock smirked once Goten was gone. “If you keep this up, you’ll be a warrior in no time.”

Golden Oak Library, Day…
Goten sighed tiredly as he walked up to the library. Every day, he had pushed himself, but last night had been one heck of a training session. Now, he was ready for some rest.

The Half Saiyan tried to open the door, but it was locked. “What?”

He then spotted a note on the door:


Spike and I went to Sweet Apple Acres to help Applejack.


“Looks like I need to get a key eventually.” Goten started walking towards Sweet Apple Acres before his stomach growled. “I haven’t eaten since yesterday. Okay, food before sleep.”

Sweet Apple Acres
Spike was on Twilight’s back sorting through apples in her saddle bags while the student walked with Applejack who had saddlebags of apples as well.

“Thank you kindly for helping me Twilight.” Applejack stated. “I bet Big Macintosh I could get all these golden delicious in the barn by lunch. If I win, he’s going to walk through Ponyville in one of granny’s girdles.”

“No problem, Applejack.” Twilight stated. “I’m honestly glad the goal is lunch time because all of this hard work is making me hungry.” Her stomach grumbled causing the student to laugh. “Guess, we should get some food soon.”

“Twilight!” Everyone turned to see Goten walking towards them. “I was locked out of the library, and I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday.”

“That can’t be right?” Twilight was confused. “I left a key for you under the mat. Didn’t you see that on the note I left you? I remember Spike writing and posting it before we left.”

Spike chuckled nervously. “Oh, I was supposed to add that there was a key under the mat?”

“Spike!” Twilight shouted.

“I’m sorry!” Spike proclaimed. “I honestly forgot!”

“Forget it.” Goten sighed. “At this point, I’m more hungry than tired anyways, and I have yet to earn any of your currency.”

“I’m a little hungry myself, so you should come along.” Twilight smiled. “Applejack and I were just about to drop these off in the barn.”

“You bet.” Applejack stated. “Afterwards, I’ll treat you both to some of the Apple family’s cooking.”

“As long as there is food, I will follow.” Goten stated.

At that moment, Spike breathed some fire which produced two letters.

“It’s a couple of letters from Princess Celestia.” Twilight stated. “She spotted Goten’s name on one. “One of them is for you Goten.”

Goten plucked his letter from the air and immediately read it to himself while Spike grabbed the other and read it aloud.

“Dear Goten,

I am inviting you to the Grand Galloping Gala, so that you may experience more of this world. Also, this is to further thank you for what you’ve done. Included is your ticket. Your friends will know more, and I hope to see you there.

Princess Celestia

P.S. Initial investigation reveals nothing new about getting you home.”

“My faithful student Twilight,

I am writing this letter to invite you and one guest to the Grand Galloping Gala. I do so hope to see you there.

Your dearest teacher,

Applejack and Twilight were both happy. “The Grand Galloping Gala!”

Goten looked at them confused. “What’s the Grand Galloping Gala?”

“It’s a frilly, girly night in Canterlot.” Spike stated as he retrieved the two tickets.

Twilight rolled her eyes and took the tickets with her magic. “Don’t listen to Spike. The Gala is the biggest event in Equestria. An event that many wish to attend, but so few ever get the chance.”

“Boy howdy, she’s right.” Applejack stated. “I’d love to go. If I were able to set up an apple stand, ponies would be lining up to get a taste of our fiddles. With all that money, we’d be able to do a heap of fixing up around here.

The new business I could attract would be icing on the cake. We could fix the saggy, old roof, Big Mac could replace that saggy, old plow, and Granny Smith could replace that saggy, old hip. I’d give my hind leg just to go to that event.”

“In that case, would you like to…” Twilight began.

Rainbow Dash interrupted as she plummeted to the ground from a higher branch onto Goten knocking him into the ground. “This dirt feels soft.” He closed his eyes. “Almost like I could fall asleep here.”

“Sorry.” Rainbow got up and approached the other ponies. “Anyways, I heard you talking about the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“Rainbow you said ya were too busy to help me harvest apples.” Applejack accused. “Were you spying?”

“No, I was busy napping which allowed me to hear about an extra ticket.” Rainbow stated. “That is just awesome because the Wonderbolts perform at the gala every year. I could see it now. Everyone would be watching the sky, their eyes on the Wonderbolts, before I fly in.”

“Hold on.” Goten interrupted from the ground. “Aren’t the Wonderbolts military?”

Just because he had been training with Bardock a lot, didn’t mean Goten hadn’t studied some material on this world.

Spike leaned against him. “That’s part of their function, but they do lots of shows. Both special events and those they plan themselves.”

Goten sighed, “I don’t know how it works here, but back home military do not like someone coming in to upstage them. If I were you, I’d focus on socializing. Make connections.”

“Hm, I hear what you’re saying, but there’s nothing saying I can’t try.” Rainbow stated.

“Hold on one pony picking minute.” Applejack pulled her by the tail. “I asked for that ticket first.”

“So?” Rainbow questioned. “That doesn’t mean you own it.”

“Oh yeah, well I challenge you to a hoof wrestle.” Applejack declared. “Winner gets the ticket.”

They started the competition only for Twilight to separate them. “Girls, these are my tickets, so I’ll decide who gets it. Thank you very much.”

Goten was starting to feel cranky, so he stood up before walking off. “I’m going back to Ponyville where I’ll scavenge something for lunch.”

Twilight’s stomach growled. “Look, I’ve heard your reasons for going, and I’ll think them over after I’ve eaten.” Spike hopped on her back, and she ran after Goten. “Wait, I’ll treat you to lunch.”

Once Twilight, Spike, and Goten were gone, the remaining ponies got back to hoof wrestling.

Ponyville, Later…
Goten walked along with Spike and Twilight.

The dragon asked, “So, who are you going to give the extra ticket to?”

“I don’t know Spike, but I really can’t think straight when I’m hungry.” Twilight stated. “So, where should we eat?”

“I say whatever’s closest.” Goten chimed in.

At that moment, Pinkie came flying through a door and into Twilight knocking her and Spike to the ground. Goten was just out of range of the incoming pony. The two tickets landed on Pinkie causing her to freak out.

“Ah, bats! Bats on my face! Help!” The pink pony then looked down. “Wait, these are tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. I’ve always wanted to go!” She began bouncing around Twilight. “Thank you, Twilight. It’s the most wonderful gift ever!”

Spike picked up the tickets only for Rarity to see them. “Are those what I think they are?”

“Yes, they are!” Pinkie declared. “Twilight’s taking me to the gala in Canterlot!”

“The Gala.” Rarity stated. “I design ensembles for it every year, but I’ve never had the opportunity to go. Oh, the society, the glamour, and the culture. It’s where I truly belong and am destined to meet him.”

“Him!” Pinkie shouted excitedly before showing confusion. “Who?”

“Him!” Rarity reiterated. “Princess Celestia’s nephew. The most handsome and eligible bachelor in all of Equestria.” She walked up to the student. “Twilight, I can’t believe you’d invite Pinkie Pie so she can prevent me from meeting my true love. How could you?”

Then, a bunny came in and stole the tickets from Spike before taking them to Fluttershy; however, Twilight was more focused on the friends in front of her. “Look girls, I haven’t decided who to take.”

This brought Pinkie down while giving Rarity hope before Fluttershy decided to enter the conversation. “Uhm, excuse me. Twilight. I would just like to ask… I mean if it would be alright… If you haven’t given it to someone else…

“You!?” Rarity questioned shocked. “You want to go to the Grand Galloping Gala?”

“Well, not the party.” Fluttershy stated. “It’s more the garden which surrounds the gala. The flora and the fauna are said to be more exotic than anything else in Equestria.”

“It sounds serene.” Goten sighed. “What I wouldn’t give to be there sleeping under a tree. I also must wonder if there’s fruit in that garden. I could go for an apple about now.”

“Wait just a minute!” Rainbow declared.

“Rainbow Dash, were you following me?” Twilight asked angrily.

“No. I mean yes. I mean maybe. Look, it doesn’t matter.” Rainbow stated quickly. “I couldn’t risk a goody four shoes like you giving that ticket away to anypony.”

“Wait just a minute.” Applejack stated as she walked onto the scene.

“Applejack, were you following me to?” Twilight questioned.

“No.” Applejack pointed at the pegasus. “I was following this one to make sure she didn’t try any funny business and take my ticket.”

That line only sparked everypony to start arguing around Twilight making her more and more upset. The student even got low to the ground.

“This is never going to end, Twilight and I are never going to get food, and I’m never going to get any rest unless this whole situation is resolved.” Goten looked at everypony before shouting, “That’s enough!” He drew everyone’s attention. “You are going to listen to me.

I’m starving and have only gotten a few hours of sleep over these past couple of days, but that’s not the point. What matters is that Twilight and I are hungry. That is why you are going to look at Twilight. Look at how much your fighting is starting to affect her.

It’s tearing her up to even try and decide which of you will get the ticket. Look, my friend back home and I would fight over stupid stuff. That said, it should never get to this point. You five are frustrated, I’m angry, and Twilight’s turning into a mess.

At this point, it’s not even about the food or sleep. I just don’t want to see you all acting like this. Now, you are going to figure this out because I’m going to bed.” Goten laid on the ground. “Good night and have this figured out before I wake up.”

The Half-Saiyan then passed out.

Pinkie waved a hoof in front of his face, but he didn’t react. “Wow, he really was tired.”

“Now may be the time to tell them the truth.” Spike approached Twilight. “You know, to follow up on what Goten said.”

The other ponies looked at Twilight who looked back at him. “Goten’s right. I can’t decide which of you gets the ticket because you all have reasons, which are important to you, for wanting to go. In the end, I want to make you all happy, but I can’t. I just can’t.”

The five ponies felt ashamed they’d caused their friends this much stress.

Applejack walked forward. “Sugar, I didn’t mean to pressure you, and I certainly didn’t mean for Goten to resort to what he had to. If it helps, I don’t want the ticket anymore. You can give it to somepony else. I won’t feel bad. Promise.”

“Me to.” Fluttershy flew over. “I feel just awful that I made you and Goten feel so awful.”

“Me three.” Pinkie stated. “It’s no fun upsetting your friends.”

“Twilight, it was unfair of me to try and force you as I did.” Rarity added.

“You know, maybe my flight could use some perfection.” Rainbow stated. “I don’t need that ticket either.”

They all looked at Twilight. “We’re sorry.”

“If only Goten were awake so we could apologize to him as well.” Fluttershy stated.

“I think he’s confident we’ll work it out.” Twilight stood. “After all of that, I know what needs to be done with my tickets.” She looked at the baby dragon. “Spike, take a letter…”

Golden Oak Library, Morning…
Goten’s nose picked up wonderful smells nearby which made him bolt awake only to find that he was on a couch, in the library, with a blanket over him. He looked around before noticing his friends sitting at a table covered with plates and containers of various apple foods.

Everypony looked at him and Goten remembered yesterday before sighing. “Oh, I’m sor…”

Twilight interrupted him. “Goten, you don’t need to apologize.”

“That’s right sugar cube.” Applejack stated. “Now, come join us for that meal I promised.”

“None of you are mad for what I said?” Goten walked over confused. “I wasn’t the nicest with my words.”

His mom had taught him better than that.

“While it was shocking, none of us could blame you darling.” Rarity stated. “You spoke a truth we needed to here.”

Everypony agreed.

“Not to mention, you, like the others, helped me realize an important lesson about friendship.” Twilight stated. “A lesson that saw me return the tickets only for Celestia to send tickets for all of us.”

Goten sat at the table only to be shocked by that news. “So, that means you can all go?” He looked at Spike. “Even him.”

Applejack laughed. “I know it’s shockin’, but Spike’s raring to go.”

Spike crossed his arms. “I am not.”

Goten sighed relieved. “I’m glad that we can all go, and that you’ve fixed things.” His stomach growled loudly. “Ugh, I’m so hungry.”

“Well, dig in!” Pinkie shouted. “Applejack made this food to be eaten.”

“If you insist.” Goten looked at the food before spotting a container of apple crumble. “Rainbow, pass me that apple crumble.”

“Huh, oh here you go.” Rainbow stated.

“I’ll get you a…” Fluttershy began before Goten began shoveling the food into his mouth with the nearest spoon he could grab. “…plate.”

“I don’t think he needs a plate.” Rainbow stated.

Rarity scooted away. “I still don’t know how Saiyans can eat like that.”

Goten swallowed and smiled embarrassed. “Sorry, but I really am hungry.”

“You know what, eat your fill partner.” Applejack stated. “You earned it.”

No one could argue that, so Goten went about eating the whole thing by himself. Afterwards, he got a plate and loaded it up with other apple confectionaries. From there, it was a nice morning meal surrounded by friends. What could be better?