• Published 17th Jan 2021
  • 2,987 Views, 99 Comments

What makes a Hero? - Quillion9000

Goten starts to feel down since he doesn't seem to live up to his idols, but he will get his chance in the land of Equestria. This land needs a hero, but if he can't understand what that really means, the land will fall.

  • ...

Hearths Warming

Princess Luna was walking up a long set of stone stairs carved into a mountain, and she was nearing the top where a combination of the Son Family Home and Golden Oak’s Library sat. This small mountain jutted out from the water below like many others around it.

“Goten said he had a lesson for me.” Luna was equal parts excited and frustrated as she walked to the open doorway of the combined building. “When you invited us to train, this is not what we had in mind. When does training begin.”

“I understand your frustration, but training has already begun.” Goten voiced without even turning to look at her. “I was hoping you’d already understand my lesson given everything that has happened, but perhaps I am going about this wrong.”

“Maybe I’ll learn whatever it is you want if we fight.” Luna offered.

“Perhaps that is what it’ll take.” Goten stated still without turning. “Very well, I’ll consent to your request for a fight. Attack whenever you want.”

Despite how far she’s come, and despite knowing Goten was much stronger, the princess of the night could not deny the shot to her pride when he wouldn’t even turn to face her. Luna readied herself and fired a blast of magic.

Goten simply levitated into the air avoiding it before flying around and lazily firing off ki at her. Considering the Half-Saiyan was far from using his full strength, she could deftly dodge. Luna ended up near a sink, so she used her magic to pull out the water.

The alicorn drew it all together into a large sphere before launching it at Goten. He formed his ki around him to the point that the water splashed harmlessly around his body. He didn’t even move an inch from the impact.

Goten then rushed forward and slammed his arm across Luna’s neck pushing her through a wall, outside, and off the mountain. The princess was rendered briefly unconscious as she fell; however, her eyes snapped open as she flared her wings.

Luna then used them to catch herself, glide a bit, and ascend. She looked firmly at Goten who impassively walked to the hole before flying out. Rather than fly after her, the Half-Saiyan closed his eyes before flying down to undestroyed ground.

Luna noticed this with shock before she flew down landing behind him. “Why did you stop?”

“Because you wouldn’t have, and this makes my point.” Goten looked back at her and noticed Luna was shocked. “My power, your sister’s, and potential others surpass you, Luna; however, your power still surpasses the other ninety-nine percent of inhabitants.

You may not have fully realized this, but I spent two years in what was just two days for everyone else. When it comes down to it, I’ve realized that I was reckless; however, it was reflecting on my battle with Nightmare Moon that showed me the truth.”

He pointed to the soaking building atop the mountain. “Collateral damage can’t always be prevented, but when it can be, we should strive for it. Being any kind of protector won’t matter if that which we protect gets unnecessarily caught up in our battles.”

“I understand.” Luna genuinely internalized this before bowing her head. “Thank you, for this lesson.”

The scenery and the beings within it all turned transparently black.

Canterlot Castle: Luna’s Room, Early Morning…
Light started to streak into the room as Luna’s horn stopped glowing. She and Goten opened their eyes and shared a smile before wordlessly deciding to join Celestia for dinner or breakfast, respectively.

Courtyard: Dusk…
Every member of the Day and Night Guard, roughly two hundred ponies consisting of unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies had congregated on the orders of all four members of royalty and their captain. Currently, a gentle snow fell and was accumulating on the ground.

All they knew was that this was a training exercise against one being. That being was set to come out of the castle any second now. Their only goal was to restrain this being. There were theories that it was one the princesses, the prince, or even their own captain.

By far the most prevalent though was that it was the young champion. Eventually, the most prevalent theory was proven true as Goten walked out of the castle. While everypony was initially conflicted over attacking him.

Even if that weren’t a factor, they honestly wouldn’t have done much to the Half-Saiyan. As things stood, it only made this whole exercise quicker than it already would have been. Goten moved around the courtyard slow enough that everypony gathered could still tell it was him.

This was still a speed far beyond what any of them could hope to react to. The Half-Saiyan plowed through every guard with kicks, knees, elbows, and fist leaving the courtyard littered with their unconscious bodies. Once he was done, Shining Armor approached him.

“Blue Blood and the Princess managed to get that, right?” Shining nodded towards the castle and the Half-Saiyan turned to see that their horns were dimming indicating they’d all been using recording spells to catch this. “Good. Hopefully, this will inspire your men to train harder.”

“I’m sure it will.” Shining smiled. “Thanks for doing this, Goten.”

“No problem.” Goten gave a more reserved smile than was normal. “I just want to be as ready as possible for whatever Bulla plans to do next, and this is a simple step towards that.”

Ponyville:Weeks Later…
As the winter season continued, more snow fell, and this day, Hearth’s Warming Eve, was no different. What would be different was the fact that this would be Goten’s first Hearth Warming, and there wasn’t really anything like it back home to compare to.

Currently, the young Half-Saiyan was aboard the train with all his friends as they would be doing the most cherished event of the year. The group would participate in a play showcasing the beginning of Equestria.

"As much as I was looking forward to spending Hearth’s Warming in Ponyville, I can’t deny my excitement at getting to spend it back in Canterlot with all my friends.” Twilight voiced happily.

"I’m just glad to have the chance to spend this with all of you period.” Goten stated with a smile.

“Oh yeah, this is going to be a real treat!” Spike exclaimed. “We have to make sure everyone gets to have some coco from the local café.”

"Did somepony say coco!?" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Yeah, he did Pinkie, and Spike is right.” Twilight voiced. “We must get ourselves a cup.”

“What about you Bardock?” Goten asked causing his mentor/grandfather to appear. “I know it’s been a long time, but you must have been there with the princesses on many holidays just like this.”

“Not as many as you’d think.” Bardock crossed his arms as everyone looked to him. “I don’t know if you picked up on it, but it took me a long time to adjust to my new life even with Yamoshi as my guide. No matter how different a Saiyan I was, I was still a Saiyan all the same.

That said, once I finally started to experience Equestria, I will admit to the good times that were had. Before Luna’s banishment, we’d made a tradition of watching the snowfall.” He looked out the window. “Overtime I grew to appreciate it for what it represented.

The many specks of frozen water cover the land together which makes me think what the Saiyans could have achieved. Perhaps if we had been unified, the race would not have been reduced as it was. Of course, had it not happened, Goten wouldn’t be here today.”

“I don’t know if I like that particular thought.” Goten commented.

“Relax.” Bardock nodded. “All I’m saying is that what happened was tragic since there was a lot of potential; however, good came out of a bad situation. You are among that good.”

“I think we agree with his sentiment.” AJ tipped her hat. “I’m sure if you hadn’t come into our lives, we’d still end up celebrating, but I can’t right imagine it myself, sugar cube.”

Everyone else agreed making the Half-Saiyan smile. “In that case, I feel the same way.” He looked out the window. “Seems as though we’re almost there.”

"Jeez, is it nearly over already?" Spike yawned. "I swear, train rides nearly always put me to sleep, but to think we’re nearly there."

"Don't worry Spike.” Twilight spoke softly to him as the baby dragon leaned against her and closed his eyes. “We'll wake you when we get there."

“Considering what I’ve read on this holiday, this seems right.” Goten thought as his heart and head agreed. “Hearth's Warming. To be with those who care about you. While I’d like everyone from back home to be here, it doesn’t change how I feel being here with them.”

Canterlot: Later…
The train whistle sounded, and the conductor sounded off that Canterlot was the stop for this part of the line. Everyone now strolled the streets of Canterlot.

"Shall we take the scenic route around as we head for the castle?" Twilight asked and received an affirmative from everyone. "Oh, isn't Canterlot wonderful this time of year?"

"Yeah, I wish it was Hearth's Warming Eve every day." Rainbow Dash declared.

"Woo-wee, there's so much to look at!” AJ commented. “I feel like my eyes are going to pop right out of my head!"

"I have an idea.” Twilight stated. “Let's play 'I spy with my little eye' as we walk!"

"Sounds fun!” Goten exclaimed. “Do us the honors, Twilight."

"I spy an eight-foot candy cane." Twilight sounded as she spotted one.

"I spy a snowpony!" Rainbow shouted out as they walked by.

"I spy someone eating a gingerbread house!" Pinkie Pie declared before rushing off to the bakery, buying one, and rushing back to the group.

“Wait, I know the answer to this one!” Goten rushed over and devoured it while leaving a small bag of bits in Pinkie’s hoof. “It’s me!”

Everyone laughed, even Pinkie since she rushed off to buy another one, as Goten wiped his face.

Canterlot Castle: Backstage, Evening…
After settling in at the castle, the group moved backstage and started getting ready for the main event. This was something they had practiced and rehearsed for weeks after the gala. Now, they would tell the tale of Hearth's Warming Eve.

"I still can't believe Princess Celestia chose us to put on the most important play of the season!” Twilight exclaimed excitedly. “Do you guys know what an honor this is for us?"

"Yeah, you've been going on about this for weeks.” Goten replied with a smile.

Goten was to portray a prior champion, the Champion of Harmony, Shallot. According to the tale, he had a hand in shaping Equestria to what it is now. He wore a wig that matched how his hair was said to be, blue, ancient Saiyan armor, and even a faux monkey tail.

"Oh, I wish she hadn't honored me this much.” Fluttershy commented timidly as she was set to play Private Pansy, Commander Hurricane’s second in command who would be played by Rainbow Dash. “I don't want everypony looking at me!"

"Fluttershy, darling, there's nothing to feel nervous about." Rarity stated.

She would be playing the daughter of the king of unicorns, Princess Platinum. Twilight would play the role of as her assistant, Clover the Clever.

"No?" Fluttershy asked softly.

"Of course not.” Rarity assured. “All across Equestria, ponies are preparing their own pageants for Hearth's Warming Eve in their own towns. It's tradition."

"So, you're saying they'll be too busy to come to our play?" Fluttershy asked hopefully.

"Well, no.” Rarity dashed her hopes. “We're in the Canterlot pageant. This is the biggest, most important production in all of Equestria. A lot of ponies will come to watch us."

That caught Goten's attention. "By a lot, just how many are you thinking?"

"Hundreds, at the very least." Rarity replied.

"Hundreds?" Fluttershy questioned while shivering.

Rarity gasped in excitement. "Maybe even thousands! Oh, it could be a full house, and I cannot wait!"

Fluttershy whimpered.

"Don't worry Fluttershy.” Goten moved on over and patted the shy mare’s back. “Just remember, we’re in this…"

He was cut off by hard gusts rushing in from a nearby window.

"Oh, my hair!” Rarity exclaimed. “Applejack, be a dear and shut those windows, will you?"

"Aaah! Rain-bow-Dash! Rain-bow-Dash! Aaaah! Thank you! Thank you!" Rainbow Dash boasted as if she was the real star out of all of them.

This stopped Applejack from shutting the window. "It's a reenactment of the founding of Equestria. Not the 'Rainbow Dash Show'."

Applejack was to play Smart Cookie, the advisor of Pinkie Pie's character, Chancellor Puddinghead.

"Well, it should be the 'Rainbow Dash Show'!” Rainbow exclaimed. “I'm the star!"

"Huh, I thought the seven of us were meant to be the stars.” Goten commented.

"Curtain in two minutes everyone!" Spike sounded off as he entered the backstage.

"Fluttershy, you need to get out of there!" Twilight struggled to get Fluttershy out of a box she’d hidden in.

"Twilight, let me handle this." Pinkie Pie offered.

Her solution was to pull on Twilight’s head. "PINKIE!!!"

When the party pony let her go, the purple unicorn was slingshot into the box of wreaths and shingles.

"The Hearth's Warming Eve pageant is about harmony and friendship." Applejack was still butting heads with Rainbow Dash.

"Shut the window!" Everypony shouted.

Goten walked over and shut it since it seemed everything was getting a bit wild. “Look, I get what’s going on here. All of us have spent a long time rehearsing for this moment, so it’s understandable we’d feel on edge.

Still, we’ve come this far together, and I know that together we can put on a great show for everypony who’s come to see this play. So, let’s put these little annoyances slide off our backs and put on a truly great performance!”

It was enough inspiration to get even Fluttershy up and moving.

As the lights dimmed, the ponies in the audience quieted down from their chatter and Spike sounded off the story as he came on stage. “Long before the rule of Celestia and Luna, and before ponies discovered our beautiful land of Equestria, ponies did not know harmony.

These were strange and dark times of our age. A time when ponies were torn apart by hatred!" This caused the crowd to gasp. "I know. Can you believe it?" Spike broke character for a moment but went back as his accent returned.

"During this frightful age, each of the three tribes, the pegasi, the unicorns, and the earth ponies, cared not for what befell the others, but only for their own welfare." Each race revealed themselves. "In those troubled times, as now, the pegasi were the stewards of the weather.

Unlike today, they demanded something in return: food that could only be grown by the earth ponies. The unicorns demanded the same in return for magically bringing forth day and night. This sowed mistrust between the tribes which festered until, one fateful day, it came to a boil.

What, you ask, prompted the ponies to clash? 'Twas a mysterious blizzard that overtook the land and toppled the tribes' precarious peace. The normally industrious Earth ponies were unable to farm their land." Harsh elements, such as wind and snow, fell. "The Earth ponies were freezing.

The home of the Pegasi fared no better. The Pegasi were hungry. As for the unicorns, they were freezing and hungry. Even the unicorns' magic was powerless against the storm. Each tribe blamed the others, and the angrier everypony grew, the worse the blizzard became.

Eventually, it was decided that a grand summit would be held. Despite not being the brightest of minds, the Saiyan, Shallot, was trusted by all three tribes to head a discussion that would hopefully help them cope with the blizzard. Each tribe sent a leader.

Daughter of the unicorn king, Princess Platinum, Ruler of the Pegasi, Commander Hurricane, and leader of the Earth ponies, Chancellor Puddinghead. Perhaps with the neutral party of the Saiyan, the tribes could finally settle their differences.”

"All I want to know is why the Earth ponies are hogging all the food!" Commander Hurricane asked angrily.

"Us!? We're not hogging all the food, you are! Oh, wait, you're right. It's us. Well, it's only 'cause you mean old Pegasusususes are making it snow like crazy!" Puddinghead retorted.

"For the hundredth time, it's not us!” Hurricane exclaimed. “We're not making it snow! It must be the unicorns! They're doing it with their freaky magic!"

"How dare you!” Platinum exclaimed angrily. “Unlike you pegasi ruffians, we unicorns would never stoop to such a thing!"

Before there was constant bickering, Shallot walked in through the doors before throwing the leg bone of some giant animal off to the side. “Hunting in these conditions hasn’t been easy, but I was starving.”

The Saiyan stopped taking food from the three races the moment things went south; however, it was the reason he was late to this meeting. He now approached the table the three leaders sat at before putting his hands on it.

“Now, I’m here, so let’s lay everything out to die.” Shallot declared.

“Thank goodness you are here, Shallot.” Platinum stated relieved as no one seemed bothered by his turn of phrase. “The pegasi are making it snow, and the Earth Ponies are hogging all the food!"

"We may be hoarding the food, but it's for the right reasons!” Puddinghead retorted. “We only have so much and must ration it among our own kind!"

"Also, we pegasi aren't making it snow!” Hurricane added. “Something else is making it happen, and we can't say it's the unicorns since they're struggling just as much as the rest. Honestly, we have run out of solutions to make this any easier, so war seems like our only option.”

"War isn’t you’re only option.” Shallot declared firmly. “I’ve been through war, and it only comes as a last resort.” Shallot crossed his arms. “If we look at it as us against the weather, then I see the solution we must undertake. The earth ponies must ration out their food to all races.

With the strength from that, the pegasi can push back this weather while the unicorns supply their magic to help the sick and wounded. I’ll up my protection to ensure all three tribes are truly safe. Next to that, the best solution is to leave and settle elsewhere."

The three leaders huddled together for a short moment and ended up agreeing on one thing.

"Well dear Shallot, if you cannot stop the darkness, then I'm just plum out of ideas.” Puddinghead smiled. “That is why your idea to find new land is perfect!”

"What a shocker.” Commander Hurricane rolled her eyes. “An earth pony with no ideas and can't decide for themselves."

"Commander Hurricane, please cease with the insults.” Platinum declared. “Plus, if finding a new land to move to is the answer, then we must take it.”

"First off, you're not the boss of me, your royal snootiness.” Hurricane returned. “Secondly, if we are going to move, it sure won't be with you snobs!"

"I beg your pardon!?” Platinum turned up her nose. “I am a princess and won't be spoken to that way. Besides, it's not like we unicorns wanted to move together as a group anyway with you pegasi or earth ponies!"

“Listen to me!” Shallot punched the table in half drawing everyone’s attention. “If you want even a chance of surviving a crisis, then power lies in numbers. The more numbers you have, the easier it is to kill the problem.

If you three will only insult each other, then we aren't going to get anywhere. That is why I’m calling an end to this meeting. Until we next meet, return to your homes and stay warm. In the meantime, I’ll be stepping up my patrols to see you all stay safer.”

All three leaders looked upon each other and nodded in agreement before trying to leave.

"Well, I'm leaving first!"

"No, I'm first!"

"Dears, come now, you know it is I who is first leaving.”

The three leaders struggled to see who'd be able to leave the courthouse first.

"We must act fast if we are to survive." Shallot walked forward and pushed all three out with his boot. “There’s no time for this constant bickering like new foals.”

He then flew out the door over them before the three leaders went their separate ways.

"And so, the blizzard raged on as darkness began to spread further. The summit of the tribes did turn out okay, but not as okay as each race had hoped. Finding a new land was indeed going to be hard when escaping such evil." Spike monologued as the scene on stage changed one by one.

"The three leaders returned home to lick their wounds and basically complain; however, Shallot observed each interaction of the three races through the multi-form technique he managed to utilize after observing high level unicorn magic. First was the Pegasi."

"Attention!" The Commander had rushed by her second in command, Private Pansy, and spoke up to her as she rested on a cloud. "Well? Aren't you curious about how it went?"

"Oh! Commander Hurricane, sir! How did it go, sir?" Pansy asked.

Hurricane swatted snow in anger. "Horribly! Those other tribe leaders are so disrespectful! Don't they realize that we are a mighty tribe of warriors and should not be crossed? We have got to break ranks with those weak foals!"

The clone of Shallot watched on and shook his head at this.

Elsewhere, in the kingdom of the unicorns, a castle door was now opened by Platinum who called for her servant. "Clover the Clever, I need you!"

This drew out a cloaked, lavender unicorn with a blanket in her magic’s grasp and a hot yet lukewarm barrel of water for the Princess's royal hooves. "Yes, your majesty. Did the other pony tribes see reason as I predicted?"

"Those other tribes are impossible! I, for one, can no longer bear to be anywhere near those lowly creatures. The unicorns are noble and majestic. We will no longer consort with the likes of them!" Princess Platinum decreed.

The clone of Shallot observing this shook his head disappointed. Lastly, at the townhall office where the Chancellor resided, the last clone watched on with hope that the earth ponies had an idea besides bickering. Honestly, Shallot knew he wasn’t all that bright outside of combat.

That’s why he tended to follow orders and, despite being rather blunt, was open to those orders. His own suggestions he’d given took a lot of time to come up with. The clone followed Chancellor Puddinghead to the roof. Said Chancellor went down the chimney.

Her advisor, Smart Cookie, waited by the door but soon turned around when she saw her. "Wouldn't it have been easier to use the door, Chancellor?"

"Maybe for you, Smart Cookie, but I am a chancellor. I was elected because I know how to think outside the box. Which means…" The Chancellor stuck her head in the chimney. "I can also think inside the chimney. Can you think inside a chimney?"

"Uh…" Is all that came out of Smart Cookie before she was stopped by Puddinghead.

"I didn't think so." She spoke with an ash filled face.

Smart Cookie just grunted.

“Wait! Hold onto your hooves because I am just about to be brilliant!" Puddinghead enthusiastically spoke.

"That'd be a first." Smart Cookie muttered under her breathe.

"I have decided that the earth ponies are going it alone!" She declared.

"Aw, so you mean the other tribes didn't come around?” Smart Cookie questioned. “Shoot, I really thought we could get through to 'em if we…"

Smart Cookie was yet again cut off by Puddinghead as she got in her personal space and placed her hooves on her shoulders "Don't worry about them. We're the ones with all the food, right?"

"Actually, we're all out." Cookie replied dryly.

"Fine, we'll have to go somewhere new where we can grow food, and with me as our fearless leader, what could go wrong?" Puddinghead questioned before opening the door and getting a face full of snow.

"Where should I start?" Smart Cookie muttered.

Puddinghead came out of the snow. "The point is that we must find new land!"

Shallot didn’t quite know how to take this since he wasn’t much of an idea guy back on Vegeta. While he did seem to get through to them a little, he’d have preferred to have gotten through to them at least a little more.

Finding new land would be long, rough, and tough enough for all three races working together. Having them each go it alone would only exacerbate those issues. Honestly, Shallot just wished they could get along. It’d certainly make protecting them easier.

Stage: Faux Days Later…
"C'mon Private Pansy, let's get a move on! Hup-one, hup-two!"

It followed upon Commander Hurricane as well as Private Pansy. The Commander tried to get the Private to fly faster, so they can escape the horrible snow storm. A streak of lightning made the Private jump into the hooves of Hurricane who did not approve.

"Get a hold of yourself, Private! We cannot let anything distract us from the mission at hand. To find, and if necessary, conquer a new land!" Hurricane declared while dropping the Private who was able to fly just fine.

"Conquer, sir?" Pansy asked a bit concerned.

"You never know where enemies might be lurking." The Commander spoke in response as she looked around and about in the sky.

"I don't see any enemies, Commander. Just snow." The Private responded.

The Commander rushed into a dark cloud ahead of her intent on battle. "A-ha! What's that!?" She struggled to break the dark cloud only for a small patch to come in scaring Pansy into her arms. "Okay, this is getting old."

Hurricane dropped the Private as they pressed on with one of the Shallot’s tailing them. Down below in the forest, another Shallot followed Clover the Clever and Princess Platinum as they traversed the snow-capped tundra wilderness.

"Oh, this is simply taking forever. My hooves are killing me!” Platinum complained. “How long have we been walking for?"

"About five minutes, your highness." Clover answered as she moved a tree branch behind them and showed the castle was not out of view just yet.

“Oh, I never imagined finding a new land would be hard, but it'll all be worth it, don't you agree?" Platinum asked as they trotted along the forest.

"Actually, I think that the three tribes could've tried harder." Clover replied.

“One of the things I miss about my comrades is that they were willing to put their all behind a cause.” Shallot remembered his time on Vegeta.

The Princess shrieked. "Stoooooop!"

Clover ran to the princess’ side. "What's wrong, your highness?"

"That is what's wrong!" Princess Platinum declared as she pointed her hoof at a roaring river.

Clover the Clever smiled and chuckled a little. "Your highness, it's just a stream which can be easily crossed.”

"I refuse to get my gown wet.” Platinum retorted. “I have no intention of arriving at my new land looking like a bedraggled earth pony or rough-and-tumble Pegasus. I, for one, have no intention of stooping down to their level.

On the other hand, I have no trouble watching you stoop down." Platinum spoke before climbing atop Clover and being carried across the stream. "And do watch the gown, darling. It's worth more than all of the books in your library."

Meanwhile, the final Shallot followed behind Chancellor Puddinghead and Smart Cookie in the mountain range beyond the town they hailed from. It seemed they weren't going far as the chancellor walked in circles. There were many factors why this might be.

For one, the map Puddinghead had was held upside down. Though, even if it were held right side up, he doubted it would be reliable considering it was attached to the chancellor’s face, it had holes, she used to see and speak, and this was unmapped territory.

"Yes, yes.” Puddinghead declared. “This is definitely the right direction."

"It feels like we're going in circles." Smart Cookie stated.

"It's because you are going in circles!" Shallot was so annoyed by this that he came out of hiding and snatched the map from the pony’s face. “The fact that you haven’t even realized this when I, of all beings, do is killing me!”

"Ah, that's impossible!” Puddinghead declared. “Also, hello Shallot! Thirdly, are you suggesting that I'm reading the map wrong?"

“I’m the definition of an idiot at stuff like this, but even my former commanding officer ensured I could read a map.” Shallot retorted frustrated. “First, this map was upside down. Secondly, you punched three large holes through this thing meaning its useless.

Thirdly, you could in no way have read this with your eyers looking through the holes you made. Finally, this is uncharted territory, so I’m wondering why you are even relying on a map of where your home was to find new land.”

"Well, of course I put holes in the map.” Puddinghead retorted. “How else could I see where I was going?"

“That’s your only remark to me!?” Shallot balled up the map, threw it, and blasted it to bits with his ki. “There, now there is no map!”

"Ah, don’t worry about that anyways.” Puddinghead smiled. “Equuis is round, so it’s not like there’s an up or down to begin with.”

Shallot growled at that and knowing how the champion could be when he was angry, Smart Cookie intervened. "You know Chancellor, you’re right…”

“No!” Shallot exclaimed. “I refuse to let you continue.” He grabbed Puddinghead by the back of her clothing and started dragging her along. “I’m taking over this expedition and will find new land for you.”

"See this Smart Cookie?” Puddinghead smiled. “This is how you should be from time to time since I need relief. If only you were as thoughtful as our Saiyan Champion.”

"Yes, Chancellor Puddinghead." Smart Cookie stated simply relieved they were going to make more progress.

"And so, each leader encountered obstacles along the way.” Spike spoke as the curtain lowered. “Thanks to the Champions multi-form technique, he could make it much easier on them even if it was not easy on himself. Eventually, they all arrived in a new and wondrous land."

Faux Days Later…
"This is the new land we've been searching for!" It would seem Hurricane and Pansy were the first to arrive on this newly found land; however, Shallot could tell otherwise since all three felt each other’s power.

"What a view.” Private Pansy marveled. “I can see my future house from here."

The Commander staked their flag upon this place. "I proclaim this new land to be in the name of all pegasi, Pegasopolis!"

Nearby, the unicorns came upon a mine hoarded with gemstones which greatly interested Princess Platinum. "I've never seen such jewels! This ruby is dazzling. This whole land is dazzling. I'm double dazzled! In the name of the unicorns, I hereby dub this land Unicornia!"

Clover the Clever staked their banner on the soil. Lastly, the earth ponies, with Shallot still dragging Puddinghead along, came to a meadow in the middle of all the leaders. Now that they reached this area, the chancellor looked around.

"The air! The trees! The dirt! This dirt is the dirtiest dirt in the whole dirt world!" Puddinghead declared.

Smart Cookie let a small patch rest on her hoof. "And fertile, too. Perfect for growing food."

"In the name of all earth ponies, I think I'll call this new land, Dirtville!" Puddinghead declared proudly.

"No, that’s stupid.” Shallot retorted. “Just call it Earth or something.”

"Earth! Congratulations to me for thinking of it." Puddinghead declared while planting their flag.

Shallot yelled out his frustrations which both drew the other leader’s attention and had the others rejoin him to reform the Saiyan at his full strength. Now that he was whole, the Saiyan worked to calm himself as the leaders fought over the land.

This led to drastic repercussions as the weather slowly took a turn for the worse. “Wait, it’s snowing here just as we…” The Saiyan seemed to understand now why the prior land was in the shape it was. “Of course! It’s all your fault!”

This revelation came about too late as the leaders had brought about the very storm they had been attempting to escape.

“Look, this is getting us nowhere!” Clover the Clever interrupted the leaders. “We have to find a better solution than arguing.”

"I agree.” Smart Cookie nodded. “Let's all calm down and think this through."

"I vote for calm and thinking it through." Private Pansy stated while raising a hoof.

"I'll have you court-martialed for insubordination, Private!” Hurricane declared. “We settle this on the battlefield!"

Before another word got out, a snowball was thrown and wacked the commander's helmet.

The princess laughed before she too was hit by a snowball. "Who dares throw a snowball at royalty!?"

Commander Hurricane laughed but stopped when Puddinghead spoke up. "Wait a minute. Where'd all this snow come from anyway?"

"It’s all of you.” Shallot declared. “From my time on this planet, I’ve seen enough to know it’s the negative energy you all displayed. Gah, this is just like the Saiyans I fought off with my comrades back home; however, the magic of this land turns that into negative energy.”

Realizing this, Shallot could now see the beast who were empowered by this weather. They were the cause of this storm; however, seeing them meant he still couldn’t do anything about this weather even with all his power.

"So, the paradise the ponies had found was soon lost; buried beneath a thick blanket of snow and hard feelings. Instead of beautiful, it was blizzardy. Instead of wonderful, it was wintry! Instead of spectacular, it was snow-tacular! Instead of…"

Spike was cut off when one of the audience ponies, who had enough of this monologuing, shouted, "We get it! Move on!"

Spike did after clearing his throat. "Shallot had everypony who was accounted for seek shelter immediately. Searching high and low, the only shelter that could be found for miles was a cold and desolate cave. Of course, Shallot wasn’t about to let anyone push anyone else out.”

The scene opened as the seven gathered within the cave. Shallot stood near the entrance ready to do whatever he could to protect these ponies. Even if they got on his nerves and brought this about, they hadn’t done it maliciously.

"Please, Commander Hothead." Platinum requested of the pegasus Commander.

"It's Commander Hurricane." She corrected the Princess as she got in her face.

The princess cleared her throat. “Please Commander, could you just stand back and give me my royal space?"

Hurricane pushed it. "You mean like this, your highness?"

This led to the princess pushing her hoof back. "Indeed not! You see this invisible line?"

"Private, outline our territory for everypony to see." Hurricane ordered Pansy to draw a line in the dirt, but she was too slow prompting the commander to help speed the process up. "See this real, non-invisible line? No unicorns or earth ponies are allowed to cross! This is Pegasopolis!"

"Clover the Clever?" Platinum ordered.

"Uh... Smart Cookie!" As Puddinghead told her as well.

"I know, I know." They both replied and drew lines in the dirt.

The two accidentally crossed paths, so they went in opposite directions. Private Pansy marked more territory but hit a rock in the way of the line. She ultimately choose to go around it, but Hurricane disapproved of this action.

"What are you doing? Don't go around the rock, go over it!” Hurricane ordered. “I'm not giving up an inch of territory to the enemy!"

"That rock was clearly on the Unicornia side of the cave, so it belongs to us." Platinum declared. "Who knows? There could be jewels inside."

Commander took the rock from them. "I claim this rock for Pegasopolis!"

"Unhand my rock this instant, you brute!" She shouted.

Then, the chancellor approached the rock. "Look, you found my rock. I've been looking for it everywhere!"

As she took the rock, Hurricane shouted after her. "Hey, you invaded our territory!"

"Finders keepers, losers weepers!" Puddinghead taunted.

“That is enough!” Shallot roared as he sped into the cave, snatched up the rock, and crushed it into dust.

“Hey, that was my rock!” The three leaders shouted. “You’re rock!”

“ENOUGH!” Shallot roared as he went Super Saiyan. “Have you learned nothing from my life. War and fighting are last resorts. You are nowhere near that stage because it doesn’t have to be this way. Your races are all angry with each other simply because you focus on what you lack.

You should instead focus on what you can bring by uniting. Unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies all have their benefits and detriments. Unicorns, together, have enough magic to raise and lower the sun and moon. Earth ponies grow food and tend to the land.

Pegasi control the very weather. The reason there’s no food is because you all lost sight of the fact that growing it is a team effort. The Unicorns bring the light, the pegasi supply the water, and the earth ponies have the green thumb.

Coming to think anyone of you are more superior than the rest in the act of living created negative energy which these creatures are using as their power. I think that’s why not even I can stop them.” Shallot sighed as he powered down.

“No matter how much power I have as a Super Saiyan, it’s a form acquired through emotional turmoil. Any control I have is useless in the face of creatures designed to feed off it. That’s why together we might be able to beat them where I alone can’t.”

Bardock appeared, and even though he couldn’t change appearance, he was meant to play the part of Yamoshi. "It's the same fate a group I once protected fell victim to. Something we only came to realize when it was too late.

The people I was meant to protect perished, and I soon followed. Right now, you all have a chance to correct the mistakes of the past. These creatures feed on hatred, so their weakness is obvious. In the end, it all comes down to you.”

“Rather than the leaders being the ones to step up, it was their second in commands who would take the first steps.” Spike narrated,

“We brought this blizzard to our home by fightin' and not trustin' each other.” Smart Cookie added. “Now, it's destroyin' this land that we could call our home, too."

"We now suffer this fate of our own accord because we let our hearts become cold. We were all too foolish in hating one another.” Clover continued.

"To tell you all the truth, I don't hate any of you.” Pansy spoke up. “The same to you, dear Shallot."

Rather than bring on the typical anger any of the leaders would feel upon seeing and hearing this, the three leaders genuinely reflected on everything.

“This is what your fighting has wrought.” Shallot declared. “When I took a stand with the Saiyans who wanted better for all of us, I stood by a leader who cared for his comrades. Cared for our people. You all see differences, but all I see is what can bring you together.”

The words of this champion and their second in commands brought the leaders together. They formed up hoof in hoof, or, in Shallot’s case, hand in hand. This began the thawing of the ice as it receded.

"All through the night, the six ponies and champion formed a friendship through telling stories and singing throughout the night. Those songs became the winter carols we all still sing today by our chimney fireplaces.

Eventually, the hearts of the three leaders truly thawed and the next morning they agreed to share the beautiful land. They would live in harmony, and they named their new land…" The rest of the cast walked up with the narrator. "Equestria!"

The eight of them then took a bow as the crowd cheered.

The group gathered overjoyed at how the performance went over with all who came to see it.

"We should be honored Princess Celestia chose us!” Twilight declared. “She must really think we exemplify what good friends are!"

The windows blew open gusting heavy winds and snow in again.

"Applejack, I thought you closed all the windows!" Rarity claimed.

"Don't blame me.” AJ retorted. “Rainbow Dash should've flown up there and shut it. After all, she's got wings."

"Why do I always have to do all the high up chores?” Rainbow questioned. “Why can't Twilight use her magic for a change!"

“Hey!” Bardock reappeared. “Knock off the bickering you six.”

“I agree with Bardock.” Goten crossed his arms. “Honestly, we just went through a whole play about friendship.”

"Y'know what?” Rainbow relented at that point. “I got it."

With things calmed, there was only one thing left to do.

"Alright, with all of that settled, how about we get a good cup of hot chocolate?" Spike asked.

Everyone cheered at his suggestion. Afterwards, the group enjoyed a beautiful Hearth's Warming in Canterlot.

Author's Note:

Let's have a rundown of how I view these four champions in terms of strength. Yamoshi was the first Super Saiyan God, and I feel that like Goku, he'd have absorbed that power into his base form; however, I do not think he acquired any other forms.

Still, this makes him the currently strongest known Champion. Then, you have Shallot who in this continuity I've tied to the legend of the Super Saiyan. Essentially, he was who the original legend Vegeta spoke of. Did he ascend to any forms beyond that?

In my mind, he got to Super Saiyan 2 in this continuity. Remember that Shallot only grew as he did in Legends by proxy of that game involving a tournament of time. This Shallot wouldn't have had that opportunity, and he doesn't have hybrid potential.

In my mind, Gohan, Trunks, and Goten can all ascend to Super Saiyan 3 without having to die like Goku did because of their potential. In my mind, Shallot is number 4 in terms of strength. Then, there's Bardock who, as I've established, knows about godly forms.

That said, he had no way to obtain them. When Yamoshi was his guide, despite being able to fight each other in a Champion's Room, did not himself give off godly ki. That said, Super Saiyan 4 and further down that line aren't out of the equation.

I'd put Bardock as the second strongest champion Equuis has ever seen. That leaves Goten as the third strongest champion just at this time in the story. The young half-Saiyan still, obviously has plenty of room to grow into his power. This is just where they rank now.