• Published 17th Jan 2021
  • 2,984 Views, 99 Comments

What makes a Hero? - Quillion9000

Goten starts to feel down since he doesn't seem to live up to his idols, but he will get his chance in the land of Equestria. This land needs a hero, but if he can't understand what that really means, the land will fall.

  • ...

Best Night Ever

Champion’s Hill: Week before the Gala, Morning…
Goten stood on the hill, outside of Ponyville, which had the entrance to the Champion’s First Training Room. As such, Champion’s Hill had really taken off as a name. Despite what this hill was meant for, the young Half-Saiyan was here for a reason aside from training.

“Well, I’ll admit I didn’t know what to make of your request when I received your letter, but you can likely conclude the answer based on my arrival.” Blue Hills(Blue Blood) spoke up as he crested the hill and came to stand at the champion’s side.

“I’m glad you did.” Goten smiled. “Even if Celestia and Luna weren’t ponies I’d want to help, you’re still my best and first option.”

“That reasoning is part of what persuaded me to accept.” Blue admitted. “Another is that you seven have done Equestria a great service. While one should not act for a reward, sometimes great acts do deserve to be rewarded. Before I begin, I do have one question.”

“Sure, ask away.” Goten stated.

“Why are you so invested in this?” Blue asked.

“Without them, I wouldn’t have much.” Goten smiled. “They’re my friends. Do I really need more of a reason than that to help them achieve what they want?”

“You have a good heart, Goten.” Blue smiled. “I suppose I should get started.”

“Thanks again for doing this.” Goten floated off the ground. “Now, I got a lot of work lined up for today, so I got to go.”

“Yes, by all means.” Blue stated before making his way to the train station.

Outside Carousal Boutique: Day of the Gala, Evening…
Goten was sat up against a tree while Pinkie jumped on a trampoline, and Twilight was ensuring she had a spell down. The three of them were gathered because the Grand Galloping Gala was that night, and they were merely waiting for the others.

"The Grand Galloping Gala is tonight!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed while jumping.

"Pinkie, please stop shouting.” Twilight retorted firmly. “I'm trying to focus."

"Pinkie Pie, please stop jumping!” Rarity had suddenly opened the door of her boutique. “I refuse to let you put on your dress while you're sweaty!"

“I tried to tell you Pinkie.” Goten commented.

Pinkie Pie stopped jumping and stood on the ground.

"The others are very late!" Rarity commented.

"Hold your horses because we’re here." Applejack stated.

She was walking alongside Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Gilda wasn’t coming even though the pegasus had asked if she wanted a ticket, but the griffon was more invested in helping Ditzy with Weather Pony training tonight.

"Perfect, I'm ready!" Twilight declared.

"For what?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Alright, Spike." Twilight said.

Spike brought an apple and set it on the ground.

"An apple!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Are we having pie?"

Spike silenced Pinkie Pie before Twilight used her magic to turn the apple into a carriage big enough to hold them all. Everyone then complimented Twilight's work.

"Thanks, but that's just the start.” Twilight stated. “Fluttershy, did you bring your friends?”

"Oh yes, but will they be safe?" Fluttershy asked lowering her mice, which were in her mane, to the ground.

"You have my word." Twilight assured

"We'll keep Twilight in check for ya, Fluttershy." Applejack reassured.

Twilight used her magic to turn the mice into full grown horses.

"Hm, besides the faces, they kind of look like the horses back on my Earth.” Goten commented causing everyone to look at him. “Hey, what are you looking at me for? I’m just saying their faces are too rat like to truly be horses.”

In their distraction, Opal, Rarity's cat, scratched one of the horse mice. This spooked them all, and they were soon running for the hills.

"Oh no!” Twilight exclaimed. “Those horses were supposed to carry the carriage! How will we get to the Gala now?"

"Since that plan was a bust, I might as well just fly the carriage there.” Goten offered.

"No, we couldn’t let you do that." Twilight replied. “This night is just as much yours as it is ours, so you shouldn’t be made to do any work during it.”

“Eh, it won’t be.” Goten shrugged. “Compared to helping ponies move, which isn’t all that hard in the first place, this will be like walking to the bathroom or something else easy.”

"Well, if Goten really wants ta do this, I say we let him.” Applejack voiced. “I mean, we gave him an opportunity not to, but I think the boy’s determined.”

In the end, no one could argue with that, so they soon entered the boutique.

Carousal Boutique
The Mane 6 were all freshening up in a separate room from Goten and Spike. While the former was more than fine letting them, the later wasn’t as content.

Essentially, Spike was knocking on the door. "Come on! Let us in guys!"

"No! You mustn't!” Rarity exclaimed. “We're dressing!"

"Rarity, we don't normally wear clothes." Applejack responded.

Rarity groaned before using her magic to open the door. "I'm sorry you two, but some of us do have standards."

"I still can't believe we're going to be at Canterlot tonight!" Spike exclaimed happily as he and Goten entered the room. "Our home town, Twilight! The best part is that we'll be together all night long!"

"I don't know, Spike." Rainbow Dash retorted.

Rarity put an eyelash on. "We'll just have to see."

Applejack scrubbed Fluttershy's hoof. "We're going to be a might busy."

Pinkie Pie's hair was straightened before poofing up again. "Busy having fun!"

"Oh.” Spike frowned. “Okay."

"Don't worry, Spike.” Goten gave a reassuring smile. “Even if the girls have plans, I didn’t really settle on anything I wanted to do. The two of us will just hang out.”

Spike smiled. “That sounds great!”

Spike and the mares were in the carriage while Goten had lifted it from below and flown it to Canterlot. All eight of them were in their formal ware. When he spotted a break in the flow of carriages, the Half-Saiyan brought them down.

Even though this didn’t cause an accident, it still drew a lot of attention. Quite frankly, Goten only paid attention to the extent that he could tell most of these upper crust ponies didn’t seem to like his presence. Beyond that, it didn’t really bother him as his friends exited the carriage.

The group walked down the carpet and into the castle. While this wasn’t exactly as awe inspiring to him, considering how often he has been to the castle, Goten could tell his friends were amazed. He could certainly take joy in that fact.

"This is going to be the best night ever because we're all going to spend it…" Spike didn’t even get to finish as the mares went off in completely different directions.

“That was expected.” Goten smiled. “Ah well, let’s go Spike

"At least I have one friend to spend this night with." Spike nodded with a smile. “Yeah, let’s go. We can hit the drinks since I’m feeling thirsty.”

“Same here.” Goten voiced.

With Twilight
Twilight ran up the steps but soon slowed as she noticed not one or even two ponies waiting. There were in fact three with a familiar pink alicorn gesturing and inclining her head politely to the sets of incoming guests.

"Cadence?" Twilight questioned as memories of her foal sitter ran through her mind.

"Twilight!" Cadence declared happily.

It was evident by the two mares’ postures, at least to Celestia, that they wanted to do their tailored greeting. While she would have enjoyed seeing that, the atmosphere of the gala won out, and they ended up sharing a warm hug.

“I wasn’t informed you’d be attending the gala.” Cadence looked between Blue Blood and Celestia with a knowing smirk. “Not when I got the invitation on short notice or arrived.” The two ponies she looked at merely looked away. “Still, I welcome you, and it’s good to see you.”

“It’s so good to see you too Cadence.” Twilight declared happily.

Celestia walked closer. "I am just as glad to see you as well.”

"Miss Sparkle." Blue Blood spoke up drawing her attention before he shook her hoof in greeting.

"Princess Celestia." Twilight quickly turned her attention to her mentor. "I was hoping we could talk tonight.” She then turned her head to Cadence. “Now that you’re here, I also want to talk with you as well. Oh, I have so much to tell both of you!"

Celestia's violet eye narrowed as she tried to explain. "I'm quite busy at the moment, but later I'm sure we..."

"Auntie, a moment.” Blueblood interrupted. "The rules specify the princess should be present to welcome guests for the Gala; however, they have never specified which princess. While rules are important, I’m sure between you and Cadence, both could arrange time with Miss Sparkle.”

The two alicorn royals made eye contact and shared a smile.

"Quite a liberal interpretation of the rules, nephew." Celestia beckoned them all to lean in closer. "I like it.”

“If anypony could bend the rules just right, it’d be you, Blue.” Cadence smiled. “Aunt Celestia, why don’t you go off with Twilight first.”

“Nonsense Cadence.” Celestia nodded. “You two should go off for now and come find me in a bit to switch.”

Cadence and Twilight grinned before they trotted off together.

With Rarity
Rarity ended up spotting Blue Blood standing alongside Princess Celestia, and upon approaching him, she couldn't help but notice the strange look he gave her. That was quickly overwritten by the fact that he kissed her hoof.

That was an action she had not seen him repeat with any number of other esteemed and important guests of court. She was still a bit flushed and flattered, but there was a degree of curiosity coloring her thoughts as well.

"Miss Rarity." Blue Blood had decided he’d give this his best to truly fulfill the requests Goten made. "I may impose on you for a dance later."

She had been about to remark on how honored she’d be; however, the element of generosity was when shuffled off. The prince offered a conciliatory wink before a long line of guests were gathering to introduce themselves to Cadence.

With Rainbow Dash
"My pie!” A voice called out.

Rainbow Dash turned her head to see two of the Wonderbolts, Soren and Spitfire, were currently just outside the VIP area. The male pegasus, Soren, had dropped a pie he’d just bought from Applejack. The Element of loyalty immediately sped on over and caught the pie.

“You saved my pie!" Soren declared happily.

He wasted no time in dealing with his precious confection.

"Whoa, normally we got pretty good eyes, but you must have been moving fast because all we saw was a blur!” Spitfire commented.

“Yeah, I’ve trained a lot.” Rainbow replied simply amazed to be around her idols. “For the past months, I’ve met a new trainer whose pushed me further than I ever thought I could go. Oh, also my name is Rainbow Dash!"

"Well Rainbow Dash, any training that makes a pony that fast is something I’d like to discuss.” Spitfire stated. “Why don’t you come hang out with Soren and I?”

"Sure." Dash played it, obviously, coy. "Why not?"

"Funny story." Spitfire added while she and a now satisfied Soren led her through security. "There was some kind of weird scheduling mistake, so Soren and I are free all night."

This was a dream come true for Rainbow.

With Applejack
Applejack was not a happy pony. Aside from one apple pie, she hadn't made a sale in almost an hour. The culprit had to be the hay-seed buffet down the way. There were flowery signs up helping to direct ponies to where they could fill up on fancy hors d'oeuvres.

"Pardon me?"

Applejack looked up to see that it was a potential customer. This pony wore clean but simple clothes in white and black with a bit of pink. She was a unicorn with a light blue coat and a pinkish-red mane done back into a neat bun.

With her was another mare, the same age or maybe a little younger, with a chocolate coat and dark blonde mane. They didn't seem to be guests. In fact, if Applejack had to guess, she’d say they were servants.

"I was wondering if I could have one of your apples?" The more talkative of the pair asked.

"Sure thing, sugar cube!" Applejack cheered inwardly at finally getting another sale before turning to the more reserved of the pair. "Hungry? Anything I can get for ya?"

"Could I have a candy apple?" The dark brown filly asked.

"One candy apple, comin' right up!" Plucking the confection off its tray, Applejack added a little napkin, so it was easier to hold. "Enjoy!"

With a jingle, four bits fell into her purse. The two serving girls didn't waste time before starting to eat. By the looks on their faces, they were happy, satisfied customers. That was always Applejack's favorite. She only had six bits to her name, but it was better than nothing.

"Excuse me, miss." She looked up and saw a colt in a prim white and black vest along with two others accompanying him "We heard you were sellin' applies.”

"Yer darn tootin' I am!" Applejack's spirits rose. “Maybe tonight won’t be a wash after all?”

With Fluttershy
Things weren't working out for the shy pegasus, so she decided to try being more assertive. Though, it was unlikely many would see what she was trying to do as assertiveness.

"I'm sorry to have scared you, my friends!" Fluttershy called to all the little critters in hiding while also having a line of rope between her teeth. "I'm leaving now, so you can all come out!"

Ducking quickly behind one of the many festive, iron arches, she peeked out from around the corner to watch the fruits of her labor. Very soon, she'd finally have one of the garden's elusive, little critters, and it would learn to love her just like all the animals back home did.

She'd then set it free to tell all the other animals, and it’d start a chain reaction. All the animals would come to her to apologize for being flighty and rude. They'd see that she was just like them, and that she was their friend.

“What is this we see?” A familiar voice questioned.

Fluttershy didn’t recognize the voice immediately. All she knew was that it wasn’t the voice of that strange yet harmless groundskeeper who kept getting in her way. When she opened her eyes, it clicked into place as Luna was now standing before her.

Fluttershy now realized how this could look. She had a rope in her mouth which led around the corner to a trap. A trap meant for an animal. An animal that was living in Celestia and Luna’s private garden.

“Oh dear.” Fluttershy thought in shock.

"Fluttershy." The night alicorn began. "May I ask what you're doing out here?"

"Oh… Um…" Fluttershy glanced down because standing before her was a princess who months ago helped break an old throne room with her power. "I was being assertive?"

Luna stared down at the pegasus as if trying to piece together what she should make of this. Eventually, the princess of the night held out a hoof, not angrily, expecting to help her up. Fluttershy dropped the rope, took her offer, and stood.

Considering her last meeting with Luna was on Nightmare Night, she could now realize just how small the princess of the night was in comparison to Celestia or Nightmare Moon. Even so, she held quite the intimidating figure.

Suddenly, she realized just how much trouble this could bring her. Even if Luna hadn’t been the one to catch her, she could be banished for trying to trap an animal, that by all rights, the royal sisters took care of.

"Fluttershy, allow us to put this trap of yours way.” Luna stated. “As we do, the two of us can have a little talk.”

Fluttershy bowed her head fully expecting to be reprimanded for her behavior or worse. Tears welled up in her eyes at the spectacle she'd end up making. Not only would she be publicly humiliated; she'd never be allowed back.

"You’re not in trouble.” Luna assured drawing the pegasus’ attention. “If there is anypony who will understand a mistake, then it is we.”

"Wait, I'm not in trouble?" Fluttershy asked heartbreakingly hopeful.

"No.” Luna shook her head. “I merely wish to inform you of the animals my sister keeps. They aren’t like the ones I hear you tend to.”

"They... aren't?" Fluttershy asked as curiosity displaced her worry. "What do you mean?"

"That kangaroo over there…” Luna pointed to said animal who was peeking out from a bush. “…was poached from a royal game reserve three years ago. Its owner wanted it as an exotic pet."

"Oh!" Fluttershy gasped. "That's not nice."

"When he was recovered, they tried placing him in his proper home, but the years as that pony’s bet has affected him. It kicked a pony hurting them badly.” Luna informed. “His story is not too dissimilar from many who are here. My sister didn't want it put down, and it can't survive in the wild anymore."

"That's terrible." Fluttershy wasn't one to get angry easily, but she really wished she had some way of righting what had happened to that poor creature.

Her expression fell, dejected, as she realized she had been chasing that same kangaroo.

"Fluttershy, please look at me." Luna requested, and the element of kindness did to see that she was being offered a kind smile. "I’m sure with your talents you could bond with them like my sister has, and I have started to. Even with those talents, you must be patient.”

“That makes sense.” Fluttershy admitted. "But, I only have one night.”

"Well, you can always come back.” Luna offered. “After returning me to Celestia, I’m positive she’d approve. After what you did in helping to bring me back, I already would approve. In the end, you can't rush friendship, can you?"

Fluttershy blinked the last of her tears from her eyes. "It took weeks for Angel Bunny to become my friend.” She nodded. "Princess Luna, thank you!"

“We are simply glad to have helped you.” Luna nodded. “If you would like, we could help you get started on a more positive relationship with these animals.”

"That would be wonderful." Fluttershy agreed before staring at the princess. “Though, weren’t you attending the Gala?”

“Just as these animals need time to adjust, so to do I.” Luna replied. “Even months out, and with all the progress I made, I am still taking steps to be the princess my people deserve. Perhaps next year I will attend the gala, but I know I am not ready for the crowds of ponies this night.”

Fluttershy could understand that, and she was just grateful Luna was being kind to her. The Pegasus ended up walking with the alicorn.

With Pinkie
"I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala~

I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala~

I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala..."

Pinkie Pie sighed at her table. No pony wanted to dance, and no pony especially wanted to dance with her after the spectacle she had made. Everypony was avoiding her, and not a single pony had even once used the dance floor. It was just sitting there while ponies stood around it chatting.

"Pardon, everypony." A voice from the stage caused her ears to perk up. "This is rather unorthodox, but it was decided that for one song, a duo would take over. Please bear with this for the time being."

Pinkie’s ear did another twitch as a familiar voice spoke up. "Hey, everyone!"

Looking up, Pinkie saw Goten standing before the crowd with a huge grin while Spike was sitting at the piano.

She tilted her head in bemusement. “What are Goten and Spike doing?”

She knew the little dragon was skilled on the keys from the Appleloosa thing, and Goten had a decent voice. Though after she had been chased off stage herself, she doubted they could have just walked up there. After a few seconds of prep time, Spike began to play and Goten sang.

Dragon Soul - Dragon Ball Kai OP | Piano


Dragon Ball Z Kai FULL Opening English HD 1080p

Don't stop, don't stop, we're in luck now
Don't stop, there's so much to be found
We can find paradise
All we have to do is go, go
Free your soul

Pinkie felt the urge to dance while the other ponies weren’t so thrilled with this turn of events.

Mysteries abound, made up a deep energy (Energy)
Foes all around, but I will go fearless and free
I'll give you strength, you give me love
That's how we'll live (That's how we'll live)
My courage won't fade
If you're with me my enemies will never win

Spike backed Goten by repeating certain words or phrases. At this point, Pinkie moved on out to the dance floor.

We will fight for love and glory
We will live to tell the story
There's nothing we can't live through
Nothing ever dies, we will rise again

No matter how good the song, something like this would have been music to Pinkie’s ears. At this point, it was just a plus that the song was good.

Don't stop, don't stop, we're in luck now
Don't stop, keep your spirit proud
And ride upon the wind
All we have to do is go

Pinkie had a feeling the song was reaching its conclusion.

Don't stop, don't stop, we're in luck now
Don't stop, there's so much to be found
We can find paradise
All we have to do is go, go
Free your soul
Dragon soul

Pinkie’s feeling was correct as the song was over. To the relief of everyone, except Pinkie, the orchestral ponies moved quickly to switch to a more traditional song. Pinkie was about to return to her table when she noticed the pair walking on by.

“Wow, that really was a lot of fun!” Spike exclaimed happily. “How did you even arrange that?”

I have my ways, and it wasn’t through the princesses before you ask.” Goten replied while kind of waving it off. “Oh, hey Pinkie.”

“Hey you two, that was a great song!” Pinkie exclaimed catching looks from the other ponies, but none of them particularly cared. “It was so much fun!”

“That’s the kind of thing Goten and I have been doing all night.” Spike declared happily. “It’s been a blast!”

“Yeah, if you’re free, you should join us.” Goten offered which Spike readily nodded.

Pinkie looked around at the dance floor before looking back at them. “Oh, I am in!”

Canterlot Castle
Rarity had been waiting for Princess Celestia to finish with her introductions. At some point, she and her nephew had vanished and were replaced by a pink coated alicorn. This led to the fashionable unicorn moving from chamber to chamber trying to catch sight of him.

"Hey there, sugar cube!" Applejack called out as she approached.

Applejack was also pulling Fluttershy who softly muttered an apology every time she bumped into another pony. Applejack was all smiles and greeted her warmly with a hug. Fluttershy seemed to be in good spirits, and she daintily touched hooves with her friend.

"My word," Rarity remarked upon seeing her fellow Elements of Harmony in such a jovial state. "Don't you look like the cat that ate the canary!"

"I reckon I have a right!" Applejack explained tipping her hat back. "I darn near sold out tonight. Just put the rest of it away out back. Figured I'd spend the rest of the night seein' how everypony else was doin'."

"Well, that's good news!" Rarity replied before looking at Fluttershy. “I rather expected you'd still be in the gardens?"

"Oh, I mostly just came back to get something to eat for myself and a new friend.” Fluttershy explained. “I met Princess Luna, you know aside from the brief times before, and she’s been showing me around the garden.”

“Heh, well good on you Fluttershy.” AJ smiled happily. “Hey Rarity, you seen any of the others?”

"Rainbow's probably still with the Wonderbolts.” Rarity began. “I’ve also managed to see that Pinkie Pie is with Goten and Spike while Twilight has been with both Celestia and another princess who I’m certain is that former foal sitter of hers. I just wish I could find Blue Blood.”

"If you'll excuse the interruption." An earth pony, who happened to be listening in, pointed towards the dance floor. "You must not have heard, but he’s out there.”

"Out where?" Rarity squeaked.

Applejack began leading her through the crowd with Fluttershy close behind. What they soon saw left the fashionista's jaw agape. Celestia and Cadence were on the dance floor with their wings unfurled and head swaying to the music.

Cadence was dancing with Spike, Celestia glided along with her nephew, and even Goten was out there dancing with Twilight. They glided around and in step to the ballroom music. A pink bundle of energy, one Pinkamena Diane Pie, was close by dancing with Rainbow. All around them, dozens of other ponies were also paired off and enjoying themselves.

"Oh! Oh! Over here!" Pinkie Pie bounced straight up in the air waving her front legs. "Oh! Hey!"

"Pinkie, we see you!" Applejack blushed at the antics of her friend.

"The princesses are…" Rarity was still gaping at the sight. "I don't believe it." Then her face fell along with her prospects. "I'll never be able to dance with him now."

Upon reaching their friends, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity were pulled into the dancing. Eventually, partners were switch and Rarity ended up dancing with Goten. Just as he had danced with Twilight, the Half-Saiyan was passably graceful.

"Darling, I didn’t know you could dance like this.” Rarity commented.

“Surprisingly, it wasn’t that hard… once Bardock told me to treat it kind of like a fight.” Goten commented with a smile.

"Well, it is quite impressive.” Rarity sighed as her gaze turned to Blue Blood who’d been switched to dance with his cousin.”

Abruptly, the music became a slower. It was still an energetic concerto, but it was the kind of music she would have preferred to share with…

"Pardon me." Cadence had walked on over to them. “I could be mistaken, but are you, Goten?”

“I am.” Goten smiled. “You must be Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Twilight has told me a lot about you.”

“Please, you can just call me Cadence especially after everything I’ve heard about you.” Cadence smiled. “My aunts and favorite foal to sit have had a lot of good to say about you. Given this is a slower song, I’d more enjoy it with my special somepony, so I was wondering if we could instead speak.” She looked at Rarity. “If that’s alright with your friend, that is?”

“Rarity?” Goten asked.

“Oh, by all mean.” Rarity smiled. “Go with her.”

“Thanks.” Goten stated before he left with the princess.

“Pardon.” She wasn’t alone for long as Blue Blood had tapped her on the shoulder. "I see that you are free, so how about that dance I requested at the start of the night?”

"Prince Blueblood?" Rarity almost stumbled in surprise but quickly moved to dance with him.

They danced slowly and easily among the crowd of ponies. One musical piece turned to two, and then to three. Rarity considered it a small blessing that the orchestra had gone some time without one of the more unconventional dances.

She never would have guessed that anything, but the most traditional baroque would be played at the Grand Galloping Gala of all events. She never would have thought that the Prince and Princesses would indulge in such music either.

With Rarity & Blue Blood
After the dance, Blue Blood stuck by Rarity, and it was nowhere near as bad as he thought it would be. It wasn’t even close to mirroring prior times with other mares. They walked about the Pavilion making small talk over fashion and art.

Rarity had been wowed by the Equestrian Crown Jewels and gone on at length about the various grades of cuts and weights. Blue Blood was impressed at her knowledge of setting, arranging, and cutting gem stones.

Blue Blood also took note of the fact that Rarity didn’t seem to care that she was seen with him. Not in the way any other mares had been. It was certainly a good sign that she hadn’t sought him out to make everypony jealous. He eventually brought her to his study to show her his work.

As they walk, Blue Blood began to take note, for the first time, that Rarity was an attractive mare. Her eyes were a stunning blue, her voice was quite pleasing, and her coat was a very soft and feminine shade of light gray. She even had good poise and was a good dancer.

As they entered his study, Rarity looked around and noted it was a bit of a mess. “So, this is… your office?"

"My apologies for the mess, Miss Rarity.” Blue Blood stated. “I assure you though it has its purpose in my work.”

"Is it much work doing what you do?" Rarity inquired.

“It is, but it is also quite fulfilling.” Blue Blood smiled. “Everything I do makes ruling easier for my aunts. In that sense, knowing everything I do, it gives my work meaning.”

"How so?" Rarity inquired curiously.

"This office is but one part of all the work I do.” Blue Blood informed while leading her to some of his maps. “This part is important because every decision made affects the lives of ponies. That’s what I know when I see these lines. That’s an important thing to remember.”

Blue found it easy to discuss this part of his work with Rarity, and unlike any other mare he brought here, she was genuinely interested.

"What about this?" Rarity gestured to a rougher, older map. “What’s the story behind this one?”

"That is actually a map of a maze." Blue Blood smiled fondly. "In fact, it is the Laurel Maze out in the gardens.”

It was octagonal in shape and without peer in all Equestria. The centerpiece of the larger Grand Garden complex. Blueblood highlighted some of the more interesting features. The statuary at the south entrance, for example, featured several unknown, ancient works.

"It sounds like this place is truly special to you.” Rarity stated.

"That isn't inaccurate." Blue Blood gazed fondly at the map. "I have my cutie mark because of this maze. As a young stallion, I was rather adventurous. Something I still retain a bit today. Couple that with how the young can be rather nosy. Poke their noses where they don’t belong.”

Rarity nodded. "My sister is much the same, and I was at that age as well.”

"Well, I wandered into the maze thinking there was something exciting to find.” Blue Blood continued. “Someone making a maze like that had to have done it with a purpose. So, I wandered around with a pen and paper trying to find the center.

Eventually, I found it… mostly through blind luck." He pointed with the back of his feathered quill to a small space in the absolute center of the hexagon. “Unfortunately, there wasn't any candy or prize, but I did get my cutie mark."

"Well?" Rarity asked wanting more. "You must tell me, Blueblood. What was at the center of the maze?"

"The center of the maze." Blue Blood chuckled. "What was at the center of the maze again?” He smirked. “I forget."

"Tease!" Rarity tapped his front leg and blushed hotly.

"Miss Rarity, I must confess." Blue Blood decided to own up. “I’ve had terrible luck with mares before seemingly you.” Rarity looked at him. “I won’t go into detail, but I must ask why me? Why out of any stallion did you want to spend this night with me?”

"Oh." Rarity’s eyes darted away as she tried to avoid answering the question.

"Is it because I'm a prince?" Blue Blood guessed. "Is it because you read about me in some tabloid, and I caught your fancy?"

Blue Blood was bringing this up because the brief time he’s gotten to know Rarity, it made him hope that there was more than that to this.

"I'd be lying if that wasn't a factor in it.” Rarity answered honestly. “Yet, you aren’t like what I’ve read about. All those articles painted you as the most elite of the elite. Prince Blueblood, the most eligible bachelor in Canterlot.

Destined to marry any of nobility's finest." She smiled. "Nothing mentioned dancing, or how passionate you are to aid the princesses. Do you know what I expected? I expected to spend the night stargazing, talking about art, and being toured around the palace.

That’s not what I got, but this questioning does lead me to one of my own. What made you give me a chance? Is it because I'm one of Twilight's friends? Is it because I happen to be one of the Elements of Harmony?"

“Actually, it was neither of those things.” Blue Blood nodded. “Truthfully, I gave you a chance, and did a lot more, to aid many different ponies on the request of Goten.”

“Goten?” Rarity asked shocked.

“Yes.” Blue Blood replied. “The champion wanted all his friends to have a great night, so he contacted me. I won’t go into detail, but I will say that his request is one I don’t regret honoring. Everyone he wanted to help deserved a good night.

Beyond that, I had fun. You are unlike any other mare who showed interest in me. With you, I had fun for the first time in years at an event I formerly loathed deep within my heart. No matter what, this night will be one I treasure for years to come."

"I think I understand." Rarity smiled. “This might have been the result of Goten’s request, but I’m thankful for that because tonight was a most wonderful one.”

Donut Joe’s
With the winding down of the Grand Galloping Gala, Spike, Pinkie, and Goten headed on over here on the baby dragon’s advice. They were greeted by a pale orange unicorn stallion with green eyes, brown mane, and donut cutie mark.

"Hello Spike!” Joe greeted. “It's been a while!"

"Hey Joe!" Spike greeted in return.

"And who are your friends?" Joe asked.

“Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie.” Pinkie responded.

"My name is Son Goten.” Goten nodded respectfully. “Nice to meet you sir."

"You've got quite the manners, Son Goten." Joe stated with a smile.

Goten smiled. “Thanks sir

Goten, Spike, and Pinkie all got donuts with extra sprinkles and hot chocolate. As they were finishing, the doors to Joe's shop swung open, and the rest of their friends walked on in looking quite content with how the night went.

"Well, look who it is!” Joe exclaimed happily. “Twilight Sparkle! Long time no see!"

Spike quickly ran over to them. "How was the Gala?"

Everyone ended up exchanging stories of how the night went.

"Wow, sounds like your nights ended pretty well.” Spike commented.

“That it did Spike.” Rarity smiled knowingly. “In the end, I found out we owe our night to Goten.” Everyone looked at the Half-Saiyan who was shocked Rarity knew since he didn’t intend on saying anything. “Granted, it was the prince who set everything up, but he’d have had no idea, or inclination, without Goten contacting him.”

“Is that true Goten?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah.” Goten admitted. “I did it because you seven, Celestia, and Luna have been great since I arrived in Equestria. I know it hasn’t even been a full year since I arrived, but all of you have still taken care of me. You’re also more friends than I’ve ever had before.

Back home, all I have is Trunks. While I love having him as a friend, I really like having so many friends here. What I’m trying to say is, even though I’m still looking for a way home, I also consider being here with all of you like my second home. I just wanted to show it.”

“Ah, sugar cube.” AJ stated with a smile. “I thank I speak for everyone when I say thank you.”

The others all nodded with their own smiles.

“I do have to ask if this was all you were hoping to get out of the night." Celestia stated as she entered the store and drew everyone’s attention. “I mean, you clearly did a lot by providing information and being with friends whose goals could not be easily met.”

"Princess Celestia!" Everyone, except Goten, exclaimed.

“I didn’t really need much other than this.” Goten smiled. “My friends had a good night, I got to spend most of it with two of them, and at the end of it we’re all here together. Honestly, that’s a pretty good night to me. One of my best.”

“I think there’s a good lesson in the champion’s words.” Celestia alluded.

“I think so too, princess.” Twilight stated. “Friends, in good or bad times, make any moment better!"

"Yeah! Just hanging out with your friends!" Rainbow Dash added.

"Talking!" Fluttershy continued.

"Laughing!" Pinkie Pie finished.

"While tonight was a good night…" Applejack began.

“Being together at the end of it truly makes it…” Rarity continued.

Everyone finished this thought together. “The best night ever!"

Author's Note:

This might be the end to canon season 1 of MLP, but it is not the end to my season 1 of What Makes a Hero?. Luna's arc I've had set from the beginning just hasn't concluded here, and there are still episodes I wish to adapt from season 1.

I merely set this here because I feel like just before winter, sometime between Nightmare Night and Hearth Warming Eve, is when this event should take place. Take that with a grain of salt since I'm just a guy out to make every season one full year.

As for why I decided to make this night go well, it was personal choice. Honestly. when it comes to fanfiction, I've read this night going well and even worse than canon with everything in between. There was no new perspective to cover beyond how the night goes.

So, I ended up choosing that it'd go fairly well with a lesson still to be learned. When it came to a song, you're free to question Goten singing the theme song to Dragon Ball Z Kai, but I personally view it as this is a crossover with MLP. MLP is all about songs.

Introducing Cadence here was done solely for the fact that she and Shining Armor literally came out of nowhere for the Season 2 finally. No matter how you feel about them, I honestly like them, you got to admit how they just appeared wasn't good.

That's why I've taken steps to introduce and integrate Shining Armor, and now I'm attempting to do the same with Cadence. Is this a perfect way of doing that? No. Is it better than nothing on them until the season 2 finale? I hope so.

Note: Yes, this chapter does take elements of Cap'n Chryssalid's story "The Best Night Ever"; however, I think a difference, besides the minor things I change, is that this was done by a Blue Blood who hasn't been stuck in a time loop. If you have a problem with this chapter, well I still welcome you to read if you want.