• Published 17th Jan 2021
  • 2,987 Views, 99 Comments

What makes a Hero? - Quillion9000

Goten starts to feel down since he doesn't seem to live up to his idols, but he will get his chance in the land of Equestria. This land needs a hero, but if he can't understand what that really means, the land will fall.

  • ...


Castle of the Two Sisters
In the hallways of Canterlot Castle, six pairs of hooves and two feet were rushing to the throne room. Standing before the destroyed thrones, Princess Luna became aware of a darkness. A glowing blue/purple smoke like object floated down behind her.

The princess knew what it was and what it would do. "Greetings, Tantabus. I am ready, so do your worst."

Luna began to grunt and groan as she was enveloped in a sphere of darkness which transformed her. The six pairs of hooves and two feet entered the throne room revealing themselves as the six ponies chosen to wield The Elements of Harmony and The Champion of Equestria.

"Princess Luna's turning into Nightmare Moon again!" Twilight exclaimed.

Luna had fully transformed into the wicked mare of darkness.

Nightmare Moon immediately cackled as her hooves landed on the ground. "How observant you are, but it will do you no good. Welcome to your destruction!" She glared at Goten. “Especially you, monkey.”

"Not happening because we got the cure for this.” Rainbow Dash boasted. "Ready everyone?"

All nodded at once. "Ready!"

“Get started girls, so my element can strengthen yours.” Goten added.

A beam of rainbow-colored energy suddenly shot out from the six ponies. Nightmare Moon threw up a magical barrier to protect herself while Goten’s element glowed causing the rainbow energy to double in strength.

An intense struggle quickly unfolded as magical energy crackled and sizzled. Nightmare Moon seemed to be gaining the upper hoof as her barrier slowly pushed the rainbow beams back. Suddenly, the puff of smoke from earlier seemed to take on a mind of its own.

With a ripping sound, it began to cut a hole in the sky and slip away shocking Nightmare Moon "Wait! What is it doing?!" She then saw it vanish. "It's gone, but that's impossible! It's not supposed to do that!"

Suddenly, her powers weakened, and the rainbow energy washed over her enveloping the alicorn’s body. The group cheered at their victory.

Canterlot Castle: Luna’s Room
Luna, still in her form from just after being saved, suddenly awoke in her bed panting heavily. It took a moment for her to regain her bearings before she realized what had just transpired in her dreams.

"My dream ended happily?” She shook her head. “No. That. Cannot. Happen!"

Castle Kitchen: Morning…
The next morning started off like any other for Princess Celestia. She rose before dawn to raise the sun before making her way to the kitchen and whipping up some pancakes for herself and her sister. Luna never seemed to have the time to enjoy them.

Maybe this time would be the occasion where Luna would finally acknowledge her carefully crafted creations. Then, the doors to the kitchen were flung opened, and Celestia got a good look at her sister. It quickly became obvious that Luna would once again be in no mood for breakfast.

Normally, Luna was groggy, and a bit grouchy when she awoke; however, it seemed like last night had been especially taxing on the Princess of the Night. The bags underneath her eyes seemed to be more pronounced.

It seemed like Luna hadn't slept even a little and was ready to fall into a deep sleep at a moment's notice. Naturally, Celestia's sisterly instincts kicked in. She was immediately at Luna's side quick to help her to a seat at the kitchen table.

“Good morning, Luna." Celestia greeted warmly hoping to gauge her overall mood. "Rough night last night?"

"No, just a demanding one." Luna insisted as she almost faceplanted into the pancakes on her plate. "Sister, I appreciate this gift, but I'm afraid I must again decline your offer to dine."

"Luna, please don't lie to me." Celestia stated with a seriousness tone. "You look unwell, and I know something is bothering you. What happened last night?"

"It's nothing that need concern you, Celestia.” Luna only shook her head. “It concerns matters of the dream world, and your magic holds no sway there."

Celestia put a hoof to her chin in thought. "Technically, I never fully gave up that power. I could still enter of my own free will if I so chose."

Luna smirked. "We both know you'll never do that, sister. You only briefly wielded that power in my absence before abandoning it the day I returned."

"You know me too well." Celestia sighed longingly. "That was too much power for any one pony. The more I held onto it, the more it spoke to me. I don't believe it was the work of the same Nightmare that exploited your insecurities and dark desires. Still, it was a risk."

Despite her tired state, Luna couldn't help but laugh. "I remember the first time I encountered that projection of you when I regained my dream powers. I must say, I didn't imagine an evil version of yourself to look like my dark form. Are you sure you weren't secretly envious of her?”

Celestia laughed as well even though she didn't find it that funny. If it gave her the ability get Luna to open up, she'd take a little self-deprecating humor.

"I assure you; I was never jealous of Nightmare Moon despite what my darker self might have led you to believe.” Celestia stated. "You wouldn't wish to see me become that, would you sister? Surely, you would not subject yourself to the agony I had to endure for a thousand years?"

"No, I would rather die than be forced to turn on you again, sister!" Luna vowed while pounding her hooves on the table. "If this is all some secret test or prank, it's not funny!"

"Then please, for your own sake, you must speak on what is troubling you!" Celestia pleaded with a begging expression. "Luna, I can't stand the thought that something might be wrong, and there's nothing I can do to help you.

Without you, I will have no pony to interpret my dreams when they become visions of the future. Worse still, I may lose you to the darkness forever, and I can't live without you." She was genuinely terrified of that outcome. “Not again.”

Luna opened her mouth to speak, but she immediately clammed up. “Should I really tell her about the Tantabus? What would Celestia think of such a creation… especially if she knew of its origins and intent?” Up til now, Luna prided herself on keeping the Tantabus secret.

"The Tantabus couldn't have gotten far! I should be able to track it down within the dreams of Goten and his friends without assistance. No need to worry my sister unnecessarily." She looked at her sister. "If you knew of what I hide, you would surely turn against me."

"Luna, you mustn't keep secrets from me!" Celestia insisted. "Aren't you aware of what happened the last time you tried to do that?"

Luna reluctantly nodded, but she only said, "I am aware, but I cannot discuss such a matter with you; however, I would be open to the possibility of taking to a trusted third party. Somepony that will keep the matters discussed confidential."

At that comment, Celestia concocted a plan, but she in no way showed it. The Princess of the Day merely presented a business card to her sister.

"I believe this will help you, dear sister. This pony is a direct descendent of the pony who helped me cope with the first few years of your long absence. He’s a very skilled therapist with a resume and clientele to match.”

Luna examined the card for any hidden details. Be they a faint smudge of ink, a scribble not so cleverly hidden, an address or name known to be false, or even some secret message on either side of the card. Nothing about it seemed phony and the name sounded professional.

The card read, "Bright Follow: Determined to help you find the light."

"Please, Luna. You must do this!" Celestia pleaded. "Either for my sake or your own."

"But what about my duties as Princess of the Night?" Luna asked with concern. "What will happen if I don't return by nightfall?"

"Don't worry, Luna.” Celestia winked. “I have a feeling Bright Follow will be understanding if you need to cut your time short. Few ponies ever solve their problems on their very first therapy session."

Luna reluctantly accepted the card and sighed. "I suppose I'll give this therapist a try." She then got up from her chair and yawned. "That is, after I take my customary early morning nap."

"You do that, and I hope you sleep well." Celestia watched as her sister departed without another word. "Oh Luna, I just know you're going to love talking to Bright Follow." She walked off herself. “That said, I will need to contact him first.”

Luna’s Room
Luna spent most of her nap trying to hunt down the Tantabus, but with Goten and his friends awake, she couldn't enter their dreams. A search of the few ponies that were asleep at the time, turned up no trace of the Tantabus. When Luna awoke, she felt refreshed and invigorated.

After a quick shower, and a little bit of time combing her mane and tail to look presentable, she set off for the location of Bright Follow’s office. To her surprise, the business card said his office resided within the confines of the castle.

Luna found this fact most peculiar. “What kind of therapist would choose to live in a castle?”

The Princess of the Night shrugged as despite her promise to Goten, it was a slow process coming out. As such, she figured this was something her sister allowed while she was gone. If this therapist had in fact helped her sister, that was a good reason to allow it.

Bright Follow’s Office
With a sigh, Luna reluctantly reached a hoof out and knocked on the door. "I hope I'm making the right decision by coming here."

The door swung open, and a familiar voice spoke to her. "Ah, you must be my next client. Please, do come in and make yourself comfortable."

Luna did so, and she was instantly greeted with the sight of an office that seemed almost out of place in the city of Canterlot. Whereas most buildings were built and designed to be as lavish as possible, this office seemed almost comforting in its simplicity.

There was a soft, carpeted floor while simple but soothing colors made up the roof and walls. There was no receptionist's desk or chairs, let alone any semblance of a waiting room. Instead, at the end of a short hallway, resided the door to what was likely Bright Follow’s office.

There stood a stallion who Luna presumed to be Bright Follow himself. He had a grass green coat, light red mane, and black eyes under red rimmed glasses. His cutie mark depicted a yin yang symbol.

The stallion approached Luna, and lightly shook her hoof. "As you've probably guessed, my name is Bright Follow, professional therapist. Your sister sent me a message informing me that you would be arriving. Now, do you prefer Luna or Princess Luna?”

"Just Luna will do, thank you.” Luna returned the hoofshake. "I am pleased to see you… even if I came here mostly to please my overly worried sister."

"Worry is something every older sibling does my dear.” Bright replied. “Of course, we can discuss these matters more in depth once you're in my private quarters. Please, step this way, Luna."

They entered a room with a long, reclining sofa.

Clearing his throat, Bright grabbed a quill and paper before motioning for Luna to sit down on the couch. "Please, make yourself comfortable, Luna. I find it much easier to discuss the issues with my clients once they're in a relaxed state of mind."

Reluctantly, Luna did, and the couch just barely fit her length wise before the therapist spoke up "So, your sister tells me you appeared 'troubled', as she put it, when you woke up this morning. Is that true?"

“I was.” Luna nodded. "It's hardly the first time I've had to deal with this sort of concern though. As Princess of the Night, it is my job to guard the dream world. I watch over the dreams of young and old alike. Naturally, problems arise which my sister is ill equipped to deal with.

It is my expertise that guides them, but it doesn't come easily. When possible, I have caught a few winks in the dream world, but usually I require at least a morning nap after lowering the moon. Though I do always send a letter to my friend, Goten, before sleeping again."

"Goten, eh?" Bright commented lifting his glasses for a moment. "Please, tell me more about him. What's he like?"

“I’m not sure if you heard about him, but Goten is the new Champion of Equestria.” Luna replied. "He is a Half-Saiyan that prevented me from harming anyone else by fighting in their steed. By now, it should be common knowledge I was banished to the moon, no?"

Bright nodded. "Yes, though I believe many still regard Nightmare Moon as nothing more than an old legend. Anyways, is there anything more you can tell me about Goten? Any details at all?"

"I thought this therapy was about me, not my friend?" Luna questioned.

"I assure you it is, but I find it helps to build a bridge with my clients before I make a major effort to discuss and diagnose their problems." Bright explained as he jotted down a few notes. "So, what kind of creature is Goten?"

“Goten is no older than a foal, but I believe his confrontation with me as Nightmare Moon saw him mature more than he should have. Still, he hasn’t completely lost his time as a kid. He’s fun to be around, and truly forgiving.

Even though I tried to kill him and was the reason he entered a dangerous form. Him having the Champion’s Element makes sense. He’s truly courageous. Like the other Champions, who were full Saiyans, he has a big appetite. Honestly, I admire his strength as I did Bardock’s.”

"Sounds like you and Goten are close," Bright commented while jotting down more notes.

“At this point, he’s the only friend I have.” Luna stated.

“I see.” Bright stated. "Tell me Luna, what is it that caused you not to sleep even remotely well last night? Is it possible for a princess to have nightmares?"

Luna seemed to hesitate for a moment, and her lips quivered before she reluctantly confessed. "As ashamed as I am to admit it, yes. The nightmares began before my banishment, and at first, they were harmless enough.

It was through these nightmares that I first encountered Nightmare. She tempted me, exploited my fears and concerns, and played to my feelings of jealousy and anger. While most would say that it wasn’t my fault, I made the decision to embrace her darkness.

"I can sense that Nightmare Moon is something you regret deeply." Bright noted. “Tell me, why is that so? Aren't you and Nightmare Moon technically separate entities?"

"No, I despise such a notion! Even my own sister has made that mistake in my presence and Goten through our letters!" Luna bellowed. "It would be too easy to say I was not in control. I may have been ‘influenced’ by Nightmare, but I still chose to accept her.

I acted irrationally because I wasn't willing to talk things out with my sister. I bear the responsibility for everything Nightmare Moon said and did. That includes attempting to murder a child, and it doesn’t matter that he forgave me because I still attempted it.

While I at first made the mistake of wanting to forget about my time as Nightmare Moon, I soon came to realize that it was my legacy, and thus my burden. I could never allow myself to forget that experience, so I had to resort to 'extreme measures' to ensure I was always reminded."

Upon hearing Luna speak the words "extreme measures", Bright Follow felt his heart fill with dread. Whatever Luna was about to tell him, he was sure he wasn't going to like hearing it. Still, it was his job as a therapist to help his client overcome the issue or issues troubling them.

To do that, Bright would have to get as many details as he could even if that meant having to press in areas his client might not be comfortable discussing. Still, sensing that this could get heavy, he retreated for a moment and came back with a tea set.

"What is the meaning of this?" Luna inquired as she sat up on the couch. "I thought I was here to discuss the matters concerning my inability to get even a few hours’ worth of good sleep the previous night, not sip tea."

Bright only laughed as he poured a cup and offered it to Luna. "I thought a princess like you would understand more than anypony else. Tea has been known to have a powerful, calming effect. I'm not sure what these 'extreme measures' you've mentioned are.

Still, I can sense they involve a subject very personal to you, so it might be wise to have something to calm the nerves. It worked wonders with your sister when my ancestor was helping her cope with your absence. Surely, a cup before you discuss further would help."

Luna eyed the teacup skeptically. A part of her felt very thirsty, and that tea seemed like just the thing to quench her thirst; however, was she really going to sip tea from a stallion she didn't know? What if he held a grudge against her?

This tea could be poisoned, or Bright could have slipped something into the tea that would make Luna talk? At last, against her better judgement, Luna enveloped the cup with her magic and slowly put it up to her lips. It seemed to have an almost soothing effect.

"What did you put in this tea?” Luna questioned. “It's like nothing I've ever consumed before. I must know what the ingredients are."

"It's actually a recipe, Celestia and my ancestor created together. My intention is to continue passing it down within the family, but perhaps your sister would be willing to share it with you." Bright explained.

“I will need to ask my sister about this.” Luna thought as she laid back down on the therapy sofa. "Well, I suppose now you want to know what I meant earlier when I mentioned the 'extreme measures' I took to make sure I wouldn't become Nightmare Moon again, correct?"

Bright nodded. "I would like that, but I can't force you to confront anything if you're not ready to address it. I can try to nudge and steer the conversation towards that, but it must be you who chooses to confront whatever it is that troubles you.

Luna sighed. "There's no easy way to say this, and I only ask that you please not judge me for it."

"It's not my place to pass judgement on the actions of my clients," Bright assured. "Now, if you would but know that you're free to stop at any time."

Luna adopted a rather serious and regretful tone of voice. "I ended up drawing on my experiences with Nightmare and was able to create a being I dubbed Tantabus. It was a small, wispy little thing that was supposed to be harmless to others.

It was only intended to make sure my dreams would always involve the same nightmare repeatedly. In the nightmare, I'm alone in the Castle of the Two Sisters with no pony in sight. Only six ponies and the champion seek to stop me.

They never arrive in time to prevent my transformation. They wield the Elements of Harmony, but it never works. They are always defeated, and I laugh and cackle at my victory before plunging the entire world into eternal night. It seems I underestimated the Tantabus.”

Unsurprisingly, even though he wrote down as many details as he could, Bright was horrified by what Luna was telling him; however, he had to press on. "So, what happened? I take it you wouldn't tell me about this without a reason."

"Yes." Luna said. "The Tantabus somehow escaped my dream and is most likely hiding out somewhere within the dreams of Goten or one of his friends. Which one, I'm afraid I can't say for sure as they're all currently awake.

Now, I fear that if any of them dream of anypony else, the Tantabus will escape to the dreams of those ponies and grow stronger. Soon, it may even grow powerful enough to develop a physical form and enter the waking world."

"I see." Bright commented with concern. "Does your sister know about any of this?"

Luna firmly shook her head in protest. "No, my sister's magic has no power in the dream world, but I wish more than ever that it did. I wish she were aware of this problem. Oh, I can't believe I was so stupid as to not tell her! What was I thinking?!"

She hung her head in shame and guilt.

"Well, I’m rather surprised you don’t recognize me, Luna.” Bright scratched his check. “I thought for sure you’d recognize the voice, but I guess it goes to show that Celestia was right calling me in for this rather than doing it all herself.”

Bright approached Luna who was confused. "Should I know you?" In response, the image of Bright Follow faded to reveal a very worried Goten. “Goten!?”

“As I alluded, it’s not just me.” Goten elaborated. “A certain someone fed me what to say, and they did put that illusion on me.”

Celestia appeared in the room seeming just as worried.

Luna was shocked. “Celestia!?”

"That's right, it's me." Celestia stated. "I'm sorry we had to lie and trick you, but it was the only way I could find out what was troubling you." She added with tears in her eyes. "I thought we agreed not to keep big secrets from each other after what happened last time?"

Luna, with tears in her eyes, threw herself into her sister's embrace and apologized profusely! "Celestia, I'm sorry! I thought for sure you wouldn't understand about the Tantabus! You'd think I was conspiring against you!"

"Luna, why would I ever think something like that?" Celestia asked somberly. "I seriously want to know! It's like you don't know me at all! After the 1,000 years of separation, why would I believe you'd conspire against me a second time?!"

"I don't know. I really don't know." Luna apologized while sobbing heavily. "I just got scared that Nightmare Moon would keep haunting my dreams promising to come back. I couldn't let myself be tempted."

"Yet look what you were doing to yourself, dear sister." Celestia commented while lightly stroking Luna's mane. "You were torturing and tormenting yourself behind my back and in a place where I couldn't get to you.”

“Luna, look at what you're doing now.” Goten spoke up. “If you truly were still tempted by the darkness, you wouldn't be afraid of it."

Luna looked at Celestia. "What if I ever do turn against you for one reason or another?" Luna looked at Goten. “What if I try to kill you again?”

The princess and champion were silent for a moment as Luna blew her nose in a tissue.

Celestia spoke up. "I understand your concerns, Luna. I've had many a sleepless night worrying about them myself, but I learned long ago that it does no good to dwell on the 'What Ifs' of the past. The past is in the past, and we can only learn from it.

The future is determined by our present in what we say and do. It's our job to learn and face the challenges of the present to have a better future. So, do you understand now? You can't let yourself worry to the degree where it paralyzes you. In the end, it never does you any good."

Luna continued to sob for a little bit, but gradually her sobs diminished until they ceased entirely. "I'm so sorry, Celestia and Goten. I never meant for any of this to happen!" She seemed to have found her determination.

"Now it's up to me to make things right. I shall lure the Tantabus back on my own. I created it and part of it is still obedient to my commands. This is my mistake that I must fix. I cannot allow it to hurt my people.”

Surprised and concerned, Celestia asked, "Are you sure you don't want Goten and I to accompany you into the dream world? I could do it, just this once, with my own power."

Luna stomped her hoof down. "No, you two need only rest. I created the Tantabus, so it's my responsibility. You two have already done so much for me, that I can't ask you to clean up my mess. I'm… I’m a warrior who will correct her own mistake.”

Bardock appeared and crossed his arms. “Hm, you’re finally starting to act like the moon butt I remember.” He nodded. “Pull this off, and my opinion of you will improve.”

Luna nodded.

Celestia sighed as that only gave her sister more determination to do this. "Very well, Luna, but if you need us, come get us in our dreams."

"I assure you I can manage." Luna commented. "Though I do have to thank all three of you for your support. I doubt anyone else would've done what you did for me today. Celestia, Bardock, and Goten, you are truly the best sister, teacher, and friend, respectively, I could ask for!"

The three of them smiled and bid Luna good luck.

Luna’s Room, Night…
That very night, Luna found herself alone in the confines of her dream. No one was around to help her this time. Her dreams were what they usually were, calm and serene, but they would not be that way for long.

The Princess of the Night took a deep breath before calling out, "Tantabus! Hear my voice and do as you are told! You shall terrorize the innocent no longer! Come back to me so we can end this!"

Sure enough, the Tantabus slowly came creeping back, and, unsurprisingly, it took the form of Nightmare Moon in all her wickedness. "Ah, hello Luna. A pleasure to see you again."

"Nightmare Moon, I might have figured you'd show up again." Luna commented.

"So, have you finally given up trying to fight the darkness?" Nightmare Moon flashed a toothy grin. "Are you ready to accept that I am you?"

"No." Luna said in a low tone of voice.

"Excuse me?!" Nightmare Moon exclaimed sounding offended.

"You are part of me, as much as I hate to admit it, but you are not me." Luna’s tone of voice slowly rose as her confidence began to build. "You won't exist independent of me in any way, shape, or form ever again.

I am the Princess of the Night, protector of the dream world, and rightful co-ruler of Equestria alongside my sister. No longer am I a darkness loving tyrant, or the scared little filly who feared you! You, the Tantabus, exists because of me. That is a mistake I shall rectify this instant!"

As Luna spoke, Nightmare Moon suddenly found herself being pulled towards Luna. Slowly, the Tantabus found it couldn't maintain the form, and it could not escape as Luna slowly walked up to it. The Tantabus was now Luna’s current size, and she wasn't afraid.

The Tantabus managed to revert to Nightmare Moon. "What are you doing?! You're a fool to deny the power I brought you! If we joined together again, we could truly prevail over Celestia and rule Equestria forever!"

"As I said, you are part of me." Luna declared. "Just as every light contains darkness, the darkness contains light. I choose not to walk either road.” She recalled the Tantabus to herself. “I will walk the roads of dusk and dawn forever more.”

The Tantabus was no more, and Luna stood there in the dreamscape triumphant but tired. The alicorn decided to lay down and close her eyes. Normally, Luna would avoid falling asleep in the dream realm, but she felt she'd earned a rest.

Author's Note:

I know, this is Do Princess' Dream of Magic Sheep; however, I'm under the impression that there's a legitimate arc Luna could have had in that first season. I know, many people love Luna. I do as well, but I figured this was a good chance to strive for that arc.

Hence this chapter and Visiting the Royal Sisters. I'm still going to be moving other chapters into place to give this alicorn sister what I hope will be a satisficing arc while setting her up as that supportive princess we see her as in future seasons.