• Published 17th Jan 2021
  • 2,987 Views, 99 Comments

What makes a Hero? - Quillion9000

Goten starts to feel down since he doesn't seem to live up to his idols, but he will get his chance in the land of Equestria. This land needs a hero, but if he can't understand what that really means, the land will fall.

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Lost City:Part 3

Pony Camp
By the time Goten got back to his comrades, it was night. The camp they erected was comprised of tents made from nature. There was even a campfire, and Braeburn had fixed the carriage. The Half Saiyan was keen to tell his group everything but agreed to save it for the next day.

For now, it was enough to let his group be happy that he returned. They enjoyed a meal from the food in the carriage before turning in. Come morning, over breakfast, Goten filled everypony in on everything he learned from Cital as well as their compromise.

“No wonder these Namekians distrust us.” Blueblood declared. “The first contact they’ve had in countless millennia, a unicorn, betrayed their trust and took their friends.”

“Not just all the alicorns, but one of their own as well.” Fleur stated in understanding.

“Now hold on one second.” Daring stated. “How do we know these Namekians didn’t just make up a story. Maybe one of our kind managed to get down there, and they attacked them just like they attacked us. Only difference is they didn’t have the Goten to protect them.”

“I don’t know Daring.” Braeburn stated. “I remember Goldie Delicious telling us the old folk’s tale of the Children of the Night. Legend has it that Nightmare Moon took orphans away and they were never seen again.”

“I don’t doubt Luna had a reason to do what she did.” Goten shook his head. “Look, like it or not, this is the only way you guys are getting into that city. Regardless of what their story is, which I believe Cital spoke the truth, this is the compromise we got.

The guards must leave and not return until we need to them while you four must be on your best behavior. I stuck my neck out, so if any of you raise trouble, I’ll be imprisoned alongside you. If that happens, we lose the Element of Disharmony.”

“That’s if we haven’t already lost it through all this business.” Blueblood added. “I’m all for following this compromise because it may just repair our soured reputation with this group. Beyond that, it sounds like the only way we’ll have the whole team in on this.”

Everyone looked to Daring who sighed. “Alright, I’ll go along with this.” Braeburn nudged her and the explorer rolled her eyes. “I’ll also try to be on my best behavior as not to damage Goten’s reputation.”

Blueblood nodded before looking at the guards. “You two must fall back to that clearing we passed yesterday and come to this exact spot in three days for pick up. Do not do anything beyond those orders, or I will be in danger. Understood?”

The guards didn’t like it, but they stood at attention. “Understood!”

The guards flew back while the remaining four followed Goten to Unity.

Goten led the group into the city with Namekians glaring at them or leading the children away.

“Still think this group is hiding the body of a pony?” Braeburn asked.

Daring looked away from him. “I’m still unconvinced.”

“I’m not.” Blueblood stated. “It is possible that being united against us could be a way to hide the truth; however, ponies are not infallible. We have our bad eggs just like any race.”

“I won’t argue that, but it doesn’t mean I’ll begin to trust the likes of you.” Shale stated from behind the group causing them to turn shocked. “My master is gone because of that unicorn.”

Daring glared at him. “So, you say?”

“Yeah, I do say.” Shale stepped up to her with a firm resolve. “Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a warrior. Master Lugo saw that resolve in me, but I couldn’t protect him.”

“Daring, I think ya need ta back off.” Braeburn stated. “This guy isn’t lying. He lost his master, and I’m more convinced than ever it was a pony who did it.” Daring glared at the Namekian. “Daring, you know my family is good at knowing the truth.”

Daring sighed and turned her head. “Fine, I’m sorry.”

Shale crossed his arms unconvinced as he looked at Goten. “Thus far, these ponies are not making a good case for your character Half-Saiyan.”

Blueblood walked forward and bowed before the Namekian. “I humbly apologize for my companion’s attitude and the actions of this Gari. Rest assured that my aunt will be filled in on her deeds, and these Children of the Night will be brought to justice.”

“Well, I suppose that is a start.” Shale sighed. “For now, I want you out of Unity as soon as possible. As such, I shall accompany you to see your objective done. Perhaps in the future, our groups can have better relations.”

“That would be most appreciated.” Blueblood stated sincerely. “Thank you.”

“If we’re looking for an Element of Disharmony, I believe we may have found it in the catacombs.” Shale explained. “A pitch-black bow with a dark green gem was found down there. Our Dragon Balls could not remove it and the maliciousness we felt form it was enough for Grand Elder Cital and I to forbade anyone from touching it.”

“That certainly sounds like the Bow of Fear.” Blueblood stated. “Has anyone matching the description of the being been seen in the city, and is the bow still secure?”

“We have seen no one matching the figure.” Shale declared. “As for the bow, I’ve been doing hourly checks with the warriors assigned to guard it. We may have been uncertain what this object was, but we had no intention of seeing it taken.”

“What do you think this means?” Fleur asked. “By all accounts, the city has risen yet this figure hasn’t made a move.”

“Maybe it means my power can’t be sensed,” A feminine voice spoke up.

Everyone’s attention was drawn to a female figure who was relatively tall and well-built with long blue hair in a ponytail. She wore a black visor over her eyes while her attire consisted of black boots with orange accents, black pants, and light black armor with orange trim.

“As for the element, it’s right here.” The woman stated.

She held out her hand and the white sphere containing the Bow of Fear appeared above it. Goten’s own element lit up before the sphere vanished causing it to return to normal.

“Be careful Goten.” Bardock appeared. “We may be unable to sense her, but her posture conveys she’s dangerous.”

Even without Bardock’s warning, Goten had heard about the Android and how dangerous they were. Still, the seasoned warrior’s warning only cemented the Half-Saiyan’s own thoughts. If Bardock was weary, he’d have to be doubly so.

“Creature, what are your intentions with the Elements of Disharmony?” Blueblood asked.

She suddenly moved before seemingly vanishing from everyone’s sight including Goten’s.

“D-Did she just teleport?” Goten asked shocked.

“No, she didn’t.” Bardock turned towards the middle of the group where the woman now stood. “That was just a display of her speed. She’s proving a point.”

“Heh, you are a smart one Bardock, but being smart doesn’t help your successor much.” The woman stated. “As for you, Blue Hills… or should I say Blueblood?” That shocked everyone who knew his real name. “I’m afraid that information is a card I won’t play at this time.”

“Are we to assume you won’t be giving that element to us either?” Fleur asked.

The woman moved once more knocking out both Fleur and Daring before they even realized what was happening. “No, I will not give you any of the elements, and no one here can force me to do so.”

Braeburn was prepared charge her, but Blueblood used his magic to restrain his friend. The prince knew that if Fleur and Daring were felled that easily, neither of them stood a chance. Since she didn’t seem to attack anyone who didn’t attack her, this was for the best.

“What happened to my people?” Shale asked firmly

“I am no killer Shale.” The woman was suddenly in front of him. “I merely dealt with the two you had down there the same way I did those ponies. Also, all your other warriors. They’ll come to eventually.” Goten powered up. “Now, you have a choice. You can…”

Goten flew at her going for a punch. He assumed she couldn’t sense him since she hadn’t reacted, but that was quickly proven wrong. The woman instantly turned, caught Goten’s arm, and punched him in the gut hard enough to wind him.

“Goten!” Bardock shouted.

The woman pulled him close and whispered. “Remember my name.” Shale attempted to strike her, but she kicked him into the wall of a building. “I am Bulla, and you stand no chance against the threats of the future if you cannot defeat me. I am the obstacle you must overcome.”

She then slammed him into the ground hard. Shale managed to recover and flew at the perceived threat while charging green ki to his left arm.

“Amazing Spear!” Shale declared.

Bulla merely grabbed his oncoming arm before slamming the warrior into the ground in the same way as Goten with enough force to knock him out.

“What is the meaning of this?” Cital asked as he finally arrived.

Upon seeing Shale, Goten, and the ponies unconscious, Cital wisely choose not to make a move quite yet. He knew Shale was stronger than him, and the other power, far stronger than even that, was Goten’s. Compared to them, he stood no chance against an opponent like this.

“Oh, I’m just demonstrating my power to anyone who will see it.” Bulla declared. “Let it be known to you, the ponies, and anyone else you may inform of this… I am the obstacle you all must overcome.”

“You’re talking as though you already won.” Goten got to his feet panting. “Cital, take all the unconscious and leave the plaza with Blue Hills and Braeburn.” He transformed into a Super Saiyan. “I’m going to stop this person right now.”

“Uh, right.” Cital was shocked at how much further Goten’s strength could rise. “Let’s go.”

Blueblood and Braeburn looked on worriedly as Cital picked up Fleur, Daring, and Shale. Once he had them, the conscious ponies reluctantly followed the Grand Elder to the spire.

Bardock floated on over to Goten’s side. “Usually, I’d let you handle your own fights, but I think I’ll stay out for this one.”

Goten nodded before bringing his power to its maximum before getting into his stance. “Alright, round two.”

“It won’t be much of a round two, but I’ll oblige you before leaving.” Bulla declared as she got into a stance much like Vegeta or Trunk’s.

Goten rocketed at Bulla who simply dodged to the side before kicking a shocked Half Saiyan into a house shattering it.

Goten got free of the rubble and stared at Bulla in shock. “W-What is she?”

“Is this all you have?” Bulla grit her teeth and shook her head. “That’s nowhere near enough.”

“I’m not done yet.” Goten declared.

He sped at Bulla attempting another punch only for the woman to vanish from his sight.

“Behind you!” Bardock shouted. “Guard up!”

Goten whirled around while crossing his arms in front of himself just in time to block the coming kick. He was still sent skidding back feet. The Half-Saiyan charged forward punching at his opponent rapidly, but she effortless dodged him. She eventually grabbed Goten and threw him into the ground before kicking him high into the air. Bulla immediately flew after him.

“She’s to your right!” Bardock exclaimed.

Goten could only turn his head to look at her before Bulla cupped her hands and hammer fisted the boy into the ground.

Bulla landed as the Half-Saiyan recovered. “Is that all you got?”

“I’m not out of tricks yet.” Goten declared.

He then cupped his hands.

Bulla got into a different, Vegeta like stance. “Looks like this is coming to an end.”



Galick Gun!

Bulla fired the purple beam of energy.


The two beams met in the middle and seemed even; however, the Half-Saiyan was the only one putting any effort behind his attack.

“I could defeat you as I am but allow me to show you just a portion of how much further my power is over yours.” Bulla declared. “While you won’t feel it, you should know the significance once you see it!”

Bulla’s blue hair spiked up and out while turning golden, and her eyes became the same teal as Goten’s. This shocked both the Half-Saiyan and Bardock.

“She’s a Saiyan or Half-Saiyan!” Goten exclaimed.

Her beam grew to eclipse Goten’s before plowing straight into the young Half-Saiyan causing him to scream in pain. He was knocked clear out of Unity and sent plowing through several trees. Not only did his body cause damage to the nature, but the beam disintegrated a lot of it.

Bulla then took a deep breath as she powered down. “Now, I take my leave.”

She teleported away, and once she was gone, Namekians began to come out to see the aftermath.

Spire: Next Day…
Goten bolted to an upright position as the morning sun streamed through the window. Blueblood, Daring, Fleur, Braeburn, and Cital were immediately around his bed as Bardock appeared at his side.

“W-what happened?” Goten questioned as he looked around frantically. “Where’s Bulla?”

“She’s gone.” Bardock stated. “After her attack overcame you, you were left in bad shape and unconscious in the middle of the forest. Fortunately, I was able to get back here and have Cital collect you.”

“She… beat me.” Goten grunted as he clenched his blanket firmly. “If she wanted to, Bulla could have finished me off.”

“Let us be thankful that was not her intention.” Cital stated.

“Indeed.” Blueblood nodded. “Aunties Celestia and Luna would not have been pleased if this is where you met your end.” He looked to Cital. “You heard her, right?”

“Indeed.” Cital nodded. “She wishes to make herself an obstacle to us, you, and any other race on Equestria. Given what we know, form what little my people saw, she may very well be Saiyan or Half-Saiyan. Given what happened to Goten, it does validate more of what he said.”

“Anyone is capable of good or bad.” Blueblood stated. “No matter how we may feel about one another, we can all agree that someone whose motivations remain shrouded in mystery, yet is willing to do this, is not someone we want succeeding.”

“I believe my people and I have much to deliberate on concerning our biases.” Cital nodded. “Once we have recollected our thoughts, we shall send word stating our intent to meet with your princesses. I believe working together may help us succeed where one warrior could not.”

“It may have taken a threat greater than any one, but it is good to know that we will not make enemies of your people.” Fleur stated.

Goten looked up with a determined expression. “Rest assured; I’ll be training harder than ever to combat her to.” He nodded. “Whatever that Bulla is planning, she won’t get away with it. That’s a promise.”

Goten looked to his guide and could tell that he knew more than he was letting on. The Half-Saiyan did not breech this topic as Bardock’s gaze also told him this was something they’d talk about later.

“Your determination is admirable young one; however, do not let a promise stop you from returning to your home.” Cital smiled kindly. “As far as I’m concerned, allowing you to use our dragon balls isn’t just a kindness now. It is something which has been earned.

You who stood steadfast in his friend’s true nature, showed understanding to my people, and fought against that being who hurt my warriors.” He nodded. “At this time, there is no one more worthy than you to use them.”

“Going home… that’s right.” Goten thought. “I could potentially go home. Sure, dad could have tried Namek’s Dragon Balls, but what if he didn’t. Maybe, they just couldn’t do it from their side. What about here? Maybe Bulla’s the threat I was sent to prevent.

Even if I can’t sense her power, Bulla’s stronger than me. Granted, I’m not sure how strong Celestia is, but she’s got to have gotten stronger than Nightmare, right? For all I know, she’s not even as strong as Bulla.” He looked to Cital. “C-Could we see if it’s at least possible.”

“Of course.” Cital smiled. “Thanks to Blue Hills applying his healing magic, you should be fit to move, and the dragon balls are at the top of the spire. Come, and we shall see about your wish. Even if it is not possible, all three wishes shall be yours to use as you see fit.”

Goten followed the teachings of his mother in being grateful and respectful. “That is a great honor.” He stood and bowed. “While I am not certain I’ll use all three, I do have other wishes in mind as well, so I thank you for this opportunity.”

“Are you quite sure you’re alright?” Fleur asked.

Braeburn added. “Despite our trust in how strong Blue’s magic is, maybe you should wait a bit longer to move about.”

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.” Goten stated. “Let’s just see about those wishes before starting the journey home.” He shook his head. “Honestly, I’d like to be back in Ponyville sooner rather than later.” He smiled. “No offense to you four, but this has been something.”

“I don’t think we take offense to that.” Blueblood informed. “After the last couple of days you’ve had, you deserve to be where you wish. In fact, once we’re done here, you can go on back to Ponyville while the rest of us inform my aunt what happened here.”

“Thank you, Blue.” Goten nodded.

Just as the group were preparing to head to the top of the spire, Daring decided to speak up. “Grand Elder Cital, I wish to apologize as I was very antagonistic towards your head warrior. I got too emotional, so when you see him, can you tell him I’m sorry.”

“I will do that Daring.” Cital stated.

“Wait, what happened to Shale?” Goten asked.

“He has sequestered himself and the other warriors deep within our catacombs.” Cital explained. “Since all of them lost, they have decided to train harder than ever as not to be overcome like they were. Now, let us depart.”

Top of the Spire
The whole group came to stand at an alter where 7 light blue orbs lay with each one having a corresponding number of dark blue stars on them. They were glowing at being gathered just waiting to be summoned.

“Eternal Dragon!” Cital shouted. “By your name, I summon you forth: Ti-Lung!”

The sky turned dark as the Dragon Balls glowed brightly with magical energy. The wind picked up and, a long, slender dragon shape emerged. It coiled several times in the air before finally materializing. Its scales were a beautiful aqua, and it's eyes a dark blue.

The ponies stared on in amazement as the dragon stared down at its summoners. "You have summoned me, so name any three wishes you want granted."

Goten stepped forward. “Dragon, I wish to know if it is possible for you to send me back to my family!”

There was a long, silent pause before Ti-Lung finally spoke. "That is an impossible wish to make. You have two wishes left."

Goten stared up at the dragon not feeling as down as he should have. There weren’t even any tears like when he first realized he couldn’t go home. I mean, he still felt down at not getting to be with his family, but it didn’t hurt like it should have.”

Bardock appeared. “You alright kid?”

“Yeah.” Goten nodded. “I think I’m okay not getting this wish even if I do want to see them again.”

“Alright then.” Bardock nodded. “Do you mind if I take the next two wishes? I think I have a couple in mind. One that could do wonders in helping you train, and one that could give us one less headache to worry about.”

“Well, I had some ideas myself, but you would know best.” Goten stated.

Bardock nodded before floating back to Cital with the two having a quiet discussion. Eventually, they seemed to reach a conclusion as Bardock floated forward to stand before the dragon.

“Dragon, my first wish is to tie your four-star dragon ball to Goten.” Bardock declared. “That means that after every wish, the stone ball you become goes to Goten, and he can summon said ball if he ever loses it by calling out ‘Come to me Four Star Dragon Ball’!”

Everyone was shocked by this wish as the dragon’s eyes glowed.

“What are you doing?” Goten asked shocked.

“Bardock explained how letting the dragon balls go as they have in your universe has resulted in some troubles he’d like to avoid.” Cital stated. “I agreed with him that someone should guard at least one dragon ball, and that someone should be a warrior as strong as you.”

“It shall be done.” Ti-Lung declared.

“Oh, well thank you.” Goten bowed to the dragon and Cital. “I promise to ensure this dragon ball remains safe.”

“I know just how you will keep it safe to.” Bardock looked to the dragon. “Dragon, I want you to do your best to grant this next wish I’m about to make if you cannot do it as I request, alright?”

“I can try.” Ti-Lung stated.

“Alright, I wish for a capsule which contains a training room with adjustable gravity settings and time dilation. The best-case scenario would be a room with as great a gravity setting as you can manage and equating a day out here to a year in there.” Bardock explained. “It should also have restocked food for multiple people.”

Ti-Lung’s eyes glowed.

“Wow, I was thinking along the same lines, but you certainly refined the idea.” Goten stated.

“Well, I want something any student I have/may have can use.” Bardock explained. “With someone like Bulla out there willing to stand in our way, the current training isn’t good enough. Even getting in an extra year would do wonders.”

Ti-Lung eventually spoke. “The best I can do is a capsuled training room with a time setting that can be used two times at your desired rate, a max gravity setting of five thousand, and only two may enter at any given time. Any more, and there will not be enough supplies.”

“That’s better than I was hoping for.” Bardock nodded. “That is acceptable.”

Ti-Lung’s eyes glowed briefly, and the capsule appeared before Bardock. Since he couldn’t grab it, Goten snatched it noticing that it was a capsule like the ones Trunk’s family makes.

"You have made your wishes, farewell." Ti-Lung declared.

With that, Ti-Lung vanished in a bright light. The Dragon Balls shot into the air with six of them scattering across the planet while the four-star ball flew on down to Goten who caught it. Shortly after, it became a stone ball which he tucked away on his person along with the capsule.

“Wow, this should really help me up my strength.” Goten declared. “Even after I use my two years, we’ll still have the gravity feature.”

“Now, we can really go in depth and master every form you currently have as well as others you should master.” Bardock nodded. “Perhaps, mastering everything before it will finally allow you to access Super Saiyan 2 as well.”

“Well, I believe this is good bye for now.” Blueblood stated. “It has been interesting, and I hope we can work together in the future… actually work together rather than having you pull our weight.”

“Hey, none of us could have suspected how this would go.” Goten smiled. “Still, you four are a great group.” He nodded. “If you ever need me, you know how to reach me.”

“Happy to hear it.” Blueblood smiled.

‘You take care now.” Braeburn stated.

Fleur nodded. “Do have a good journey back.”

“One of these days, A.K Yearling may get in contact with you.” Daring smiled. “Her books on me tend to sell well, and you seem to have books worth of adventures yourself. Could make you some great money.”

“Could be a good experience.” Goten nodded. “I’ll be waiting.”

Bardock vanished and Goten flew into the air.

Goten was flying to the library when he noticed his friends stepping inside it.

"Goten, over here!" Pinkie screamed while bouncing up and down.

“I’m so glad to be back with you seven.” Goten landed as his friends hugged him. “I have a lot to tell you.”

The whole group entered the library where the Half-Saiyan relayed all that happened. Again, he left out certain details like the real identities of some of the ponies he was with and there being more alicorns.

"So. you're telling me there’s someone out there that has no problem beating you as a Super Saiyan?” Rainbow asked in shock.

“There’s also a whole race of beings called Namekians?” Twilight questioned in excitement. “Oh, just imagine what we can learn from them.”

“Yeah, seems as though there’s a Saiyan or Half-Saiyan around whose leagues stronger than I am.” Goten declared. “Still, I’m just going to use it as motivation to train harder than ever.”

“Dash and I will to.” Gilda declared. “Especially if we can use that capsule you told us about.”

“I wasn’t planning on hogging it to myself.” Goten stated.

"Still, it is amazing at how quickly you earned them Namekian’s trust.” Applejack said with a smile.

"I’m glad you came back to us relatively alright.” Fluttershy added happily.

"Yeah, I wouldn’t have wanted to lose a friend like that.” Pinkie declared.

“Sorry to worry you all with that part." Goten declared. “Again, I’ll train to make sure it doesn’t happen.”

"Oh, we should probably tell you how our trip to Appleloosa went.” Twilight stated.

"Oh yeah.” Goten nodded. “What did happen to you?”

"While we were on our way to Appleloosa, we got attacked by buffalo.” Twilight began.

"They were after Bloomberg, and even Rainbow couldn’t stop them with her training.” Applejack continued.

"I ended up slamming into a sign post.” Rainbow admitted.

“I happened to be in the train car they took, but the buffalo weren’t bad guys.” Spike smiled. “They treated me very well.”

“Rainbow and I went after them and found out the buffalo were mad because AJ’s family, as well as the other settlers, built on their grounds.” Pinkie stated.

“We found out the settlers had set up there because it was the only good place for an orchard.” Rarity stated. “Before we set off to find them, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Spike showed up with the buffalo.”

“A compromise couldn’t be reached, so a huge fight with pies broke out.” Twilight explained.

“Just as everything seemed lost, the chief of the buffalos took a pie to the face bringing him down.” Rainbow declared. “It also allowed him to taste the pie.”

“In the end, a compromise was reached.” Spike explained. “A path was cut, the trees could stay, and relations should be good for years to come as the buffalos really like the settler’s pies.”

“I learned that even the worst of enemies can become friends.” Twilight stated. “You just need understanding and compromise.”

“That’s exactly what I said from the beginning.” Pinkie pouted.

The girls ended up laughing, and Pinkie couldn’t help but join them. Despite what was out there, no one here would live in fear. Bulla, Mira, Towa, and other dangers awaited, but they couldn’t stop their lives. They will just have to be ready for whatever lies ahead.