• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 21,676 Views, 3,441 Comments

The Thousand Year Change - Darthvalgaav

After seeing what happened when she accidently changed her friends destinies, Twilight is curious about about the 'what if'. Like, for example, what if Luna had ponies a thousand years ago who noticed her.

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I Can Fix That

“Are you sure you want to do this?” asked Legally Binding, lawyer to Princess Cadence. “It’s not too late to change your mind!”

“I am sure,” said Cadence as she signed the last document. There were both in her room as she finished filling out the adoption paperwork. Also in the room was Celestia and Shining Armor who were watching over the sleeping filly as they waited for Princess Luna to arrive with a doctor from the moon. There was also Dr. Blue Cross who was also checking on his patient.

Legally let out a sigh. “Very well then,” he said as he began to look over the paperwork. “Everything seems to be in order. All I need now is a name for the…filly, and she’s all yours.”

“I think I will name her Midnight Blossom,” said Cadence. Legally shrugged and he took note of the name. He then gathered up the papers that were his, put them in his saddle bag, bowed to the princess, and then left the room.

A few moments later the door opened again to reveal Princess Luna with another walking behind her. She was a grey earth pony with a dark red mane. Her cutie mark was covered due to the white lab coat that she wore. Also, there was what looked like a four foot egg floating behind her.

“Allow me to introduce Dr. Healing Touch, one of the finest doctors of the Republic,” announced Luna. Rather than bow to the royalty in the room, Healing Touch simply nodded before walking over to the patient. Frowning, she reached into her coat pocket and pulled out what looked like a metal popsicle stick. She then placed it above Midnight’s head and a light blue light began to appear from the bottom of the device. Slowly she began to move it down her body.

“Princess, this is a waste of time,” said Blue Cross. “She’s not even a unicorn. How can she treat wounds or search for wounds without magic! I have already looked at the…filly and given her the best treatment there is.”

“Then I take it you have already treated her for parasites?” asked Healing. The heads of all three princesses looked up and stared at the Republic’s doctor for a moment with wide eyes.

“W-What was that?” asked Blue Cross. “S-She doesn’t have any parasites! I would have known!”

“According to this,” said Healing as she showed them her metal device, “this little filly’s small intestine is full of them. Poor dear must be in a lot of pain right now. I assumed that’s why you place a sleeping spell on her.” She then put the scanning tool away before checking her coat pockets for something else. She pulled out what looked like several pens until she found the one she was looking for. She placed this pen at the neck of the filly and when it did everypony heard a slight hissing noise. “There we go. The nanomachines will take care of the pests.”

“What are nanomachines?” asked Cadence as she looked at Midnight. “Will they hurt her?”

“Oh no,” said Healing as she shook her head. “Nanomachines are these tiny little machines that are no bigger than the tip of a pencil. The ones I injected into her will seek out and destroy the parasites as well as any eggs that they placed in her body. Once they had done that they will make sure that they are removed from the body.”

“Impressive,” said Celestia with a nod. “But why not leave them inside her body to help heal all of her wounds? Is that not possible?”

“Oh it is possible,” said Healing with a slight laugh. “In fact we have nanomachines that heal all sorts of wounds. But there is a slight problem with just leaving them inside a pony’s body. See, when we were first starting out we just injected a patient with nanomachines that were programmed to heal all wounds. At first there were no problems until one pony’s heart stopped. Turned out the nanomachines did that in order to enact repairs. Once they were done they started up the heart again, but by that time it was too late. The brain had gone too long without oxygen causing damage. The patient lost all of her memories, making her a blank slate.”

“And you put those things inside her?!” demanded Cadence.

“You misunderstand,” said Healing quickly. “After we discovered this, we tried to fix the problem. But it was hard to teach a machine to protect a sense of self when they didn’t know what that meant. It’s very complicated. In the end we gave up and just made them to take care of specific problems like those parasites. They are also programmed to stay away from places like the heart and brain. Finally, to make sure there are no other problems, after they are done they are to exit the body.”

“I see,” said Cadence with a relieved sigh. “I’m sorry.”

“No need to be sorry,” said Healing as she reached into her coat and pulled out a thin black box. “It just goes to show how much you care.” The doctor then pressed a button on the black box and the egg began to move. A line appeared down its middle and began to move downwards until it was at the halfway point. Then the upper half of the egg split open. Healing picking up Midnight and placed her into the open device where she simply floated in midair. Once she was set, the device closed.

“What the buck is that?!” demanded Blue Cross.

“It’s a revitalization chamber,” said Healing Touch. “I would go over how it works but that would be too complicated. Lets just say it will have her up and walking around in an hour or so.” Healing then looked at Cadence. “But I must warn you that it is not a permanent solution. She will need to start eating more or else she will quickly return back to her original state.”

Cadence nodded as she walked over to the strange floating egg, fully intending to wait for her new daughter. She heard Luna say something about informing both parties as to what was going on. Celestia agreed and soon all of them left. She turned, however, when she heard somepony cough. Shining Armor had stayed behind.

“Don’t you have to guard Princess Luna?” asked Cadence with a raised eyebrow.

“You shouldn’t worry about it,” he said with a slight grin. “Besides, I think I’m more needed here. Plus I can keep you company.” Cadence allowed herself a small smile. To be honest, she felt safe around him. It felt…right. She then looked at the device and frowned as a thought appeared in her head.

“You have such great technology,” she said. “But you still have a need for a machine like this.”

“Actually no,” said Shining as he walked next to her. “Machines like this one are rarely used. In fact, now that I think about it, the last time this particular machine was used was six years ago to treat some fashion model who was starving herself. Made the holo-papers and everything.”

“If it’s such a rare occurrence then why was this machine even made?” asked Cadence. Shining rubbed his mane while looking a bit embarrassed.

“I once asked Princess Luna a similar question back when I started my military training,” he said. “I wanted to know why we needed weapons and stuff like that when there weren’t any enemies around. She said it was like having condoms. She would rather have one and never need it than to need it but not have one.”


Shadow walked through town with a slightly heavy load. On his back was Scootaloo along with the remains of her scooter. There was also a bag of seeds that he had been very fortunate to find.

“Wow mister, you must really like kiwi,” said Scootaloo as she eyed the bag for a moment.

“Best fruit I’ve ever had in my life,” he replied as he licked his lips. “And none of that ‘mister’ stuff. Makes me feel older than I am. Just call me Shadow.” He then paused and began to look around. “Now where is she?”

“Your marefriend?” asked Scootaloo. She had been wondering what his marefriend was like. Whoever it was, she had to be as awesome as Shadow. In her mind she pictured a mare like Rainbow Dash. But ten percent less cool because no pony was as cool as Rainbow.

“Yeah,” said Shadow. “We split up, which in hindsight might not have been the best idea.” He tilted his head to the side to think for a moment before he spread his wings. All the ponies in the area left out a gasp as they saw them. “Hang on; we’re going to find her the easy way.” With that the two flew into the air.

For Scootaloo this was an amazing experience. She had always wanted to fly on her own, but for some reason she seemed unable to. The best she could get on her own was to use her scooter on a ramp. It really annoyed her that there were younger pegasi that could fly through the air much better than she could. But right now none of that seemed to matter. She was up in the air where she knew she belonged and so dearly wished to stay.

The two flew around the market place for awhile, not once spotting their target. So Shadow decided to extend the area of their search. A few minutes after that Shadow swooped down towards two mares: a yellow Pegasus Scootaloo knew to be Fluttershy and a purple unicorn whom she didn’t know but looked a little nerdy. Silently Shadow glided downwards and landed near the two. As he did Fluttershy mad a mad dash for the nearest bush.

“Oh come on,” groaned Shadow as he face hoofed. “Am I really that scary?”

“I’m sorry,” said a tiny voice from the bush.

“Don’t worry,” said Twilight. “She did the same thing when I saw her.” Shadow raised an eyebrow. “Well, I sort of charged towards her at full speed.”

“Why did you do that?” asked Shadow.

Twilight pointed a hoof at a tree branch. “That’s why,” she said. Shadow looked up and his jaw dropped. On the branch were several creatures that he had only seen in old books: birds. “I saw her working with them and I guess I lost control of myself for a moment. No pony back home has seen a real bird in a thousand years.”

“What?!” cried out Fluttershy as she jumped out of the bush. “Neither of you have ever seen a cute little birdy before?” Both Shadow and Twilight shook their heads no.

“Sadly, our homeland has no animal besides us,” said Shadow sadly.

“T-That’s just awful,” said Fluttershy who looked like she was about to cry. “Y-You’ve never had a doggie or a k-kitty to play w-with. I-It’s just so sad.” She then wiped away her tears and gave them both a serious look. “Well I’m not going to let you two leave without getting the experience.” She then made a mad dash down the road.

“She…seems passionate about animals,” said Shadow after a while.

“You have no idea,” said Scootaloo. “She once did a presentation in front of my class, showing us all sorts of animals that she takes care of. She was really shy and nervous at first. But when she saw Diamond Tiara dumping glue on some of them she gave her this stare that actually caused her to apologize without Ms. Cherilee telling her to.”

“Who’s your friend?” asked Twilight as she just noticed Scootaloo.

“I’m Scootaloo,” said the orange filly as she jumped off Shadow’s back. “Shadow told me that his marefriend could fix my scooter.”

“Well I’ll see what I can do,” said Twilight as she went to pat Scootaloo on the head. Yet when she did she felt something on the filly’s forehead. She gave a quick glance at Shadow how nodded his head. ‘So he noticed as well,’ thought Twilight as she checked Scootaloo’s wings. “So, can I ask you why you need a scooter?”

“Well I need to get around, duh,” said Scootaloo as she rolled her eyes.

“Well I guess I walked into that one,” said Twilight. “Let me rephrase, do you prefer the scooter over flying?”

“I…I can’t fly,” said Scootaloo. “I’m the only Pegasus in my class that can’t. Everytime I try it feels like I’m too heavy or something.” Scootaloo fought back the tears that were beginning to build up behind her eyes. “So I thought that if I exercised more and built up my wing strength I could eventually get off the ground. But so far…” At that her voice trailed off. It was just too painful to say anymore.

Shadow sighed. “I guess it’s like I thought,” he said. “You’ve got mixed blood.” Scootaloo snapped her head to look at Shadow.

“W-What does that mean?” she asked.

“When I felt your head there was a tiny bump,” he said. “A bump shaped like a unicorn’s horn in the exact same place. Meaning that one of your parents was a unicorn and the other was a Pegasus.”

“It’s very rare when something like this happens,” said Twilight as she stepped between the two. “Usually a foal will be born one or the other. But there is a one in a fifteen million chance that the two side will fight for dominance causing the foal to be born with weakened traits of both parents. In your situation, your horn didn’t grow out all the way and your wings are a bit too small for your age. Also, your bones might weigh you down a bit due to the unicorn blood inside of you.”

What Twilight didn’t tell her was that something like this could also be caused by a spell. There is a spell that a unicorn can use to change the child inside of her into another pony type. However, in order for this spell to work the foal must have the blood of the pony type that she wants running through its veins. Also, it must be done early in the pregnancy, otherwise things wouldn’t form the way they should. Like, for example, in the case of Scootaloo.

“I-Is that why m-my parents sent me to the orphanage?” asked Scootaloo. Tears were now beginning g to flow down her face. “Because I’m some kind of freak?”

“You’re not a freak,” said Shadow sternly. “Never think that way about yourself again. And any real parent would never do something like that!”

“Besides,” said Twilight gently as she walked over to Scootaloo and held her close. “Back home we have a procedure for events like this one. Our doctors will be able to make you a full unicorn or Pegasus.”

“You mean I’ll be able to fly on my own?” asked Scootaloo as she looked up at Twilight. As the purple mare nodded, Scootaloo began to cry again.

But this time they were tears of joy

Author's Note:

Some of you might be wondering why I am depicting Celestia this way. Why I think she would do things like this. So I am going to take some time in this AN box to let you all know!

During Season 1 I noticed a few things that irked me. Like when a party was held at Sugar Cube Corner for her but she didn't bring Luna. I mean, wouldn't that have been a good thing to do as a big sister. It would have been a small gathering that would help her met other ponies after being gone for so long. Same with the Gala, only it would have been something a bit more familiar. And also, she has been ruler for over a thousand years and never even heard of a parasprite?! At the time I gave all these things passes for one reason or another.

Season 2 began my dislike of her. In Luna Eclipsed we saw Nightmare Night which started out cool. But when I heard the legend around it I put my foot down. How could Celestia think that allowing this holiday was a good idea. I have heard others say it was to keep her sisters memory alive, but there had to be another way! What did she think would happen when Luna came back? She was teaching them, as children, to fear her younger sister thus making it harder for her to be accepted when she returned. Another bomb was at the wedding. Cadence is your niece yet you didn't see anything out of place? You never thought to give your student the benefit of the doubt? And Chrysalis knocking you on you plot should have been another wake up call to you. You need to start handling some situations on your own!

Season 3 made me really pissed at Celestia and love Luna even more. Luna wanted to go and help defeat Sombra seeing that she was there a thousand years ago. That makes sense! Even if Celestia wants Twilight to save the Crystal Empire Luna could have given her helpful information about Sombra or helped out Cadence. But Celestia doesn't want her to. It's just the fate of an Empire and maybe later Equestria YOU STUPID ALICORN! And how did Discord's return go. Drop him off without any real notice and then run like heck out of there? Yeah, that sounds right.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter and rant.

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