• Published 19th Feb 2013
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The Thousand Year Change - Darthvalgaav

After seeing what happened when she accidently changed her friends destinies, Twilight is curious about about the 'what if'. Like, for example, what if Luna had ponies a thousand years ago who noticed her.

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Search for the Truth part 1

Shadow walked down the hallways of the castle with a stony look on his face. Each step felt a tad draining on him and his coat was still off color, but compared to how he was a short hour ago he felt like a whole new pony. This was all thanks to the castle doctors who had given him a blood transfusion and placed him inside a healing pod for half an hour which had healed most of his cuts. In fact, the only mark on his body was the scar on his forehead, something that he had refused to ever be healed.

As he walked, ponies would stop what they were doing to stare at him. Some would wave at him while others would salute him. There were those who whispered to each other as he passed, as if they were afraid that if they spoke too loudly he would get offended. The most likely reason being that word of what had happened planetside had spread to the entire castle staff. And since he was one of the survivors, they were approaching him with a new sense of awe and honor.

It was likely that rumors would spread throughout all the Domes before Princess Luna made a formal announcement to the press. Once that happened, it would be like the Deep Tunnel Tragedy all over again. But Shadow didn’t take any notice to this.

No, instead his mind was elsewhere.


“What do you mean I’m not going?” demanded Shadow as he pointed a hoof at Princess Luna.

The Princess was currently sitting on her throne, looking over various documents. Shadow knew what they were. Many of them were about their troops and the specific training each one had as well as their special talents. There were also inventory sheets on their weapons and vehicles.

“I said you are to remain here during tomorrow,” repeated Luna, not bothering to look at him. “Your medical report says that you lost a great deal of blood and will need some time to rest. Therefore I have no choice but to have you remain here.”

“But I feel fine,” said Shadow as he held out a foreleg, as if he were hoping Princess Luna would look up and see that he was fine. He waited a moment before realizing that she wasn’t going to look up before lowering his leg and continuing. “Look, I know what you’re trying to do. You want to lead the troops when we attack Canterlot. I get that because of that you don’t want us clashing on who is in control. I understand. I am willing to let you call all the shots.”

“The decision has been made,” said Luna. “I am going planetside and thus your presence isn’t needed. Besides, I would prefer it if you remained here just in case something happens like the Sunset Shimmer incident.”

“Then have Shining Armor remain,” argued Shadow, his voice carrying a hint of anger and frustration.

“Shining Armor will have his own mission,” said Luna as she looked to a different document. “When the time comes I will inform you of what it is so you can be kept in the loop.”

“So you’re telling me that I am to remain here while all the other Captains and you go off?” yelled Shadow. “That my minor wounds have made me useless to the Republic?”

“Passing out due to blood loss is not a ‘minor wound’,” said Luna, irritation ringing in her voice. “And you are by no stretch of the imagination useless.”

“Then what is it?” demanded Shadow. “Don’t you trust me? The captain of your Guard? Is it because of what happened this morning? You know I am willing to make the sacrifices-”

“And that’s the problem!” shouted Luna as she slammed her hoof onto the ground, dropping the papers from her magic. Her eyes fixated on him, glowing slightly as they did.

At this, Shadow took a step backwards as a puzzled expression appeared on his face. Never before had he seen her act like this to him.

“You think that your life is something that can be tossed away,” continued Luna. “That as long as it is for the Republic, it’s ok. Well it’s not! And do you know why? Because of two mares, both of whom are in the medical wing right now. How do you think they would feel when they find out you died?”

Shadow stood there, as still as a statue as Luna’s words rung through him. Seeing this, Luna’s eyes, which had been fierce a moment ago, softened as did the tone of her voice.

“I know you would do anything for the Republic,” she said. “And I am sure that you believed that using your armor to create a bomb was the right thing to do at the time. But you didn’t let Shining Armor do anything for your wounds and, as far as I know, you haven’t visited Twilight or Scootaloo since you got back. Right now they need you more than the Republic does.”

Luna then began to levitate the documents once more. “My decision remains unchanged. You may leave.”

-End Flashback-

Shadow’s head hung low. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to see Twilight or Scootaloo. In fact there was no place he truly wanted to be. But with everything that was going on he had a duty to protect everypony here, including them. And if he didn’t do everything in his power to make sure the Republic wasn’t safe resulting in either or both of them getting hurt then he would never be able to forgive himself.

Yet he could see what Princess Luna was trying to tell him. If he had detonated his armor then he would have destroyed a good portion of enemy troops. But Twilight, the mare he loved, would have woken to find her fiancé and best friend dead. And Scootaloo would have found out that the first stallion she ever called dad was dead.

It was then that Shadow heard a noise that caused his ears to perk. Looking around he found that he was in the medical wing. But the noise he had heard sounded like the ending to one of the Pony Ranger shows. Try as he might, he couldn’t remember which one. A moment later he heard another noise.

“That…was…so…COOL!” came the voice of a filly. At first he thought it was Scootaloo, but shook his head after a moment. No, the voice was familiar, but it didn’t belong to his daughter.

When he got there, Shadow saw Dinky Hooves was sitting on the hospital bed next to Scootaloo with both of them staring at the wall which was playing the end credits to one of the Pony Ranger shows. A quick glance showed him that it was ‘Pony Rangers SPD’. Looking back at the two fillies, he noticed that Dinky had several wrappers around her. Scootaloo, he noted, had an open book on her bed which the filly was now glancing at. Next to her bed was a nightstand which held several more books as well as a tray of food and a remote.

“Hey Dad,” said Scootaloo as soon as she noticed him. He watched as she picked up the remote and pushed a button which caused the images on the wall to vanish, making it look like a normal wall once again.

Shadow let out a forced smile. He had heard that Land Share had been there for Scootaloo when she woke up. That he had done his best to comfort the filly. And while Shadow was thankful for all of this, it should have been him to do this. He should have been there for Scootaloo when she woke up, not Land Share. The feeling of shame that came with this was something that pained Shadow more than his wounds. While Shadow couldn’t change what was done in the past, however, he was here now. And that was what mattered at the moment.

“Well I’d better get going,” said Dinky as jumped off the bed before walking over to the wall. She pushed on what appeared to be a blank space on it causing a small hole with a three centimeter radius to open up. As soon as the hole appeared, a cylindrical crystal shot out of it which Dinky grabbed with her magic.

“Let me know if you want to watch anymore,” said the unicorn filly as she walked out the door to Scootaloo. “I own the entire series.” And with that she was gone, leaving Shadow and Scootaloo alone.

“Looks like somepony was showing you how to use the TV,” chuckled Shadow as he went to sit next to the bed.

“I haven’t been watching it that long,” said Scootaloo. “When I woke up I started to study until the nurse came in with my food. Then Dinky came in saying she wanted to keep me company and that she wanted to show me something really, really cool. I said I had to study, but she and the nurse just said that I need to rest. Honest.”

Shadow let out a small laugh. “It’s ok,” he told her. “Taking a break from studying every once in a while is a good thing. Studying is a lot like training your body. You need to give it a rest from time to time so you don’t strain it. The only pony I know who could study all day without a break is your mother.”

“Really?” asked Scootaloo.

“Yeah,” said Shadow with a nod.

Scootaloo seemed to relax a bit after he said this. “Good,” she said. “I don’t want to disappoint mom when I go to see her.”

“I see,” said Shadow uncomfortably. “Have you tried?” Of course he already knew the answer. Still, he wanted to hear it from Scootaloo.

The filly nodded. “As soon as I got up I tried to go and see her but the doctors won’t let me,” she said with a sigh. “The nurse said that she needs her rest and stuff, but she would tell me when she wakes up. Then I can see her.”

Scootaloo then looked down while turning her head away from Shadow. “I-I just can’t believe that she…”

Seeing Scootaloo act like this caused Shadow to become worried. ‘I should have seen something like this coming,’ thought Shadow. ‘Scootaloo was an orphan when we found her and never knew what it was like to have a real family until we brought her here. Finding out about what happened to Twilight must have hurt more than anything Sunset did to her.’

Once again Shadow glanced over at the textbooks before looking at the one on the bed and then finally at Scootaloo. Everything suddenly clicked. The studying and watching T.V., it had all been a distraction. Something to take her mind off of Twilight until she could see her. And now that those distractions were gone it was like an airlock beginning to open up, sucking out the strength of the filly.

At least Shadow was here now.

“It’s ok,” said Shadow as he placed a hoof on Scootaloo’s shoulder causing the filly to look at him, tears beginning to form in her eyes. “Twilight is going to be ok. The doctors say that she is out of the danger zone. I’m sure she’ll wake up soon once the medicine kicks in.”

“B-But what if something goes wrong?” asked Scootaloo. “Like what happened to me?”

“Then we do the only things we can do,” replied Shadow as he gave her a reassuring smile. “We trust in the doctors to do their job, we trust in Twilight’s will to live, and we don’t let fear make our decisions for us.”

Scootaloo looked confused as she wiped away a large tear in her eye. “I-I don’t get it,” she replied.

Shadow tapped his chin with his hoof as he tried to think of the best way to explain the situation. Then he had a lightbulb moment. “Well, you know that show you were watching a little while ago?” he asked, receiving a nod almost immediately. “Well, in that season of the Pony Rangers, you aren’t following the best of the best. Instead it’s the backup team. The reason for this is that the Alpha Squad turned traitor and joined with the bad guys.”

Scootaloo’s jaw dropped when she heard this. She had been interested in the show, wanting to finish it later, and was slightly upset that he had spoiled that plot point. But there was something else that angered her more.

“B-But they’re the good guys!” yelled Scootaloo, waving her small hooves in the air. “Why would they do something like that?”

“They said they wanted to join the winning team,” said Shadow slowly as he closed his eyes for a moment. “Many fans have had discussion about this plot point and each has their own theories. Mine is that they were running away. When the villain was first shown, we saw him blowing up a planet. We later find out that he has conquered many other worlds, destroying them with his endless armies. Now he’s going after the moon. Imagine how the Alpha Squad must feel. They are the best of the best. All of the hopes of the moon rest on their shoulders. But many of the best of the best have tried and failed to defeat this guy. And so I believe that they were so afraid of failing that they switched sides.

“You see Scootaloo, when ponies let their fear make their decisions they do…stupid things,” continued Shadow as he thought of his actions on the planet. “Oh sure, fear can at times bring out the best in a pony or can help save their life. It can help keep you sharp on the battlefield or warn you away from a dangerous situation. But it can also destroy trust and bonds. It can make a pony do things that he or she wouldn’t normally do. And sometimes, the things that are done can never be undone. That also includes when you choose not to face your fears. Holding it in like that isn’t being brave. It just leads to hurting others. And…I’m no exception to that.”

“But-” began Scootaloo. However, Shadow gently placed a hoof on her mouth to silence her.

“I should have been here for both you and Twilight,” he said. “I should have gone to see both of you before I left for the planet. I wasn’t here when you woke you so I could be the one to tell you what was going on and to reassure you. But instead I kept focusing on my work, on my duty as a soldier of the Republic rather than being a good fiancé and a father. And for that, I’m sorry.”

“I-It’s ok dad,” said Scootaloo as she leaned over and hugged Shadow. “I knew that you had to be doing something super important or else you would have been here. But you’re here now and that’s all that matters.”

For a moment, neither pony spoke. They just stayed where they were, holding each other. It was simple, but the effects were greater than any technological wonder that the Republic had. Yet, sadly, it had to end.

“So,” said Scootaloo slowly as she tried to start up a more happy conversation. “You said left for the planet. Does that mean you were in Equestria?”

“Yeah,” replied Shadow as he scratched the back of his head.

“Did you do something really cool or awesome?” asked Scootaloo, her eyes wide with excitement as if she were hoping he went to go fight monsters in some glorified story. Shadow, however, didn’t answer at first as he was conflicted on what to tell her. He had considered outright lying to her, that nothing really happened or anything interesting. But he knew that sooner or later she would find out the truth.

And this time she would hear it from him.

After taking a deep breath, Shadow filled Scootaloo in on everything that had been going on since she was put to sleep. Of course he never went into gruesome detail, just an overall summary of the events. He told her about the trial and that Princess Luna believed that Blueblood was the mastermind behind Twilight’s attack. He told her about how they went to Equestria and a fight broke out and that some didn’t survive. He watched as the excitement in Scootaloo’s eyes faded and a look of shock appeared on her face as he finished his story.

“T-That’s impossible,” stammered Scootaloo.

“I know it’s a lot to take in,” replied Shadow. “But it’s true. Trust me, I was there. Hopefully tomorrow’s battle puts an end to all of this.”

“You’re not going, are you?” asked Scootaloo, worry dripping with every word.

Shadow gave her a reassuring chuckle as he patted her on the head. “No, I’m not,” he said causing Scootaloo to relax. “Princess Luna wants me to remain here while she leads the army.”

“Thank Celes- er, I mean thank Luna,” said Scootaloo as she let out a yawn.

“I think somepony needs to get some more rest,” said Shadow. “And don’t worry, I’m not planning on leaving the castle so if you wake up you can call me.”

“Ok,” said Scootaloo as she got under the covers. Once she did, Shadow turned to leave. However, Scootaloo spoke up once again. “Hey dad?”

“Yes?” said Shadow as he turned to look at her.

“Do,” began Scootaloo before stopping and taking a deep breath. “Do you really think that Applejack did that to mom?”

Shadow opened his mouth to say yes, but for some reason stopped himself. Instead he found himself feeling…conflicted.

“Well,” said Shadow at last. “That’s what the evidence points at.”

“It doesn’t make sense though,” said Scootaloo. “I’ve met Applejack a few times before and she just never seemed like the type who would do something like that. She just seems too…nice to just attack Twilight for no reason. Isn’t there a chance the evidence is wrong?”

A feeling of uneasiness grew in the pit of Shadow’s stomach. He wanted to say that it was impossible. That the evidence had all been verified by the LBI and three mares confessed under truth lights. Under these circumstances there should be little doubt that they were guilty. And yet, for some reason, Shadow’s thoughts went back to the trial. Something about the footage and the sound he heard seemed-

Shadow quickly shook his head, trying to clear his head of these thoughts. ‘That’s just crazy,’ he thought in his head. ‘If there was any problem the LBI would have spotted it. Sealed Document, the head of the LBI himself checked out the footage.’

In the end, Shadow just reassured Scootaloo once again that the evidence was really strong as well as saying that Twilight would confirm it once she woke up. With that, he left for Twilight’s room so he could spend some time with her.

Luckily her room was just a few doors down from Scootaloo’s so it didn’t take him long. However, as soon as he got in, he noticed something different. He walked over to the bed, but kept his eyes on the IV bag. He was so intent on staring at it that he missed hearing a nurse enter the room.

“Oh, Captain Shadow,” she said with a small smile. “Didn’t know you were in here. Well don’t mind me. I’ll just check Assistant Director Sparkle’s stat’s and then I’ll be-”

“Is she getting worse?” interrupted Shadow, who continued to stare at the IV bag.

“Ah, let me check,” she replied as she walked to the end of Twilight’s bed. She then swiped her hoof over it causing a holographic image to appear in front of her. “Well, according to this, her life isn’t in any danger. However, Doctor Healing Touch noted that she should be doing better.”

“Is that why she changed the medicine?” asked Shadow as he pointed to the IV bag. When he had last visited the liquid in it had been green. Now, however, it was bright pink.

“No, she hasn’t-” began the nurse, but stopped as she looked up at the IV bag. Her eyes widened slightly as she looked at the bag, then at the holo-screen, and then at the bag. “T-That’s not MI-392!”

“That’s what it says on the bag,” said Shadow in a worried tone. The nurse rushed over to him and pushed Shadow out of the way as she examined the bag. Sure enough, the label on the bag read MI-392.

“T-This isn’t p-possible,” she stammered. “I gave her MI-392 early this morning myself! Somepony had to changed bags and the label on the new one so that the machine read it as the appropriate medicine. Otherwise we would have been informed by the computer if a mistake had been made.”

“So what’s inside Twilight!” demanded Shadow, his eyes narrowing.

“I have no idea,” replied the nurse. “There are at least two dozen medicines that this stuff could be. But this would explain why she isn’t doing better.”

“Ok,” replied Shadow as he rubbed his forehead. “Tell me, who has access to the medicine.”

“Off the top of my head I can tell you that most of the hospital staff,” replied the nurse. “But nopony here would do anything to endanger a patient’s life. I-I’ll go and get her the right medicine and check the records on who else was in the medical storage room. Maybe that will give us some answers.”

Shadow gave a slow nod while his mind began to think about other events that had happened recently. “Right,” he said slowly. “But, while you’re at it, could you find out what’s inside that bag miss…”

“Soothing Voice,” she said. “And I can try.”

“That’s all I can ask,” said Shadow as he headed out the door. “I’ll be back later today after I…check up on somethings.”


Majesty walked down the streets of Canterlot. Normally, she would never consider taking such a long walk. Instead, she would have hired a taxi or have Scooter pull her around. The idea of walking like a commoner was just repulsive to somepony of her standings.

And yet, right now, she didn’t care.

As ponies ran around her panicking in the streets, Majesty walked in a zombie like trance. Her face showed almost no emotion. She paid no mind to her aching hooves nor did she show any interest to the ponies screaming about the horror while members of the Royal Guard did their best to calm everypony down. At one point she got knocked to the ground by some random pony but even that got no response from the mare as she got back up and continued her way.

Throughout all of this, only one thing ran through Majesty’s mind. ‘He’s dead. Scooter is dead…...’ Over and over those thoughts went through the mare’s mind as she walked on autopilot into her house. She paid her servants no mind as they greeted her and asked what was happening. She just kept walking up the stairs, her employee’s just shrugging.

She suddenly blinked and found herself in Scooter’s room. It was small, holding a single pony bed and dresser. There was also a closet that was half open and a window that had a good view of the castle. The air in here still had Scooter’s scent.

Seeing all of this with the knowledge of what had happened to Scooter was too much for the mare. It didn’t start with a sniff or a teardrop, but instead a full on wail as she charged towards the bed. A rapid river of tears began to flow down her face as she clutched the sheets with her hooves, holding them close to her heart which felt like it was about to break.

She cried out for Scooter, not caring who heard her. Her husband could have walked in right that moment and she wouldn’t have cared. Nor would he for that matter. Their marriage was only one of convenience after all. Scooter was the only stallion who she could say she cared about. The only stallion who was honest with her, never sucking up or lying to her for his own personal agendas. Their relationship might have started out as a fling, but it had become something so much more over the years.

And knowing that it was over made Majesty cry all the harder. There were so many things left unsaid. So many things that, looking back, she wished she had done. But instead Majesty had chosen to ignore her heart in favor for wealth and a title that she now realized meant nothing. If she could, she would give it all away just to be with Scooter. Sadly she knew that it was impossible. She would have to live with her choices, stuck in a loveless marriage.

She laid there crying for what seemed like an eternity, the sheets becoming soaked in her tears. It was then that a cloud that had been covering the sun began to move in the wind, causing a ray of light to move from her face towards the closet. Majesty looked up in mid sob and stopped when she saw where it had stopped before fading. It was the crib that Scooter had bought for their daughter.

Tears still running down her cheeks, Majesty slowly got up and walked over to it. “After all these years he kept it,” she said while gently placing a hoof on the crib.

New shame washed over her, threatening to cause her to bawl all over again with renewed force. She remembered how, when she was pregnant, he had offered to take care of their child all by himself in order to save her from scandal. At first she had agreed, but then the paranoia set in. she had grown up in the world of nobility where anypony would use any form of dirt they could get their hooves on as blackmail material. She feared that Scooter might do the same and so, after her child had been born, she left her at an orphanage and lied to him saying that she had died.

It was then that an idea flashed in her brain, causing her eyes to widen. Hope bloomed in her chest. There was still one piece of Scooter left! In a flash she raced out of the room in search of a servant.

“My lady, whatever is the-” began one of the nameless maids as Majesty approached in a hurry.

“Send a message by magical fire to the local sky taxi service,” said Majesty, interrupting her. “I want their fastest chariot here to take me to Ponyville in five minutes!”


Princess Luna was currently in the throne room with Shining Armor, going over his mission to search and rescue Princess Cadence as well as her daughter. She didn’t know if the pink alicorn was actually in danger, however it was more of an educated guess. As she had feared, Blueblood had been the one sitting on the throne when Derpy went to Equestria to deliver there declaration of war. This meant that either Blueblood had found a way to dethrone her or had done something more…drastic. However, based on the fact that Cadence hadn’t been standing besides Celestia when Luna confronted her there was a chance that Cadence was simply away at the moment.

To that end, Luna wanted Shining Armor to take a shuttle and a small group of soldiers to find and locate the alicorn of love and bring her to the Republic where she would be safe until this mess was all over. To aid him, several scientists from the Department of Research and Technology were modifying the shuttles scanners to detect alicorns as well as alicorn magic.

While going on a search and rescue mission was not a part of the Shield Corps duties, Shining Armor was an excellent choice for a mission like this. When she had talked to the Senate about this part of the plan, Land Share had nominated Shining Armor saying that his shields would be able to protect them should they encounter any difficulties. And, as an added incentive, Princess Cadence already knew him well and that they shared a bond meaning she would be more likely to go with him willingly. To this Princess Luna agreed.

There was only one major problem: the range of the scanners. The Republic’s shuttles scanners had a limited range. Because of this they could not remain in high orbit, but instead fly relatively close the ground while scanning. This would also mean they would be flying around blindly, hoping to pick up Cadence.

As they two worked out a flight path that would hopefully narrow down their search, a member of the Guard entered the throne room with a stony expression.

“Forgive the interruption, Princess,” said the Guard. “I was sent to inform you that the prisoner that you brought back from Equestria just woke up.”

Author's Note:

I want to thank Golden Sax and Solent Spray for their help editing this chapter

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